OBP_NW-Clarion_1956-Dec 28_v10_no30

Friday, December 28, 1956 NORTHWEST CLARION SOC~IETY NIEWS by ANN MORRISON CALIFORNIA VISITORS VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller of Santa Mrs. Priscilla Cyrus, 3320 N. Monica, California, are spending Commercial, enjoyed having her tho holiday week in our clly. They sialer, Miss Lollie Jean Dimery arc lhc guests of Mr. MIUcr's sis- or ,San Antonio, Texas, visit her ter, Mrs. Belcher and Miss K. prior to Lhe Christmas holidays. Halncg, Mr. Miller once made his She also had as guests, her two home here before moving to Santa brothers, Messrs. Samuel and RuMonica. He is busy renewing pa.st dolph Dimery of San Antonio. friendships. The main highlight of When her relatives returned to his visit will be U1e Christmas <lin- Texas they were accompanied by ner. their mother, Mrs. Julia Dimery, who has been sojourning in the home of her daughter, Mrs. HenBABIES BAPTIZED rlella Brown, for the past few Sunday m~rning, preceding the weeks. Churches ~ Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, 2629 N. Vancouver Ave. Sunday morning service at Bethel A.M.E. Church, three babies received the titles of baptism. Master Herod Davis, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis; Raymond E. Pasctal, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Pa.scial and Mrs. Johnnie WOJiams of East School, 9:30; Morning Worship Chicago, Indiana, is in the city 11:30; B.Y.P.U. 6:00 p.m.; Evening visiting Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Service 7:00 p.m.; Prayer meeting Brnwn for the holidays. Wednesday night. Rev. Cannon, Mrs. Williams is head of the Spe- MiniSter· RosieAnn, daughter of lhe Pas- cial Service division of the Lake cials were baptized. County Department of Public Wel- Seventh Day Adventist, North Mr. and Mrs. Millon Maxwell fare. She is a member of A.K.A. Vancouver and Knott St. Services: Sabbath School, Saturday, 9:30; Mrs. Newsome of Los Angeles Morning Service, 11:00 a..m.; Page Th, .. VANCOUVER THE DENTIST I 1;,,, ,;tit{!. {9)j. N E W 5 SPEAKS I Beaver Lodg~ ~o. 38, F.&A.M. By IIELEN JONES By Dr. Samuel J. Brown, Jr. stated communication nights first I and thlrd Thursdays. The New Hope Baptist Church In the last election, the decision E t . Lod N 1 F & of Vancouver entertained several was made not to add fluorine to A.M~ ~fa~!ed co!~u~·ic~ti~~ Portland churches Sunday In ac- the public w~tcr supply. Those op- nights first and third Monda a. cordance with the Union Day pro- IJ:<>sing fluoridation had won their Ex 1s· Lod y gram. f1ght but let us see who will suf~er 1 A.~.c:t:~red cog~::~i! 3~tf~! Rev. Williams of Pasco, Wash., th e mogt fro m th19 defeat. statis- nights second and fourth Monand now minister of the Mt. Zion tlcs show that fifty per cent of all days. Church, delivered the sermon. The two-year-olds have one or more de-I All visiting brothers are welcboir from the Morning Star Bap- cayed teeth. At. school age the av- come. list Church gave the musical num- erage child has three or more de- ___ bers. Mrs. Carter of Mt. Zion sang cayed teeth · The average aixteen- LODGE NOTICES yeart-old has seven decayed, missJng or filled teeth. 'What is the Elks Lodge LB.P.O.E. of W., · f tooth d ? E !Billy Webb No. 1050. Second and a number of selections. maJ~r cause O ecay · x- fourth Saturday ot each month. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS cess,ve amount., o_f carbohydrates Dahlia Temple No. 202. First m the dJet part1cuJarly sugars, · and third Tuesdays ot ea.ch month. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Howard (Mrs. Howard was formerly Jewel Wright) were in Vancouver for above energy needs may actually _____________ ~e h~ful and are a major f~ctor ally contains nuoride in concenm causing tooth decay. Amencans tral.Jons as high or higher than that the yuletide season visiting Mrs. today consume ten times as much recommended for dental health. Howard's sons and daughters, sugar as their grandparents did Over one-thousand U. S. communiJohn, ~ewey (H. S.) and Clau~- one hundred years ago. The av- ties with a population o! twenty- ~~~tt:11~:r.vi!~e i::e~ :::~e:. erage ?er capita consumption of mllHon have already been fluoriat Washington U. Th•e Howards sug_ar is now 120 pounds a ye~r. dating their water supplies. Many have lived in Moses Lake for the Inc1den_tally, a ~andy bar contains studies have been conducted among were the Godparents. AJso present for the occasion were the grandparents of the abbies, Mr. and M rs. Pascial, Sr. spent the past week in our city. Young Peoples' meeting, 3:30. EI- past year where he is employed. der Clark, Minister. from five to twenty teaspoons of these people by research scientists sugar; a piece of chocolate cake and the search has been pain.stakwill have fifteen; a piece of pie ten ing. Yt no one bas been able to to fifteen; and a bottle of pop three find any adverse effect except Rev. H. Akers officiated and was assisted by Rev. KJnard. CLUB NOTES The Young Matrons Club held Immaculate Heart, corner N. their annual Christmas party Stanton and Williams Ave. MonThursday evening, December 27 signor Charles Smith, Pastor. FaTw •, 1•1ght Concert at 8 p.m. in the home of Rev. and ther Mel Stead, Assistant Pastor. Masses : 6:00, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30, Mrs. Akers, 