'rlmrsday, April 30, 19591 Pate 2 ~~=~==~===~~===i;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;;::;:;;;;;;::;:;;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;:;::;;;;::;;:;:;;;;::;;:;:;;;r-, ~ ~ ~ = - - d = - ~ ~ = -- -1 People, Places and Scenes Letter to the editor The OREG J,,__ Q P!:'" ~ QJ"" I J~JH P PQ P '.TlJL, .. · 4'\. \.:.l.: . I~ "f\ l ..\. 4\.... 4\. 1940 N. Capitol Stret The contents of your most reSalem, Oregon cent issue establishes that the By Galven Irby There is on old saying, "Get wisdom, get knowledge, but obove all things get an understanding." After one hundred years of roce relations in Oregon what understanding do we ~ave of each other? A means of determining the errectiveness of thts question is to analyze and study the community in wh.ich .we li:'e. However a certain amount of judgment must be applied m amving at any conclusion. For community conditions an? resources vary widely, but with common sense and understandmg we ~an reach o reasonably accurate conclusion as to what our community believes. . In any given community there are a n~mber of .misnomer 1de~s as to what the different racial groups beheve or thmk. Portland 1s no different than any other community in this respect. Here in Portland it is an honest belier that certain minority groups will not cooperate ,...,ith government agencies in promoting a clean and decent community. They believe that these groups cam the greater part of their livelihood from some type of criminal activity. This belief is far from being true. I will point out the fallacy of this a little later. It is believed also that certain racial groups are seeking preferential treatment in their strive for progress. It is also a belief that certain racial groups will bring down property valuation by the mere fact that they happen to Jive in- the neighborhood. It is the belief of certain racial groups that mere belonging in itself will keep them from getting proper police protection within the community. PUBLISHED WEEKLY ON THURSDAY Circulated by Mail - Ntm ibo,•• - Bu1incue11 nnd Churcllcs 2713 N. \Villinms Ave., Portlnnd, Orci;:on AT 8-1768-BE 6-0952 Publisher and Mnnogcr-DON ALFORD Co-Publisher end Editor-DR. BOOKER T. LEWIS Columniat nnd Advertising Manager-John Toran, Jr. Ne:::::~:~~=:~:by, Cho~:~~ ;o::,~r;:~;l !~It,, Dr. Mark: Mo.rti.ncz. Infonte Jorge Antonio Fronco-Ricnurte Minnie Scott Enterto.inment \Vriter-Terri Francis FRON\ • srr DISPLACED PERSONS . Basically th 1 ere are always :me facts tot~~f;:i~i~=l~~is ~~~ Last week this paper carried a front page article under the : ; 0~:ta~:~z: ~~ ~::t;~~!; ~i~~eans O ~1eading of Urban League Activities .whic~ s~ould .be of prime by Chalmers L. Jones We can rove the fallacy of this belief by an illustration. importance to a ~arge ?umber ?f Albma District res1~ents. I ar:n Tak.e 8 penJl and draw four circles. one within the other, the not sure that this article receive? the. reader att~nt1on that 1t whole to st~nd for. the. sum of fifteen ~r seventee~ tho~sand per• ~7:c~:s ~:;:~s!e~erefore. 1 am takmg this opportunity to further sons of a given mmority group. The mnermost circle 1s to form the criminal element of this group. This group is very small. Now The Urban League of Portland sent letters to non-white resiif any member of this group is apprehended by the police ~ey dents of the area who are being displaced by the East Bank Freecertainly will not co-operate with the police. The second c1rcle way urging them to take advantage of this opportunity to rerepresents a group who either supports or earns a living from locate outside of the area jn which they now live, whenever posgrollp No. l. They will not co-operate wi~ the police_ unl~ sible. It is my fervent hope that such opportunities do not go to coerced. The third group is the group that 1s affected m their waste. daily living by the first two groups. Their utmost desire is to . . . escape from any of the other two groups' activity. They can't co- This rep~esents a. golden oppo~mty for exp~ns1on beyond operate with the police because they know of none of the activi- the boundaries of racial .concentr~tJo~ that now exists. Yo_u h_ave ties of the first two groups. The fourth group are the individuals furtb~r been warned aga1~st movm~ J~St o:-er the_ boundaries mt_o such as the ministers and professional people. the fnnge areas surroundmg our district SJnce this only makes ,t ~~=~~=~===============; :e:;;fin~f time before these areas become areas of racial conNOW SEE THESE COUPLES CHEAP - CHEAP • CHEAP &tro clean ond co:iy. 2 bedroom Near New A.M.E. Cleon two bed. modem home ot 4525 N.E. J 1th room home ot o give-owoy price. Ave. F.H.A SS,000.00. $3,500.00 cosh tokes it. 635 N.E. Coll George ......... AT 1-5289 Sumner. * See Jock ... AT 2-0020 Evenings GOT A PAINT BRUSH? * ~:rp~: ~ thfi~:-~·. ~o;ld~ S. E. 51ST AND DUKE two bedroom home with attic and Cute 2 bedroom home on double cement basement. Oil heat and lot. Garage, outdoor polio with lovely yord. 616 N.E. Simpson. fireplace. Some fumlture. Only S5,250.00. Colt Joney .. MO 5-4657 Evenings AT 2-0020 Evenings * * NEAR HIGHLAND ROOSEVELT HIGH A family