OBP_Portland Challenger_1953 Jan 23_v1 no20

Eliot Elementary School to Be Two Story Building Above is the model of the new Eliot elementary school which was designed by Portland axchilects Burns. McNeil & Schneider. To be locaied between N. Gantenbein and Page streets on Flint avenue, .the building will consist of two stories and will be built: of reinforced conc:rete with brick veneer. I.t will have eight classrooms. (Oregon Journal picture.) VERDELL RUTHERFORD 833 PIIE '5HAVEQ S"'" PORT1.ANO QR 972'2 New Eliot Plons Loid By Boord Construction of the New Eliot school, for which bids are now being called, is expected, by Dr. Paul Rehmus, superintendent of Portland schools, to begin about the first of March. It is anticipated that the building will be ready for use by September, 1954. J The site selected for the new school is bounded by North Flint and Gantenbein a v e n u e s, Page street and three-fourths of the block south of Page. This area is adjacent to the park between Page and Russell streets which will be utilized as the main play area and only a small portion of the school site will be used as a playground for kindergarten children_ The two-story school is to have facilities available during the B R I • SI f d summer for use in conjunction . us ID a e I with the park at all times. This Vol I, No. 20 ----- Po)'"'t l o..n d F T lk H will include locker and shower tt Cltfft' I or a ere room privileges. Earlier plans for I a one-story structure covering a Slated to speak Friday, Feb- larger plot were turned down by ruary 6, at the First Methodist the ~chool district because of exchurch. S. W. 12th avenue and cess1ve costs. Taylor street, is Bayard Rustin, Although it is estimated that 80 noted peace worker. He is also per cent of the pupils will be scheduled to appear before the : Negro, as is the case at HoUaday Portland City club the followin" : school now, it is anticipated that Friday. 0 the new structure will accommoPortland. Oregon, Friday, January 23, 1953 PRICE 10 CENTS Rustin has just returned fror.1 date many pupils who now at- ----------- a summer in Eu.rope: and _ frh~:t tend Holladay, Irvington and where he observed first-hand the Boise schools. Comm •l 11ee Plans I I stru~g.le of the people. In Africa The new building will house I he v1s1ted the Gold Coast, Nigeria 16 classrooms and special rooms E and French West Africa. for home economics, industrial qua I RI• ghls Ac11· on His trip and lecture tour were arts, kindergarten and a standard \ sponsored by the American sized gymnasium. There will also Under the chairmanship of E. J. "Bill'' Ireland, Molalla Friends Service Committee in co- ::ri:1u!e: :af::~~nation audibusinessman, the Oregon Committee for Equal Rights, sue- :::~~~n~·i th Fellowship of Rec- Tentative boundaries for the cessor to the United Committee for Civil Rights, is drafting a In March, 1949 Rustin was sen- ne wschool's districts wJ!J be Unproposal relating to discrimination by places of public accom- tenced by the courts of Nor!h ion avenue, Holladay street, the odation, resort or amusemnt because of race, religion, color, Carolina to serve 30 days on the ri\•er a nd ei th er Graham, Stanton d f d . or Morris streets. or national origin for presentation! . . . roa gang or isob~ying southto Oregon's 1953 legislature. elude ~r apply to any mshtut1on, ern Jim Crow ]a,vs during a bus Much opposition to the site seIncluded in the equal rights or- bona f_1de club or place of accom- I trip two years previously. A re- lected was raised earlier on the ganization is the NAACP and Ur- mo~ah~n,. re~ort or amusement. port authored by him, •·Twenty- grounds that the area it will serve ban league. The group is still in w~1ch 1s m 1ts nature distinctly two Days on the Chain Gang," is in a process of transformation the process of organizing and private. . . . was published durmg August of from a residential to an industrial more support is expected from . ~e~alty [or d1stmchon of an that year and resulted in prison neighborhood. A sub~equently the groups and agencies that sane- 10d1v1dual because of his race, reforms in that state. conducted study showed that altioned the Committee for Civil national origin, religion or color In 1951 he spent five months though the neighborhood was beRights which was active in Port- that leads to discrimination in a in Chicago working on the after- coming industrialized it was at a land in 1949 during which time public place will not be less than BAYARD RUSTIN math of the Cicero riots. rate slower than that of the city the city council passed 3 civil $100 nor more than $500, accord- Pacifist .to speak here He is a graduate of City CoJlege as a while. The area is now clasrights ordinance which was later