OBP_Portland Challenger_1952 Jun 27 v1 no5

,, -t. . I.·'--' f-"'',A __,..,.,.,.....,,___, Charlolla Bass Sees Only Hope In Progressives BY JOY BROCK Mrs. Charlotta Bass, first Ncgon to run for vier-president of the United State~. spoke Sunday evening o.t 7:30 al the Norse hall. Mrs. Bass is being supportPd by the Progressive party. Miss Bass, mentioned indirectly as being in favor of: 1) Civil VERDELL RUTHERFORD 833 NE SHAVER ST ?ORTLA~O OR 972 1 2 Rights (she said this bill went 1--------------------------------------- to Congress but when it came to VOL. L NO. 5 PORTLAND, OREGON. June 27, 1952 PRICE 10 CENTS trial, Truman had to go to Florida for a rest and catch some more fish, instead of fighting it out; 2) Lynching being made a federal law in this country; 3) Elimination of excessive taxation; 4) Elimination of remuneration for war implements; 5) Eradication of discrimination in Federal Housing: 6) 1\·fore adcquate schools and playgrounds I NAACP Members Get Together for Area Conference for our children: and 7) Sufficient Insurance anri adequate Old Age Pension (S150 per month for tiO year olds and over). Taft-Harfley Act Hit I She mentioned about the "TaftHartley law which Truman denounced verbally but never did anything about it." Then there was Eisenhower '·who continually fosters war hysteria by rearmament \Vhich," she believes, "will cventuall_y lead us into bankrup- NORTHWEST area members of the NAACP gJt together last week for their area conference ;n cy, In 1948-50 when I was cam- Vancouver, Washington. Shown above is a portion of the delegates. Pacific Coast regional director, paigning, I found no differencP' Franklin H. \\'illiams, is in front row, center with b:?ad turned. To his left is the Northwest regional di1:-etween the Republican party rector, William H. Underwood. and the Democratic party and ~~il:h~o;·~o~~c.~pt in th e ··Sharin/ Former Prizefighter Shot WAF Recruits Mrc:. Bass 1s one of the m:-tii~~';•~t~ \~"ic;,,:0 ;r::,st;1:-;~~ 'Killed Over Gambling Debt Portland Girl ~er-;onal. opinion of the two ma-1 Former prizefighter Bo.._•,ie Jor parties was recorded as say- Butler, 34. 119 N. E. Sacramento ing, "I think nothing of the two street. was shot twice la t Sun• -najor o ·s. Bol:1 P rties ar<' da" bv L.ero •Jordan.:,· ... H; d t:d ,,H'H.i,.r.~ an atnoiguay-preach- later at Emanuel hospital. ing peace and practicing war." Jordan was charged with fir.-t4 She feels that the Progressiv.:- degree murder after he walked party is the onl,v party backing into central police headquarters the late President Roosevelt's with a friend and admitted to the program. Former Eagle Editor desk sergeant that he did the shooting, He signed a full confession hand in 1~ p<1cket he fired his gun twice at him and ht.: fell to the ~tnE:t Bu. • Last Riles Held For Bethel Duo tiun. A n t:ve {If St. Ju.tph. :0,.1:.s- ::e:uuri. 11nd the d;,.,.ughte1 o.. ~l David Jennings. 2028 N. \\"11lwms avenue, she came to Po:-t• lnnd in 1941 .. nd graduated ,rorr:: Spokane awyer Hits Ordinance f Washingl n T>-ie tate r,f \Va h Ing 1 f\ :'\ f,(' '1nfy .ts ia·1; r1n a1 ""J'1 • c-tion n plac-e of p ,b e ac- ,...mod... tir,n" Attome-y ~n J id J. Roe of Spokane told th~ N t~- •••t t Area Conference of the .. fa- , c,:,a1 A -ociation for the .'\J~ a!'lr.e-?"'.e11t o CoJored Pt. plP .id'et.ng S.:i.turday in Var,co \ ~r. Roe point£-rl out t iat w·,i o, t pe 1f.:,-ing wh.:.t ccn ti• · e a pld.ce of public ucC'ommod~~ ..,n" t difflr 1t ~o e. ta. -lkn .: •f"! t •n tJ-.c o~rts. 0 .~ en £ l She was chosen tor outstanding Sunday night, according to powoman in 1946 by the Sigma Del- lice reports. • I Bethel Ai\-lE church record. Washington high scho.,,J in 19..;G, City J ..1:ie 2.; to ~9. Tf.t> \V~~--t ta Theta sorority. chosen to chris- The shooting, according to Jor- the death this \\"eek of twn of its While attending ,vashington ten the Liberty ship "James ~=~,~,::Iu~:e~n~t:ut~:r a~~~;~;;, ~:\~:rde;se;o~r~~ • ~i1 of the ~::ia~\·a~~u~~esi;~t h~ ~=o i~~e:~ Weldon Johnson,'' member of proceeds of a dice game. !\Irs. Mary Turner. 80 years president of the Jllmor Hoste~~ Eastern Star; Publisher and Ed1.:oa:-t r•g1on \\ 111 :::tnd 80 .h:le-- rates 1h15 year ;hkh will bt • ,i' largest de-1egat1on every iJt't.mt~ n~ from the Wes: coast. Offk-er~ t:lt-t:ted for the X rthJordan is alleged to have ac-told. died S;.iturday. June 21. at rlub of the USO. itor for 40 years of the oldest Ne- costed Butler on N. Albina ave- the home nf her dnughter, 11rs. In :\larch she became a mt .1 \\Est Are::i fo the lOming \.o?aT gro newspaper on the WeSt nue near Knott street after he Zepha Baker. at 6535 NE Grand ber of the Practical Nurst.: 3 o.1s- it:!: Pre:-idt,>Jlt \1.'illi..trn H_ UnCoast, The California Eagle, and haJ entered a home and obtained avenue. !