/ The OBSERVER Page 2 S e p t e m b e r 30 , .1 9 4 5 ACT Sky Train Speeds I Fifth Grade Charlie F. Preston, "Springarn" Medal nse in the cost of living during I department said Friday. Gls Home from India ~3. Milner, Ga., who served 31 To Paul Ro eson the war," Townsend continued, Bunchc is associated director ot l\ 1 . . Fl M h . months in the China-Burma-India 1 New York (ANP)-l\1arshall "has virtually pauperized large 1 the department's division of the de- 1am1, a.- ont s, m one h . h h Q F. ld 1 . . 11 . . f I · d l h . f ff t eater wit t e uartermaster I '1e , mu tt-m1 wna1 re newspaper areas o rai road service employ- pen ent areas. case near y t ree years m ar o , . . I d . d 1 . d . h Corps, and who wears two hattie publisher and author, wdl formally mcnt. The present basic minimum n 1a, to av were c 1maxe \nt a . . . I • · d . · . h f .,._. stars on h1s campa1gn nbbon. 1 present the 30th Spingarn medal to \rage rate of 57c per hour does not 4 4 4 4 + + + + + + + + spee y air tnp ome or two n e- • . , . . .. f ·. hti Fl A' I earlr tw1ce Preston s age, Paul Robeson here at a dmner Ill half wav assure decent mmunum gro lg ng men. ' own to Ir 'I~ h .. 1 S W'll. L h H 1 B'l 0 18 ,,. . . d ~u h I T C d , M . . ec mea ergeant 1 Iam . t e ote 1 tmore on ct. . Inng standar s. vv it the re cas-~ ransport omman s 1 am 1 . . A , A' F. ld . . ATC k Johnson, 43, 162 Broadway, Santa Robesnn was awarded the model 111g of man) war-time economic rm) lr le m giant s y C C l'f d . h f I . 1 . 1 . . l h b f . h h d 1 . d h. C .b ruz, a 1 ., serve JUSt s ort o 1~· a spec1a comm1ttee ast spnng contro s, t e est cure or this con- trams, t ey a ceare tIS an- . · h f «~· · · h · · b D . . . b . f 1 one ~·ear m the same theater w1t or otstmguts ed achtevement m clition is a drastic revision of the ean !VISIOn ase In a matter o . . h d h d d f h . h a umt o fthe Med1cal Corps. He the theater and on the concert basic structure of the industry. ours an ea e or t e1r omes. Oldest of the duo in point of i> the wearer of one battle star. stage," but because of his theater ove rseas serv1ce was Technician House for Sale and concert commitments. includ– Air Corps Officer mg a USO over,eas tour, the 1 Vi'3its Parents formal presentation has been de– l a~·ed. Lt. Robert Diez has been in M h II F. ld h bl' h P 1 d f b · , . . . h h' ars a '1e , w o pu IS es ort an or a net VISit Wit 1s I NT y k' PM d h Ch' · . . ew or s an t e 1cago The formal notice filed ·with the railroad companies in accordance· with provisions of the Railway Labor Act, asked that the com- panies set a date not later than 1 Oct. 30, for opening initial con– ferences. It also proposed that the f 1 h h f d un, WI e 1ver t e presentatwn railroads create a carriers confer- "The Northwest's Only Negro Furrier" MOTI' SISTERS Style Salon 2107 North Vancouver Ave. TRinity 5111 PORTLAND 12, OREGON MRS. BEATRICE REED Owner-Manager Duplex House, beautiful view, hardwood floors, $90 monthly in– come; 3 fireplaces, close in, suit– able for two families; road house, convalescent home. Reasonable. Small down payment. UN 2424. parents and relatives. Lt. DICZ was Is .,, d r· h . ormer y attac ed to t e arne dd NAACP 99 h · d ·1 a ress, an · announce- ence committee to handle the pro- I w . t pursUit squa ron as a p1 ot.l d' 1 d 1 k • + + + + + v + v v f .l • d h' · T k ment ISC ose ast •vee · posals on a J'oint national basis. •••••••••••••IIIII •e rece1ve 1s wmgs. at .us e- j ~ yy House for Sale $4,175 l,!;ee. " t t e pr esent e Is statwne UTSEA-CIO Opens Drive I A. h h d Pre,·ious demands of the union at Tuskegee. as .an in- To AdJ'ust Wage have been handled by an eastern I JNSURAN"'E 6 rooms Comopsition roof Brick siding Wh 1 f h l L and "·estern earners conference · "' str~ctor. . I e a 1g ter p1 ot, t. Inequalities I De1z ·was s1gnalh honored bv be- I d' ff · h 1 d t. · · Jea mg o \I'It a ( eman or ing chosen to have his portrait 5 ( · . committee. New furnace Close to carline Near schools Wired for Electric Range · a J per cent wage mcrease to ad- placed upon war bond posters that · ·d d · 1. · Bunche In London Just \\'1 esprea wage 1ncqua Jttes ,,·ere circulated nationall~ to en– Owner occupied Can be occupied immediately. TRinity 0050 among the lower paid red-caps, courage the purchase of war bonds. dinng car employees and Pullmian I \Vhile a fighter pilot, Deiz was laundr~ workers. the CIO Unted j credited with having shot down a Transport Service Emplorees of '--------------- number of German planes. I America, today placed before more t.! ,_,._.,,_,,_.,_.,_,_.,_,,_,,_,._,t_! New Post Commander . than 60 major railroad companies Washington. D. C. (Al\P)- Ralph S. Bunche is in London, at i the reque:-t of Edward R. Stet– tinius, Jr., as the top representa-1 tive of the United States on the' trusteeship su bcommi tree of the I lJ n i t e d Nations 0 rgan iza tion Complete hospitalization for the entire family. CONRAD H. GOEBEL, Ag·cnt Let me tell you how you can draw $100 per month when sick or injured. 