ing to the present provisions o... l4'!' of New York and \Yilberforce sified as being predominately rejected by the people. th~ ~~~-committee of seven law-JJYleier & Frank I u":i\:r~:t ~~~~hodist address ..light industrial."' Passage Favorable yers, George Dysart, Shirley H" J J N s!ated to start at a p.m. i 3 I Sec. 34.65 (el, P. L. & R. If the state of Oregon passes Field, Kenneth Kraemer, Sidney Ires • • unn ______ U. S. POSTAGE the proposed civil rights legisla- Lezak, U. G. Plummer, David p JUD tion, it will become the 19th state Robinson and Don Willner, drew Meier & Frank company, one Don 1· H I PORTL.fu~. OREGON to enact such laws insuring equal- up the proposed bill. Plummer is of the largest department stores a Jon e ps Permit No. 816 ity to all its citizens. John Holley chairman of the NAACP legal re- on the Pacific Coast. recently I u b L I of the Urban league said, "As- dress committee. hired Josiah J. Nunn, married r an eague pects for passage appear to be Vice presidents of the Oregon and the father of two children good, providing enough of the Committee for Equal Rtghts are: as a part time clerk. Nunn is cur: A substantial financial dona- (air-minded citizens make their Bishop Benjamin Oagwell, Father rently stationed on the main floor tion to the Portland Urban leawishes known to the legislature." Thomas Tobin, Rabbi Julius No- in the men's furnishing depart-\ gue by Wentworth and Irwin, He noted that the Oregon Com- del and Dexter Fairbanks. ment. Portland auto firm. has helped mittee for Equal Rights is com- Secretary of the committee is A member of Delta Alpha chap- to eliminate a 1952 debcit and posed of organizations all over Otto Rutherford. Attorney U. G. t~r of Kappa Alpha Psi frater- is aiding the league in getting the state. Plummer is treasurer. nity, Nunn graduated from Lew- underway projects which have The bill itself will require full IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUUUUIUIIIIIIIIUTIUIIIUUlll\11111111--llllllllmnmnnn is and Clark college. He holds • 1 been proposed !or 1953 accordind ~nd equal accommodations, ad- INSIDE-Tum to page 4 for mnster's degree in Administration to o!ficials of the urban l@agu~ I vantagc.s, faciiltics nnd privileges a page full of pictures of the from the University of Portland oflice. of any place of public accommo- Christmas and New Year's hol- and has done work on his Ph. D. In a letter from Charles W. dntion, resort or amusement, iday activities and relive the at the University of California. Wentworth, an executive of the without any distinction, discrim- happy spirits of these gay, easy- Nunn formerly worked at Lip- auto company, a member of the inntion or restriction on account going days. It's another first- man \yolfe department store as Urban league. the firm expressed of roce, religion, color or national a feature of the Challenger-r ass1stnnt bu?'er. its support of the tenets of the origin be accorded nny person the Northwesi's bi-monthly Although he 1s a part tim.e em- Urban league nnd commended withm the jurisdiction of the stale serving 5,000 readers with a ploye at Meie~ & Frank. he _has the league.'s work in the field of of Oregon. newspaper that is meant for the full benefits of n full ttme race relations. The letter asked Private Clubs Exempted .them. worker. He has been in Port- that .the amount of the donation I The proposed bill does not in- g111 ll land since 1945 be thh ld "_'"_'"_,_,_ . '\ w, • . I

Page Two PORTLAND CHALLENGER Kay's Notations Vickers Named Education Chief Kathryn H. Bogle, Social Editor ThQmas Vickers. exalted ruler A surprise to many of their friends was the marriage. last of Billy Webb Lodge 1050, was Wednesday morning, of Mrs. Mary Alexander and Albert named state director al education at the midwinter conference of Morton. They were married quietly in Vancouver in the pres- the Northwest States Association ence of only their immediate families and close friends. held in Yakima last week. The Mrs. Orval Rae.. niece of Mrs. Alexander, and Mrs. Bennie appointment was made by the Hamilton, daughter to Mr. Morton, attended the bride. Grand Lodge. Mrs. Morton wore a navy wool ------------ Vickers is a teacher at Boise ensemble with a white topper and I las, Senator Wayne Morse, Dr. elementary .schoo1. He was ina navy and white cloche. Her car- Harold _Taylor, Norman ~ousins,1stalled as exalted ruler of the sage was a white orchid. and Abee Thompson. editor of Billy Webb lodge January 10 at Immediately following the cere- Seventeen. . . Prince Hall mony the bridal party went to the . Harold hails from Yakima, The Yakima conference was home of Mrs. Mary M. Duncan \llashmgton, and wh~le attendi_ng held to plan for the annual conwhere more friends gathered to ~Hege h~re, makes h1s home with vention which is to begin May add their felicitations Afterward his couSms, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. 