
Page 8 The· OBSERVER July 31, 1945, week is talent night. Future pro- church, is now p.astor of the Bap– grams are planned to be given in tist church at Berkeley, Calif., was the Center's auditorium. All resi- guest speaker at the morning ser– dents of Gagley Downs possessing vice. The Singing Sentinels, pre– talent of any type wishing to par- sented an artistic musical program ticipate, are requested to be pres- Sunday evening. Their usual pro– ent at 7 :30 p. m. m the social gram fee was donated to Pipe Or- room. gan fund. * * * Each Thursday evening at 8 :30 p. m. sound moving pictures are offered in the gymnasium to the general public for the small ad– mission of 5c. A feature, serial and cartoon are shown. * * * Mr. Arnold Jones of 4622 N. E. Sixth street, Portland, Ore., has been added to the staff of Bagley Downs Recreation Center replac– ing Mr. Stanley Bell of Burton Homes. Mr. Jones will be in charge of the boxing program and assist in the promotion of teen-age llllilllllllllllltllllrllllllllllllllllllltlllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Visit the SUBWAY GRILL for Fine Food 1340 North Crosby East End of Broadway B;idge Phone MU 9835 for Reservations ARTHUR COX, Manager 111/JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII f:-~-··-··-··-11·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··+ i Phone: VErmont 9025 1 i Phone EAst 9044 ~ activities. Open 10 a.m.to4a.m. I Charlene's Beauty Box ! Manicuring - Facials I Hair Styling NANCE'S PLAYHOUSE Specializing in BARBECUE STEAKS, CHICKEN and CHOPS D. L. NANCE, Prop. Dinners 12 to 5 ~I N. E. CHERRY COtJRT Rhythm Round..Up mighty singer and entertainer, Iiams of Berkeley, Calif., are, house leaves the Capitol this week for guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. an indefinite stay of the Clover Ivey of S. E. Tibbetts. Rev. Wil– Club. Iiams is the former pastor of Mt. (Continued from Page 2) Olivet Baptist church. Shangri-la audiences have had s • l N spine tingling sensations listening OCla otes Bagley Downs News to his solos on both. (Continued from Page 2) Beginning Tuesday, July 24, Our prediction is that musicians Mr. and Mrs. William Harris and continuing weekly throughout of the same quality as the Callen- of 2035 N. E. Rodney returned the remainder of the year, a chil,. der Trio will be difficult to obtain Sunday from a 10-day vacation in dren's carnival day will be held in for a stay in Portland unless ade- British Columbia where thev vis- the gymnasium and on the ath– quate equipment is to be provided ited friends in V;ncouver and Vic-jlecti_c field of Gagl~y Downs R~c­ for their performances. toria. The trip was made both reatwn center. Active and passive Mary Simmons continues to sing ways by plane. Mr. Harris is an games will be featured for mass those thrlling torch numbers and electrician m Kaisers Shipyards. participation. Various awards will a few semi-classics. Mrs. Harris is a Project Service be presented . . B~b Russell was. solid "on" with I worker in Bagley Downs, Van- Wednesday evening of each h1s fme trumpet nffs at the Pull- couver, Washington. man Porters' dance Tuesday night. -- Al Pierre's sax man is groovy Mr.· and Mrs. Eddie Akers, with his vocals, too. formerly of Burton Homes, are Leon Warwick of Los Angeles, now residing in Portland, 65 N. E. Hancock. Mrs. Akers is secretary to Leo Randall of Vancouver KEYSTONE LUNCH 1461 N. Williams Avenue Men's Day at Bethel The annual observance of Men's day was held at Bethel A. M. E. church. Rev. J. D. Williams, for– mer pastor of Mt. Olivet Baptist Phone BRoadway 5395 j Scalp Treatment a Specialty j 1409 N. Williams Avenue i •.I _carrie Davis - Maddie Davis Operators i I ETOILE COX, Mana.ger +--··--··-··-··-··-·-··-··----+ "Credit to All" Open Fridays until eight p. m. ARBITMAN'S NEW YORK OUTFITtiNG 00. Full Line of Ladies' and Men's WEARING APPAREL 1007-1011 S. W. Washington Portland, Ore. Phone MU. 9523 Night, GA 2'129 A VRITT'S GARAGE Truck and Auto Repairs 8'707 N. VANCOUVER AVE. PORTLAND, OBBO~ Call BEacon 1133- Ask for Housing. ROY LOMBARD I Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Price of Vanport left Wednesday on a mo– tor trip to Texas on business. Mrs. Price is a te~cher in Vanport City Breakfast ~ Lunch ~~:=:=::;::=:=::=::=:=:=:=:=::;:=:=:= Dinners The Victory Club • Expert Laundry and Dry Cleaning · Curtain CtlTe a Specialty PROMPT SERVICE ASK YOUR FRIENDS KITTY'S for FRIED CffiCKEN AND OYSTERS 1712 N. E. Victoria MU 9369 MEDLEY I HOTEL CAFE Excellent Food Serving All Meals and Short Orders F'IRST CLASS SERVICE schools. Rev. and Mrs. James D. Wil- New Mayer Hotel Rooms by Day, Week or Month Reasonable Rates Excellent Location - Near all Trolley Lines N. W. 4th a.t Gll.san. SHORT ORDERS 24 Hour Service Mrs. Hazel Johnson, Mgr. SHASTA CAFE and LOUNGE I BREAKFAST - SHORT O~ERS SOUTHERN STYLED DINNERS SOFT DRINKS - MUSIC OPEN 24 HOURS Comer NW Glisan at 4th Ave. l -··-··-··-··-··-··-··--·--·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-·-·t JACK'S ELECTRIC SERVICE I Appliance and Household Repairs i 1466 N. E. Williams Court VErmont 9483 DELUXE CAFETERIA OPEN 24 HOURS - DISTINCTIVE FOUNTAIN SERVICE - RECREATION ROOM ROBERT SEEGUR, Man~r WALTER WARE'S COCKTAIL BAR SERVICE PARTY ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION 638 EAST BURNSIDE STREET • EAst 4357 Portland, Oregon 1 "" y y ..,..- •• y. T y. y. y y •• y T T T ... _,..- T T The Charter Members of the COTTON CLUB 215 MAIN STREET, VANCOUVER, WASH. Invite you to avail yourselves of their f Prompt Efficient Service. I f TRinity 1773 lj j Service Calls i 2274 N. Interstate Ave. Open 7 A. M. to '11 P. M. ENTERTAINMENT and .RECREATIONAL QUARTERS Deluxe Mo,lern Restaurant Serving Ali Meals PAYROLL CHECKS CASHED - NO CHARGE j JACK CUIE, Licensed Electrician j I ______ __.:~.f.•-u-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-•-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-••-+la ________________________• BEB.BERT LEWIS, Prop. r