\Jrs. Turner ha<l su~- ~ociation nnd i·u:c-t rt:1.:enth.· ~h ~t v.o d V,.nt·ou,er e-ele-c:ti'i.'; :i one time top worker for the Re- d d d h \' lt: P1 t~ "d~n!, . lr:-. Hu( trt 0.: P ublican party. a gun and eman e t e :11oney I fered n stroke and wns ill for reN:ivcd un Associ~•te in A :. W c: tt S , 1 She said Eisenhower was ask- Butler wa~ supposed to hm•e tak- '-t:,·eral weeks. She hnd been I.. rum :\Iultnor LJh co11ege. \Va~-'~n ··_\.a~~~~ '~~~~:~ _,·: en from h11~. I 'llember of Bt:thel church sine,· ).ti:- \\'hitsl·tt \\ ill takt:" he.,. Laed the question of favoring fed Jordan said Butler refused and she came to Portl,md from Kan- . ~-~12nt S r1et ..). .1rs. A. ~ eral law regarding equality of when he approached him with his . b t J? v a . _·1go B. ·ea\· sic tr,Hnmg: .,l Lack~and a1 lu C( Booth. S attl<- T c~ surer M.--.. education and FEP and his re-1------------• ;:~n~soo~rc ht•~es:n~~ G~org'-~ ;nd i,,~-e S~tn A ,tonic. Tt:x.:i-.. J n E'.'1:-, Y.kima buttal was "such laws should h1• , , Rov Turne . Other ~urvivu1-s Jre I . . . handled by the state, not under YOU can get a years sub: ~r;nddaughter Rov Turner Jr Pr1nctples of Fatal Shoohnn federal government.'' script1on to the Challengl•r fo1 t!rand~<>n -nml fin." g1Tal-gr;;md ... ~ Mrs. Bass mentioned that tnt• $2.50. Why not pince an order . NAACP ,vill not endorse nny with the Challenger now? Call chih.lrC'n. 11 r~. d'd f MUrdock 4092 or send your Throughout tht Yt':lr:,; can I ate or pre!-idcnt from the t name and address to 3300 North Tmner had kept h~r memht r~h P Democratil· or Rtpublican par- 1 Willi:lms. 111 the Rt..·bt'Cl'i.l Chaptu· OES in tics, nnd that is \\'hy we are in ------------• Topt•kJ. K,m~a~. need (.fa Progrtssive rah·. Tht· P.t.:\·. Jl'ssc Duyd contlurt...,l Urban League Members Meet mcmori.'.ll -.:erviccs for :\Iis. Tur ncr nt 2:30 p.m. Tu('sday, Jlll1C' ::!-l The Urb.:111 League h1..:ld anoth ing \\'1th the Anwrican Vdcrons n the Drawi1w Room Clwpcl of er meeting last Thursday, Junt- C1,.lmmith't'. gi\'ing tlwm an op- the Colonial ~1ortuary. Burial 26, for 200 m<.•mbt.>rs nt the YWCA.I portunity to present awn:ds to was in Rose City Ct·mt•ti:-ry Tht'. pro~ram consisted of an in- those chosen for oubtandin:~ con- Mrs. Mary Howard dil•d Jun...• tercstmg panel discuss.inn nn tlw tributic,ns to improve rocc rein- 20 o(lt'r a h,ng illnc:-s. .it the honw "'Ycnr .Ahead." P,1rtit'ipant..; wen· lions. The awards were prt.'sent• nf her <faughtt-:·, • Ir-;_ Di-..:if• Lt"l' T. Ln\\'son l\ikCall, public rt•la- ed t1,: JC H:m is. "/llothcr" Howard. :13 tions <.·hairman, who spoke t•n Radio Station KOIN (Lukl' mnny Ploph: , ddi es..;l'd her. \\ as "Jnflm,ncing the Public"· Mark \ Rt•bt•rts n.cnptinf! the awa ..d) for . . • • ~ · · . . . . 65 \'t·<:f!:-old. lrs. Gt;.>nc\·.._1 Hli,· I Smith, pru~ram <.'.b.iHrnum,•,~ o its origmnl adaptntwn of •·Whl1 l , 1 . J il.' TI. H O w rtl. -r'olk~ on~ IIow ~ Will Oo It": ::illt'Cl Dr. Dr..:-w'': Harold Wen- 'nt · 1 "..:: ' 1 J~ do fiv,· Abe LPo Cohn, ch:.t1rman 0f fi~ del. l'1];1i~t o!·_!..fp§n ...Y,~ dau. 1t;i-... l, \J\C' nnnce whose text w .. s ''Tlw ~fair 1.:mplonnt•nt pra<.·ti<.·t'S-·1,!r, ndc,:llllli c ' ,d l\\'ll t't'at Wht·r~' With .All "; ·•md Hobert \V tlw first ~md <.~nly stnrl' to Jun •u,m,khildre:ri Fritsd1, nwmbn hip d1•. :rrn...rn, N1.·_L,ro l'itrks; ,md Rabbi Juliur ~t' ' m 'r ~ " C'vkni l whost• subjl:ct w;.1s "\\'ho \\'1\J Nadel, for his t:!1.)qlll'nt an,1 fU1t'1 u iv tHr.., h ld t tht Do It.'' right uttl'n:nce reg,m..Hn" cl\,! dnirc-h \1 md .) , J 1w ~~l. ~lt ", Tiu re was tH·m•rnl d1:-eussion, n~ht..; mid tqut.l opi.;- 1rtunity ,, n1 ' ' t il' H1 \'. Je~· 1..' Boyd qu<.•stions ~rnd :--uggt:stions I Tht' ITil·l ting actjl11.1rnC'd '.o hut of ici.lt 1l,-! lot, ':1 nt \\",is ..• The Lc:uguc sharld tl:.cir m~d (h1i , C(.•lh:t.: rnld fcllo\\' hip, 1 incl In ~,h nor, I i·, k. !..EROY JORDAN. left. is being held on a fi:rst-df'gree mur~r charge in the city jail following the fate} sheeting ol £x-pri.t.c, ght,..,r Bowie Butler. right. Tl:.e shoo!i.ng occ..:rrcd .. .,__.:, Sur.C .. J .1 U. l .. bin.: district.

