
f I The OBSERVER Rhythm ROUND--UP Wednesday, June 5, the Acme Club was the scene of a frantic Jam. Session-participating in thi~ one-nite festival of swing music were. the "on time" members of Joe Crane's Shangri-la combo and the "'super fine" instrumentalists of "Banjoski's" Savo~r Rhythm makers now appearing at the Dude Ranch nightly. • Susie Anderson is being featured on vocals at El Rancho. She shows great promise. The Club Acme has become the favorite after-hours spot for local imbibers and swing music lovers. ToGy Williamson, Charlie Merrit and Harold Hicks are beating out a few hot licks nightly in this cozy lounge. Charlie Merritt has JUNE 31, 1945 OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIA'NON 1•12 N. Williams Avenue +--------·-..-··----··-..- .. ·-----··-··--·,!._·--------r ~ I J i I I GASOLINE i r ~ NIGHT LUBRICATION SERVICE j ' AUTO SUPPLIES ' i SCHRIVER'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE I I' 315 N. Broadway f f Phone MUrdock 9797 Portland, Oregon I - 7 ...-·-··-··-t-111-lll-tl-111--11-t-MII-tll-111-tl-tl-tl-ll-l-ll-11-tll_l_l._. come a long way since he last blew onstrations of his mad dancing. Joe Crane and orchestra: was on his trumpet for the Hepsters. He "JO }0," his partner, also a ser- the road to fame when Ben Rob– jlays down some mighty fine horn. viceman, can dance, too. However, erts had another one of his cus– Pvt. Ted Haley, The Shadow, everybody gets knocked out when tomary urges to stay away from has been around town scat singing he puts down some of that fine the job. They do all right but "Caldonia" and giving a few dom- electric guitar for the masses. Ben's trumpet is a distinct loss. ++--·-· ... ,_ .._, ------··-··-·---.,·---··-··-··-··-·-·----·-·-·-··-~··-··---- ..- .._ ------,,.------------... "Banjoski" and his Savoy Club Sextet have just about guaranteed LIT'S BUILD PORTLAND'S I CIVIC CENTERI The nation applauded Portland's plan for postwar development-a· bold stroke for city improvement and provision of jobs in the recon– version period. A Civic Center is part of the plan. Democratic procedure requires your vote of approval. Keep Portland out of the doldn·-· -. BRINCS A NEW CIVIC CENTER INSTEAD OF SLUMS I Too large a part of Portland's business area now fits the "deca:ying fringe" description. Further deterioration means slums. Establishment of the 23-block Civic Center would restore and stabilize busint:ss property values. PUTS PORTLAND IN LINE FOR CONVENTIONS - Large national conventions have ignored Portland consistentLy because it lacks a large meeting hall. We've apologized to groups which did · come. The present Civic Auditorium is lacking in size and is located inconveniently. PLAYS FAIR WITH OUR RETURNINC HEROES We've promised our service men and women tlley'll not come home to breadlines or the dole. Here's a chance t o combine valuable civiv improvements with job insurance. Y.OT' E 500 X YES "lhe only measure on the CITY ballot This advertisement in the interest of Portland's Postwar Employment Program is paid for by the Portland Area Poatwar Development Committee. David B. Simpson, Chairman, 11S Corbett Building, Portland, 0"'- the success of the Dude Ranch as a nite club. A larger crowd is ever on hand to hear this wonderful little combination. I Ralph "More Beer" Stevenson Ii 1 seems to have gotten his keys all mixed up last Sunday night. He ' blames it on the fact that he has 1 too many admirers and friends. ~ , Boyd, the tenor saxist an~ ,I crooner, definitely holds his own f with all others in this town. ' I "Goodie" is back in the groove now that he has his Quail chasing f lanes all figured out. I "Banjoski" is also a great hunts– man and fisherman. Walter Roberts says he is on his way back to Kansas City and this time he is ·not just singing the blues ... he feels "em". The Savage Dancers thrilled an appreviative audience at the USO last Sunday when they appeared on an afternoon show 'as part of the entertainment for Paratroopers vis– iting from Pendleton. Also shining on this program was thegreat Ban– joski and Orchestra. An ofay cat thought he would show his art to the audience by singing "Old Man River" ... It was not only dis– gusting. IT STUNK! Seattle League i SecretaryReturns I I Seattle, Wash.-Dean E. Hart, J I executive secretary of the Seattle I Urban League, returned to his post j last week, following his attend– ~ ance at the Industrial Secretary's I \Vorkshop Conference in Detroit. i He also conducted an extensive 1 tour of Urban League offices, I which carried him as far as Buf– I falo, N. Y. I j I . I ' HOME AND INCOME 4-family flat, 66-72 N. E. Thompson; 6 rooms each. Nicely furnished. Good income. Total price, $6,300, terms. Also 6-room house at 4024 N. E . Garfield. Needs some fixing but a snap at $1,750. Look these up then phone 0. V. Badley, LA 1257. ---------· II II U_............_..__•._..____,....._,______.____...______, -----------··-------+ ·~------------·