Oregon Advance Times_1968-04-11
Page 12 Oregon Advance/TIMES April 11, 1968 Flint Mayor To Speak At Annual UL Meeting Children Play in Community Care Centers Mayor Floyd McCree of F lint, Mich., will speak at the annual meeting of the Urban Le ague of Portland at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, in the Jefferson High School Audi– t odum, 5210 N. Kerby Ave. Mccr ee was appointed to the Genesee County Board of Supervisors in 1956. He wa s elected Commissioner of the Third Ward in F lint in 1958. He was elected mayor pro tern in 1964 and mayor in 1966. He is one of three Negro mayors in Michigan. McCree is a native o~Web– ster Gr ove, Mo. He attended school in St. Louis. He at– tended Lincoln University, J effer son City, Mo. A veteran of World War II, he was as signed to the Army Engineers and served in the South Pacific. He served his country from 1943 until 1946. dent of the board of the Ur– ban League of Flint. His family includes his wife, Leeberta, and their four chil– dren, Anita, 18; Byron, 17; Marsha, 16, and Melvin, 13. The public is invited to the annual meeting of the Urban League. New officers for the coming year and the financial report also will receive at– tention at the meeting, ac– cording to H. J. Belton Ham:– ilton, Jr., program chairman. Mccree came to Flint after the war and obtained work at the Buick Foundry. He was a committeeman and served on the Executive Board of United Auto Workers Lo– cal 599 and on the Foundry Council. He was a member for six years of the UAW's Michigan Foundry Council, a statewide organization that deals with problems common to foundry operations. Reception Sunday Honors Art Center Exhibitors The 45-year-old McCree has been a precinct delegate and secretary of the Demo– cratic County Committee in Flint. Recently he received support at the Democratic State Convention for placing of his name in nomination as a favorite son candidate for lieutenant governor. Mccree also has been active in school activities in Flint. He has served as president of the P-TA at Parkland School in Flint. He also is Divi– sional Superintendent of the Metropolitan Baptist Church Sunday School and is presi- The Albina Art Center is hosting a special reception to honor the winners in their recent high school art com– petition. Easter Sunday, April 14, from 2 to 5 p.m., the public is invited to par– ticipate in the award presen– tations by Paris artist Otto Fried, This is also the opportunity to inspect a student show that is lively, complicated, and reflective of the range and diversity of talent and vision in the Portland area, Over one hundred seventy entries in five categories of en– deavor testify to the involve– ment of the young artists and Oops!-------- Slips in the type - date of Dr. King's assination on Page 1 of our special issue should have read April 4, 1968. RELAX Choose from many colors Now only Easy Credit Phone 234-7286 .. / LIKI MAGIC. · , - Want to relax those tired muscles? Sit in this Chair for solid comfort. This handsome chair is masterfu I and manly . V ibrator available 69Sv Open Tonite 'til 9 p.m. 509 S.E. GRAND AVE. at E. STARK their desire to be seen by the public, Many of the paintings are conventional landscapes and paintings, but other pieces have highly original subject matter. An example of the latter is a massive psyche– delic painting "loaded" with comic and bizarre images including an oval rendering of Mount Hood and a college sunburst of "suspicious look– ing" seeds. Equally inter– esting is the group of five papier-mache figures in various sitting positions, each with a different sur– face treatment Twiggy is the recurring face in one elaborate collage of cut-outs, but who is the old man with a garland of daisies over his ear? The exhibit is a showcase of craft as well as imagina– tion. Viewers will respond to some exquisite examples of ink etchings, commercial de– sign, ca 11 i graph y, three– dimensional sculpture and modeling, fabric and rug weaving. Center Art Instruc– tors Karen Pressley and Larry Crocker have organ– ized a show that features al– most all the corners of visual ar t. The Sunday gallery recep– tion also gives the com– munity a prediction of better things to come for the Art Center itself, currently being remodeled. Miss Delores Ramsey, of the Al- resigned her position as re– ceptionist and clerk aide at the center, and taken a posi– tion as receptionist in the office of Dr. Donald Nettles, Ear, Nose and Throat Spe– cialist at 2525 N. W, Love– joy, While the Center hates to lose a valuable employee like Miss Ramsey, it is also pleased to have its employees better themselves in the line of employment. ·' i Seelc Jr. Princess Entrants At 7:00 p.m. on April 19, age but may not have reached ..J.. j 1968, the selection for Jun- her 11th birthday prior to ior Rose Festival Princess June 2, 1968. There are no of District No. 2 will be height restrictions. Top left: Little girl makes a picture. Top right: Children play Hokey-Pokey, and below they work with crayons at St. Martins Day School Nurs– ery. Other pictures taken at Albina Child Care Center, Agency of Office of Economic Opportun lty. Advance/Times Photos made. The selection pro– gram will be held at Roose– velt High School, If, with your permission, your daugh– ter(s) wish to participate in this selection, will you have them at Roosevelt High School, 6941 N, Central, promptly at 7:00 p.m. Any child participating must be at least nine years of The children are to wear no special costume; either school or party dress will be appropriate, Under no circumstances should the children wear any makeup. Each child should be pre– pared to give a talk not to exceed one minute, on a topic of her own choosing. I PV INGTaN AT 1.,303 I. BROADWAY AT 14TH by Uoyd Cenf•r NOW PLAYING EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents A STANLEY KRAMER PRODUCTION SIDNEY POITIER KATHARINE HEPBURN SPENCER TRACY a love story of today SHOW TIMES Friday-Saturday 6:00- 8:00-10:00 SUNDAY, 2:00 - 4:00 - 6:00 - B:00 and 10:00 p.m. Monday and Tuesday 7:10 and 9:15 guess who's coming to dinner and ,ntroducing KATHARINE HOUGHTON Music by OeVOL Wntten by WILLIAM ROSE P,oduced and Directed by STANLEY KRAMER J Film score available on Colgems Recordsj TECHNICOLOR" ~ ~ "****! Highest rating! An important contribution to motion pictures!" -Wanda Hale. N.Y. Daily News 11 AWITTY AND GLISTENING FILM!" -Bosley Crowther, N.Y. Times
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