An Independent Newspaper William A. Hilliard, Editor and Publisher Published ever)' other Friday at 3300 N. Williams Avenue in 'Portland 12, Oregon. Advertising rates will be given upon request. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs-. Phone MUrdock 4092 SUBSCRIPTIONS 10 Cents Per Copy S2.50 Per Year Russell Not for FEPC Georgia's pet for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Richard Russell, was in Portland last week · and drawled his contempt of a strong, compulsory FEPC (fair employment practice commission) bill. The senator seems to "think that it's a state problem, not to be tampered with by the federal government. · Russell claims he has always been a friend of the Negro . and has done many things to up their plight in his native state. . How he justifies this claim is a mystery to many when the low segregated conditons and practices of his home state are · taken into consideration. ' The Georgian candidate could well bear in mind that the ' people Of the United States are guaranteed civil rights under ,_the Col)stitutiop.. When states attempt to bar civil lioerties to certaiJi segments of its population because of color, religion • or creed in direct defiance of the cou"ntry's constitutionaf law and guarantee, then the only recourse for the minority is to appeal to the federal government for enforcement of their rights. An outsider-non-American-will u n doubted I y be shocked to 0 learn that we have to enact civil rights ordinances in order to protect the liberty of the individual. Isn't it a paradox for America, the land of freedom and equality, to have to enact such shameful legislation as the \ ;;:: ;::ts on Interracial ;Life Topic of Berry Talk I I I BY JOY BROCK St.a.fr Writer, The Challenger · Mr. Ed.win C. Berey was guest speaker on the Men's Day program at Bethel AME church. The topic was "Blueprint in the Fu1 tu.re of Race Relations." Mr. Berry gave nine important points and elaborated on each. The points were predominantly directed to the Negro to make him also aware of his responsibility in the progress of democracy. Point I was the importance of 1 "Learning the True Facts" about , rac~-relations and eliminating stereotyping. He stated that many Negroes believe that just because i they are Negroes, they automatically understand race relations and the information they deliver and believe is often times false. Point 2-Understanding the True Meaning of Democracy. Every individual has to work for his freedom; nothing is given to us free. Then we should obtain what rightfully belongs to us according to our own merits or demerits, but not just because we are Negroes. Point 3-Decide Whether or Not We W.ant Integration or Segregation. Many Negroes have not decided as yet. This is evidenced in self segregation in public places personal prejudicial atti- , tudes an~1stereotyping. Point 4-Teaching Our Children Freedom. Our children learn from us. It we instill in their minds that their color is a handicap, and because they are Negroes they can't do certain things, they will soon believe iL and act accordingly. We must teach our childrc.n to respect themselves, hold their heads high and that they too are American citizens, privileged to compete in our society according to their own individual merits. Point 5-Stop Ha.Jing Ourselves. We need to have more confidence ,. in ourselves. We must learn \o be strong enough to rise above1conflict and be proud we are Negroes. Point 6-Stop Shifting , the Blame. We often find ourselves not facing reality and searching for a scapegoat to place the biame of our errors. Sometimes the Negro will blame it on his color or on the white man, when actuaUy it was on his ow.n demerits. We should look at ourselves and see if we are justified in these dccusations or are just afraid to ,face our own errors. Point 7-Paying Our Own y,tay. We must learn to stop begging for the things we need and buying the things we want. Mr. Berry sighted examples as fine ·cars and clothes, but no home. We should also send contributions to organizations which are working for the bettermen of the human race. He said, ''We have to pay rent for the space we occupy on earth." Point 8-Stop Being Prejudice. A good share of Negroes are prejudice and don't realize it. Many Negroes can be and are just as prejudiced as Caucasians. It is depicted in their conversations, mode of thinking and actions. We have to eliminate prejudices for better race relations. Point 9-Participation in Community Projects, Race relations can best be improved through cooperation or both Negro and Caucasions in community projects. Here the Negro is proving that he too can carry his load and stand up and be counted. Mr. Berry's speech was factual and down to earth. He portrayed it in such a way that the audience could see themselves in many of the situations he presented. IL was a speech that stimulated thought and needed lo be heard over and over again so we can see ourselves as others see us. PORTLAND CHALLENGER Ike Has Wrong Slan_t on FEPC Dwight