P~e 6~--------------------------~T~h~e~O~B~S~E~R~V~E~R--------·-------------July 31. 1945 UrbanLeagueGets $5,000 Gift From Clothing Workers Fund Chairman Elmo Roper, praised Urban League effort on behalf of community welfare, the eradication of discrimination and intolerance. SPORTS SCENES Photo (1) New York-The Amalgamated Race Tension Study Clothing Workers of America, At Vanport Aug. 13 CIO, presented $5000 to the United Urban League Service Fund · this week. The amoupt was raised by a five-cent assessment of each ACWA member in the Miller and Lacey with • Red Callender Trio in background do a little imaginary boxing for Ob– I server photographer. I Photo (2) Visitors on hand to witness awarding of prizes to winners of Leisure Hour Golf tournament at the Fraternal Hall Lounge Mon– day ~;vening, July 30th. Greater New York area, marking the first time in ACWA history that such an assessment has been made for an organization gift. (Continued frqm Page 1) forced to eat, sleep and purchase property or clothing, have grown progressively worse and are not just restricted to certain areas in Portland. Photo (3) "We definitely believe that con- Walter Ricks, Vernon Gaskin centrated, consecrated action by and Shelby Golden complete a church women should make it pos- memorable day as Golden receives Jacob S. Potofsky, ACWA's sible for Negroes to eat without trophy as champion golfer in the general secretary-treasurer, who embarrassment and humiliation in Leisure Hour Golf Club tourna- presented the check to League public places." ment. -Photos by Hutcherson. Make Weisfield & Goldberg Your Headquarters for Bars Decanter Sets Tontilus Sets • • • Bar Sets Miniature Bars Beverage Sets Wine Glasses Tray and Serving Sets All Kinds of Glassware Whiskey Glasses OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P. M. WEISFIELD & GOLDBERG Jewelers WASHING':fON AT SIXTH OREGON FRATERNAL ASSOCIA'NON 1412 N. Williams Avenue +-··-·-"·-·---·-·--··-·-··-·-----·-·--·--·-··-··-·-+ I I ! f ! ' 1 i t GASOLINE I NIGHT LUBRICATION SERVICE AUTO SUPPLIES SCHRIVER'S ASSOCIATED SERVICE i • l t I I f ! 315 N. Broadway j I Phone MUrdock 9797 Portland, Oregon f +-"-"_'_.,_.,_,_,_n_.,_.,_,._,._,._,._.,_.,_,._,._.,_,._.,_.,_,_,l
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