OBP_Oregon Mirror_1959 Apr 30_v1 no7

The OR.EGON llllllROR Thursday, April :JO, 1959 plored Efficiency, the Key to lt 'E II) II ALEX SPEARMAN is the as- May will be the second anniGrcoter Opportunities." The ['-. signment of O definite recording versary of the arrival in Portie~~~~:t!o~'.\fl~ 1~:J!~:~~r ~~o~; A IL IK s date· also on the BOP CITY land of MISS COROELLA DE o summation. lab~!·. Given time and more ex- : 1t~~d:tw~~it~~l :::ee~::~:~ Saturday. from the call to pcnence, ALEX should develop for only two wcck5 • But her ~~i:i:lg s t m;~i;atf~~ 1 - t~;~l ;~~ into an excellent performer. showmanship, and blues stylings Mrs. Laura Williams, con-have kept her here for two ~v~~hn :~,~i~riste:~;~r;~ :ca~~f~~~~ I geniol barmaid at the Portland years. It tokes a long time for a committee reports. 8 round- Porters' Club, has just returned performer to develop a style of table-Women in Business and ~~~o:ni~'.glt~u:;jo~:~e~ri~vi~~ ~!~i~\ntu~ht~l~ it~!~u~~e~~dii;ii~~~: ~~;s,~~o:t~sl~~0t7~~ e~~c~~~:~e~~. 0!!~~ friends in Oakland and San ing, rehearsing and just plain ~~~et~e; J~~::e~~g:~~nbi!~ ~;: ~:~~c~~: 0i1a1~i11 : ~;p:~~n~;a~~ ~~r:ot:~rkp~1\:,~:J, re;~~}:s~~o~~ view at the Multnomah Hotel, by Teri Francis :~u~~ 1i 0!t:~~eE:~/~~a~:i;~ ~~~~s o;ute;:~~;a~~:ht~o~t~~ sponsored by the Urban League _1~ • NAACP <iains Iota Support Guild, purpose and results of Quite often 1 hed'r people Facks JI as well as Earl Hines ~LLA left Tucson, Arizona at ~':e°J9;;;;1 ~. t~;~1~\.~:~ni:~!• Ja0~j.:~;eL~;,itz~g~~~:~;";a:~ which arc akin to Iota's pro◄ make complaints about e_ntei:-at th e Hangover.·· ~n eRai~~,~~~~. t~:{i~~r!:~ ~~ei~: !or, Befo. Iota; Jacqueline C. HodAe, regional journalist, Maude gram. . t~iners that I feel are unJu7t~- CAUGHT IN THE ACT she was still in her teens she Hunter, Gamma Eta; A. Lucile Reynolds, national educational Among th e several resoluti~ns f~ed. One of th ese concerns cnti- Under the very capable direc- began travelling all over this director, Ruth Petty, Edna WoodwBrd, Alpha Phi; Arline Yar- adopte? as a _resu_lt ~f th e m- cism of some of th e_out-of:town tion of MARY LOCKRIDGE, country and up in Canada on brouSh, Beta KBppa; Cuma Cla;-ter, Beta Jota; Rozelia Ash- formative aod mspirationa\ con- pedormers-recordmg artiS t s- the show at The Desert Room is U.S.O. tours. and with big le}·, re~ional treasurer, Beta Mu; Arnetta M. Berry, re~ional ference wer~ th8~: Th~ Far- wh? appear 3 ~ dances. It seems a hit. Handling the difficult bands. She hos appeared with secretory, E. June Smith, Bet fa Kappa; Alvernon V. Tripp, WeStern Region Will contmue _to ~s if the public expef\5 the art- task of emceeing the show as Roy Milton. Louis Jordan, Joe Beta Tau; Dorothy Lockett, Beta Kappa.; center-Mary M. support the Urban League, its l!.ts to sound the ~eme as the.y well as the vocalizing, MARY Liggins and Lionel Hampton; Duncan, retional director, Beta Iota; Catherine Garcia, Alplia T.S.T. J?rogram and that chap- ~o. on re~ords, Believe me, t~is gives her tremendous showman- and just prior to her opening Pl1i, assistant retional director; seated-left, Audry Ellis, Beta ters r_egiSter lOO per cei:1t mem- is ,mpo_ssible. Why? The mai_n ship a real workout. Dancers on here in Portland was working Iota; Eleanor B. Brown, Beta Kappa. -Photo by Bnlteze{Jar_. berships: That the R_egion sup- ;.easo,~ is thst-when a record is the show are: ANITA DARE, at the Royal Nevada Hotel in . . port 1ocal and national p_r~- ·cut. an .nrt1st has a so~nd- MA.,RCO, JEANINE, andIIII Las Vegas. Her appearance at By Mary M. Duncan c1ous. well appointed downto~n g_rams ~f the N._A.A.C.P. on c1v1l proof stud10-~ood acoustics- MARCO, JEANINE. and JEAN the Rose Festival with Charlie The Twelfth Annual Confer- Y.