July 31, 1945 The OBSERVER Page 7 I M C C 0 rd 's S P 0 r t B r 1 • e s rrctor of Badley Downs, staged a s i2;:mtic boxing show Tuesday. "hn·h e thrilling action- packed br:uts \Hre put on before a large Sgt. Auderley is the former cap- i 1 udience. +·-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-·1-11-MII-1+ I 1 !RECORDS NEEDLES ELECTRICAL ACCESSORIES Automotive Service Quick, Reliable Service on all Makes of Cars • Gas, Oil, Lubrication and Car Wash • Body and Fender Work a Specialty • Auto Painting • Motor Rebuilding * * N. We!dler St. at Williams Ave. CURTIS McCORD, Manager Portlander Wins North– west Golf Championship The mammoth Northwest Golf tournament sponsored by the Leis– ure Hour Golf and Bridge club was won by Shelby Golden, Port– land's top flight golfer. High rank– ing golf players from all major cities in the Northwest and as far away as Denver, Colo., gathered in Portland over the week-end and practiced their favorite shots on East Moreland courses, prepara– tory for the big touranment Mon– day, July 30. Early Monday morning, the players teed off. Late Monday aft– ernoon, when the final cards were checked, it was revealed that Shelby Golden had defeated the tain of the Air Base Bombers team, 1 The popular , 0 ftball team of who won the championship in 19+3 Bagley Downs Athletic club con– under the direction of E. Shelton Hill. • • • Roy·Miller K. O.'s Acosta Roy Miller, the punching mar– vel from Kansas City, continued his winning ways Friday night at the City Auditorium by knocking out the highly touted Mexican I fighter from Los Angeles, Ray Acosta, in the third round of their scheduled 10-round bout. nected with the Recreation Center, defeating the Vancouver Boomers 14-2, increasing their first place lead to four games in the Van– couver City National Tee.n-Age league. The team, coached by Mr. W. Williams, is to date unde– featei:l. MADRONA RADIO & RECORD SHOP 538 N. BROADWAY PORTLAND 12, OREGON ! Dorothy Ga=ett, Mgr. MU 9535 f +·-··-··-··-··-··-··-11·-··---·--·+ MEDICAL AND mSOELLANEOUS heavy favorite and last year's The fight was even up to the time of knockout. Acosta appeared very confident, rushing Miller around the ring. Miller remained cool, boxing beautifully and watch– ing for an .opening. It came in the third round and quick as a flash Miller's right fist traveling no more than six inches exploded on Acosta's jaw and that was the end. The two had previously fought a draw ir:; Los Angeles. This was the first time in 75 fights that Acosta had been counted out. SERVICE champion, James Marshall, Seat– DIRECTORY DR. CARL R. VICKERS DENTIST 14'71 N. E. WIWams Court, PortlaDd VErmont4208 ROBER'!' N. JOYNER, JR., M. D. PhySician and Surgeon Otfices: 1415 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon VErmont 4404 or BEacon 3181 GOODMAN & LEVENSON Attorneys at Law 1002 Spalding Building Portland, Oregon ATwater 7494 WILLIAMS AVENUE U.S. 0. 6 N. Tillamook Street Portland, Oregon TRinity 4.1115 MRS. BEATRICE REED Lieensed Funeral Director a.t HOLMAN & LUTZ MORTUARY N. E. 14th & Sandy "Your 'nto't in Flowers" LIND & POMEROY flowers !'716-26-!8 N. E. UNION AVE. 'As near as your Telephone' GArfield 1181 MRS. BEATRICE REED Licensed Funeral Director Lady .&ttnulant Holman & Lutz Colonial Mortuary East 14th and Sandy Blvd. "So Much in Service , .• So Little in Cost" tle. The first flight was won by Rudy Mason of Seattle and John Minor, Jr., won the second flight. Minor was also awarded a special prize for being the best dressed golfer. The tournament interest is growing by leaps and bounds. Next year it may be held in Denver. The visitors were recipients of many social courtesies while in the city. .. * • Baseball · Sgts. Edward Auderley and James Stokes, mainstays of the Air Base baseball team, left Saturday by plane, accompanying the team to Boise, Idaho, where they met the Idaho State champions. Idaho defeated the Base 5-3. In the semi-final "Snooks" Lacey gave Cal Roberts of Brem– enton a boxing lesson, winning the decision by a wide margin. Roberts is a good boxer and a hard punch– er, but Lacey's speed and exper– ience were too much for him. Lil Abner in a real "donny brook" knocked out Joe Wagner in the fourth round. Kelly Jackson was decisioned by a fast stepping lad from Van– couver. Willis \Villiams, recreation "Every Day is a Holiday" ... at The DUDE RANCH "Pleaswre Spot of the West'' Dining- Dancing- Entertainment BAR SERVICE SPECIAL FEATURE NIGHTLY The Red Callender Trio Dance Music by BANJOSKI and His Sextet Open 8 p. m. until 2:30. Closed Every Wednesday 240 N. BROADWAY PORTLAND 12, OREGON / ______ Try the staggered hours of travel way! YOU will realize there is a difference in the ride when you adjust your travel time to "staggered hours". It means less rush-hour crowds. Less congestion means cars can move faster. Discover the time best suited for you, a little earlier or later than usual may be less crowded. Whenever possible co. operate with the staggered hours plan by riding before or after the busy morning and evening rush hours , , , loads are lighter then. Once tried you'll agree it's a more com– fortable ride. 0
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