22 in that city. Delegates came the party of ten prog;essed to th~ Taylor. from Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Mallory hotel for a delightful wed- Isadore ~aney Jr. left by pl~e Bremerton, Pasco and Anchorage ding breakfast with toasts to the Sunday ru~ht !or . Hunter Air to attend the conference. happy couple offered in cham- Fforhc~ Bhasel_dm Ge 1 orgia1 at lhe e~tdhl M/Sgt. Joseph Brooks, Philao 1s o i ay eave spent w1 . . pagne. his mother, Mrs. Isadore Maney delphia, Penn., brought greetings Later in the day, the newlyweds Sr. fr.om the Grand Exalted and ~as motored to Seattle for a brief Th t" f 1 d t his personal representative. honeymoon. They were guests spen;r: ~:~~ ~::k :i~d s ~ 0 ;:at~ Brooks was initiat~d into the B~- there in the home of Mr. and Mrs. tle viisting his uncle and aunt, ly Web~ Lodg_e m Portland 111 Joseph Murrell. The Murrells Mr. and Mrs. Dan Saunders. and 1944 while stationed at the Portfeted the pair at dinner, and Mr. his brother-in-law and sister, Mr., land Air Base. and Mrs. Richard Artis . were and Mrs. Leslie Caner. Fortlanders Attend breakfast hosts next day m the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Flowers en-1 Morton's honor. tertained at dinner honoring Isa- Portlanders who attended the Upon the Morton's return to dore before he left Portland, and confab included: U. G. Plummer, this city, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ellis had Louis Scott, Lillard Evans, HerMaddox entertained them at din- several friends in for cocktails to bert Lewis, Oliver E. Smith, ner. Places were laid for eight. bid the popular lad a "happy George Randall, Oliver E. Smith Mr. and Mn. Guy Holmes and landing.'' Jr., Miss Anna Morrison, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Duncan were pre-nup- Mrs. Henry Creal (Virginia Hattie Jones, Mrs. Elsie Ote.1, tial hosts for the couple. Newby) was the honored guest 1 Mrs. Lillard Evans and Mrs. RerMr. and Mrs. Morton are at when Mrs. Robert Fouther, Mrs. I bert Lewis. home at 3956 NE. Twelfth street. Arthur Shepherd and Mrs. Orval Host to Vickers' installation Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire Rae entertained 24 friends at Mrs. were the Buffaloes and Lodges' have returned from a month's va- Rae's home on Tuesday evening. booster club. Deputy Frederick cation spent with relatives in Mrs. Creal has a February date Chew, Tacoma, Wash., presided. Athens, Alabama and in Chicago. with the stork and the girls show-! Installed with Vickers were: Mrs. Herman c. Baker has re- ered her with gifts for the Creal James Walden, Leading Knight; turned from Kansas City, Kansas, I heir. . . Lillard Evans, Lecturing Knighti whc:re she went because of the A poSl-holiday party with a James Watson, Loyal Knight; L. death there of her mother, Mrs. festive ~d gay spirit was the one C. Ellison, treasurerj Harry Rob- i Laura Harrison. for which Mrs. Ral_ph Flowers! inson, Inner Guard; Ross NewMrs. Ervin M. Flowers plans to was hostess last Fnday a_t the by, Tyler; and Oliver E. Smith, I leave this week for a month's visit home of Mrs. Vernon Gaskin. Esquire. Trustees are Huren P. .. h 1 t" . J ks ill Members of Beta Iota chapter Smith and Edgar Slaughter. wit re a ives in ac onv e, of Iota Phi Lambda sorority and . . . . Florida. their escorts were guests at the I Vickers said the reactlvahon Henry Johns is home again affair. Mrs. Flowers served a j of the yout~ ?:ogram and a greatfrom Paris Texas His father who thr d" •th games er responsibility to the youth uf was seriou~ly ill there, is no~ re-. dee-co~rset mnomepr,lewte1 the eve- all races is the lodge's aim for i an music o c 9 3 "0 k ·th b ·u cuperating satisfactorily. , . 1 5 . ur wor w1 oys w1 Little Stanley Reed Jordan. the I rung. . . 11 be a major part of the task set . Charles E. Wdhams was before us" stated Vickers "We nme-month-old son of Mr. ~d among many Portland university must do o~r part in the co~unMrs. Stanley Jordan was chris- students who went to Seattle for . . . tened Sunday by Rev L o Stone b 11 th 1ty to aid the program against de- . · - the basket a games over e li " at SL Philip's Episc0pal church. week end. He squeezed in a quick nquency. