
Page 6 The OBSERVER YOUTH onParade By GERTRUDE WILLIAMS 1 (junior hostesses of th~ U. S. ?·) (Continued from Last Issue) Reading and creat1ve wntmg ALSO GRADUATING is Ger- are the favorite pastimes of this seventeen-year-old graduate. trude Mae Williams, daughter of Mrs. Della Williams. She was born in Lloydminster, Sask., Can– ada, on April 13, 1928. Two years later, upon coming to the United States, she and her mother mare Portland their permanent resi– dence. In June, 1941, Gertrude Mae was graduated from Immac– ulate Heart of Mary Grade School. Jefferson was the High School of her choice, and she en– rolled there the following Sep– tember. This June, after complet– ing a college preparatory course with Commercial electives she will In the near future she hopes to attend University of Washington and take a course in Business Ad– ministration and Public Speaking. BENSON GRADUATE Arthur Lee Shepard, very pop– ular son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shephard, was born in Portland on August -, 1927. He was grad-, uated from Failing elementary school in June, 1941. The follow– ing Se~tember he took his place in the ranks of Benson's student body. Art, as his friends call him, plays baseball, basketball, football graduate with a English, a Latin and tennis. Adorning his letterman and a commercial major. Phone EAst 9044 MAY 15, 1945 Gertrude is a member of "Tri Y" Girls Reserves at Jefferson and is also a member of "G. S. 0." sweater is not one, but four stripes. Art is president of the all-city "Hi Y" (an office no other Negro youth has held), a member of the NANCE'S PLAYHOUSE Open 10 a.m. to 4 a.m. Specializing in BARBECUE STEAKS, CHICHEN and CHOPS l _B_A_R __ -T--S-._C:_IIAF ___F_N_E,_R_. :~::::~~~::~~ m<mb" of Benson's fire squad, and also a l j & MARDOXBBS C:HALTSOTBES member of the )executive board of Benson's student body. This is a record that should be an inspira- 1 ARROW SHIRTS tion to any boy in High Schooi r . INTERWOVEN SOCKS (incidently, girls, dancing, is also listed as one of his favorite sports). I BOSTONIANS, EDWIN CLAPP SHOES Along with these outside activ- I Hies, Art has found time to major I in Technical Machines. After I graduation, Art intends to join the J Navy. And when the war is won . I he hopes to attend either Univer- l sity of Oregon or University of I Los Angeles, where he will major r in chemistry. • • • f ..... I ., .. WMhington at Br!!dway DIS'n DAT'n, DIRT! It's delightful, delovely, and I'm delirious, sings R. B. I wonder, could she mean, S. H. (dance at +·_,._,._,_,_,_,_,._,_,._,._,._,.___ ,_,_,._~,-·-·---r the Masonic and now the prom). GASOLINE I FLASH, to all Interested Fe- 1 males (and who isn't interested)– j Billy Walden is his name, and he's J J from Cairo-now, don't get ex– cited, it's Cairo, Illinois, not Cairo, Egypt; nevertheless, I kn·ow you r i wilt a•l do all you can to make it pleasant for him. f YOU BOYS really had a ball j at your stag party, didn't you, NIGHT LUBRICATION SERVICE ~ Art, George, Rich, and yes, you, AUTO SUPPLIES f too, Bobby!! TAKE IT EASY, • CON- SCHRIVER'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE I STANCE JEAN-Looks like C. 315 N. Broadway J ~· is going to get here just in Ph Mu d k 9797 P tl d 0 f time to upset some of your plans. one r oc or an , regon BARON B h , h f , aron, w o s seen t e +-··~·----··-·---·-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-··-··-·-·--··-·~~-··-·-·-·~·+ Baron? What's the matter ''Bar- OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION 1412 N. Williams Avenue HEY, V. N., what causes that light in your eye when someone speaks of "'Red"? ! on"-you don't seem to get around much any more I! +------------------------------------------+ Negro Commands New Guinea Artillery Unit · Dinners 12 to 5 ~~ N.E.CHERRY COURT In intrQducing the new com-~ the Eastern Carriers Conference mander to the battalion personnel, , Committee representing 17 eastern Colonel Carl F. Tischbein, Chief,j railroad companies and the South– of Staff of the 14th Antiaircraft I ern Railroad. Command, said, "He is an excel- -------- lent, experienced artilleryman, and Wire your Senators today. an outstanding leader." who spoke at the ceremony were Colonels Charles G. 'Dunn and KITTY'S for FRIED CHICKEN AND OYSTERS 1712 N. E. Victoria. MU 9369 In addition to Colonel Tisch-~ bein, other high-ranking officers Antiaircraft Command general ill•••••••••••• John Alfrey, both of the 14th I staff. They were generous in their ~--•••••••••~ praise of the record established by the 742nd, and extended congratu– lations to its new commander. Ma- DANCE "Special Feature" JERRY VA HOOMISSEN jor Wilfred P. Eaton, former AND HIS ORCHESTRA commander of the unit, stated that the 742nd was honored in receiv– ing Lieutenant Colonel Moses and his staff. This move makes the 742nd a 100 per cent Negro outfit. ,, pacity he served for 21 months. Eighteen of these months were spent overseas. The new commander is a grad– uate of Fordham Law School and a former practicing attorney in New York City, where his wife, Mrs. Doris R. Moses, and three children, DeMaurice, Jr., Merle Charlotte and John R., now re- side. UTSEA Begins New Negotiations CHICAGO-Headed by Presi– dent Willard S. Townsend, the negotiating committee of the CIO United Transport Service Em– ployees of America this week conJ– pleted vacation with pay negotia– tions with the Western Carriers Conference Committee and the Pullman Company. Other members of the UTSEA negotiating committee were: Sec– retary-Treasurer John L. Yancey and Research Director T. W. Winchester. BRUCE PATTERSON "World's Greatest Baujo TFizzard, Star of Radio, Stage and Screen" McELROY'S BALLROOM "Not Better, But the Best" (15 Artists) S. W. 4th and Main, Portland Thursda,y, May 24, 1945 Dancing 9:00P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Adm. $1.20, Tax Inc. For table reservations call WEbster 3440 •••••••••••• For ••• Fashionable Futuristic Women's Clothing Visit the MOTT SISTERS Style Salon WITH U. S. · TROOPS IN The two new vacation agree- NEW GUINEA - Lieutenant ments call for 6 days vacation with Colonel De Maurice Moses, of pay for those employees with less New York City, on March 6 as- than five years of service and 12 sumed command of the 752nd days for those employees with more· Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battal- than five years of service and they ion ,a crack all-Negro outfit, are retroactive to January 1, 1945. Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Similar agreements were signed Area, announced today. I recently by the CIO union with "The Northwest's Only Negro Furrier'' 2107 N. Vancouver Avenue • Telephone TRinity i 5111 BEATRICE REED Owner-Manager "Consult Us On All Of Your Clothing Problems" ... y y y y y •• ••••