Oregon Advance Times_1968-04-11

Teen's Center Purpose Explained (Continued from Page 1) bina community. something should be done to cure the ills of that area, such as pimps, prostitutes and dope peddlers. It was Our reporter stated he SUP– ported the teenagers, but EVERS & Sons CONTRACTORS • NEW BUILDING • REMODELING • CONCRETE • • ASPHALT EXCAVATING PHONE 282-6188 PORTLAND, OREGON . OUR DAD SAYS: Check out your Contractor before you call him. REMODELING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL COMPLETE PLANNING SERVICE IWl L 11 -1\ OH Fl\ l~I 11-.11 JOB 11· 1n1""-l I' 1t1 .-, ,u .... 1t1P\, . \111u1\\\ 11,n . Family Rooms-Basement Rooms-Paneling Attic Finishing• Aluminum Windows ,111,1- II 1111\ l"l HI It l.11 f.\ ,flt l\,t Hf.1' NEIL KELLY can 287-4176 ' 735 N. ALBERTA - PORTLAND, ORE. 97217 FRIBERG ELECTRIC co. 288-5161 questioned if the Teen Center was being operated in the right area, near or around such immoral surroundings. It is clear that the cleaning up of some of our social ills needs doing. We should not cover up a sore, but heal it up. Walter Morris reminded the businessmen of their responsibility of cleaning up shabby buildings and opera– tions of ill repute, then chal– lenged them to help elimin– ate these ills. The location of the Teen Center was justified by the group in that it is near the Knott Street Community Cen– ter. It is also a central lo– cation for teens in this area. It was said, that it would be better for the city to help remove the ills than to ig– nore them. Our reporter stated that it would be a help if license plate numbers of autos who pick up girls on the street would be taken and printed in the newspapers. He said, "I am sure this would help correct this prostitute prob– lem." Mr. George Christian of the Oregon Advance/flMES offered his support and sev– eral other businessmen of– fered their financial support. That evening at the center site, KGW-TV arrived on the scene. Other community groups were also present, but the impressive part of the evening was the teen involve– ment. The teens were there in force with work clothes, ready to paint, sweep, repair or whatever else needed to be done to renovate their build– ing. The zealousness shown talked freely with KGW re– porters and listened to the loud rock on a record player. Our reporter felt the de– sire to be young again. It was enough to make the old in heart feel young again. Below is a list of supplies that the teens need: Floor tile Plywood Mirrors Neon sign Lighting (chandeliers) Curtains Tables and chairs Bathroom fixtures Serving counter Paneling Floor lights Deep fryer, stove, re- frigerator Paint 3 office phones Housekeeping supplies (such as cleanser, brooms, mops, buckets, etc.) Plaster Dishwasher 2 desks and file cabinet Linen (table clothes, towels, etc.) Wallpaper Basic kitchen utensils Booths Bandstand New doors Talent Show Planned The seven of Diamonds Teen Center, 2803 N. Wil– liams Ave., will sponsor a talent show early in May. Applications now are being ac– cepted for persons interested in competing in the show, ac– cording to Sam Redditt of the center. P..11 proceeds will go to the improvement of the center. Show funds · For Drill Team A combination fashion and talent show was held at the Cotton Club late Sunday afternoon. The purpose was to raise money to buy cos– tumes for a forty-member drill team of Negro girls who plan to perform in either the Junior Rose Festival or the Rose Festival parades. The attendance was excel– lent. People arriving late had difficulty in finding seats. The moderator and coordi– nator of the show was Mrs. Darlene Easley. The young ladies who participated in the show ranged from young tots to early teens and most of them are to be members of the drill team. The fashions they modeled were truly be– coming and most appropriate for tte spring season. '.Guys and Dolls' Set For Oriental Stage Guys and Dolls will be pre– sented to the stage of the Oriental Theatre on April 19- 20 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are priced at $3. and all seats are reserved. Tickets are available at Stevens & Sons, Lloyd Cen- April 11, 1968 Oregon .Advance/TIMES Page 11 Sets Madhatters Ball The annual Madhatters Ball sponsored by the Urban League Guild of Portland will be from 9 p.m. until ~ a.m. Saturday, April 13, in the Memorial Coliseum, accord– ing to Mrs. Maude