
JUNE 31, 1945 First,Offenders Express Gratitude to Bar Group One hundred two young men, most of whom were between the ages of 18 and 25, have been saved from prison and inducted inta the armed forces or enrolled in the merchant marine through the ef– forts of the Lawyers' Committee of Multn'omah County Bar Asso– ciation to date. And Oregon tax– payers have profited by an annual saving in excess of $30,000. These statements highlighted the committee's report released Mon– day. Organized two and one-half years ago, through the efforts of Henry S. Gray, its chairman, to assist deserving youthful offenders to enter the armed forces, the com– mittee has investigated about 400 many of the young men it assisted. One is now a second liteutenant in the air corps, some are sergeants, corporals and many are first class privates. Some have been seriously wounded in action. One recent letter received by the committee from one young man it assisted is from Okinawa and dated May 10. It reads: "I have been on this island for a few weeks. I am in a company with a swell bunch of men. Really stick together over here. I rave 1 been up to the front lines until a few days ago ... I'm sure thank– ful for the chance to get to make good and I'm doing my best." Another recent letter reads: cases or a~ average of nearly f 4 a "I've got a chance to learn to be– month. These investigations in- come a radio operator ... That's elude interviews with the accused something I've always wanted to persons in the county or ci.ty jail, do but never had the chance. I · examination of the FBI and state wouldn't have the chance now if it police records, cons)Jltations with hadn't been for you. Thanks again the district attorney's office and for everything." with other law enforcement agen- While assisting deserving youth- cies. ful offenders to enter the armed The most frequent crimes forces so that they may assist in charged are passing worthless the war effort and become useful, checks, auto theft and larceny. law-abiding citizens is the commit– Many are first offenders, but some tee's primary objective, neverthe– have prior records. Sex offenders, less the committee is not unmind– or others faced with serious moral ful of the saving it has made the charges, are not considered. taxpayers. The cost of supporting The committee has been heart- these 102 young men in prison for ened by promotions received by J one year would exceed $30,000. YOUTH on.Parade By GERTRUDB WILLIAMS that job, you know you're living Both June Rand and Bettie on borrowed time. Rutherford have again returned to Bob Gibson was in town for a the city after completing their first I brief stay. vear at Fisk University. No vamoose, no vamoose-I • • • don't want you to go! Well, Dar- Miss Rose Marie Brock has also othy, did you go??? returnPd to the City of Roses .after Yes, its true, S. W. is actually completing a year at Linfield Col- at Commercial. lege. • • • Incidentally, Laurence Camp– bell, too, has been called into the service of his country. He is now receiving basic training for the Army Air Corps. • • • A score of friends and well– wishers gathered at the home of Richard Winslow, Tuesday, June 12, to bid him adieu. Dancing, games and refreshments were en- 1 joyed by the guests. Richard left for Chicago the 14th. The length and extent of his trip had not yet been decided. • • • That young lady with the per– sonality plus smile is back in town. Yes, I mean the vivacious and charming Bettie Rutherford. Bet– tie had a little get-together June 13 in the very cozy atmosphere of her play room. The guests were June Rand, Constance Maney, Ellen Wood, Rosi~e Thomas, Dee Wilkinson, this writer, Richard Winslow, Seth Hill, Eugene Ful– ler, Bob Gibson, Ar~il Ray, John Minor, William Hilliard and Sam Wilknson. DIS'n DAT'n Say, Seth, don't get too used to Paratroopers were awfully in– teresting, weren't they C M. Spapish, the Romance language -what are you girls learning, the l romance, or the language, or both. The OBSERVER Lena To Do B'way Musical New York-Lena Horne, who has been tempted many times to star in a Broadway musical, has finally gotten permissioA from her M-G-M bosses to head up a Page 3 "St. Louis Woman," written by Arna Bontemps, with music by two top notch songsmiths, Harold Ar– len and Johnny Mercer. S. Gross, who will produce the musical, is a producer of last season's Broad– way hit ''Chicken Every Sunday." The committee appreciates the splendid cooperation it receives from the state courts and the dis– trict attorney's office, as well as from the draft boards, sheriff's of– fice, police department and the state board of ' parole and proba– tion. Members of the present commit– tee are Henry S. Gray, chairman; Irvin Goodman, secretary, and Walter Klein. Broadway show. Next fall she will Red Cross needs three thousand head the cast of what promises to I additional paid workers, trained be a smash success. The show will and untrained, for Army and be produced by Edward Gross with I Navy hospitals. Call your Red M-G-M backing. It is entitled Cross chapter. Bradford Prescribes a - ~ ~~ BREEZE through spring and into the hot weather in Casual Sport Clothes that "pay off" in comfort and fine appearance! BRAD– FORD'S colorful stock awaits your selection! It will be a pleasure to show you how VARIED your wardrobe can be-and how nicely the cost will fit your budget. SPORT COATS Your jacket ''makes" your Casual outfit. Choose it wisely! Be sure to see ours ... to $29.50 SPORT JACKETS Come in and see our wide assort– ment of good looking, comfortable styles! $10.95 to $32.50 7th WAR LOAN DRIVE Dteid~ today to defeat th~ Japs– th~ 111ay e'l'tTy patriotic h o m e • frontc can - Buy mort War Bonds. * ·Slacks Wear 'em for golfing, with a sport jacket to informal parties, at the resorts, around the house or in business! •• Comfortable • • per– fectly tailored and fin– ished. Checked and p Ia i n. Own several pairs! to $15 SUNDAY, JUNE 17 You know Dod!-He says he never wonts any– thing-but o ·sports shirt or a pair of slacks or a sport coot will tickle him pink! Shop for DAD at Bradford's! SPORT SHIRTS Men, here ore the kind of shirts you can't hove too many of! Solids or plaids-come in and see em. S2.95 to $12.50 LEATHER JACKETS For the best in durable all• weather smartness, see BRAD• FORD'S. $ 16.50 to $29.50 S. W. CORNER 4TH AND WASHINGTON