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. trip to Vancouver, B. C., too. ,------------, Carl Deiz. Grandparents are Mr., . Atherton's Jerry Turner, Mrs. u. s. Reed. Liltle Karen Deiz had her fir_st Mr. John w. Settle is the infant's birthday marked with a party m p great-grandfather. her honor Sunday afternoon. H~r e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl DeIZ, invited a dozen of the toddler' r ;:;et (with their parents) to celebrate the day. Prize Winner The January issue of "Seventeen" presents an excerpt from a prize-winning essay written by Harold Johnson. a first year student at Portland university. Guests at Karen's party were: s 0 n a J FREE ICE CREAM CONE! Harold was awarded second prize, a $100 bond and a silver Joyce and Harold Gaskin Jr., Diane Wagner, Karen Haynes, Rita Mary Bastiste, Suzan Lewis and Lari White. i This coupon entitles one u17" pin for his essay which was1~------------; among 4,000 submitted to the magazine last June by high school seniors from all over the nation. Contestants wrote to the theme: "How differently I would plan my future if I knew world peace were assured for the: next 50 years." Portions taken from :;even essays considered most outstanding were gathered to make the magazine's current article, "New Year, New World." American Colonial Home NE 78th Ave. near Glisan Approxlma.tf:IY l 600 flfl, ft. main floor; dining room; a1•wlng-room; lihrary; 4 large !JedroomH; wardrc,bf: c lol'lf:ts; doublo plumbing; full tm.11f•ment; oll AC furna..cc; ow·rsl;:<.•d lot. $15,000. TWETEN REALTY CO. 408 SW 4th AT 8468 t y child to a free ice cream cone if accompanied with i a parent. C e January Special c Eggnog Ice Cream r e a m 3337 N. Williams Ave. Friday. January 23, 19S3 Real Oldtimers Take Time Out If expressions mean anything, the thoughts of Dr. DeNorval Unthank, left. and Cliff Jackson, right, may read like this: "Whew, Doc, look at that!" "Uh huh, nothing to it brother Jackson." FOR SALE---'40 Ford Tudor, radio and heater, good shape. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTS All new tires. $225. Gordon's FUms for Sa.le - Ptlme Devolope4 Hancock Service, 3440 N. Wil- Baltzegar's Photos Iiams Ave. MU 9855. FOR RENT-One room and kitch- With or Without Appointment enette apartment. 307 N. E. Far- 122 NE Failing MU 5735 go St. Smgle women only. MU 9912. ,-------------, Inventory Sale BETTER CLEANING ELLIS CLEANERS John Ellis, Prop. PICK UP & DELIVERY 3304 N. Williams WE 3898 SHIRTS 2.69 2 for 5.00 Daveno and Rocker 119.95 TIES Half Price Save at Daveno and Club Chair 139.95 Mlr ' ro 1;d!s9m Cohn Bros. Furniture Broadway ai Alder 1831 N. E. Union w a C h The Friendly Store terms ~~~u~s ~ - . BROADWAY AT M llS PORTLAT.OUGON January Shoe Sale Children's Shoes (values to 4.99) 2.99 Women's Casuals (values to 4.99) 2.49 Men's Dress Shoes (values to 9.95) 5.95 and 6.95 GA 1257 r e p a i r Sav-mor Shoe Store 2526 N. E. Union Avenue Judg<:s in the essay competition Eugene Tweten, TA 7876 w1:rC::. Justice William O. Doug- L------------~ ~-----------~!.__________________________. it's smart to SAVE there's no substitute for a BANK savings account (4/ ANY BRANCH FIRST NADONALBANK ~ OS POAT-.AAD ~lffS lllflO Ol!lGON fOGUHU"" Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician With: The Zeiler Funeral Williams Ave. At Stanton St. • Chapel Day or Night TRinity 1155

Fri,day, January 23, 1953 WILLIAM A. HILLIARD EDITOR AND PUBLISHER TED BURGER RICHARD BOGLE JR. MANAGING EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR 33'()0 North Williams Avenue. Portland 12. Oregon MUrdock 4092 Published every other Friday in Portland, Oregon. The Challenger is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. SUBSCRIPTION RATES l 0 Cen1s per copy $2.SO per year Need New School Plans to construct the new Eliot school on a site adjacent to the park at N, Flint avenue and Russell street has raised considerable objection from some interested citizens. It is estimated that construction will begin early in March and that by September, 1954, the two-story, 16 classroom school; complete with a standard-sized gymnasium and a convertible auditorium and cafeteria will be ready for occupancy. Most criticism is based on the observaton that the area in which the site is located is considered to be in transition from a residential to an industrial nature. The city Plannng Commission determined the site after being advised by the School District that there was a need for a school west of Union avenue. Since the condemnation of the old Eliot school, Irvington, Holladay and Boise school have been taxed to provide the educational facilities and accommodations for the children from the old district. Area Industrialized YORTLAND CHALLENGER News In Brief By William Wright Challenger Staff Writer Twins Gerald and Patsy Goren were surprised by Rev, and Mrs. R. E. Donaldson and Bennie Webb on their 19th birthday, January 14, with a party. The twins entertained 20 guests and cut a huge birthday cake with candles and all the trimmings. Both received many gifts and the guests