JUNE 31, 1945 McCord's Automotive Service Quick, ReUable Service on all Makes ol Can • Gas, Oil, Lubrication and Car Wash - • Body and Fender Work a Specialty • Auto Painting • Motor RebuHding * * N. Weidler St. at Williams Ave. CURTIS McCORD, Manager MEDICAL AND MISOELLA.NEOU8 SEBVICE DIRECTORY DR. CARL R. vroxEB.8 DENTIST 1671 N. E. Wllllama Ooart, PorUuul VErmont4208 ROBERT N. .JOYNER, JR., :at D. • Phy&dda.n and Surgeon Offices: 1415 N. W1111am.s Ave. Portland, Oregon VErmont 4404 or BEacon 3181 GOODMAN a: LEVENSON Attorneys at Law 1002 Spe.lding Building Portland, Oregon ATWater 7f94 WILLIAMS AVENUE U. S. 0. 6 N. T1llamook street Portland, Oregon TR1ntty 4615 MRS. BEATRICE REED Lleensed Funeral Director at HOLMlAN & LUTZ MORTUARY N. E. 14th & Sandy "Y our~Tho't in Flowers" LIND & POMEROY flowers Z718-!6-18 N. E. UNION AV&. 'As near as your Telephone' GArfield 1181 • MRS. BEATRICE REED Licensed Funeral Director Lady Attendant Holman & Lutz Colonial Mortuary Bast 14th and Sandy B~vd. "So Much in Service , .. So Little in Cost" The OBSERVER iness, 26, 413 Oaldan4 street, Gas– tonia, N. C., whose job it is to With 15th AAF in Italy-Nap- administer and supervise the con- ducting of all classes. In addition tha University opened its doors to- 332nd Group In "College" to these duties, Lieutenant Cab- day offering to servicemen of the · · the mess mstructs in a few of 332nd Fighter Group commanded courses, mainly psychology. by Col. B. 0. Davis Jr., a curricu– lum ranging from higher mathe– matics to business administration and including such courses as Bi– ble study and elementary radio. Heading this project as president o fthe college is 1st Lieut. Bayard C. Colon, 26, 400 Convent avenue, New ork City, Group information and education officer. Tre school year, which began a few days ago, found the personnel of this com– mand responding to the school's registrar, S.jSgt. Clifford H. Moorehead, 26, 206 LaFayette street. Rahway, N. J., in apprec– iating numbers. Dean of the col– lege is 1st Lieut. Marshal S. Cab- NAACP Secures __. \ Resignation of "Back– To-Africa" Supporter New York-As a result of im– mediate actiop taken by the Savan– nah, Ga., branch NAACP against the declared stand of the Rev. Lewis L. Scott favoring reintro– duction of Senator Biblo's "Back– to-Africa" bill, tlie minister's resig– nation from chairmanship of the NAACP Legal Redress Commit– tee was reported this week. Rev. Scott's expulsion from the NAACP was revealed with Senator Biblo in the Congressional Record of May lOth. __; FOOD RATION STAMPS GOOD MAR. APR. RED STAMPS stamps become I I STAMPS ,) Do Your Duty on June 22 Voters have a job to do, too ' ·'he voters must authorize the State Building Fund so Oregon can do its duty in providing adequate educa– tional, hospital, and other facilities. Oregon must not lag behind. Your YES VOTE is all that is needed. VOTE 300 X YES Paid adT., United Citizens Committee, Inc., Ralvh D. SEPT. in July HERE'S YOUR DOWN PAYMENT On the WHITE ELEPHANT Addition·to Portland's Civic Center $5,400,000- That's the amount that you Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer-will be called upon to pay if the White Elephant Civic Center addition is passed. And what will you receive for this tidy sum? 19 extra blocks of empty lots plus the closing of 277 prosperous businesses and the destruction of 1246 permanent jobs. Ask Yourself These Questions 1 CAN You Stand More Taxes? City Taxes will be raised july 1. 1945 State income tax will be up 30%. Federal taxes will remain :s high as ever. Can you afford to carry an additional $5,400,000 tax load, plus the loss of taxes on $1,6000,000 of property •.. and the interest on $2,000,000 in bonds? 2 WHY Destroy Postwar Jobs? This White Elephant Measure, if passed, will destroy 1246 per– manent jobs now in the area. Can Portland afford to work this hardship upon its citizens and returning servicemen? 3 WHY Ruin Established Business Firms? The 19 extra blocks added to Portland's Civic Center will destroy 277 established firms. These companies will have no place to move and will go out of business-a loss of taxes to the city, which you must make up. 4 WHY Scrap The Moses Plan? Robert Moses recommended buying four blocks now for a Civic Center. He brands expansion of this area as "Visionary, uneco– nomic and not attractive" . 5 WHY Buy Another WHITE ELEPHANT? We al; eady llave one Portland white elephant'- the $1,500,000 Public Market still unpaid for. Do we want another even larger white elephant to be added to the taxes of Portland home-owners? tity White Elephant Election, June 22 Don't Buy Another White flephar:Jtl VoTE s~n x NOI I Moores, Manager, 233 S. W. Sixth Avenue, Portland I I C:LUB AC:ME - 1504 N. Williams Avenue - EAst 6127 W elcame to Our Members and Their. Guests MATINEE FROM 6 to 9:00P.M. EVERY SUNDAY EVENING ,Our lounge is available for private parties every Tuesday afternoon and evening ------------~----------- i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--5 •
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