OBP_Portland Challenger_1952 Oct 17_v1 no13

:F=r=id=•=Y=•=O=c=l=o=b=•r=l=7,=19=5=2=================-::-:":-0_R_T_L_A_N-=--D_C_H_A_L_L_E_l::-•'-G_E::-R----==--------------~-----P_:•_:,9e Three Shades of the Past Return In Colorful Delta's Annual Jabberwock Program Kays·Notations Kathryn H. Bogle. Social Edilor To be exr,ecled home this week to visit family and friends are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Smith of San Francisco, according to word received from them by Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams. Ladies and gentlem<:n attired Delta Sigma Theta ,orority to father po. in., ith he ch1:dr ~n m the ",1.,.hinns of the gaslight build their ,;cholar:h1p fund 101 ~•, 1, picture era stepped from th<: pages o[ the A large otudiencc in a jol1y mood Other clubs with ski - ent ·ttd fami;y alt.um on to the < tage of was quick with applause for th(; in the shov: w!!re Iota Phi Lambtht.:" Woman's club building lasl I sevl·ral ti kits pres1mted by par- d.:i sorority with ..Tales of Grand- ., l-'r iday evening. The occa~:ion was tic:ipating: clubs and for curtain ma,' L<,s ,i,..,vias who presented :.h<: third annual Jabberwock pre- numbers by individual entrant;:.. ·V/ild NC!::, The Pet uf the Plain " Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith were active in the civic and .;ented by Beta P•,i chap~r of Theme this year was •·J Re- and Kappa Alpha Psi fratemitv I member When'' and competition with thc-ir "Y Old Barber sr.oP- social life of Portland before they moved to California a half-dozen I years ago. The James E. Smiths were hosts Saturday evening at their h<ime for a dancing party for about a score of their friends. The guests are still talking aboul the fabulous array of food, gourmet items all, whic~ was served during the evening. J abberWOCk Queen Delores I was keen. pe,"' The Briclg:ateers club won the Judges were Kay \Vest Jean Judges· nod for first prize o! S25, King and Mark Smith. I and the audience gave hearty ap- Non-compeutve individual enproval. The bridg:-tteers Joketch trants were: Elinor Davis, sopwas a satire on •·Frankie and prano soloist; Edwina H11l and Johnny." Jacqueline Jac~on, dancers. HarRomance Relived I riet Brock, acoordi~,nist; and FanThose two .lovers o_f beer-bat- ;i1:;:e:~ ;a:~ 0 ;:'!is!~rnadi:tte lad fame r~hve~ ~heir romance The Delta Steppers, Yho put \~·ith Fran~ie fluu_ng and ru~t- on a live!v Charle::.ton -number Dr. J. J. Clow of Mt. Olivet ling her. sll_ken _skirts a nd wi th and later did the Car,-Can. •iA;ere k h Johnny in tight Jacket and bowl- also non-competitive. Baptist church was spea er all e er hat making love on the side Narrator for the Jabbenvoc.k first fall church night servi::e at to cute :ittle Nellie: Bly. A bari- was Cyviria Woods. Pilgrim Congregational ch u r ch tone soloist, eloquent over makelast Friday. j believe beer, rendered his sadl Scholarship Given Dr. Clow, a member of lhe Lott- tale while the actors pantomim• Carey missionary convention pil- ed the story. During the ~nterruission a queen grimage to Liberia last fall, is Hilarious moment. not on the De~ores Harns, was c r ~ w n e d much in demand as a speaker, program, came when Johnny's! •·~155 Jabberwock of 19;:,2." Her and guest of the Women's Fellow-1 dead body discovered itseif to be I ~nncess·•.s were. Barbara McDanship of the church. on the outside when the curtains tels and Olga Ann Plummer • • • closed and frantically