took part in various games. Melvyn Smith1 still serving in the medical division of the navy and stationed on a hospital ship at sea1 became the father of a girl recently. Smith married while home on leave. His wife is with relatives in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wright, son little Stephen and daughter Mercy Ann are now residing in Seattle. Also living in Seattle is Frank Thompson. Lavell Broadous celebrated his fifth birthday at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Manus, 3615 N. E. 9th avenue, last week. He is the son of S. Q. Broadous. Gone to Sioux City where she will spend two months with her mother-in-law Mrs. Albert Smith is Mrs. Bennie Hamilton. Making the trip with her mother were little Bennie and Elontine. Anxiously awaiting May 2 is John Little and Miss Patricia Delehanty. That1s the date they have set for their wedding. Miss Delehanty is a staff worker at the Friendship House and came to Portland last year from Chicago. Little is presently associated with the House of Hospitality. Dick Bogle i sup and active again after a two-week stay at home due to the chickenpox . Leonard Harris is visiting with his parents while on leave from the air force. While Harris is enjoying leave stay and looking forward to his discharge from active service next year, Eddie Caldwell and Ed Webb are pondering the possibility of induction into the army in the near future. Both are eligible for the draft and find it difficult to make future plans with the selective service now dipping into its younger bracket in order to fill Oregon's quota. Sam Wilkinson is still stationed at Camp Roberts, Cali!., and hopes to be home for leave time in February. He is singing with an engineering group at the California base. Page Five Writer Presents Culture In Alrica By EPHRAIM LAYODE This is the third in a series of articles on Nigeria and the customs, thoughts and cultrue of the population of that African cou.1try. Layode is a native o! Nigeria, West Africa, and is currently attending the University of Portland where he is majoring in education. NIGERIA. A LEADING PROTECTORATE NATION This issue is meant to serve principally two purposes. First, it will give the reader an insight into the real li!e and culture of the indigenous African, his political past and his present aspiration., even though he is supposed to be incapable of governing himself. Secondly, being a thorough account of one specific country, a true evaluation of other African countries under an alien imperialism could be made with comparative ease. Nigeria, on the West Coast of Africa, which is more densely populated than some other countries in the world, has been chosen as a leading so-called Protectorate nation in Africa v.ith an idigenous population. The Planning Commission logically asked the question: ------------------------- Politically, Gold Coast, another nation also in West Africa1 is supposed. to be the most articulate of all the African nations, under Euroean rule, and Nigeria comes next. However, in the matter of population, area, natural resourc- w k M t G t Al ' es and future possibilities of po- "Was it justifiable to place a new sch_ool in an ar_ea which;~ going through a transition from res,_dential to m~:15tnal. After making a survey this body classified the area light Industrial" and because it was determined that this area needed a school to accommodate its children, decided to allow conOr er us e ong tentialities in British Empire, Niw . h O h s s ■ h geria is leading and has taken the Jt t ers, ays mJt place of India, when that nation obtained her independence from struction at the proposed site. Another criticism is that 80 per cent or more (estimated) of the new schoo1's pupils will be Negro, and that because of this the school should be built in another location providing more of a cross-section of racial groups. Must Cross Crowded Streets Still another group feels that pupils will still have to cross thoroughfares, to reach the new school, as they do now to reach the other schools. An alternative plan presented by this group suggests that the school district build two small schools, one on either side of Broadway to alleviate the traffic hazard to the children. The school district disapproves of this alternative because of excessive expense involved. . Regarding the first two criticisms; the prospects of mdustrialization and of becoming largely an all-Negro school, we should like to point out that regardless of these issues, we are still faced with the fundamental problem of providing educational facilities for the children of this area It has been proven that there is a definite need for a school in this area, and we By MARK A., SMlTH This is the third