OBP_NW Defender_1964 Nov 12_no198

Ptirtland'a Andy Kendall puU ►Js outstanding pro-boxing recNd of 12 wins - 1 loss and 1 dra., When he collides \\1th C:a.h!om.la's \"etenn Roy Smith in a matn-event IO-rounder on :-.o\·. 17 a.t the Armory The Rose City Ll.gb1-Beavywei.ghl hopes to come ou1ofthls beef with another win. Howe\'er he may nm Into trouble thts time. Smith hu fought some or lht' best - In more than 40bouU - guys IUr:e Bobo Olson, Wayne Thornton, etc. •·HE DIDN'T i..ASi LONG" but with his rmg savvy and experienc:e, he'll h• dan!terous U Kendall wallops Smith de1s1,·ely. match maker Vear! Sherman announced he wtll rmg In Thornton or Bobo Olson, f.Jrmer middle-weight hampion, as Kend.a.ll's next :,pponent. Many light buffs think at If Kendall re\"erts to his Id style or •••tn,ing to the body •hen he's cl<.se up, he stands a g!Xld chance of ending the lundig 1ns1de or IO rounds ..,..n'lllg tt'.' OUtboJ: Smith would be a mistake - Smith lcnows most r tht> answers if he ts rC'ed nn the defe-nsive. He :I ,es tus best -.;hen he's jabbing :'Id hooking and snc-a.lcing In an C'a5l<X13l ri1;:ht. Snuth's recd: 18 wins - 20 losses - and :lnw-s '.\hJr:e Tunne\', promising ung light-heavy prottii:e of nmg 11,:ht-heavy protege, c-es Bulla.lo Hernandez ,,f Hern sillo, Mexico, lo the elght- ;,und Semt-hna..ls. These boys ~ared 1n a pler-su: bnwl :.st we-ek "'Ith Tunney pulUng 1 a spht decision The wtnr uf the Tunney - Benandez ;1t -.,;·111 get a shot at Oregon Jdd!e-wetitht Cna.mp Ron mp.son r Eugene. on the ct ~ight ca rd Tbt re will be -et. :,the r bouts on tht> rct;nm Thl" hir fight Ltsttm or Clay? ""'.£. comer wlll take Clay .gain. The reason: Sonny's t good iMOUgh, g!Xld enough course to be ez- heavywet,:ht .a.mp, •1th 35 ,1ns and 25 K O.'s tn J'j flghts that he's JUg:ht over aperiodo!l0years. t liBte-n to ''inng:-&ngTalk- • Ll.ston ha.s only traveled n a I~ dlsta.nce in Hve buts The fl NJt Ume he went 10 ..md5 WaJI ~inst Marty Ma.r- ~• the lighter who bea.t hJm a prPTlous bout before he wa.a a champ. Twice Bert WhJtehurst stayed with Liston fc,:- 10 rounds, lostngdeclslons E:1d1e Machen went 12 rounds w1lh the • Big Bear" ln Seattle, and la.st Februarv Ca.sslus \il tor Mouth" Clay All D ror S1X roun::15 convinced the world that he could ·· Ploat l1ke a buttErfly and sung llk.e a bee.'' Wmmng on a sit-down by Sonny ln the su:th round - "Motor 11outh" style bewildered him. (.;.ay t2bbed In this com.er as a ci.1Ue, a slabber-retreater ..,ho an countt'r and makeyoumt.s.s In his hrst ouung with Sonny, Clay used retreating tactics mc,st or the su: rounds. Llston rut arOUnd the eyes and Ured didn't have the savvy to get him to /!{lme to hJm so he could drop tus bomb. Sonny's le!t Jab went out of ,x,mml.salon the night he lost hJs Utle to Mr. Ail, hopes that his best weapon will not tail him thJ.a time. "Motor Mouth" says 11 w111 not make any dJffe-reoc.e whether I.J..ston's le-ft Jab l.s opentlve. I'll knOck him out Iegtttma.tely this timP ~- slus predlc:ted the other day. "The lut Ume Llston was lucky, 1 had him a.II set up for a. knockout, but he preferred to sit In his corner and surrender. In February nobody g-ave the talbtive Clay a chance - exc:ept "Motor Mouth," I'll beat Liston with speed and cunning, he dec:lared before the fight. The skeptic:s laughed at the young cha.llen«er - they uld he c:ould talk b('tter than he could fight But Crom the fl rst round on, Clay li\"ed up to his pred.Jction, h1· was too fast and he was too smart He bewildered Liston with his stinging left Jabs, he motored over, up, under and all over, theslowmovingc.ha.mplon