S e p t e m b e r 30 , I' 9 4 5 The OBS;ERVER McCord's Automotive Service Quick, Reliable Service on all Makes of Cars • Gas, Oil, Lubrication and Car Wash • Body and Fender Work a Specialty • Auto Painting • Motor Rebuilding N. Weidler St. at Williams Ave. CURTIS McCORD, Manager Sgt. Joe Lewis Awarded I rather than disappoint the soldiers Legion of Merit who desired to see him in the ring. The award of the Legion of i . "Whenever possible he. visited Merit to Technical Sergeant Joe I the camp and theater hospital and 1 Louis Barrow, Detroit, Michigan, ! l_1is encour~gement to sick. a.nd in-J was announced today by the War J J urcd soldiers had a deh~1te r~-~ Department. Major General Clar- ' covery value and morale lift. His I cnce H. Kells, commanding gen- ·i services merited and received ac– eral of the r-;ew York Port of I claim from ranking commanders I • f • h ll Embarkation, pinned the medal on 1 111 t le vanous t eaters. the heavyweight boxing champion ' ~n ceremonies held at Fort Ham- 1 Urge Two to Keep Ilton, New York. ' • Awarded for "exceptional merit- i Agricultural Posts orious conduct in the performance 1 V/ashington, D. C.--In response of outstanding services from Aug- 1 to a request from Secretary of ust 30, 1943, to October 10, 1 Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson, 1944," the medal was accompanied both Claude A. Barnett, director by the following citation: ! of the Associated Negro Press, and "As a member of a Special Ser- . Dr. F. D. Patterson, president of vice Division mission which toured through Army camps In the United States and the European, North Africa, Mediterranean and Italian theaters of operation, Technical Tuskegee, will continue in their JHJ<.itions as special ass istan ts and advisers to the secreta!)'. I MEDICAL AND MISCELLANBOUS (then Staff) Sergeant Barrow has In a letter addressed to Barnett, l\ athan Koenig, executive assistant to the secretarr, said "Secretary Auderson and I are aware of the important work you and Dr. Pat– terson have been doing, and the secretary would like to have you both continue as his special assist- SERVICE entertained 2,000,000 soldiers by D I R E C T 0 R Y frequent boxing exhibitions which entailed considerable risk to his DR. CARL R. VIOKERS boxing future as the champion 14'71 N. E. w~ 0oar1, PortiJIIMil heavyweight of the world, but he VErmont 4208 willingly volunteered such action ants." ROBERT N. JOYNER, JR~ M. D. Physician a.nd Surgeon Offices: 1415 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon VErmont 4404 or BEacon 3181 GOODMAN & LEVENSON Attorneys at Law . 1002 Spalding BUilding Portland. Oregon ATwater 7494 WILLIAMS AVENUE U. S. 0. 6 N. Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon TRinity 4615 MRS; BEATRICE REED Licensed Funeral Director at HOLMAN & LUTZ MORTUARY N. E. 14th & Sandy "Your Tho't in Flowers" LIND & POMEROY flowers %716-26-!8 N. E. UNIOM Al'IL •As near as your Telephone' GArfield 1181 MRS. BEATRICE REED Licensed Funeral Director Lady .Attendant Holman & Lutz Colonial Mortuary East 14th and Sandy Blvd. "So Much in Service ... So Little in Cost" -------------------------------------------------- I Above is shown the gay assem- 1 vided a very exclusive bar, service. bly of persons who honored Mrs.J Everyone had an enjoyable time. George Riley on her 69th birthday The occasion was highlighted with with a party at the home of Mrs. liottle Sydney George Organ, son Clara Moore, 1787 N. Ross ave- of Mrs. Georgette Organ, present– nue. There were refreshments ga- in-g his grandmother with a gar– lore and Mr. J. L. Crockett pro- denia.--Photo by Hutcherson. j OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION 1412 N. Williams Avenue ______ ___..., +to-Hll-lll-1111-UK-"K-KM-IIH-1111-MU-lii-KII-IIII-nii-IIM-MII-HII-1111-IIII-IIII-IIII-~11-IIII-IIII-+ ~ i NOW SERVING DELICIOUS FOOD i i All Meals and Short Orders -- ~pen Day and Night j THE CLUB ACME CAFETERIA I 1504 N. Williams Avenue i i MRS. MARY CARTER, Manager j +-IIU-liii-1111-1111-IIII-QII-~M-IIM-IIU-1111-MII-IIII-IIU-IIli-IIH-MII-IIII-u.-MH-KII-1111-MK-HII-II+ Page 7 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltiiii!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt i i i i One always. stands out J I Blibe~lW~t ~ i i Guaranteed Sati-!fi./zip BEER i i i allll-WEINH.AitO COMPAN"Y • POITtAND, OIEGOH i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIUIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i +~--11-MII-IIM-IIN-MII-KII-IIR-flH-IIN-IIM-IIII-11~-·q~nii-IIH-UII-1111-MII-IIft-MII-M!I-RII-•11-+ "Every Day-is a Holiday" ... at The DUDE RANCH "Pleasure Spot of the West" Dining- Dancing- Entertainment BAR SERVICE Dance Music by BANJOSKI and His Sextet Cover Charge from 9 P.M. CHAS. "PAT'' PATTERSO"', 111/anager Manager 240 N. BROADWAY PORTLAND 12, OREGON
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