S e p t em b e r 30 , 1 9 4 5· The OBSERVER Page 3 Reopening of Luxurious Club ACme Brings New The guests and patrons of Club 1 Gl p 1 d N • h L • f [l\larnas," Toni Williams, vocal- Acme were thrilled and surprised I amor to ort an 1g t 1 extr.aordinar!, and Hazel W~l- \Vednesday evening, October 3rd , . barns, Interpretive dancer, who m · h I t 0 B 'ld' 1 d' t A B • Cl b 1\,r b A 1 presenting her original creative beyond all expectations when t e mprovemen s n Ul mg n ICa e erne USiness u lnem ers reA ert to dance "Juligle Drums," provides doors of this smart club were re– opened for the entertainment of Portland pleasure seekers. The club building which is located at 1500-8 N. Williams avenue, dur- ing recent week:s underwent vast remodeling operations which since completion has produced one of the most elaborate and well-appointed Entertainment Needs Of their People: Music, Floor Show Tops 3 ~·ernarkable study in muscular night clubs to be found in this I of the club lounge, Mr. Reed sa\\' and furnishing of the club build- control, grace. and art. The Port– city. to it that the cozy, friend!} atmos- ing. 1 land tap dance team of Eugene 1\.luch credit is due Manager phere of the club ·was not lost. In selecting a floor show for the & Carlyle are also included. Joe Joe Reed who has labored dili-1 Three other members of the Acme opening of this club the services Crane and Orchestra are currently gent!} during the past year to de- Business Club, Messrs. , Cyrus of Teddy Felton, very capable MC furnishing music at this spot. velop the Club Acme into a night Denton, Clifford Jackson and To!- and soft-shoe dancer, \Yas engaged. l\!lany other details have been club deserving of the name it car- bert Allen made significant con- Accompanying him are Belle Wil- provided for the pleasure of its ries. In directing the remodeling tributi.ons in the decorating scheme Iiams, the last of the "Red Hot patrons. For instance, there is a TEDDY FELTON Ma.ster of Ceremonies Soft Shoe Dancer I >ervice bar where waitresses may obtain drinks for table service only. This feature eliminates the long waiting for service by table parties who seek immediate refreshments. The beautiful Brunswick bar is I u;ed exclusively to accommodate those persons who prefer to refresh I themselves in this manner. I Beautiful corsages and boutin– ieres from Kitty's Floral Salon are always available for patrons de– ~iring these little extras. The flow- j ers which Mr. William James I prepared for the Acme Club open– ing have been acclaimed as some 1 1 of the most beautiful bouquets ever · see{\ in these parts. Delicious food is served in the club lounge prepared in the Club Acme cafeteria undrr the manage– ment of Mrs. Mary Carter. Following is a partial list of some of the "first nighters" on hand to enjoy the festivities at Club Acme: .HAZEL WILLIAMS Interpretive dancer, who presents her unusual creative dance-"Jungle Drums" These artists are presented nightly on Club Acme Floor Show BELLE WILLIAMS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BrowQ, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin, Mrs. June Runnels, Mrs. Clarance Countee, Dollie Sango, George \Veatherspoon, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rutledge, Dr. Carl R. ., ..JJi A VIEW OF THE DANCE FLOOR AND BANDSTAND Last of the "Red Hot Mamas" j' .. Vickers, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar I Slaughter, Lt. R. W. Bell, Mr. Shelton Ellis, Pvt. Leo Amedee and party, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClendon, Mr. Wm. Taylor and Mrs. Mary Phillips, Mr. and I . 1 Mrs. B. D. Robmson and company and many, many others. 1 1'"'"""""""~~~:"""""""1 i Op~:~2 g~~,'ks~opn ~ l i From. 8 p, m., Mon., Wed., Thur. i : & Fn. From 6 p. m. Sat & Sun. : ·~ ~ Two Flo.or Shows Nightly i § An Entirelv New Sho\1' § , ~ each- week ~ tl u~d~~tf~~;.~dof I ! ~ Club Acme is Closed ~ I !@ TUESDAY of Each Week ~ i Cl.ub loung~ is available for I 1 § pnvate parties and other en- § I= = 1 § gagements. § I~ Call JosEPH H. REED, Mgr. i jl For full partic 6 uia 2 r 7 ·s I = Phone: EAst 1 = ~~~ 1500 N. Williams Avenue i ~ Portland 12, Oregon ~ frnnmrutlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllflllllllllllllllllllltltllllllii -Photos by Hutcherson
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