like a ballet dancer with an assortment or punches that befuddled Llston Uston has only one chance. He must overwhelm Cassius wtth his punching power. But how can he connect? He could no1 land his ower punch lhe last time when Clay wu almost blind. Cassius wlll be able to see all lhe way this time. "I -.;•ould have stopped him the last Ume" Sonny declared in Boston r~entl)-, ''11 my arm hadn't gone out of commission. I was .setting him up tor the knockout But then my Jabb~ameuseless and there wasn't anything I could do." Sonny's h.a.ndlcap Is that he ls a plodder He ls not nimble, n(,r ls he quick - he ls at a ~dva.ntage ..,hen Clay moves to the right or left or encircles him In the previous fight, Clay circled him consuntly, and Uston was helpless. He ,1ras!rustrated from start to finish. It ls a foregone c:oncluslon that Clay will do the sa.me thing thls time. He ls not going: to sb.nd sun and walt for Sonny to take pot shots at him Cb.y wW be running and dancing, stlcldng and stabbing. "I'll fight him the same way," Ca.aslus promises. ''Only thls Ume J'llknoc.khimout earlier.'' Bang-Bang Jr.nows no one ever knocked Sonny down. We know or a.II the heavyweight champs from "The Great John L. 9.11llvan" on that Liston lstheonly one wbo has neverbeenknoc.ked down. Jim FeUrles. Joe Lewis, Jack John5on, Jack Dempsey, Roe.Icy Marclano. etc . ... they were an decked, On the buls of the past engagement it seems here that Clay will be able to handle Sonny even easier in the impending bout, and could very easUy be the first man to put Mr. Liston on h1a seat. Llston will probably enter the rlng the !avorlte because he does have the bigger punch. But Mr. Ca.sstu.s "Moltummed All - Marcelu.s Motor-Mouth" Clay I I, will again be a movtn', danc:lng, target Sonny '' Bad Boy - Big Bear'' Liston, ltwa.sd!Bc.overed ln the first fight, can't do much wtth moving Larseta Stadium Pro_iect Still Lives Leaders of two organiza• tions that unsuccessfully sought vo1er approval or a covered stadium in the Portland area pledged Monda\' they will continue to search for ways to acquire such a facility. Ballot measures or $25 mil· lion for a domed stadium in Delta Park have been tumed down twice by Multnomah County voters. Robert J. R.icett. chairman or Volunteers for Delta Dome Covered Stadium. and Paul B. McKee. president of Portland Metropolitan Fu_ture Unlimi_t· ed. said they will offer their assi~tance to anyone who may have solutions to the problems of providing Portland with a covered stadium. The need for it exists, despite the oulCome of the t1,1,-o elections, they said. McKee, whose group concei• ved the idea and conducted the• Delta Dome campaign in May, said, "We ,att not discouraged and will ·continue to explore all avenues suggested to us." Rickett, whose organization backed the measure for the November election, said, "I believe strongly that this area needs a covered stadium, with ~~ty ac 0:::~te ~pl~~ the Portland area, and stand ready to help any other group or person who has the solution 10 the problem of obtaining a covered stadium." They said that firm plans for the facility ""-ould be a ma• jor asset !-0. PortJand's chanc• es of obtammg the 1m Olympic Games. @~isctl /$ REMEl'IBERED FOR WHATCRYff CONTRIBUTION? ANSWER: 1-1£ SPENT /IIS llfITIME TRACING-AND RECORDING- IVlCRO ).I/STORY IN MANY AUTHORITATIVE VOLUMES HAVE THE llORTHWEST DEFEIDER DEn;NIJER ,,....,....,.,a,.._1.i1 ,..... 11,w,..,., HOM?: WEEKLY IY MAIL MORE ,;n.. ••• •f ''"'••••' "' TOU 1lil.11 ...,, Otlw, N,.,,,,-r CUr ANO IUIL su1sc11,TION ILANK 2742 N. WUllaa, Ave. ..,._. 110..