·MAY 15, 1945 The OBSERVER Make WEISFIELD & GOLDBERG ·your gift headquarters for Graduation and Fathers' Day and all Gift Occasions DIAMOND BRIDAL PAIR Matched 14-K. Sungold mountings. Engagement ring set with perfect brilliant diamond. I I I I I 1.25 WEEK ~, ' f " ... and Mizpah, for he Jaid, may the Lord watch between me and thee when we are abJent one from another." GENESIS 31:49 DIAMOND SOLITAIRE One of many new styles in 14-K. gold engage– ment rings. Set with a perfect diamond. 2.50 WEEK DIAMOND 179·50 BRIDAL PAIR DIAMOND 275·00 BRIDAL PAIR DIAMOND 400·00 BRIDAL PAIR Very new! 14-K. gold mountings, the engage– ment ring set with a large perfect diamond. An elegant new pair in 14-K. Gold matched mountings. Each ring set with 3 diamonds. Fish-tail type mountings to display each dia– mond to full advantage. 14-karat mounting. Simple 14- K. gold mountings enhance the large center diamond. 9 smaller ones. I I I 3.00 WEEK 4.00 WEEK ~ DIRmanas 4.00 WEEK A YEAR TO PAY All priceJ include 20% Federal Tax except thoJe marked (*). I I I I I . I I I 9500* "MAY QUEEN" DIAM'D BRIDAL PAIR, 14~K. GOLD MOUNTINGS A new bridal pair just received to feature dur– ing our May Festival of Diamonds. Matchec mountings of 14-K. gold, the engagement ring set with a lovely diamond whose fire and brillance will live forever. FEATURING GLAMOROUS NEW DIAMOND RINGS TO FETE SUMMER BRIDES "L I B E R A T 0 R" DIAMOND RING MIZPAH FOR MEN Worn 'round the world by men whose loved ones at home wait and pray for their safe return. Handsome 14-karat gold mounting set with a brilliant diamond. "Mizpah" engraved inside the shank. Send one to your serviceman over- DIAMOND SOLITAIRE A new streamlined ring of 14-K. gold set with a perfect diamond. One .:>f many new rings. 2.75 WEEK DIAMOND SOLITAIRE A soft floral motif dis– tinguishes this lovely model. Set with a per– fect single diamond. 3.00 WEEK These fresh May days herald the approach ot rorflantic summer weddings. Select now for your beloved the age· old symbol of enduring devotion-a glowing diamond ring. Weisfield & Goldb~rg now have an almost endless assortment of fine diamond rings in the most modern as well as tke traditional styles. The May Festival features worthwhile values in bridal pairs, solitaires, rings for men -all exquisitely designed of 14-Karat gold, * OPEN AN ACCOUNT * AS LOW AS 1.25 WEEK * UP TO A YEAR TO PAY * NO EXTRA CREDIT CHARGES DIAMOND SOLITAIRE Simplicity is the charm of this 14-K. gold ring set with perfect soli– taire, 2 side diamonds. 4.00 WEEK OlAMON SOLITAIRE An engagement ring in 14-K. gold featuring a magnificent center dia– mond, 2 side diamonds 5.00 WEEK S. W. 6th Avenue and Washington (Wilcox Bldg.), Portland. Oregon Open Friday Nights till 9P. M. • Page 5 Social Notes. • • lHi,s Virginia Hemphill of New l York City was united in marriage I to Seaman 1c Byron C. Headley >y the Rev. Browning C. Allen o., the Bethel parsonage April 23. Mrs. Beatrice Graves was thf· ma– tron of honr and Seaman Edward Benlow was best man. Mesdames U nthang Clardy, Allen Morri~ and Graves were guests. Until their recent departure, the h;•ppy couple resided with l'vlrs. Grwes at her residence on N. Mcl\.Iillan. * * * * The home of Mrs. l\.Iamie Scott was the scene of the Rose- l bud Study Club's traditional "Mother's Day" party to which each member brought as her guest a mother. An inspiring program "·as pre– srnted beginning with appropriate quotations from everyone. Mrs. Mignon Cabell rendered Mother's day songs and interesting talks were given by Mrs. Isabel Gates I of the Interracial club and Mrs. , Aiken of the YWCA. The pro– gram was followed bv refresh- ' - ments. Mrs. Jessie Flowers is president e>f the Rosebuds, Mrs. Cora l\tlinor, program chairman and Mrs. Mamie Scott hostess. * * * * Mrs. Jack Martin has had n.!' her guests Mrs. Alice Carter of \Vichita, Kansas. Mrs. Martin and M!"s. Carter have bee,J frienJs for many years. The visitor was here for one month. Her entire stay was filled with v comtant round of social events highlighted by n. trip to Seattle. · Mrs. Carter was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Terry Goodwin, who also enter– tained her elaborately. Upon leav– ing Portland, shl! went to Berkley, California, where she plans to make her home. Mrs. Thelma Flowers was hos· tess toten guests for a bridge party and luncheon honoring Mrs. Alice Carter, recent house guest of the Martins. The luncheon was delic– ious. Bridge prizes were won as follows: First prize, Mrs. Mer– cedes Hardy; second prize, Mrs. Jessie Flowers, and third prize, Mrs. Irene Braggs. * * * * ... Mrs. Kitty Blackwell of 1712 N. E. Victoria had as her house guest recently Mrs. Margarite Booker of Seattle. While here Mrs. Booker was the recipient of / many social courtesies from her hostess and friends. I * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lester Catlett of Seattle were visitors in , Port– land over the week-end. Horace "Babe" Williams enter- 1 tained many of his friends and ad– mirers Sunday night at "Kitty's" with his frantic torch sung-; and jive. Sammy Austin, Chick Raw– lins and others were hearty par– ticipants on this festive occasion. The Portland chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorori t\' held a Banquet at "Kitty's" \Vednes– day, May 16.
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