OBP_Oregon Mirror_1959 Apr 30_v1 no7

ThurNtlay, April !JO, 19!;9 The OREGON 1nnnon l:J. :J!orence l:}. rJ;gl._tingale Corne, "Don't put off foi- tomonow, flowers are still in gorgeous riot fee Hour," Rose Bud Study Thi, is what you con do today," con- of colors, but the weather ... Club; Flowers from local Ddta M;~~'f::~~- tains greet logic.... Did 'ja ugh! ;~~::\~';0;:x!:r•~1~~d ;:iii-I toyou cvei- lay aside a letter to mail, Met some w~nderfol people ''Sigma Gemma Rho Sorority, from the and it got lost? ... What about during Iota Phi Lambda Re- "AKA Koffee." Zeta Sigma Florence a check. say for your insurance gional Week • • • most interest- Omega furnished kits ... 16 ·NiAfttingale ... promised friend-wife you'd ing Mrs. Alvemon Tripp, gov- members were in attendance at Corner .. . . . 1 d d d'd 't cmment accountant, Sacramen- Ui-ban League G· •s Book Re- Mn. Bernadette Plummer, get. it mai_e to ay · · · 1 ~ to, formerly of Spokane .. • view and Luncheon in the lovely wife of U. G. Plummer, is condo it • • . it gets lost • • • you re charming Miss A. Lucile Rey- "Marine Room," Multnomah fined to hCT home at 3975 N.E. afraid to write another ... that's nolds, Educational Director, Hotel. .~!,From our neighboring Mallory. the big pay-off ... boy! wha\ a teacher in Los Angeles school city, Sea&:le, came such chann- Mrs. Lassie MaeCreai- is still spot.... Somewhere in my mind system • . • th~ delegation took ers as Prexy Eleanor B. Brown, 'confined at her home, 3535 N. 1 runs the lines of 8 poem, "When care of all busines~ at hand ~n E. June Smith, Arnetta M. Ber-1Haight. I have time, so many things I'll the t~ree-day period, but dtd ry, Ft. Lewis, Regional Secy. . Mr. Rob~. Dillard, one of our . . not fail to relax at fun-filled oc- ... farthest distance from Fres- Clty bus dnvCTs, entered Emando • •: to make hie happier · · · casions .as_: supper at Soror Nor- no wei-e: Prexy Maude HuntCT uel Hospital with a back injury. the fnend 1 love so well.. ,- • man W1lhams on Satur~ay eve- and Jacqueline B. Hodge. . . . Mrs. Zelda Weatherall of Cheer his heart with words of ~ing: Soror Aud.rey Elhs, a de- T,he entif!11!!Program or the Re- 4206 N. Vancouver is in Good sweetest praise." . . . BUT llghtf~I hostess m the home of gional was engineered by the! Sam. Hospital. "when you have time" the friend hei- Slster, Maude Banks. Fun perky Mary Dun can. who; Little Miss Li~da Seo~. at Texas Club Formal Ball, worked so hard at arrangement, daughter of the editor of this you hold so dear may be ~yond eyes were really filled with ex- that she "plumb forgot" an im- i column. is ill at home. the reach of your sweet mtent. citement at the palatial "Pilu- port.ant meeting for which she Mrs. Helen Hardy, wife of ... THEN, "Now is the time ... ,so" for Esquires' swanky affair, bas been secretary for many that pi-omin~t shoe shine parno longer wait to scatter loving I later supper at Bcatri~e Ree_d'.s years.... Now you can rest ... ~.or o~.ator Wilf;ed Hardy, is deeds and words of cheer ... home • • • thes~ gracious ~1s:- feel content for a job well done. m Emanuel Hosp1ta! after havthey_ may not meet you ~n the !~~~rs, a~~~;t~:~~ide ~~chc~rc: H appy birthday t<_> alJ of you m~~. acf!e;~i~: Si~:t~~e. of commg year ... Now 1s the personalities as Phyliss Smith, who have ~ad a b~rthday re- 2!55 5 E. 30th. one of Port.- time." ... 1 once had a friend I Cuma Claytei-, Lucy Hendrick cently or will have m the near land's socialites. is confined to who wanted me to meet her (teacher in Indian school, near f~ture. · · · ~et-well to all ~ur Emanuel Hospital for a much friend, I was too tired, said. ''I'll Salem), Magnolia Taylor, Ozielfne~ds, especially Jos.eph,ne needed rest and is responding to make it another day" ... never Smith. worshipped in a body et'ITwitty, Emanuel 1:~spital. · · · treatment satisfactorily. got the chance . . for she's de- the 11 o'clock Sunday morning Mr. a~d Mrs. Wilham Odom = ~---------, ceased now . all this musing service at the Bethel A.M.E., ~tert~med Mr. Clarence Jo~ns MUST DISPOSE OF keeps one on one's toes.... Sal Church. The group felt a tinge Im_ their h?me T~esday even mg must