Oregon Advance Times_1968-04-11

- Page 8 Oregon Advance/TIMES April 11, 1968 The Aims of Scouting Lake Oswego Mourns Dr. King "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country." With those words and ideas in mind, the Boy Scouts of America was organized, and has sustained itself down through the years. At a very early stage, boys begin wondering about the var– ious things which occur around him from day to day. Many times our children never learn the answer to many of the things he is wondering about DEPUTY SHERIFF ARE YOU A YOUNG MAN WITH A COLLEGE DE– GREE? ARE YOU SATIS– FIED WITH YOUR PRES– ENT CAREER GOALS? IF NOT, HAVE YOU CON– SIDERED A PROFES– SIONAL CAREER WITH THE NATION'S LEADING LOCAL POLICE AGENCY? Multnomah County is cur– rPntly recruiting top cali– ber men to fill eligible list for future vacancies. Vision, 20-100, Corrected to 20-20. MULTNOMAH COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COM– MISSION, Room 140, Mult– nomah County Courthouse, or call 227-8411, Ext. 387. For Rent 6224 N.L Union Space suitable for Office - Barber Shop or Apartment Reasonable Sent Mr. Honore' Bus. 288-3238 Res. 281-5501 Orderly Wanted . Must be experienced. Good Refs. Good Salary Fringe Benefits 40-hr. week - Days - 7 - 3:30 Equal opportunity Employer Contact Personnel Office Bess Kaiser Hospital 5055 N. GREELEY until he reaches a certain level whereby his adaptability is keener and his mind more receptive. Scouting, on the other hand, tries to help "a kid" and ex– plain to him various things and questions in his life which he might wonder about. Scouting offers a child rich opportun– ities for the growth and devel– opment of his life and allows a child to become phy– sically, morally and mentally strong • • •••• While Scouting's program is geared around three speci– fic aims, leadership gives him high ideals, makes him brave and reverent. Character Help them become the kind of citizens our country needs in the world of tomorrow. training teaches a child how to prepare and accept chal– lenges and love of God, par– ents and country. Physical fitness helps a boy care for his body, protect it and build it so that it will be possible for him to help others. At non-profit Goodwill In– dustries people are the product, rehabilitation the goal and opportunity the key. Jobs, job training and reha– bilitation services are given handicapped people at Good– will. VERDELL ADAMS, Jefferson High School student, recently was named Boy of the Month by the YMCA for his activities work in high school. He also was named Exchange Club's Boy of the Month in the Port– land area because of the YMCA work with small chil– dren. Duncan Asks End To Slander And Hatred Former Rep. Robert Dun– can, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, has called for a re– dedication of the principles of brotherhood in the wake of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Isn't it time to stop the name calling, the vitupera– tion, the slander, the hate? Isn't it time to unite as free Americans, to strive for the proposition that all Americans should be ensured the basic rights of freedom and security from within and without?" for– mer congressman said. INCREASED FOOT-TAPPING CLUMSY WINE-SPILLING COUGHING NOT DUE TO COLDS Tuesday was declared an official day of mourning for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in Lake Oswego. The action, announced by Council President Joseph Ferguson in behalf of Mayor George Thomas, came after a communitywide memorial service held Monday night at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. More than 200 persons marched from Lake Oswego's George Rogers Park to the Catholic parish, where they were joined by 500 others for the service. The service, sponsored by the Lake Oswego Ministerial Association, included mem– bers from Calvary Baptist Church, Christ Episcopal, Lake Oswego United Church of Christ, Lake Grove Bap– tist, Lake Grove Christian, Lake Grove United Presby– terian, Oswego Methodist, Our Saviour's Lutheran and Our Lady of the Lake. The offertory was given in the memory of the Rev. Geroge E. Carter, chairman of the Albina Citizens' War on Poverty from 1965 until his retirement this year, who died Sunday at the age of 57. Poverty Meet Set The Albina War on Poverty Committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, to elect of– ficers. Named will be a chairman, two vice chairmen, two secretaries and a treas– urer, plus three members at large. A nominating com– mittee has been appointed, but nominations may be made from the floor. THESE ARE SOME TYPICAL REACTIONS TO AN ENTRANCE IN A SIMPLE FROCK FROM PARAPHERNALIA. ARE YOU UP TO IT? WALK PROVOCATIVELY INTO PARAPHERNALIA AND PREPARE YOURSELF FOR WHATEVER. Paraphernalia 732 S.W. WASHINGTON STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 224- 5248 BOOST OUR ADVERTISERS Attention: Mr. Business ing or assembling is needed, Mani There is competent or other sub-contract work, manpower at non-profit Good- call Goodwill and ask for the will Industries just waiting to contract department. They fulfill your needs. If packag- will give full information. MUSIC TO WIN PRIZES M KGW 62 PRIZES TICKETS MERCHANDISE SURPRISES YOUR RADIO SHOULD BE LEFT TUNED TO KGW! EVERY HOUR ... Send your name, address & phone number to ••• - KGW62 1501 S.W. Jefferson, Portland, Oregon 97201 SOUL FOOD Cafe and COCKTAILS featuring : REAL SOUL FOOD * STEAKS * CHICKEN - * BBQ SPARE RIBS * HOT LINKS We are now serving the best in town at 19 N. RUSSELL Phone ahead 282-9611