Eisenhower is •·unwilling to believe that punitive federal law, when it penetrates into the area reserved for the states, will meet the problem"-in thjs rase the problem is equality for :'Ill with strong backing from the federal governmenL . . , Although he is against the controversial compulsory FEPC legisJation, Ike has reversed his stand on army -segregation. Said the former gerrerol: "We can no longer afford to· hold onto the anachronistic pdi,ciples of race seg• regation in the armed services." Knocking off the general practice of the--American public to stereotype, thus ignoring Eisenhower's former military capacity, 1t is unfortunate for him to take such an unfavorable stand on civil rights for the man has the other attributes that would make him fine presidential timber. He could be a good man. Bogle Soys: Friday. June 27, 1952 Deep, conscientous thought and acttions should be given rights. ======BY RICHARD BOGLE========= With the recent focusing of so much attention on Congressional investigations some deep and conscientious thought and action regarding the rights of those investigated is needed. In many instances the nature of the investigations has been that of a trial ... a trial however that sometimes leaves the person investigated without cow·t room procedures to defend his actions or his reputation. I am not saying that these investigations are not necessary. They are. Congress has authority to do this that stems from their power to legislate. The scope of national affairs has grown and right along with that so has the number of subjects that our congressmen must be well informed. Without first hand information our congressional leaders would be legislating in a vacuum. Many of the committees conducting these investigations do them in a fair and judicious manner. But even though the affair is handled fairly sometimes the press, radio and television spread the accusations throughout the whole country. Senator Kefauver has introduced a bill to congress calling for a set order of procedure in th06e investigations. No action has been taken on this bill or similar ones. Since the purpose of congressional probes is to seek information some guarantees should be made to those individuals being investigated that protection will be given their basic individual rights. THE ROAD OF LIFE News In Brief By Richard J. Parker, II The road of life's a weary onP, Strewn along the way with toil and snares. By William Wright DeNorval Unthank Jr. and his wife Debbie are the proud parents of a rousing 6 pound 13 ounce baby boy. On hand to greet the new arrival was Unthank's family and Debbie's mom. It is the first "grandparent" role for both sides. Latest Unthank was born Sunday in Eugene. Viewers of "Skirts Ahoy," now playing at the Liberty on Broadway, are talking about the local girl who ·marches with an all-Negro drill squad during the USO scene. She is Dee Tracy. Her picture also appeared in Ebony magaz.ilne two Miss Grimmett has to be warned months ago in a preview on the c-n occasions by her mother to picture. take it easy and let her guests Also noted in "Skirts Ahoy" is the apparent integration of races. UP railroaders can reminisce over shots of famed Chicago skyline station. and Northwestern Remember Harold Hoskins. George Hill? Both are living in Los Angeles now. The latter is reportedly preparing himself for mortuary school. Lester Shepherd. brother of Art. is now in the air force jn Texas where he is attending officers candidate school. do the talking. This young Oregon graduate deserves lots of plaudits from her many friends for the fine comeback she has staged, certainly typical of her happy personality. The Supreme Court of the United States wiJJ hear two cases involving Jim Crow schools sometime in November. The two cases will challenge segregation in school systems of Topeka, Kansas and Clarendon County, S. C. Slaughter on Each rising and setting of the golden sun, Brings the night of still more pain and cares. The road of life's a winding one, Curving, wending, ever as it goes. Each forward step's a battle won; What challenges each new day brings, God only, knows. The road of life's a narrow one, Lined on each side by weary strife, Yet, each temptation passed or done, N3.rrows still or broadens, the toilsome road of life. The road of life's a crowded one, Fillet! With lt!eming, surging thrbngs, Each I bent Ot\ his journey yet /o come, And fearful of his pressing wrongs. The road of life's a lengthy one, Yet more endless than it seems; For when this earthly journey's done, There's yet another, untravelled, except in dreams. Guess who's in town for 2J days-thanks to the never-endjng generosity of Uncle Sam - none other than Mood Indigo himself, Milt Emanuel. He has just finished his basic training at Fort Ord where integration is the order of{ the day and has proved its woiJh. Williams Avenue Emanuel ctr· n't have time to do any singin ... seems he had a little trip t make to Stevenson, Washing*n, June 20 where he said hello (in an ''I do" sort. or