\~.C.A., ~ large delegahon rights, mtegration and for full an engineer tramed to bring o~t EMBERS. Music is furnished Barnett was another tribute to ~ce of the _Fnr-Westem R~- registered_ Friday, .10 a. m. to 12 freedom for all people:. to the best sounds possible; oil this for the show; and doncin . b her talent and charm. There is gion. Iota Ph~ Lambda Sorox:i- no?"· Oz1_e J. S~1th and Jose• strengthen the present fun~t1o~s plus a chance to do the tune LEE WEST (drummer)g an~ no doubt that her future will be ty, Inc.. wh~ch conven~d _m phme Tw_1tty, regi~trars. . of the_Depa~ent of Justice m overand over until it is perfect. DON ANDERSON ( iano and as illustrious as her career has Port.land, Apnl 24---25-26, 1s his- The first busmess session enforcing dec1s1ons. p · tory--another milestone in the opened Friday, 2 p.m. Call to Officers elected for the ensu- IMPROVISATIONS organo). ;::be=e=n=m=t=h=•=P=•'=·'=======; 3 ACES ond KING BASIE DAY move forward in the areas of order by Mary M. Duncan. Re- ing year: Assistant Regional Di- George Lawson and his VIbusiness, of education, of human gional Director. The heavy rector, Mrs. Arline Yarbrough, BRATONES did a grand job of and race relations. Theme: "Ef- scheduled business procedure Beta Kappa, Seattle; Secretary, "doubling up" last Sunday. ficiency--The Key to Greeter was augmented by an informs- Mrs. Arnetta M. Berry. Beta First at Sandy's Matinee: then Opportunities." Beta Iota. host tive Workshop: "Exploration-- Kappa. Ft. Lewis. Wash.; T reas- out to Piluso's for the Royal Van's Olympic Room chapter. To What Extent Have Chapters urer, Mrs. Rozelia Ashley. Beta Esquires' highly successful af- 3530 N. Vancouver AT 7 _6601 FOR RENT Apartment for Nice Couple Furnished or Unfurnished CALL AT 2-4Sl3 1826 N.E. Victoria Ave. At headquarters in the spa- in the Far-Western Region Ex- Mu, Oakland, Calif.: Journal- fair. There Is No Doubt When You Call Vann's Budget Terms Available on Approved Credit VANN'S FUNERAL CHAPEL 5211 N. Williams (2 Blocks N. of Alberto) ATiontic 1-2836 ist. Miss Lucy Hendrick, Beta Lloyd Allen's version of "Talk Iota, Salem, O~e. Mrs. Mary to Me" is quite listenable. AcM. Du~can declined the recom- cording to BEAVER, the young mendation f'!r anoth~r term. man will soon be heard on the ~~~an~~~h~~~~f., G;;~ia~ec!;~ BOP CITY record label. mended. A nice birthday present for Come Dancing With The . Jakon.a, CENTENNIAL BENEFIT BALL Saturday Night, May 23 9:00- 1 :30 o.m. The Key Dance Club 410S.W. 1Jth Ave. Priz.~ for cutest cortume ond bearded chap DONATION Sl.75 Open for Your Convenience DO-IT-YOURSELF LAUNDRY 24 HR. SELF-SERVICE WASH & DRY Sc FLUFF DRY 15c WASH WASH ANY DAY-ANY TIME frnParklng Cor. of N.E. Fremont & Union Let's Help Build Bethel A.M.E. Fund WE WILL DONATE 10¾ OF THE PRICE OF All CLEAN ING BROUGHT IN BY BETH EL A. M. E. MEMBERS TOWARDS THE FUND OF THE NEW CHURCH. DID YOU KNOW? WE have same doy service ovoi1oblo? WE ore experts in stubborn stain problems? WE do prcfcssionol repair and alteration work? WE do wosh ond dry, cotton rugs a spe<ialty? WE pick up ond deliver it you can't come in? HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON CW:»wlL e~ 2526 N. E,..Union Ave. AT 4-0118 Let's <io! Better Living With Bette·, .Foods at Tremendous s,vings! Upright-15 or 20 Cu. Ft. J Chest-12, 18 or 22 Cu. Ft. Americas Finest Freezers Ben Hur Now America's Fastest Selling Freezer! Ben Hur Brings You "Queen for a Day" with Jack Bailey * SAFETY DOOR LATCH . non slam horwore. It's "child-proof" --a tot cannot lock himself in. Heavy duty--eosy operating with built-in lock -beautiful chrome and blue color trim. * SEPARATE SHARP-FREEZING COMPARTMENT BEN-HUR chests freeze faster by direct coil contact. Separate sharp freezing comportment protects foods already in storage. More efficient freezing coils provide foster heat transfer for better freezing and storoge--ot lower power cost. * FREEZING SHELVES !uprights) Exclusive--oll freezing shelves as well os top and bottom ore 10 poss "cold coiled" --each freezing shelf is a prime fast freeze surface. You hove greater temperature uniformity in all areas of the freezer. e PLAHHIHG SAVES e LIVE BETTER MOHEY! EAT BETTER! • e QUANTITY ORDERS e CONVEH IEHT MEAHS ECOHOMYI PAYMENT PLAN! e OWN YOUR OWN e HO SALESMEN SUPERMARKET! NO OBLIGATION! REPRESENTATIVE - THE ORIGINAL FOOD FREEZER PLAN Better Living Appliance Co. 5201 N.E. Sandy Blvd. AT 8-5506 Portland, Ore. Is Your Grocery Bill Too High? (DID YOU SPEND MORE THIS WEEK THAN YOU INTENDED?) FIND OUT FREE HOW TO SAVE THE BETTER LIVING WAY. ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS .. • ON MY PRESENT BUDGET (Approx.J WOULD I LIKE TO FEED MY FAMILY: 1-Foods they LIKE rather than foods we con AFFORD? 2--Top G,ades of BEEF, PORK, FISH, CHICKEN, ETC.? 3-G,ade "A" B,ands of FROZEN VEGETABLES, FRUITS, JUICES? 4--MORE FOOD, CONSISTENTLY BETTER FOOD-EVERY DAY? Due to the HIGH COST OF LIVING, The Obvious answer to the above questions is YES . .. But HOW?? Well, that's where the BETTER LIVING PLAN comes in. We are a FREEZER-FOOD PLAN established since 1949 w;th THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS. We do not offo, you . SOMETHING FOR NOTHING nor do we have any "Gimmicks"-but through OUR PROVEN PLAN FOR BETTER LIVING it may be possible fo, YOU, TOO, to ENJOY MORE FOOD, BETTER FOOD at PRICES FAR LESS THAN YOU ARE NOW PAYING and HAVE THE CONVENIENCE of a BEAUTIFUL HOME FREEZER (chest o, up,ight) , YOUR CHOICE of Notionally Advertised Brands such as BEN HUR, AMANA, DUNCAN HINES, Etc. ALL ON APPROXIMATELY YOUR PRESENT FOOD BUDGET --or ot most just pennies a day .more than you presently spend_for food, alone. ~ LEARN NOW HOW YOU MAY BE ABLE TO BRING THIS MODERN MIRACLE ABOUT IN YOUR HOME. At your request a trained, courteous BETTER LIVING PLAN Food Counselor will call on you ond give you a FREE FOOD COST ANALYSIS. YOUR FAMILY may be MISSING OUT on LOTS OF GOOD EATING because of OLD-FASHIONED BUYING HABITS. LEARN HOW TO LIVE MODERN-the BETTER LIVING WAY. YOUR NEIGHBORS ARE, ARE YOU? FILL OUT AND MAIL IN THE COUPON BELOW FOR YOUR FREE FOOD COST ANALYSIS-a, a SIMPLE PHONE CALL could start you, faimly on the road to BETTER LIVING at GREATER SAVINGS. BETTER LIVING APPLIANCE CO. 5201 N.E. Sondy - Portland, Oregon - 8S05 S.E. Foster Rood AT NO OBLIGATION TO ME, Pleose hove o FOOD COUNSELOR Coll ON ME ond g;ve me o FREE FOOD-COST ANALYSIS ot the time indicated below: NAME ADDRESS NO. IN FAMILY Phone CITY WEEKLY FOOD BILL Do You Now hove o Home Feczer? . Size BEST TIME FOR FOOD COUNSELOR TO CALL: Dote . ..... . .. A. M... . .. . .. P. M..