Sept em be 1· 30·, 1 9 4 5 More Views from Club Acme -Photos by Hutcherson. EUGENE S. CARLYLE-dance tea.m in action SOCIAL NOTES Reception Surprise Party Friday, October 5th, Mr. and Mr. William Graves was pleas- Mrs. Maddox were · guests of andy surprised Monday,_ Septem– honor at a wedding reception held ber 24th, with a stag dinner for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. six. The occaswn was his birth– Stephen Wright on S. E. Tibbetts., day. Mrs. Maddox is the former Mrs. * * * Ruby Hardin, socially prominent I Birthday Party Por~lander and the mother of Mr. I Cpl. Steve Hendricks, 1622 N. Wnght. E. Victoria, was surprised by Visitors wife with a birthday party on Mrs. Erline Fletcher, formerly Monday, Oct. 1st. Many of his friends in Port company 846 or Portland, was in town visiting over the week-end. Mrs. Fletcher helped him celebrate. A lovely buf- now resides in Seattle where she fet supper was served. He reveived operates a restaurant at the Elks Club. Other visitors from Seattle were Mr. and Mrs. Wright and 1\Ir. Leon Washington. Soldin-s Entertained October 6th the Williams Ave– nue U.S.O. will hold a dance for 6 paratroopers who will e in Portland this week-end. Saturday afternoon, there will be a weiner roast. Sunday morning a breakfast and a two-hour talent show Sun– day afternoon. PAAB Becomes New Separation Center The Portland Army Air base was activated this week into sep I aration center for all army ai~ force personnel in the Portland I district, it was announced Thurs-~ day. Twehty-nine men were mus· tyred out of the army here the first day and if the center lives up to expectations, more than 100 men I will receive their honorable dis- charge papers there daily. 1 . This separation center proved to I be a base within a base, as all buildings which are used in the discharge work are identified with red and white signs. The struc– tures were formerly barracks. The discharge process takes 48 hours after which the veteran is awarJed his honorable discharge papers plus final and mustering out pay. numerous gifts. The OBSERVER Rhythm ROUND--UP queens mad with his wild drum– ming ideas on "I Got Rhythm". vVe heard one say, "I feel just like putting rings in my ears and bones in my hair when he beats those frantic licks". Page 5 Club Monterey has an added attraction this week in the person of Sweet Georgia Brown, a fran– tic singer and a wild dancer, to say the least. Tom vValler, man– ager of the club, says this is pos- Don Anderson and "Cookie" have hit the road. No word ... No * * * itivel~ the greatest attraction of its Fletcher Henderson came to kind to appear in the northwest. town with the best road band to Also included on the bill this week Dave Henderson is on his way strike this territory for a long is a brand new review with Blon– back ... to take his old berth with time. Some of the arrangement~ die, Pee Wee and the trio of were marvelous. Brownie Amedee is spreading * * * fah:e · reports about how and why Pat Patterson is going to sur- "Mac" plays the piano . . . I prise the Dude Ranch fans with a Banjoski, are you looking for a : novel presentation soon. The guitar or trumpet player? I "Rockets" are coming for a lim- Arthur drives the little patty ited engagement. f e m a l e impersonators, Countess and Frances. June, Sweet Georgia Brown's partner, I vey, demonstrates unusual dramatic ability. "Shim Sham" Johnson pro– vides some intricate dance steps for appreciative audiences. WAITRESSES PREPARED TO SERVE YOU Left to Right: Willie Moe Davis, Bernice Sewell, wendolyn Collins, Novella Daniels, Ruby Lee Jones Vernon Starks and Josephine Bankston THE BAR ' •
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