
Volume 3- No.9 PORTLAND, OREGON, MAY 15, 1945 10 Cents a Copy WAR MANPOWER CO MISSION HOLDS MEET o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absentee Theory Disproved by UrbanLeagueStudy PARTICIPANTS IN WMC MINORITY SERVICES CONFERENCE • 'E\V YORK-In its Indus- 0 trial Relations T ews Letter, the I Letter emphasize the gra~e danger first number of which \Vas re- of looking at job attendance on the leased la t "·eek, the ::'\ational U r– ban League attacks the theory that N"egro war workers are guilty of an excessive amount of absentee– ism. The T,ews Letter, based on data gathered in all parts of the country, and on over 500 indus– trial management reports, reveals that in a current study of 300 \Yar plants "only 68 reports listed ab– senteeism as a special problem among these workers." The new– ness of the worker, his insecurity on the job, and transportation problem" were found to be import– ant factors relating to absenteeism in these 68 reports. "The failure of many companies to provide training and upgrading opportunities for "regroes is the most frequent cause of poor job attendance," sa i d Julius A. Thomas, director of the League's Department of Industrial Rela– tions. "We found that absenteeism is no great factor when Negro em– ployees are upgraded, and given a chance to work at their highest skills." Numerous complaints about the work habits of Negro women faded into thin air when actual evidence was sought. One indus– try which employs 5000 Negro women reports no difficulty. But anal} is of working conditions in another plant in which 200 of the 500 women employees are Negroes showed that good personnel prac– tices had not kept pace with the rapid expansion of the plant. I The facts present in the Kews basis of race, without analyzing all the important contributing fac– tors. The service of field workers from its national office and from some fifty affiliates of the Urban League make consultation on per– sonnel problems available to more than 300 war plants now coop– erating in the Industrial Relations Laboratory. At the same time, the importance of good work habits and regular job atteftdance Is urged upon Negro employees in these plants. Left to right: Edwin C. Berry. Ed Benedict, Gt>org-f" Thoma", 1.:1".\Tt>ncc Oxley. Photo by Mrs. A. Calcjwell. Official Observer Photographer I Negro Specialists Serve With Navy GREAT LAKES, IlL-Negro bluejackets have been fully inte– grated into the technical training program here "regardless of race," the navy revealed this week. Beginning in September, 1944, with Charles W. Redding of Los Angeles, nine Kegro sailors have entered the Torpedoman's school. All of them are "well up in their classes" reports the commanding officer of the school. Utilization of Negro Workers Theme of Recent Portland Conference Negroes have also been admitted and have successfully completed their courses in gunner's mate, radio technician, radioman, radar– man, electrician's mate, signalman, carpenter's mate, and fire control schools. Representatives from varymg section,; of Portland community life were on hand Monday at the YWCA attending the conference on the utilization of min_ority group workers in the post war era sponsored by the \Var Manpower Commission under the direction of L. C. Stoll, head of the Portland office of \VMC. The meeting opened with Law– rence A. Oxle), :enior technician, I Minorit) Groups Sen·ice, \VMC, Serve with Fleet \Vashington, D. C., making a stir- :Many of these graduates are ring addre.: in which he clarified now on duty with the fleet and the role of the I\ egro worker in the are an integral part of their shil>'s post war economic structure, the activities. In the past, Negroes part to be played by civic leaders, were confined to the navy service government agencies and other schools for cooks and bakers. groups intrested in these issues. Typical of the technological This conference was one of four training these men receive in the to be held on the Pacific Coast for navy service schools is the instruc- the purpose of formulating pro– tion given in the fire control grams for the utilizing of minor– school. ity group workers in the post war The fire controlman controls the industrial scheme. E. B. Me– a small target 10 or 20 miles away, Naughton was chairman of the fire of the big navy guns. To hit meeting. the fire controlman must take The following speakers also into account the range, bearing and brought interesting facts to the at– course of the target; pitch, roll, tention of those attending this con- and speed of his own ship. ference: Frank McCaslin, of the Port- ··etary-treasurer of the lnterna– land Chamber of Commerce, dis- tiona! \Voodworkers of America cussed employment possibilities for (CH)), expressed a positive de– the post war era. He stated that nunciation of all types of discrim– the lumber industry would require ination. He condemned the Port– a high employment level because land local No. 8 of the Interna– of foreign and domestic demands; tiona! Longshoremen's and \Vare– in the canneries employment will housemen's unior for its rabid prac– be increased because canneries are t;ce of racial discrimination. HI' able to operate several months ou t supports a national FEPC and of the year in this state. Improved wants to see better housing, schools machinery and equipment in rna- and extensive programs for refor- chine shops will offer new job op- estation. He believes that full em- ~ rortunities. Of the current war- ployment will dissolve many con- time population, l\IcCaslin believes flicts, racially and otherwise. that 25 per cent will definitely Edwin C. Berry, executive seTI - leave the area. He said also that retary of the Nationa! Urban aluminum fabrication plants and 'League, said that Portland would the shipping industry "·ill require have immense squalor, misery and a large number of \\·orkers. crime if the city fathers continued J. T. ~Iarr, executive secretary to herd Negroes into the Williams of the Oregon State Federation of Avenue district. He predicted that Labor (AFL) explained the posi- if this practice is not checked that tion of the AF of L towards Ne- such conditions will be rampant g-ro workers. He claimed that the within the next·ten years. policv of the AF of L is favorable to the Negro worker. He said that most discriminatory practices on the part of local lodges does not come under the jurisdiction of the AF ot L. Ed. Benedict, international sec- Fred Cuthbert, of the National Housing agency, stated that Ne– groes need to have the privilege of buying and building homes the same as whites. He objects to the further concentration of Negroes <Oontlnued on Page 8) VERDELL RUTHERFORD 833 NE SHAVER ST PORTLAND OR 97212