buy. Three bedrooms, Estele buy. Oil heat. Hardwood basement, fireplace, furnace (outo• floors. Fireplace. Big yard. F':'11 motic l,eot) for only $7,995.00 basemen!. Offers wonted on this. with reasonoble terms. Asking $7,500.00. Coll Jock .. AT 2-0020 Evenings Coll Joney .. MO 5-4657 Evenings !). !). w .allw,, t.iJWRJlll REAL ESTATE INSURANC E HOME LOANS 4950 N. E. Union at Alberto AT 8.5045 For The Best In listening Pleasures Visit any of the following spots for the latest recordings: LIL' SANDY'S FANTASY ROOM 1516 North Williams Avenue THE CASINO CAFE Cor. N. Williams and N. E. Hancock PROCTOR'S CAFE Cor. N. Williams and N. E. Tillamook PORTLAND PORTER'S CLUB 2504 N. Williams Avenue CITIZEN'S LUNCH Cor. N. Williams and N. Russell GREEN FRONT CAFE & TAVERN 2631 N. Albina Avenue RUDY'S POOL PALACE Cor. N. Williams and N. Monroe CLEO'S TAVERN Cor. N. Williams ond N, Monroe BLOOP-BLEEP TAVERN 4228 N. Williams Avenue HARDY'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP 7 N. Russell RAY'S BARBER SHOP 2832 N. Williams Avenue For the Best in Service and Equipment Call BILLY TAYLOR, CA 2-1327 CAMPBELL AMUSEMENT CO. 25 HOURS A DAY In your relocating process, however, do not throw caution to the wind. Such processes of relocation in the past have given rise to the racial concentrations as we now know them. In the past unscrupulous real estate "operators" have used such situations to unload numerous "white elephants" on unsuspecting buyers who were not cautious in making such a long term investment. There are other things also to be considered in this operation. Since it has become apparent that the route of the freeway has been determined, the acquisition of right-of-way property will be the next step. I ask you residents who are being displaced to seek the ultimate value possible for your property. since such value will represent the foundation of your relocation. The Minnesota Route will encompass proj;°erties that will have tremendous values and there will be that tendency to "cut comers" to save money wherever possible. In my opinion such "corners" will be attempted in acquiring right-of-way property in the Albina District. If such problems should arise in your case seek the advice of someone qualified to give you the necessary information you desire. You have et your disposal the services of the Portland Development Commission. This agency has listings in various parts of the city for the benefit of persons being displaced from the Freeway area. You may also seek the aid of the Urban League in the event that you encounter discrimination in your efforts to relocate. Mr. John Holley of the League is ready, willing, and capable to assist you should the need arise that he do so. In summary let me say that this is an important step for all who Wlll be affected by this relocation. Let your judgment be sound in your selection of your new home. Do not let this chance to live in a better neighborhood slip through your fingers. Once you are relocated bend all of your efforts toward making your neighborhood the very best possible. Remember once more you will be under the microscope of public opinion. Your success or failure to meet the test Wlll be up to you. Think on these things! ! - ECONOMICAL READY-TD-FINISH FURNITURE ECONOMICAL reody,to-flni1h op111n ilock furnitura.Yauconpo!ntor1toin lhe1001tro.ctive Colo11lol ,tyled un111 lo ,ult your own docoroling nHd1. Mod• of clear Pa11dero10 Pine, 1ondod for 001yfi11i1hing. 14,d4,r29 3 d,ower COIO 11.9S 2 2x 1.4 ir29 3 drawer une 15.95 44x14J<29 6 drawer COUI 29.9S 22x14J<29 1 1h11ttar COIIII 14,95 28J<14~9 2 1h111ter COI O 19,9S 29J<29x29 corne r de1k 16.95 FREE DELIVERY Convenlortt Cr111dlt T111,m1 ...... ~-J;>#~ Furniture Aflentk 4-1115 1714 N. f . BlOADWAV April 27' 1959 ~~~~l ~~r:~~tr:;er is worthy The Oregon Mirror The choice of Dr. Mark MarP. 0. Box 7971 tinez Infante. and Jorge FrancoPortland, Oregon Ricuarte collaborating es editors Dear Sir: of the Spanish language section, The high purpose for which substantiates your good judgThe Orego.n Mirror has been ment. established-to reflect the inter- My very best wishes for the ests of minority grpups in Ore- success of The Oregon Mirror. gon - warrants full support of Yours very truly, the public in general. Catherine W. Ely Be Sure To Pa'fronize Mirror Advertisers Best Buys )IIRML ~ SPECIAL!-(Hoto, Mcd;um) PURE COUNTRY Pork Sausage Regulor 59c Lb. 2 Lbs. for . ..... s1.10 IN 2 POUND PURCHASES ~ur~ 0 und BEEF lb•••••• 55c Cube Steaks Regular $1 .19 Lb. I U.S. Good l Lb . . 2 Cons For . 95c 25c 35c PINT 69c QUART SUNSHINE Cottage Cheese Pints - Regular 33c SALE .. ..... 29c FRESH WILLIAMS Potato Chips Giant 6-0z..Package .......... ........... 39c Brer Rabbit Molasses NEW ORLEANS Regular27c SALE! 2 For (12 Fl.Ox.I 39c JMML 0fl.9olnl,ln., Mustard and 2 Bunches 2 Sc Turnip Greens For . Golden Yams Regular 19c Lb. 2 Pounds for 29c Sale Prices Good Sot., Sun., Mon,, May 2, 3, 4 Phoenix Margarine l •Lb. Package 2For .35c PEACH PRESERVES 1 Jar at Regular Pricc-59c le SALE! 2Jars 60c (LIMIT 2 JARS) NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING CENTER 2115 N. WILLIAMS AVE. AT 8-4666 I