in a series of five articles by Mr. Smith, deputy comrmssioner of labor for the state of Oregon in the Fair Employment Practice Di\·isio~. The articles can be o! great assistance to the minority job seeker and the Challenger recommends that its readers keep the series for reference. YOU AND YOUR PERSONALITY- A friend o! mine recently told me how he got a job in a plant where he never dreamed he would ever real1y have a cha.bee to work. A few days a!ter the seemingly futile interview, he in- \·ested three cents and sent the personnel manager a note, thanking him for his consideration and corutesy and stressing his continued interest in a job with bis company. He was called to work two days later. should have it. Area Needs School It is not enough to be ambitious and determined to get ahead. It is not enough to show initiative hi h 'll and drive, you must show that The two issues mentioned point out problems w c WI you like people and know how have to be solved by other agencies. It cannot be considered to work with them. the responsibility of the school district that this_ area is larg_e- An employer does not only ly Negro populated or that it is being industrialized. The chil- think of an employee in relation dren are still living here and must be provided for educa- to his technical skill, but •• a type to fit in happily with the .t:'.'.io:':n:'.'.a'.'.l.l'.Y:~-- - ------------- ---=-:----- rest of the personnel Remember \ _ C B. the intervie\ver has a mental pie- ~ Morse Bill Hits D. . Race ias ture of the right type of person Oregon's Senator Wayne Morse introduced a bill to end segregation in \Vashington, D. C. last week. The controversial Morse said his bill would test the good faith of Eisenhower and his administration. In his campaign's whistlestop speeches, Eisenhower had said: "We should elintinate every vestige of segregation in the District of Columbia.11 Morse's bill wouId set up an anti-discriminnton commission similar to those in New York and other states. The bm would give its administrators power to enforce its orders, prohibiting segregation in schools, hotels, 1·estaurants and other places. At present the "public" schools of the capital are seg- to fill the position. He compares regaled by law. Approximately you with this mental picture. one-half of the school popula- Your personality is your ''ticket tion is Negro. Most hotels, res- of admission" to a job. taurants and motion picture Good Personality theatres ban Negroes by cus- The most common ailment tom. among unsuccessful job seeket"S Missionaries Meet The Missionary Society of Bethel AME church met at the home of Mrs. Linsley Thursday, January 15, with Mrs. Jesse Boyd presiding. Mrs. Martha J. Jameison was in charge o! the devotion. Mrs. Nelsine Campbell gave an interesting review on the book "Daughter o! Africa." After business and informal discussion, the members adjourned to refreshments served by the hostess. and job holders is the ailment of '"personality halitosis." You dare not blame your ancestors for a bad personality. And even should your parents have spoiled you1 you can still do a housecleanjog job in the realm of your personality. It takes more than physical appearance to produce an attractive personality. It is a matter of thought and training. It is a matter of social intelligence. Just as many a homely girl with an nttrnctive personality has won the engagement ring so has many a job been won from the "brain"' by an engaging personality. Be charming and people will think you wonderful. One reason why most college graduates forge ahead of the noncollege people is not the superior amount of knowledge the college people have, for they have forgotten most o! what they learned in college. But the college trained persons have learned ttJ control their emotions far better than others. The difference is one of basic personality. Loud Talkers Lose The person who is difficult 1.0 like at the start is never hired. Watch your tongue. Secretaries who talk loudly, who pop-off or who just plain talk too much don't last long as SECRETARIES. The sour-puss' once terminated is never asked to come back to work. Pleasant people gain acceptance when the sarcastic applicants are shunted off. Gentle people have a better chance than hard-boiled individuals Personality is a composite of several factors, including amiability, appearance, cheerfullness, consideration, cooperation, dependability, emotional stability, enthusiasm, friendliness, gentility, patience, politeness, reliability, self-assurance. steadlastness, sincerity, tact!ullness and tolerance. Almost without exception the average man or woman !ailing in a job or profession can !ind the reasons for failure in n searching self-examination