way) to Dolores Boddie. So it's now Mr. and Mrs. Milton Emanual. James Cantrell, 3203 S. E. Tibbetts street, tell from a step ladder at home last week and broke o bone in his left ankle and foot. The fracture caused him to rest al Good Samaritan hospih1l and will keep him away from his job for quite some time .. . Evans Cantrell is planning a visit to Portland soon, perhaps next weekend. Alonzo Woods and Fred Johnson '"did their little chores" t,., perfection for big Kappa brothers iast Saturday and arc now neophytes in Kappadom. High-spirited Mias Sadie Grimmett is at home now following a ·lelicate eye surgery, the altermath of a picnic in which her Jeft eye was injured by a rock. By Dick Bogle During a recent convention of excellent trombone work by Mr the American Federation of Mu- Green. Incidently Green will ap • ~icians it was reported that the pear with the Earl Hines band slower speeds of records are now here at a later date. Portlanders are currently talkbringing in one third of the to, ing very excitedly about Bernie's tal revenue to the recording bus- !.-'l'aternal club and the fine eniness. It really seems as though tertainment it offers. Don Anthe 45s and 33s are catching on derson and Al Johnson are two to say the least. of the featured musicians. AnGossip has it that King Cole and Lionel Hamton are planning a joint concert tour of the South. AJso Sugar Ray Robinson has been approached to join the group ol a reported $800 a dote. Errol Garner has formed a new trio in Boston. The new combo has featured, along with Garner, Rodney Richardson on bas£ and Joe Harris has replacer) Sll!dow Wilson on orun1s. Cab Calloway has junked his fmall bond in favor of the stage. He opens in Los Angeles an "Sportin Life" in the cast of "Porgy nnd Bess." One of the top record rcleasci:i of the month is "Beezy" by Jome!'. Moody. IL is stricLly up tempo all the wa_y and Moody gives his tenor a nice free-wheeling solo ''Whil'lalicks'' by Bennie Green is a nice side also up tempo with derson had been playing his piano at Vancouver's Circus Room! and Johnson is a well kno~.rn Portland bassist. CONDIE MOTORS 4949 SE Powell VE 7314 See Us For Beller Used Cars Henry Creal Salesman on Duty

Friday, June 27. )952 . PORTLAND CHALLENGER Kay's Notations 'Ad Infinitum' Next For St. Philips Set St. Philips Players invites the rublic to attend '·Ad Infinitum," a satire on human life. It conr::ists of insects portraying the various phases of the lives o( human beings. William Graggs Dinner Hosts The William Graggs c,f Van- dinner hostess Mond~y evu ,.,g couver, Washington, were dinner hosts for 12 at their home c,n Sunday, for the pleasure of Dr. and Mrs. Carr Treherne. Other hosts for the Trehernes have been Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Washington, Mr. and Mrs. \Virt R. Morton aml in their honor. Kathryn H. Bogle, Social Editor The teen-age Sf:"t have , ~t MiES Bms' u:ne filled with r,G- 'lost swimming parties and J,IC • r:iics. ?v!iss Rebecca CaldwelJ rn - tertained at the home of her :P•· r • cnts, Mr. and :\Irs. Edward Caklwe1l, with a dancing party S;~t~ urday evr:ning to honor M ~ Bills. 1-trs. Otto Rutherford .ldt this week for Oklahoma City 'o be a delegrate from the Portl;.n,l branch at the national con\[P.- ~ic,n of the NAACP. :\!rs. Rutit<r• ford serves the local br~nc:i. ;-, secrHary The many out-of-town visitors to this city have been the inspiration for much entertaining by Portland hosts. One of the largest of such affairs was the pretty dancing party at St. Philip's Parish hall last Thursday evening when Mr. and Mrs. A. Leon Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jackson entertained about a hunIt will depict the greedy man, whose life's ambition is to hoard wealth; the man who craves for Mr and Mrs Stanley Jordan. Dr. ~ family and material wealth be- Treherne left Monday for the ing of very little importance; the family home in Nashvi11e. Mrs. fickle man and woman in their Treherne will visit for a few dred guests. Honored that evening were Mrs. Oma Brummell of Los Angeles, Miss Blanche Nelson of Hartford, Connecticut, Mr. and Mrs. U. -G. Plummer Sr., Mrs. Lela Watson, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plummer, all of Kansas City, Kansas. The rose theme was used decc,ratively with lovely baskets of roses placed along in front of 1he orchestra and all about the hall, making of it a fragrant bower for dancing. The two bowls filled with spark.Jing punch were centered in mounds. of rose;;. During the evening sheaves of long-stemmed roses were pretented by the hostesses to each feminine guest of honor, with !Tler and Mr. and Mrs. U. G. cehallow love; and the other phas- days longer with her parents. Plummer Jr. have been joint es of life which are common to Mr. and Mrs. Wirt H. 1Iorton hosts twice for all their visitin~ man. , before returning with the three ,·elatives. One affair was a picnic The production will be pre- children to Nashville. supper for 40 guests, with can- ~ented under the direction of Ar- Mr. and itrs. G. Manse Hotaasta afterwards, enjoyed at the thur Perrow, Sunday, January day, of Columbus, Georgia, sJ)E:nt home of the U. G. Plummers. In- 29, at 3 o'clock p.m. in Mt. Tabor two weeks here with Mr. Holcluded among the honored guests park. The admission is free and !aday's brother, Mr. George Holwere Mrs. Eva Page of Medford the public is invited. 