JUNE 31, 1945 WEISFIELD & FOUR STAR ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ The OBSERVER GOLDBERG VALUE FEATURES Again we are featuring 4 of the most popular, most sought-after merchan– dise items in our store--and we're offering them at a fraction of their reg– ular prices. Don't miss them! . . . they're things you want! . . . and the prices are sensational! PEARL CHOKERS 1/2 PRICE OUR REG. 1.49* 2.95, now ••• 1.89* OUR REG. 3.95, now ••• Beads of lustrous simulated pearls, all one size and sewn on double or triple strands to neat black grosgrain ribbon which ties in a bow at the nape of our neck. Wear them high on your throat with your hair ups~ept for summer coolness. **** ''Sweetheart'' LOCKETS With Simulated BIRTHSTONES Our Reg. 8.95 7.89* Your birthstone brings you luck ! - and where better to wear it than on the locket holding your best beau's picture! These are adorable! Gold finished, with dainty embossed floral spray accented with a col– ored stone to symbolize your birth month. **** PIERCED EARRINGS IN 14· K. G0 LD MOUNTINGS l/2 PRICE 6.25* Our Reg. J2.50 These are real jewel.ry - earrings you'll love wearing fo r years to come. Their 14-karat gold mountings are beautifully made. Some are set with simulated gems, others are plain gold in smart shapes. All are to be worn in pierced ears. **** GENUINE LEATHER HAND.RAGS LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE Our Reg. J0.95 NCHM O";(LY .89* Think of it! Honest-to-goodness leather bags for only 4.89! Big bags,_ r?omy bags, with nice rayon linings anr1 f ,t:mgs. Lots of hard-to-find arm h'>ndle~. envelope;, pouches. Be early for best choice. YOU.R ACCOUNT IS WELCOMED AND APPRECIATED OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Social Notes ••• Page _5 Mrs. Mary Alexander, on Sunday, June 3. Mrs. Thurman is the for– mer Mrs. Minnie Williams. The I impeccable dinner was prepared and served as only the Mary Alex– ander could have prepared it. The Mr. and Mrs. William Graves couple are to make their home at were host for a bridge cocktail 2713 N. Commercial. party for twelve on Sunday eve- * * * * ning, June 11. They celebrated their twenty-fourth wedding anni– versary. Mrs. Ruby Laye won first prize for the women and Mr. C. H. Smith won 1st for the men. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. M. Mitchell of Los Angeles and Mr. A. V. Denton. * * * * * Miss Blance Graves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graves, has returned home for >the summ~r from Bennett College in Greens– boro, N. C., where she is a student. Next term she will be a senior at this institution. She is majoring in Religious Social Service work. * * * Also home for the summer vaca- Mrs. Hazel Rodgers, Misses tion is Miss Bettye Ann Ruther- Ollie Fowlks a n d Margaret ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Branch, teacher of the Hugo Okla– Eugene Carden. Miss Rutherford homa school system, are guests of is an honor student at Fisk Uni- Mr. Theron Fowlks, Cottonwood versity, Nashville, Tenn., where street. she has just completed her fresh- * * * * * man year. Prof. C. N. Arnsby, principal * * * of Booker T. Washington High Th 555 h I f School, Antlers Oklahoma, has re- e t n antry paratroop- ers in Portland last week-end visit- turned to Oregon for his summer ing from Pendleton, Oregon, were royally entertained by Mr. Ken– neth Smith and his staff of the I Williams Avenue USO with a formai dance, weiner roast' and show. The 555th is composed en– tirely of Negro personnel and of– ficers. One hundred thirty mem– bers of this outfit were in Portland on this sojourn. * * * * Mr. Sherman Pickett, co-man- ager of the Dude RaPch, was host vacation. * * * * * Ross Houston, headwaiter at the International C 1 u b, Spokane, Wash. was in Portland recently visiting with Mr. Charles Rawlins for a few days. Mr. Houston was returning from Los Angeles where he had been to visit with his wife and to attend his daughter's grad– uation from high school. * * * VANPORT Mr. Norwell Hunter of Musk- to a large group of Paratroopers . . . d h · f II . h f ogee, Okla., who received his Mas- an t eir escorts o owmg t e or-~ . . . I d I S d . h ter of Science degree this spnng rna ance ast atur ay mg t at • . . . h Uso · h" I . d II from the U mversity of Iowa, IS t e m Is uxunous an we . . . · d 1 b Th d' spendmg his second consecutive appomte c u . ose atten mg summer in Oregon. this later gathering were pleasantly entertained until the early morning ARC TRANSMITS hours. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Willie Thurman, newly weds, were guests of honor at a gayly informal dinner party given for them by the bride's aunt, Twenty-five thousand liberated American prisoners of war have already cabled to their families in the U.S. through the special Amer– ican Red Cross communications system set up early this month. Your Most Exclusive Nlight Club The DUDE RANCH upzeasure Spot of the WestH Dinners-Dancing-Entertainment Music by "BANJOSKI" and His Orchestra Phone for Reservations-TRinity 3967 Bring Your Bottle . . • Bar Service 240 N. BROADWAY PORTLAND 12, OREGON Open 8 P. M. - Closed Every Wednesday
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