of these personality qualities. We t1:re all too prone to give ourselves a vote of confidence on habits and mantters and attitudes acquired some time in ow· lives and never correeted. Employers usually place great emphasis on their requirements of personality in selecting men and women for employment In fact personality requirements are named first in the requiremen~ of employers more times than all other qualifications combined. Two men are fired for faulty personality traits for every one dis- (Continued on page 6) British rule. Nigeria, now the largest o! British possessions. has four main physical boundaries. The area including the Cameroons is 372,- 696 sq. miles, in other words three times more than the country which rules her, Great Britai.IL The boundaries on the north and the· \vest are French territories, on the northe-ast by Lake Chad. on the east by Cameroon and on the south by the Gull of Guinea. These physical zones are also noted by their different typical forest regions. On the \Vest coastline is a stretch of swampy mangrove forests. North of this in an az-e.1 about one hundred miles, a r~- gion o! palm trees. From these we ha\·e palm oil and palm ke.:- nels. There are other useful plants such as mahogany, oak, rubber, cola, cocoa, and cotton. The staple foods are yams, coco yams and cassava. Moving a little northeast of this region are tin mines. Here is a city, where the climate is almost the same as in England, so much so that some Europeans go there to live. It is strange enough to notice, that this particular reproven very healthy for the natives. In the north, there are very !ew trees and they are yards apart. All over, there is wonderful grassland and this region supports the greatest number of catUe in the whole country. Most o! the ortherners are cattle rearers and so they lead purely nomadic lives. A quick glance at a relief map of Nigeria, will show clearly the presence o! letter Y. This shape is being being formed by the two large rivers in the country, the river Niger and river Benu~. The two !low in opposite directions from the Northwest and the Northeast. They both meet almost in the center to form the shape, and irom there. they flow southw8rd and into the Atlantic as one st:-~am. Between the months o! November and February, the climate is dry and cold. Some people wear (Continued on page 6)

Page Six PORTLAND CHALLENGER Personality Helps To Hold Position AKAs Entertain (Continued from page 5) judged most often by your per- Y OUng W Omen charged for lack of technical sonality. knowledge or lack of skill in the Fl'equently, however, we find performance of his work. The employers who are prejudiced ~r same- type of personality defic- who, out of fear, choose to igiencies have been more than three norl the best qualities we pastimes· as important as the lack sess and to base their hiring on of skills in preventing advance- race, color, religion or nationalment. ity. Fortunately, in the state of ~rant: i~ )~ou. like, that your Oregon, there is a law against basic skill 1s hm1ted, you can still discrimination in employment bemake forward strides in the field I cause of race, color, religion ,r of suitable employment by in- nationality. specting your personality quR:1-' If you possess the necessary ities and strengthening any weak 'qualifications for the job openpoints revealed. ing and you have reason to beLearn To Adapt: lieve you have been denied an It is the adaptable person who equal chance with all other apsurvives in the competition foo: plicants to qualify for the job 011 jobs. You can go a long way m the basis of your ability you your desired career on sheer ab- should immediately refer your ility and intelligence but you can complaint to the State Bureau go a great deal farther if you pos- of Labor in the State Office sess a friendly disposition and Building in Salem, Oregon. They a winning personality. You are will help you with your problem. Swift'.,, Premium Chitterlings Fresh Neckbones (The fourth in a series of five articles entitled, '·You and a Job After 45" will appear in the February 6 issue of the Portland Challenger.) The Alpha Kappa Alpha sorol'- ity entertJined prospective members Sunday January 14, at the spacious ho~e of Mrs. Allie Jacobson. The first part of the .ifternoon was spent in getting acquainted with one another. 