1aday of S. E. Thirteenth street. and Mrs. Clarence McCullough ______ -Another brother, C. F. Holladay of Seattle. The other co-host af- of Oakland, also visited with the fair was a large and beautifully Vickers Exalted Ruler family and was here in time to appointed cocktail party for Of Billy Webb Lodge celebrate his birthday. which the Herman Plummer's Charles Young of Omaha will home was the setting. Many gifts For the third time Thomas R. spend the summer in Portland were brought for the guests of Vickers was elected to the post honor. of Exalted Ruler of Billy Webb visiting with his father, CorneBecause of the illness of :·.1,~. rose boutonnieres for the men, For these visitors, too, Mr. and to symbolize their warm welcome Mrs. William Banister had midto the City of Ros~s. • night supper for 34 at their home Lodge No. 1050 JBPOE of W o( lius Young and Mrs. Young. ?ortland, Oregon, last Saturday. Robert Joyner. lfrs. Eugene C;,r . den has spent several days. 11'\ Seattle. Dr. and ::\frs. Jo}n(r are former Po:tland re-si.dent~. Mrs. Carden returned to Portland to receive her gu€Ets, M , . and Mrs. Thomas White of S:-Ri Jose. The Whites <ire dh:ichng a week's visit with :\fr. and ~i'"""!~ Carden in Portland e1.nd ... 11 h 'Jther friends in Seattl€. 'lr>o Misses Sally and Edna Rivera ::rcc,mpanied their uncle and cir nt Mrs. Mary M. Duncan was on the jaunt. brunch hostess for nine ladies on A native of F1orida, Vicker;; has resided in Portland since Saturday at her home in Irvington. Mrs. Clarence McCullough c-f Seattle and :\!rs. Joseph Taylor of Omaha, were honored guests. Mrs. Taylor is house guest r.f Mrs. Sue Johnson \..,-hHe visiting her son and daughter-inJaw, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taylor J r. ~fr. and Mrs. Cornell :\.1cDougald entertained twenty of th~ young marrieds at their home with an after-party following the June Ball. :\Ir. and 1Irs. Belvin Wtl]jr,~::, Prior to the dance, the visi- on Stanton street last Saturday tors had been entertained at a evening. Mrs. Ralph Flowers cocktail party at the . Maryland singled out the ladies for a bridge avenue home of Mr. and Mrs luncheon at her home, and Mrs. Eugene L. Carden. The Cardens Jessie Flowers had them as her also honored Mr. Franklin Wil- guests for luncheon and bridge Jiams, regional director of NAA- at her home on Haight avenue. CP here from San Francisco, and Mrs. Raymond Wilson feted Dr. and Mrs. Carr Treherne of several visitors at a luncheon-po1946. Recently he was appointed to teach at Boise elementary school for the comjng school year. Mrs. Edna Cain Injured in Fall Nashville, Tennessee.·· keno party at her home. Mr. Mrs. Edna Caln suifered a seMr. and Mrs. HerlTlan Plum- Wilson's guests of honor were: vere fall down a flight of stairs Mrs. Carr Treherne, Mrs. Ola ~t the Williams avenue YWCA Unfurnished Ap.arlmenl Brown, a Chicagoan paying a where she is employed as cus- Invitations had Sunday supper for r-1it- t guests for L~e pleasure of ~1r. ;,n,l :\lrs. Clarence- ~!cCullougn 1.:- t Seattle. Catholics Honor Mothf:'r Francis Cardinal SpeU-=n~"7'\. . i\rchbishop of New York, a,\ ~rded a c~rtificate to Mrs. Maceo ~ Thomas. ➔8, and mother ot n.ino children, honoring her as Cathoare out for twc lie M ther oJ the Year'' :M.t:!. 2-3 rooms-$43.50 to $50 Including all 1Jtilities call three-week visit here with Mrs. todian. The accident occurred Warren Day; Mrs. Luna Smith Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Cain of Paris, Texas, who is visiting was taken to Emanuel hospital her daughter, Mrs. Mildred Jone3 for treatment. 1\lr. and Mrs. Wilsummer formals, both second an- Thomas .s the first wc,man ot h•r nual events sponsored by thei:- race to rec-ejve the national 'ici'\- hosts. The first on the calen- or. ~,..:D:e:an::V:i:n:ce:n:t:l:n:c.:::~';:A:T::31:8:l~ of Portland and the Plummer _ liam Jackson are the proud par- - B:~ummell-Watson Jjarty. ents of twin boys born June 20 Mrs. Lela \Vatson escorted her at Wilcox Memoriafhospital. The dar is the Kappa's ball planneu lr------------ for the evening of June :!ll. at GRADE.. A STEWING HENS 1,.. the Portland \Voman·s club 33c;: Lb.. luilding. The other of this nai;- FRESH OCS~~\fg~D, S.,L'\.l.I, ' NEAL DRUG 2703 N. Williams Ave. I MU 1552 Prescriptions Sundries - Fountain '----------''----' I little boys have been named Bruce and Brent and tipped the -;cales at 4 lbs-12 oz and 5 lbs-I daughter Wanda, and her two nieces, Miss Lolita Jones and ::\1:iss Berna Deann Plummer, for a two-day trip to Seattle during oz respectively. Mrs. Jackson is the week. Miss Berna Deann reported to be getting along nicePlummer gave a .farewell <lane- ly. ing party for her cousins, Miss j\,!rs. Hattie Redmond is unJones and Miss \Vatson on Sat- der treatment at Multnomah hosurday evening at the home o( her pital. Mrs. Clara Logan \Vhite is parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. iH at St. Vincent's hospital. ?Iummer Jr. !s fo be on July 4th with July Half or Wr.ole. 33c Lb. Birthday club as hosts ot the Grand Fish Com:i:-cn.y Arrierican Legion hall EOO s. E.. x omson. l\fr. and Mrs. Henry Johns have as their guests, ).Irs. Ruby Bean Services iD Real Esrn.te l and her daughter Miss Ola :\Iae Henna..