wriggled Rec1p1c~t of the chapter·~ 1951 Mrs. Willie Cherry of Crockett, to get back under while the au- scholarship derived from JabberTexas, is making an indefinite dience roared. wock proceeds was announced as visit with her son and daughter- Second prize went to the Kwan- Mary Allc_e Lee who IS now attn-law, Mr and Mrs John Holley I zans for their "Old Fashioned tending L1nf1eld college: • • • Sewing Bee," depicting a World President of Beta Psi c~ap!er Miss Dons F1y, nurse at the \Var 1 Red Cross sewing unit is Lena Hillsman. Co-chairmen Veterans' hospital. 1s vacationing I Costuming was complete to the for this .:ear·s Jabberwock ,•·ere to be gone a month shoe wardrobe drew much com- Jean Haynes. .in Det101t, M1ch1gan She expects I last detail and their mterestmg Berniece Shepherd and Addie ment ,-------------, Mr and Mrs Charles E W1l- It's Queen Delores l and the queen shows a happy smile as Richard . . The New hams were hosts for a few friends Bogle, advertising manager of the Portland Challenger, places the C~;eC~l:u~e T!t~: was awardat their home on Sherrett street crown upon her majesty's head. She is Miss Delores Har.ris. daugh!er Paul's Paradise last Saturday evening. of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Harris, 27 N. E. Ivy street. (Photo by Lou Krohn) ed third prize for its presentation of "Daguerrotype,'' a laugh D. • R Provoldng view of mother and }ll}Iltt QQffi A board the Eisenhower train !S' ,vhen it came from Vancouver to I Portland was "Mrs. Herman C. Baker. staunch _Jtepublican. Mrs. Baker. as one of the welcoming I delegalion, met the general and Mrs. Eisenhower, too. "Pictures don't do Mrs. justice; she's lovely," says Mrs. Baker. Mrs. William (Bill) Badger is seriously ill at his home in Gearhart. LeRoy Blackburn and Albert Morton, long-time friends of Mr. and Mrs. Badger, drove down this week to visil the couple. Mrs. Aldridge Johnson. serving for the second year as president of the Intercultural Fellowship, presided at the first fall meeting of the group. They met Monday for luncheon at the home of Mrs. Cora Minor. Program chairman for the club is Mbs Carrie Wood, a retired missionary from Jndia. Vacationing in Hawaii is Mrs. Inez Duke Mayberry. PAT LONERGAN for Stale Senator Qua!Wed by Training ExpNicncc ~ l 1·.11<1 F,,r 1't1lllk,11 ,\1\\ I It was a:::iion like this that won first place for the Bridgetcers in the annual Delta Siqma Theta Jabberwock held at the Women's club recently. Embraced here are Mr. and Mrs. Yancey Frenklin. {Photo by Lou Krohn) De Luxe Barber Shop It P,iys to Look Your Best 2726 N. Williams J. C. Foster, Prop. CLIFF JACKSON Union Oil Dealer Open After Illness Sorry Expert Car Service 262 N. BToadwey MU 9840 Modrono Record Shop Your TV Headquarters for Admiral. RCA Victor Packard Bell Immediate delivery & Installation, easy term,; Also Latest Bop. Blues and Jump Ret..-ord:::- Broadway at Williams GA 1964 VOTE FOR f HIL J. RO'ffr I!.-pulilican For State hepresenia!ive Yignr..us Youn~ ( .. mp,·t1.·nt (Paid F'nr Polit .ti .-\d\·. l Work for ... ... Vote for HERMAN C. PLUMMER FOR Stole Representative I I 1d F,,r I'• lh:.tl .\d\" l Regular Dinners Short Orders Mollie Johns.on Caterer Pb. MU. 9109 19 N. Russell WILSONS SHIRT SHOP Broadway at Alder Smartest Collar Styles Pastel Colors Also Small Checks Von Chick by \'an Heusen· \Yht"re did the stitc-ht'~ go? Come in and s;('e thi~ new side '-('n:-o:ition, tOdav! $3.95 {