'l'hc program included introduction o~ members, the history of the sorority, infon11al discussion, games and refreshments. The warm atmosphere was enhanced by the friendliness of the AKA members wi16 are Mesdames Francis Williams, Emma Walker, Oteria Lott Nicholson, Allie Jacobson and Ann Jone~. An invitation was extended to graduate and undergraduate guests. The graduates invited were Mrs. Martha Jordan1 Mrs. Susie Anderson, Mrs. Ruth Spencer, Mrs. Wilba Lamar and Miss Joy Brock. Undergraduates in attendance were Misses Ann Williams, Regina Johnson, Janet Fuller, Marlene Hardy, Gwendolyn Molden, Betty Searcie and Virlyn Boyd. Services Honor A recent service at Mt. Sinai Community Interracial church honored the Rev. M. C. Cheek for eight years of pastoring duty in Portland. Rev. Cheek is the minister of the Mt. Sinai congregation. The Rev. Arthur Stanley, secretary of the Portland Council of Churches was guest speaker for the occ1 asion. Rev. Stanley spoke on '·Jesus, the Great Gift of God.'' He said he "was glad to be at the service and glad to see the church expand." Rev. Stanley commented on a pray,~r for peace that was delivered during the honoring ceremony and Culture Club Meets • The Culture club met January 14 at the home of Mrs. Mercedes Hardy with 15 members present. President Thelma Unthank presided. Plans were completed for a card party to be held February 7 at Mrs. Unthank's home. The occasion is to raise funds for their annual scholarship. FREMONT Market and Grocery Tropical Climate Uniform 1n Nigeria 3431 -3437 N. Williams Ave. MU 9995 f'REE HOME TRIAL TELEVISION CO. UHF and VHF SIO DOWN All Makeo Immediate Delivery MU 4189 (Continued from page 5) overcoats, but they do not !eel the cold as people do in America. There is no snow. In the north there is not much rain. In th~ southeast, there is a heavy rarny season between May and Septem• ber and a hot season for the In the north of the Cameroons Province, there begins the central African plateau of an average altitude of about 4,000 feet, rising in places to about 8,000 feet. In the south near the wea is the Cameroons Mountain, about 13,350 feet. It is volcanic and has been active as far back as 1922. rest of the year, with one modif- Nigeria is thickly populated. ication during the Harmattan sea- The question of population is a son (this is caused by the cold long standing dispute in the winds blowing from the north) country, because of many difficfrom November to February, ulties experienced in taking or I when it is cold, dry and windy. obtaining the correct census ()f In contra.st with other parts of I the people. The population of Nithe world, Nigeria has tropical geria now stands roughly abo11t climatic uniformity. There is no 40,000.000. The fact is, the Engexcessive cold or excessive heat. lish officials who claim to do the ING census do not really know the population with the strange family system. The Nigerians themselves know how difficult and impossible it is for their natural rulers, in co-operation with the British government to get the family heads to give a correct figure of the numbers o't the family. The reason for this is that Nigeria is mainly and essentially agricultural. There are twenty three provinces in Nigeria, with eleven largest towns and cities. LAGOS, on the extreme west coast, is the capital of Nigeria and the seat of government. The capital city is about 350,000 in population. Lillie Wysingle, Secretary IS OUR ~ ~s ! Lenn. McMillan Secretary Herman C. Plum.mer WE OFFER Lonnetta Plum.mer NEW HOMES Sanrnel Wbltney Helene JMlll:•on Built for you, "you pick the site" $450 · 10 $550 Friday, January 23, 1953 Rev. M. Cheek remembered the Booker T. Washington slogan, spoken by the Negro educator when pushed from the street insto some mud, "I will not hate anyone." Also present at the services were Atty. and Mrs. David Robinson of the Anti Defamation league. Adult Sunday school class was taught by Edward Barno, visiting from the House of Prayer. He lifted his text from Matthew 1820, first chapter. Panel Discusses Need for Law At the downtown YWCA on Thursday night the Urban League of Portland held its regular meeting and heard a panel of four discuss questions concerning the need of a civil rights law in Oregon. U. G. Plummer, of the legal redress committee of the NAACP, spoke on ,"Is It Legal"; Miss Bett.v Schneider, national director of Friendship House asked, "Is It Moral"; and E. J.' ''Bill" Ireland, general chairman of the Oregon Committee for Equal Rights, questioned, "Is It Democratic." Mark A. Smith, vice-president and chairman of the program committee of the Urban league, was moderator. Refreshments for the meeting were furnished by volunteers of Friendship House. Miss Estelle Bogner is chairman of the refreshments committee for January. SKIPPER'S !or Homemade Ice Cream DeJlclous Hamburgers Jumbo . .\!Ilk Shakes 2522 N.E. Union MU 9545 Down Payment Johnnh Hartley L. IL Blackburn Come in: Bernadette Plummer 2752 N. Williams No Down Payment on Your Own Lot FHA Approved Homes 117iiilCZ½;u" '1 Services in Real Estate Chn.rlos Wtlaon Call: GArfield 7763