>1 C. Plu=e:t BiBs of San Francisco. Among and Co. the affairs planned for ).frs. 1?~2 N. Williams Bean and Miss Bills were the rtinher party for which ~Ir. and GA 7763 $AVE 50% - 75% Mother Vl·s1·1s Here ;\!rs. James Gant were hosts on '-=========== Sunday evening and a SaturdaJ r l l\lrs. Myrtle White is current- brWlch for which Mrs. E. John- :'\ B J-m ~ Ben D d.Jl Jy host to her mother, Mrs. Mary son was hostess. The Daffodil - · Phil R~iru:on t On Good._ Use1 Furniture-Appliances-Hardware FUN~TURE EXCHANGE 2621 N. Williams GA 3583 Just Right:for Your Glorious 4th of July Weekend 3.95 See our new version of the ever popular Terry Cloth Gaucho. fast colors. washable, 63.95 ~jf s'?.~! Broadway al Alder Annice Brown from Louisiana. Birthday club entertained. at din- P. W. \\'ilblrn. Propridcr This is Mrs. Brown's first visit ner at the Johns· residence for Id J B 1. S !o Portland. She hasn't been 1he visitors on Saturday t:'\'eninf_ \ £a ar~er .. JOJI nere long enough to comment on 3.nd ~Irs. Jessie I\I Wilson ._\.._ 6 N. r Ji.JHell MU 92N3 the city other than to say, "It's lr---------- --- ---------- - - pretty.'' She plans a tentative stay o( I one month at her daughter':,:- l home. New Arrival Here A seven and a hal( pound baby boy was born to l\Ir. ar.d 1Irs. Oliver E. Smith Tuesday. June 3, 1952. at 7:51 J.m. The I new denizen of Port_Jand is named I Calvin Lillard Smith. De Luxe Barber Shop l t Pays to Look Your Best 2726 N. Williams J. C. Foster, Prop. Compliments o.t. Keystone Investment Co. 1453 N. Willi= An. The Jackie C11!lins tic in the Club Lounge of BENNY'S FRAT HOUSE For Your dining and dancing pleasu.re 1412 North Williams A '9£'DUl' WE 5413 VE ssr-o CAFE OPEN' 24 HOUIS 1471 N. E. Williams Ct. Favorite Dishes - Fried Chicken to Go Visit Our Athlete R11001 See You After lhe Kop:i;<I Dance

I Page 4 PORTLAND CHALLENGER Friday. June 27, 1952 11Winslows Topple E B • F• J Challenger's Corner HiII's SoltbaIIers mery ornes ID IOU s By Lonnie Harris, Sports Editor I Winslow's softball nine made Snturdny for Olympics it three straight over llill's club The Produce Mer~l1ants, with Al Rivc~s on the mound, in its now regular Sunday aftc-r- Portland has really got an athlete to be proud of in big completed first hnlf play with a record of three wms and four losses., noon h ll . Emery Barnes, who has risen phenomenal1y in the past few The record wasn't too good but lhe second h.al[ promises to be better. c a enge sames wi th 3 2G- k f. . . . In the May 30 issue of the Challenger there was a mi~take about 25 victory last Sunday. ~cc s i?m an ob~curc trackman to one of the fmest high big Don Newcombe, one of the Dodgers' top moundsmcn last season. On the mound for \VinslowF Jumpers 10 th e natwn. The news about Don getting out of the army was unofficial instead was Melvin Allen. Ilis pitching, Ile did it again Saturday in Los Angeles when he tied of official. He has to serve a two-year hitch. coupled with the fine defensive for second place in the high jump thre high jumpers tomorrow Satchel Paige bested the Washington Senators in a 17-inning event with a leap of 6 feet 8% contest the other day. The ageless Paige came in in the 8th frame work of shortstop Fielding Wil- inches, the highest jump of his (Saturday) in Los Angeles, he and finished the game for his ma.tes. Not only did he receive son, overshadowed a shaky Win- career. will qualify to make the trip to credit for the win, but he also banged out 3 for 3 and won the c;low defense to eke out the win. This leap was done against the Helsinki next mon th to represent game with his third single. His record is 5 wins, l Joss. Add stiffest competition the country Jm,icsctc.ountry in th e big Olympic Paige is accused of making illegal motions with his glove against ed incentive to the com- could muster together at one the Athletics. thus confusing the opposing batsmen. He told the um- 9etitors is the P8.Y off for the time. It pitted the top in college AAU Results: pire, "The ball was moving, not the glove, and they were complain- victors, a coveted case of a pop- against the best in AAU circles. 1 IO-meter hurdles - Harrison ing because r st1uck out their big guy (Gus Zcrnial) number 19." :ilar thirst quencher. Barnes had already qualified, Dilla rd ' :I 3 . 7 . Bob Boyd is still pacing the coast leaguers with an average of Next game is scheduled for Cor the Olympic final tryouts to2 00-meler dash-Ollie Matson, .330. He started late in the season due to the case of ulcers suffered Irvington park this Sunday af- = 2 1.G; A nd y Sanfield, = 2 1.3. after a strenuous winter league schedule. Boyd and Artie Wilson ternoon, June 29. 