24 Hour a Day Coverage Phone MUrdock +396 Preparator~ commission, the state 1 illla~•••••••••••l!i 1 Ltcemed \Vatch Makers II F F t H h I a formal notice, for opening of na- :! ·r or or uac uca . Expert \Vatch Repairing rinna! 11·age negotiations. I 1 Fort Huachuca, Ariz.-Colonel J 0 add it ion to the request for I The TIME SHOP Edwin N. Hardy, cavalry, who has adjustment of wage cnequalities, j been in command at Fort Huac-, the CI 0 railroad union placed a 5 to 10-Day Service .f huca since April 17, 1942, is demand for a J 5c hou rl~ increase 420 S. W. Washington St. I Phone BEacon 6442 a\\ aiting retirement for physical aboP' the adjustment rate which I Watches - Diamonds - Jewelry I disability as a result of the recom- , 1·ould serve to off-set the rise in I "Time Is Our Business" mendations of Retiring Board at co~t of lil•ing, it was announced. i \Villiam Beaumont General Hos- ] 11 adjusting wage inequalities, the 'i•M-M~-"11-IIM-IM-MQ-NH-MI-NII-ft~-lft-11+ pita] at El Paso, Texas. The new ============~==============! commanding officer at Fort Huac– unil)n seeks to increase the present hourly wage rates from 57c to 85c. The UTSEA-CIO is also demand- BONDS Complete Home Furnishers A Courteous Friendly Store Living Room and Bedroom Suites Blankets - Mattresses Mirrors - Lamps Tables - Chairs 0 rder Your New Thor Washer and Ironer No·w! Prompt Delivery JOHN D. BOND CO. 514 S. W. 3rd Ave. ATwater 0763 Portland, Oregon huca is Colonel Charles R. Smith, infantry, recently returned I overseas duty in China. "Strange Fruit" Rehearsal On from ill!! a reduction of hours for din– ing car employees from 240 hours per month to 160 without any re– duction in pay. vVillard S. Townsend, president New York-"Strange Fruit," of the UTSEA-CIO, is announc– Lillian Smith's much discussed ing the new wage demands, de– novel rewritten as a play, went I dared that the "major areas of into rehearsal here Monday, under I ,1·age inequalities in the railroad the direction of Jose Ferrer. The industries exists among the low– opening will be presented in Mon-~ paid service employees, which in– treal on October 13. eludes redcaps, dining car employ- Added to the cast headed by ees and Pullman employees. Today Jane White, daughter of Walter there is no real economic justifi– White of NAACP fame, are Earl "The maintenance of static wage Jones, Stephen Chase, George rates in the face of the tremendous Oliver, Ralph Theodore, Edna 1 Thomas, Francis Letten, Melchor Ferrer and Eugina Rawls. Setting and lighting will be by George \::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==1 Jenkins. I DANCE I Attractions in Bronze j ADD TO THE \'ALUE OF YOUR HOl\lE with NOT BETI'ER I BUT the BEST ii t•· ----..-·--------·-··-.._ .. _,,_.,_,,_,,_,._1 I ~ I ASBESTOS OR BRICK SIDING 5530 N. E. 48th Ave. 18 Months to Pay ROOFING Call or Write "\-V. B. WOOD MUrdock 1058 +-··-~~-11-II-III-III-IM-IIII-IIo-II- •11-H~-·~-NI-•~-·~-~I!-II-MI-III- tl-1>1- -R+ I l KITT~;zsN~~~!~~.~~LON 11 Portland 12, Oregon i 1 MU rdnck 9369 ! I Telephone Orden Gh·en Special A /tent ion ! i WM. JAMES, Manager j ! Licensed Flori5t j 1 +M-111-~~-MI-1111-~R-IR-111-111-·11-III~-~'1-IIIj-MI-Itll-~11- 11-III-11-~1-UI-111-111-••1-+ S. DUKE Your Host, Presents LouJS ARMSTRON\. and his Orchestra Thursda.l, October 18th McElroy's Ballroom For Table Reservations Phone WEbster 3440 Admission $2.40 Advance Ticket Sale Madrona Radio & Record Shop 538 N. Broadway I GASOLINE l I i i i i 1 I 1 i NIGHT LUBRICATION SERVICE . i I AUTO SUPPLIES ! I I SCHRIVER'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE I j J I Open 8:30a.m. ~tilll p.m. 315 N. Broadway If t 1 i Phone MUrdock 9797 Portland, Oregon , ~~~~~~~§~~~~~-- ...-----··--··---..------··-··-.·-·---··-··-··-··---·--... ---·+
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