
MAY 15, 1945 The OBSERVER Page 3 Red Cross Comforts Gls this month, there is an emergency quota for the Pacific fighting- 556 pints a day. When the Blood Center opened, one day last week, there was. only one donor waiting -a nineteen-year-old boy, a phar– macist's mate in the Navy-home o nleave from combat duty in the +•-•-•-•-•-n--•-n-n-n-••-t~-•-••-••-•._.._.....,.._,..,._,, -----·-··-·-·-·-·--·+ WASHINGTON, D. C.-"V– E Day saw the American Red Cross working at top speed," said Chairman Basil O'Connor last Pacific. He had already given nine week, "gearing its forces to the dire~t transfusions. shifting responsibilities at home and abroad." • Global Red Cross overseas ser– vice clubs now serve a monthly average of more than 1,640,000 complete meals, 9,000,000 snack lunches, and provide 680,000 lodg– ings at less than cost to U. S. troops, it was pointed out. The Red Cross policy of a slight~ charge to servicemen for meals, lodgings and snacks was established at the outset of World War II in com– p~iance with desires. of the War Department, ·::~nd varies with the theater of operations. Among the many comfort items purchased in the U. S. during the past nine months-for free distrib– ution in all theaters-were, 736,- 336,000 cigarettes, 5,757,480 choc– olateb.ars, and 5,325,986 packages of hard candies. Eighteen million pounds of flour went into the making of 500,000,000 doughnuts, which, with 25,200,000 cups of coffee, were served to GI's free by Red Cross. "The armed forces will still rt'– quire 45,000 pints of blood a week," Mr. O'Connor continued. These. will be collected at blood donor centers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, San Diego, Olicago, N e w York, Brooklyn, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington. Most. of the do- . nated blood will be processed into plasma for wounded servicemen, but the Type "0 1 ' whole blood will continue to be flown immed- Every star in a service flag stands for a man who s offerng hs life for his country. The gold stars commemorate those who have already given their lives. Surely civil!ans, safe at home, can give their blood-to keep the blue stars blue! In honor of the dead, and for the sake of the living. Telephone the Red Cross for an appointment-today. The number is ATwater 8561. The Blood Do– nor Center is located at S. W. 17th and Alder. Naval Base Needs 1 Explained by OPA The General Baptist District Associatio"n of the Northwest, which will hold its 25th annual session with the Emmanuel Tab– ernacle Baptist in McLauglin Heights, Vancouver, Wash. The Rev. 0. C. Sterns, pastor; Rev. 0. W. Powell, co-helper. The church is located on Mill Plain road at Garson St. The Rev. Mr. R. L. Amos, D.D., noted Negro orator and pulpiter, pastor of the Second Baptist church, Redland, Calif., wll be the guest speaker. The Rev. Mr. Amos will also speak at the People's Community Baptist church, N. E. 74th Ave. and Glisan St., Sunday morning and night at 8 p. m., May 20th. Rev. R.. Donaldson, moderator. iately to Army, Navy and Marine Patronize .the advertisers of this installations throughout the Pa- paper. They welcome your busi- cific. ness. More than 7,000 additional ---:,---- workers will be needed to carry on Support the tight for a perman- the world-wide activities of Red ent FEPC. BUY ONE EXTRA $100 BOND TODAY! HELP OREGON MEET ITS QUOTA SUPPORT THE MIGHTY 7th WAR LOAN! WARE'S MIXER HOUSE KEY TO *YOURS IN ABUNDANCE AT CASUAL Bradford RAN NOW to get the most out of the sunshine-days ahead! A Sports Togs outfit is your first step-and that's why a trip to BRADFORD'S is im– portant! You will be delighted with the array of colorful high– quality sp.ortswear you will find awaiting your selection. SPORT COATS Essential No. 1 for Casual Comfort! BRADFORD'S bring you the newer, better fabrics and models. $15 to $29.50 COMFORT! Cross, Mr. O'Connor said, and ---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;••••••••••••••-.. several thousand new volunteers will be recruited to aid veterans, their families and dependt'nts. • • • May is Memorial Month-and the best memorial 'to the war dead is a living man! Not flowers for the dead, but blood for the wounded, that they may live! The dead have made the supreme sac– rifice; it is for the people they saved to offer them the supreme tribute-the gift of life for their comrades, who are fighting in the Pacific. Every man and woman who is able to donate blood has that duty and privilege-to dedi– cate their blood, in honor of the dead, to the salvation of the wounded. Fighting men count on blood donations by civilians, but if there isn't enough blood they are always ready to give it to each other. Men at overseas bases gave it-men on ships. There have been times when casualties who 'were able to walk stood in line to give it for the badly wounded. They shouldn't have to? Of course not. But if civilians fail? Here in Portland, MAN-TAILORED FOR SPRING AND ·SUMMER'S ACTIVE / DAYS Keen lines - keen fabrics - keen ap– pearance! There's distinction in every t h r e a d of your BRADFORD Suit! Toppers to match at same prices. SLACKS BRADFORD Slacks embody the perfection of fit that every woman seeks-All Wool. $10.95 to $18.95 Wear While You Pay * The Mighty 1'h War Bond Drive calls for Bigger Quotas! Complete Your SPORT TOGS Set-up Early ... Even tho' our selection is on·e of Portland's largest, it's best to shop early! SLACKS Own at least two pairs ••• You'll enjoy wearing these fine-fitting, all-wool BRADFORD slacks. $8.95 to $15 SPORT JACKETS Fine variety to choose from • • . all good looking ... all carefully designed ... smartly tailored. $19.95 to $32.50 Fabric and Leather Combinations, $1 5 to $22.50. Leather Jackets-$16.50 to $29.50 SPORT SHIRTS Cool-good-looking-colorful•••• Many weaves and materials. $2.95 to $12.50 S. W. CORNER 4th and Washington