3 00-meter run-Reginald Pear4 combine to gi\·e Seattle a one-two punch. man, 1 = 52 ·9· Terry Singleton and Sam Johnson are playing Cor the Chiefs in How they stand: 400-meter run-Mal Whitfield, the city league. So far this season the team has been in tough luck W. L. Pct. : 4 G.4. but they are planning to add strength for the second half of league Winslows O 1.000 .------------- play. Hills 3 .000 Terry (as most of you fans remember him from Vanport) is a classy third baseman and has been around quite a spell. John• son is one of the pitchers for the team. If anyone has seen this Johnson pitch, he is on the order of the Athletic's Bobby Shantz. By that I mean in size. He possesses a sharp-breaking curve and a humming fast ball. Jackie R.ibinson was ejected from the game against Chicago June 2 after he protested a third called strike. Robin-;on and Roy Campanella are leading the National foag-ue polls for the all-star game. Campanella just recently had the cast remo\·ed from his injured thumb. Coming Events GIL TURNER - Kid Gavilan welterweight title fight in Philadelphia's Municipal stadium July 7. There will be no broadl'ast or television of the fight, c1ccording to Herman Taylor. promoter. THE ALL-STAR major league baseball game at Philadelphia's Shibe park July 8. EMERY BARNES morrow i'n the colliseum bv virIn the American league polls Minnie Minoso is second to Dale Mitchell for the left field ~pot with 231,616 votes. Larry Doby is running a close second as is Suitcase Simpson. Doby became the first player to hit for the cycle this season. Against the Boston Red Sox he slammed out a · tome run, triple, double and a sing!e. The THE FINAL United States' tue of winning the NCAA. jump Dawson':. Tonsorial Courteou:-. & Efficient Service Mack Dawson, Prop. 20 N, Cherry VE 8128 ROBINSON TOP HITTER Olympic tryouts with Portland's championship two weeks ago in Brooklyn's Jackie Robinson Emery Barnes one of favorites in Berkeley. stepped up his hitting pace in h i s _t h_ e_ h..cig:.h_:j_u_m_:p__e_v_e:._n.:_t._ _ _ __:._I:.:f_h:.::e::....:c_:::_om::.'.:'.e'.'..s..'.in'.:...a'.:.::m:.:o::'..'.n.'.g!:....'.:t:h'..'e. :...'..fi'.'..:rst bid for hitting honors in the Na- ~i;~~lg le~~~~. tole:;~~ l~~ts~:~ More on Challenger's Corner with a 340 average as of June 25., Indians lost the game. G. AB R. H. Pct. I I Dave Mann, who recently signed a contract for Oakland, is Robinson 59 194 49 66 .340 proving to be a prize catch. Mann, who excelled in football at OSC, proved to manager Mel OU that he can hit as well as run. MISSING PERSONS fn the game with Seattle he played left field and batted in the Des:ie Green-Contact Sgt. clean-up spot. He came through with a run batted in in the game I BETTER CLEANING! Ellis Cleaners John Ellis, Prop. 3304 N. Williams WE 3898 HALL OF RECORDS Formerly Gibsons Complete Stock of Popular Progressive, Rhythym, Blues, Western 924 S.W. Washington BE 0100 Glamorous Pictures Ballzegar's Photos EM b979 9 N. E. Halsey We Specialize in Dyeing & Cleaning LEE'S SHOE CLINIC Shoe Rebuilding & Repairing Doctors Presc1ption Filled for Corrected Shoes 2013 N. Williams MU 9614 Jamc.,s Patton, FI 3980, con- which the Oaks won 8_7_ I ~~:~i<'nh~ your son, Ernest Sports 1:3'riefs: Joe Louis refereed the ten rounder last night be- ~:::::::::::::::::::::::~ tween Archie Moore and Clarence Henry in Baltimore ... Booker tt"zt'j We're SAVING ... fora new Savoy Billiards Best Juke Box Music in Portland Taylor, who starred for the Washington Colonials in the prep baseba11 league, tied for individu:il batting honors . ... The Knott Street communHy center has a baseball nine which hasn't tasted defeat so far this season. They are slated to play an American legion team Sunday. Chinese & American Dishes Maxey's , Parlor Barber Shop Neighborhood Shopping Center Open from 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. (Daylight) Dail i-1. p ~; Electric Dishwasher! And PTC buses are helping us buy it ... because when we ride a bus, we save over the cost of driv• 1508 N. Williams VE 9104 E. Slaughter, Prop. Jackies Cafe 37 N. E. Weilder MU 9021 Boot Black Service 26 N. Weidler St. VE 9283 Food Service 2115 N. Williams TU 4666 ~i ~ ing our car! Be wise, .. Economize ... Glenn's Texaco Service lhPTC/ . - "--~-;- We Give S&H Green Stamps Mark Lubrication Firestone Tires N. E. Broadway 8c ·,,nlJiams :>rouR°h Tyo :E.:nmJn ■ t. !it.ylo Frn.me .unuoua Vision Len <'llt Acoountll weie very Monday Till 9 rJ<'I l• Opt,,;,11 •r, I i;, , .• J,11·u111•11• \" : ~ .... ' MU 9983 After the Dance come to the House of Joy McLoughlin Heights Dine and Dance 1135 Garrison Road J. W. Gipson, Mgr. Phone 3-9665 Frolic and Fun With Your Friends at the CASBAH Food and Drinks 2014 N. Vancouver Ave Phone TU 9131 ., ,I I~,. ,. , I .. ~!- ,,, I 1., \I, ~.,..., 'I I 7~.~~ :::-'.:.. ··· ~~ rm~:..~:·.··-· .... -·- .. mm: :7;":7·--