be getting old and a little of sorrow and greatly missed: with 8 Chmese Dinner. My- but OR REPOSSESS ION "tetched in the head" ... Slip- deceased Soror Lucille Wilson. the food was good end the setping? Birthdays can do this, Absent, due to illness of father ting was lovely: ... Co~ing 1954 DODGE Meadowbrook you know. ... On the beautiful in Springfield, Ill. was Soror events: Centennial Celebration. Very Cleon _ Perfect Motor days in yon's distance (last Vivian Bird, transferred to local Delta Rummage Sale. Saturday, Low Mileage _ Overdrive week), I never case to praise chapter from Oakland, and May 2, Les Femmes Tea, Beth: the floral beauty of our city, as I Soror Josephine Twitty who is el A.M.E. Church.... So un.tJ~ Assume note-s of S28 32 per mo. we drive about our community hospitalized. . . . Courtesies n~xt week . . . more gabbm or buy outr,ght. Very reosonoble and out into the countryside ... tendered visitors included "Cof- Wlth your gal Sal. CALL MR. BROWN * Proctor's Cafe * WONDERFUL FOOD ' GOOD COFFEE Open All Nile Pleasant, Courteous Service 2nd Annual MAD HATTERS BALL May 15th 9 to 1 o'clock MULTNOMAH HOTEL WE DELIVER 2054 N. Williams Ave. AT 2-9439 PRIZES Donation S 1.2S Anyone inlerested in entering o hot please coll Mrs. Irene Duke, Gen. Choirmon, Urban League Office AT 7-3771 LOWER PRICES EVERY DAY at GAYLORD'S COFFEE EGGS Maxwell House 1-lb. can 59c Limit 1 SALAD OIL FLOUR KRAFT"S GOLD MEDAL AA Medium 29c Doz. Limit 2 CAKE MIXES BETTY CROCKER All Reg. 35c Varieties S p.m. to 7 p.m.. . .AT 4-41198 8 o.m. to 4:30 p.m ... CA 7-2587 3-Bedrm - Basement $250 Dovn. Immediate Pou«sion. Handy to schools ond trans. N_. point OU!Side.. Goroge, 50 x I 00 ft. lot. Good roof. S77S0. FHA terms. Coll Mr. Tauscher - AT 7-2.2\3 Pa., 3 Attention Readers All \v-riters submitting ar- typesetters and printers work ticles, news items or notices on schedules, writers must do must. have their copy in to likewise. The Oregon Mirror oflice by 10 a.m. Wednesday morning. Any material subm itted after that hour wiJI not be accepted for pubUcation until the following issue. The publisher, PATRONIZE OREGON MIRROR ADVERTISERS J. J. PARKER'S BROADWAY~"" NOW A MIGHTY SCREEN SENSATION! FANNIE HURST'S FAMOUS BEST-SELLER NOVEL IS RATED THE SECOND LARGEST BOX OFflCE HIT IN THE UNITED STATES TODAY! lm~int! full 5'-'z-vl.ch foam robber tqlpmd rHtnfbl~ mhlon.s - castom built q11afity constr11ct;o11 I styfo,g ... 6oodstltctloaof l1brfts ind colon. Al l pieces for MiyllSl.!5 YOUR CHOICE Foam Rubber 3-pe. Sectional or 3-pe. Duo-Sleeper $15995 3 for s1.oo 10 lbs. 89c 4 pkgs. s1.oo BRING THIS AD FOR SPECIAL DISCOUNT Limit3 Spare Ribs HORMEL'S HAM PURE LARD sHANK HALF 39 lb 2 lbs. 45c lb. . C • 29c PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs. •1-00 NALLEY"S BETTY CROCKER SURE CHAMP Potato Chips Frosting Mix DOG FOOD LARGE TRIPLE PACK 4 pkgs. s1.oo 4-lb. R;k;: 59c Fish Sticks or Fish Stick Dinner 2 for Sl Mrs. Pauls Domonstrotes Friday & Saturday SUGAR 10-lb. bag 89e Spreckle's-limil 10 fbs. Mustard Greens Bunch Spinach Bananas Watermelons ----PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ---- 2 bu. for 29e 2 lbs. fJr 29e 2 lbs. for 29e lb. 8e GAYLORD'S !':'::1, 5212 N. E. UNION STORE HOURS •.;:: : ;~~~~ : ~ .. ~A~~y L~l~LOSEO SUNOAY GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY * We Are Closed on Sundays for o Doy of Worship, Rest and Recreation 631 N. E. Grand Phone BE 5-3191 BALTZEGAR'S PHOTOS DEPENDABLE AT 4-5735 SUGAR HILL DINETTE 84 N. E. Broadway Myrtle 8. ond H. Jomes Conron 12 noon till 9 P.M Closed Monday-Tuesday AT 7-2381 REPOSSESSION 1953 Lincoln Capri FUll ,OWER l"ow•r SIHring, Power 8roh1. ,ower Wi11dow1, and ,Over Seoh 2-door Hardtop. $525.00 I OREGON FINANCE ·.,. "~~~~~ TI01 ~ ..,.,, Pretty"cushiony"for y ~.. .o"u with longer lasting_ 1 • • Stretch)' Mar/11A lubrication k~ps . )'Outdrhingnubio•J•Smootll-fora ~ thousand milts or mort. And M'Cllusc .\ l.rr/ak dings fa.r Jongc.r to points o(wear and friction. your upkttp costs go dou'II. For proof, dr-i,·c in to<Lly for longer lasting MJT/d ch;issis lubricitioo. GLENN'S TEXACO CORNER OF NO. BROADWAY AND WILLIAMS AVENUE