-, IT- 95,00 11s -lllo $2,75 Dlld,O._,....,_ ... (,._,.,Ml>My0.- 114&~,.. VAil C)Nl'f n•-------- ltT Willie Ketchum,.manager of four world champions, is shown lacing on the watch for blg Defender's gloves of his young heavyweight hopeful, Thad Spencer, a former Portlonder. Fashlon Show, Hilton Hotel, Spencer knocked out heavyweight challenger Tom Mc N eely in the fifth round _____.=;,;.;.•;_mb_-•.r ll. ---------,· \onday night, at Santa Monica, Calif. Spencer, now of Pasodeno, Calif., KEYS LEATHER ,ored his 13th KO in winning 24 of 26 fights. Made for All loch COATS .... Only t,he '65 Pontiac Outltoord lg,lt;on loy1 JACKETS Hd M,,;,.. locks Rostyled, r,polred &Ires y,., So M,,,J, Class """' ""~=·~=~~.. ~Klu ... lth or oltiered WALNUT PARK J,OCK&KEY JJJ H.L Ki11Ult•Yol1h °11"J .A_.M..t1 J , _.14. JM4,N CU,LBERTSON'S LHTHIIS 1s.1. 1,.,.et1•..-.J•• 1106 U.-,• c.~ SUBSCRIBE TODAY BOYS!! TO SELL THE NORTHWEST DEFENDER EVERY THUR.-FRI.-8.AT. IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ITS EASY ITS FUN • EARN YOUR OWN SPENDING MONEY CALL A12-4696 Watch for big Defender's Fashion Show, Hilton Hotel, December 11. AT4-2l75 Connors Construction Co. 5253 M. E. Sar.iy Ill .... You Buy for less Where Business Is Best MEADOWS PONTIAC 28th & Sandy Blvd. 235-4101 l'ORMICA TYPE COUNTER COVERIJl'O FULL SBEE I'S MILOW15c A5 oq.ft. BDDllffl,LlBCE LOW IS 5, SO. n. DEL HM 60,000 SO. FT. OF FORMICA TYPE MATERIAIL IN STOCK AT HUGE SAVINGS Ro Rental Charge OH FORMICA CU1:WlB.s AT DEL'S TII.E USE OUR ''LAY-A-WAY-'TIL-PAYDAY" Pl-Alf CERMUC COMING BIG DEFENDER INLAID LINOLEUM Tllo 8~C .._ ASPHALT TILE -·-·-- Be .., ASPHALT TU., lU• colon°7½:C! ea. VINYL ASBESTOS ,TILE _ 8c M• 9"'x9" SOLID VINYL TILE I Sf .._ 12"x12" SOLID V1D7I Tllo 38c .._ C.ramlo Wall TU., 2 co~ 4c .._ l'xl" MONlo TU.. low u 39c ah .., 11.1.... Glua MOA!ca .. 49c -· MOSAIC PAT-TERNS ··- ea, ... NO REN,T AL CHARGE OD TU• Cutt•n at Deil'e FASHION SHOW-DANCE HILTON HOTEL DEC. 11 PAINT DEL'S ON BROADWAY (AT QIIAJt'D AVE..) JCOlfDAY•FRmAY ,iL IP.JC, LOTS OF FREE PAJIIONG WHY? BUY A YEAR OLD 1964? of any mah or model WHEN you can ... BUY A BRAND NEW 1965 DODGE For the same LOW I PRICE with 1 ... City Dodge's El(. CLUSIYE Customer assured payment plan, I 1.~~=pn:= 1110•• It lmpo»lbl• to I ho•• a repo~lo11, plus b11lldi119 ro11r credit, 2. PROTECTED EQ• UITIES. Aft•r t yeor yo11 wlll b,e obi• to tnldt for a n,w car wllh1111t o-:l'dltio11ol co1h. 3, o•o~!: arT~~r;_ H and moktt yo11r fl"t IO poyme111'S 011 yo11rnewcorco11tn1ct NOTICE TI,l1 " not th• botloonp~•ntplon •"-•• you ore ITIOk• lnq poyme111'$ 011 your - car for 4 to 5 yeor't but a slmpl• poym•nt plo11 thot 9IN1 a whol• y.ar to bolo11ce yo11r b11d, 9.-ta"cl1J•tcrllthaM 1111011 bl111 paid up I y.tdri..,. a ••w car. EXAMPLE '65 DART - 2 dr sdn Ma.,.iochN,'1S.,;i9t1W htall '1-lc, Ul71.M $445~- Mo. WE AU DEALING, lo1t City Dodo;• c,,otult, ::!~nl:n:, !~~""::~\, !: yo•r U maftth cDnlfOCI, USED CAR CLEARANCE PIICI "MT 'll Vols _$l!5 Sll.11 UH 'l!Plp,W1g 195 15.30 UH, 01110 '5!!..,bWgn405 10.14 UH,o•to 'l!P'"t ! dr 195 15.30 HH,,U.PS 'l!CkTHto, 195 17.10 UH, AT, ,s '51llldtHtop495 10.14 UM, 1Uck ·s•~•" m 13.11 UH, ,lick '51O1ds4dr 495 10.14 UH, o•to 'l7DodgtPi97!5 17.50 'I, wllll U""DPY '57ford4dr2!5 1.55 l&H,lhllO '57Pl,,.!dr2!5 llH, ,tick 1.55 '57 TIil CnTI 415 13.11 UH, 41p11d 'llDtlolo 150 5.DD, 'Slfont!dr 315 1.15 UH, lllck 'll 0.tTl dr 05 1D.14 UH,,tllck 'SICllt,Con,1515 11.11 UH, AT, ,S 'SIPf!IIHto,415 ID.14 UH, AT, ,S 'llDod1t4dr415 10.14 UH, ...,,o '51Mtrt4dr 415 10.14 llH, Olllo 1/,dm,11 ..lls OP!II M&SUN ROSE CITY DODGE,nc. 4401 NI UNION AT·2·3275 I I