Young, president of the Guild. The Madhatters Ball is pre– sented /each year as a fund– raising event for the civil rights movement. "We feel that the raising of money for civil rights is far too important to postpone the event because of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King," said Mrs. Young. "We do not feel it will in any way show disrespect for Dr. King." Mrs. Young said Whitney Young, Jr., executive direc– tor of the national Urban League, wired all league bran– ches immediately after the assassination of Dr. King in Memphis and asked that all league members "work around the clock" to carry on the work of the recognized civil rights leader and to see that his dream of full equality for all Americans comes true. HELP WANTED Service Station Attendants and Managers needed. Apply at Employers Overload, 1114 Cascade Building, 520 S. W. 6th Avenue. "Never a Fee." 4/11 FOR RENT 2-Bedroom Unf. Apartment. Spacious llv. rm, din rm, kit &. bath, downstairs, oil heat. $70 mo. 284-5279 any time. 4-11 FOR FREE TOP SOIL - 1230 N. E. Bra– zee. 287-3883. 4-11 1Jiuiane J!,. BarneU REALTOR BARNETT REAL ESTATE 27 N . KILLINGSWORTH P O RTLAND , OREGON OFFl~E 289-735.t. R ES. 289 -7354 ter, and at the Park Bureau"""'-~-------------------------- Recreation Office, 1107 SW Remember By Law You Have To Keep Records . . . . 4th Ave. Guys and Dolls, Harvey L. Rice is based on a story by Damon Runyon, with music and lyrics 1 A full-time trained Area Director by Frank Loesser. 2 Simple, complete pre-printed records Class Plans Trip Miss Rubinstein's seventh grade class from Irvington School is planning an over– night field trip to the coast in May. The students will first visit the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Tillamook, Oregon, and then move down the coast to Lincoln County. There, they will visit the head lighthouse at Yaquina Beach; continue to the Un– derground Sea Gardens in Newport, visiting the Oregon State University Ocean– ography Center at Agate Beach. Otter Rock and Devil's Punchbowl will prove another interesting adven– ture, and the final stop will be at the fossil beds. This trip, though educational, is also costly, and the entire class is hoping to defray some of the expense through a bottle drive in the area. If anyone has any bottles to contribute, please save them until a member of Miss Rubinstein's seventh grade stops by to pick them up. Please call Miss Rubin– stein for further information at 288-6401. She would also like pictures taken of her class. Carter Dies (Continued from Page l) and William L. (Kansas). Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10 to 11 a.m. at the Allen Temple. Bishop Amos will give the address with Presiding Elder Par– ker assisting in the com– memoration. The body will be interred in Chicago. 3 Peace of mind and no worry on tax 4 A monthly bulletin service 5 Preparation of your annual income tax Call 227-1818 or 287-2212 We will gladly explain this unique plan without obligation. A SPECIALIZED BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICE FOR SMALL BUSINESS Main Office: 4950 N.E. Union ,oaTLAN.D, ouooN 97211 New Eastslde Location: 19043 S.E. Stark St. Solid Comfort in this 3-bedroom panelled home with elaborate fireplace - f.a. oil heat, beautiful hardwood floors. fcb. sliding glass doors. Fully modernized through– out. To see is to appreciate. $11,500- Mr.Scott. Getting Married? See this 2-brm. house. Neat - clean - gas - garage. $6,950 3947 N.E. 8th. 4-Br. House 2 fplcs - drapes - clean - fc oil - $11,500. Building Lot 50 x 100- north side - $1,500. Duplex Ready to move In - 429 N.E. Webster - $7,500. Estate: 3-Bedrooms Hwd floors - close-in. 50 x 100 - will paint. 50% bsmt. Drive by 821 N.E. Church St. then make offer.---------------- Want to Sell, Lease, or Rent? Call us for Results. Modern Beauty - S.E. 151 st 3-brms. 1 floor - fcb with party rm. - 2 fplcs - patio - garage - h.w. firs. 110 x 110 lot- sliding glass doors. Call Wayne 656-4145. Call Mr. Scott, 288-3853, eves. J.J. WALKER-RE.Al TORS 4950 N.E. UNION AVE. 288-5045 "Invest in the West" M. McKinney & Co. Real Estate · Insurance Where one stop will fill most all of your insurance needs. From Home-owners. Auto, Marine to Bonds etc; Financing available on all Insurance Plans. 4944 N. Williams 288-6359 Authorized Agents .t.- Rep. Hartford Insurance Co. .., and many others