
I • MAY 15, 1945 The OBSERVER Page 7 Rhythm ROUND--UP also a boost to the mighty 7th p t Th G · oe ry ••• ose proud A VA card carrying Minorities Conference Held n Portland McCord's Joe Crane and his orchestra have been in the spotlight recently. They played for a war bond pro– gram in Vancouver last Monday evening. The program which last– ed over an hour was brodcast over Station KVAN. The band made quite a name for itself in dishing out those torrid tunes for the mighty 7th war loan. Wednesday of the same week: this musical ensemble, assisted by the nimble fingers of Don Ander– son, celebrated local swing pianist, created a sensation, or should we hoofers, Red and Harold, also did their bit to make these programs a howling success. Remember Brownie Amedee! Well-he wants uut . . . If he can't get ~ut then he prays for Uncle Sam to throw a frantic lit– tle qw:en in (the same cell). It'll be the same difference ... Sammy Austin tried to take over the band one Sunday night in the Acme ... Every other selection he was requesting a replay • on Body and Soul so he could chirp his note writing jive into the ears of 'two mellow queens. Harold Hooker pleaded with us not to lay the pen on his fine say many sensations, when they clarinet screeches. He says wait began to lay down a fine array of until he is 30 and he will show jive for the workers at the Swan all of us something. Joe Crane Island Shipyard. This occasion was says he will be waiting. MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE DIRECTORY Mary Stein sings some knocked out torch numbers for her listen– ers on the week-ends at the Fra– ternal Hall Lounge. CigiJ,r is still DR. CARL R. VICKERS asleep at the drums. D~ST ~xr 1471 N. E. Williams Court, Portland vv alter Roberts is looking up VErmont 4208 new timber to dig his jive on I "Cherry Red". ROBERT N. JOYNER, JR., M. D. 1 B E l . Physician and Surgeon ugs as ey IS drawing newer Offices: 1415 N. Williams Ave. and better potes out of his old horn Portland, Oregon . I VErmont 4404 or BEacon 3181 each time he plays it. Wonder if GOODMAN & LEVENSON Attorneys at Law 1002 Spalding Building Portland, Oregon ATwater 7494 WILLIAMS AVENUE U.S. 0. 6 N. Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon TRinity 4615 MRS. BEATRICE REED Lieensed Funeral Director at HOLMAN & LUTZ MORTUARY N. E. 14th & Sandy "Your Tho't in Flowers" LIND & POMEROY flowers 2716-26-!8 N. E. UNION AVE. 'As near as your Telephone' GArfield 1181 MRS. BEATRICE REED Licensed Funeral Director Lady A tten4ant Holman & Lutz Colonial Mortuary East 14th and Sandy Blvd. I "So Much in Service , •• So Little in Cost" its because of the competition? The versatility of Big Dave Hendersbn is a valuable asset to Joe's band. Here's hoping they do a long stretch together. Baptists Hold 25th Session llhe thousands of tons of sup– plies ranging from fuel oil to cig– arettes that were used by Service Squadron 10, the "Floating Naval ,Base" which supplied fighting ships of the United States fifth fleet I supporting the Okinawa landing were indicated today in figures re– leased from the Portland OPA in– formation division, illustrating the heavy demands of war on all available supplies. Enough fuel to make a train of tank cars 238 miles long, with enough left to heat 10,000 homes for a year. Enough gasoline to run 30,700 American automobiles for a full year-enough to run one car for 300,000 miles. Sufficient lubricating oil to al– lC?w for complete change of oil in 466,000 automobiles. · Enough explosives to blast Tok– yo out of existence-the equivalent of 480 freight cars full. Nine million gallons of water to ease the task of distilling plants carried by each ship for converging ocean water to fresh. I Enough food to feed Portland for 30 days. Enough spare clothing to com- pletely clothe more than 1,500,000 I persons. Enough tooth powder, candy, I stationery, shaving cream and raz– or blades to fully stock 6,000 drug stores. Two hundred seventy thousand pounds of soap and 5,000,000 packs of cigarettes. Tides of Peace The ebbing tide Returns and leaves The wounded ground. I kneel beside Ten million graves, And the dull sound Of the dead throbs In the long night. The dove's heart breaks . The ocean sobs– Beneath her white Moon-breast she aches With slim, grey ships. The Brave dead rot In her embrace. She moan ... her lips Are red with hot War-wine. Her face Reflects the sky– Bewildered, black, And wild with grie,fs. Live herats will try To whisper back The old beliefs. Under the wave And errin-g earth Our faiths are laid. This land will brave The. fresh rebirth ... Tides will slip down In to the sea Graves will .grow moss. Earth will be brown With wheat ... and we Will count our loss. -Lvn Glied. Awakening ... \~ e read of bombers crashed and d·eath And turn the page And draw a quick impatient breath At rationage. The news and propaganda wisely played Stirs passive fear, Then suddenly the distant war is I made Personal and near. And in our weeping hearts the banners fly And slow drums beat Because a lad whose piane cnished down the sky Lived on our street. -Lyn Glied. (Continued from Page 1) into areas now predominantly m– habited by Negroes. He warned that faulty approaches to this prob– lem can be disastrous. Other speakers spoke briefly on divergent aspects of the problem under consideration. Summaries made after the meeting indicated that there is a strong possibility that some concrete action may re– sult to carry out some .of the sug– gestions made at this time. If you are told that certain mer– chandise is not available by any merchants adverti~ng in THE OBSERVER, accept their statements. They would not advertise if they did not want to serve you. Register to vote. Automotive Service Quick, Reliable Service on ali Makes ·of Cars • Gas, Oil, Lubrication and Car Wash • Body and Fender Work a Specialty • Auto Painting • Motor Rebuilding * * N. Weidler St. at Williams Ave. CURTIS McCORD, Ma.nager SUPPORT ... 'filii IlillY I WAR LOA Make 'war for War EHort Make Room lor Each Other 0 CLUB ACME - 1504 N. Williams Avenue - EAst 6127 • Welcome to Our Members and Their Guests MATINEE FROM 6 to 9:00P.M. EVERY SUNDAY EVENING Our lounge is available for private parties every Tuesday afternoon and evening ,