2737 N. E. 10th Ave. By Youth Choir 12:00, Sundays. Sunday evening, December 23 at The Pioneer Birthday Club held 7 :00 a nd S:OO a.m. Daily Masses: 5 p.m., the Youth Choir of Bethel their annual Christmas party DeA.M.E. Church presented their first cember 27 at 2 p.m. in the home concert in their new robes. Before of Mrs. G. Washington on 103 N. E. the program, Rev. H. Akers held Thompson St. a short dedication ceremony. Although the weather was ·ra-- SICK LIST St. Phlllips Episcopal Church, corner of Rodney and Knott. Rev. L. O. Stone, Vicar. Services: Holy Communion and Early Mass, 7 :45; Morning Prayer Service, 11 :00; Thursday Holy Communion, 7:15 ther wet, a good crowd was out Mrs. Louise •Lesane is in Eman- a.m. to hear the young people. The uel Hospital. program consisted of solos and group songs. Mrs. Melba Flowers is much imSEATTLE VISITORS to five. The use of chewing gum (mottled enamel) in areas where Mr. and Mrs. Lester Faris, now has not been found to be of any the concentration is excessively of Seattl~, Wash., vlsi_ted friends benefit to the teeth or gums. 1n high. The amount of fluoride neeand rela~ves here and m P.ortland. fact, its use is not recommended essary to add to the commt.lIUty Mrs. Fans, formerly Tessi Jo~es, hecause of the high sugar content water supply is one part of elewent ~ Seattl~ after completmg of most commercial gums. Each ment fluorine to one million parts a practical ~ursm~ course at Clark stick of ordinary chewing gum of \vater. If you were to attempt College earlier this fall. Her hus- contains about a half-teaspoonful to measfile the amount of fluoride band is a student in the music de- of sugar. These sweet.a are con- in a glass of fluoridated \1/3.ter, you partment of the same college. sumed by people every day. They would find it equivalent to about SHUT-INS are considered more so by the one two-hundred and fiftieth of a young people. For each candy bar drop. The tiny amount needed to eaten, there will possibly be an- prevent tooth decay are detectable Mr. Robert Harris is reported other decayed tooth. only by chemical tests. These are resting fai.rly :wen at the St. Jo- ,vith the.se facts in mind it would facts abc.ut fluoridation. It must seph Hospital LD Vancouv_er where appear that all would be done to be reminded that it is not a curehe was returned after being home control tooth decay in such a way' all but can decr ease decay in young for one day. He had spent several children from forty to sixty per weeks there suffering from a card- as to reach the greatest number of cent. iac condition. people and give the maximum bene- Mr. H. Washington is the direc- proved but still remains in the tor, and Mrs. Marchetta Kinnard, hospital. accompanist and ·Mesdames Lulu Gragg and L. ,Price are the superH u g h es Memorial Methodist Church, 2902 N. E. Rodney Ave. Rev. Cortlar@t Cambric, Minister. Services: s'unday School, 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship, ll:OO a.m.; Before coming to Washington Youth Fellowship, 6:00 p.m. they resided in Oklahoma. fit. The fluoridation of public wa- I hope that the parents of the ter supplies is now widely ac- 'children of this community v...-ill cepted as an effective and safe I think twice before they vote ''NO" method of reducing the incidence when the issue is presented again. visors. The group is leaving Friday, De. cember 28 for Tacoma, Washington, where they will be presented in a concert by Allen A.M.E. - - Chl.J..l:A the same evenin.a:. We should be very proud of our young people's musical talents and hope they may go on to further heights. Checking On Check-Signing Bethel A.M.E. Church, corner N. Larrabee and McMillen. Rev. HarHomemakers who often do a ley Akers, Minister. Services: Sungood deal of the family business day School, 9:30; Morning Wormasr not know-an the eafety rules ship, 11.~0.0 a..m.; A..c.E. League, for endorsing checks. Mrs. Doris 6:00 p.m.; Evening Service, 8:00 Anderson, New Jersey extension p.m. home management specialist, recently reviewed these rules for Holy Rosary Church, corner ,=============-, the homemakers in her State. N. E. 2nd and Otackamas. Pastor, Father Feucht; Assistant Pastors, Father A. Healy and Father P. Condon. Masses: 6:~, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 12:10. J!utfiner ~fo1•i:Jl:J FLORAL SPECIALISTS Flowers for Every Occasion FOR EXPERT DESIGNING Funerals-· Weddings - Corsages CA 7-0559 When you place your name on the back of a check at the left end, without qualification, you are saying that you personally have received the value of that check, says Mrs. Anderson. This is known as a "blank" endorsement. 821 S.W. Morrison - Corner of 9th Should you endorse a check this way at home and lose it enroute to the bank, the finder might get the money instead of you. To protect yourself, wait until you are ready to ca.sh it. Listen Every Sunday to "THE GOSPEL TRAIN" 1:15 to 2:00 p.m. Church of the Living God, 2402 N. Albina. Rev. L. H. Hodges, Pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.; Morning Worship, 11:30 a.m.; Y.P.P.V., 6:00 p.m.; Evening Service, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday; Prayer Meeting. 8:00 p.m. Thursday; Women's ,vork, 8:00 p.m. Mount Calvary Church of God in Christ, 9823 S. E. Ash. Rev. H. B. Daniels, Minister. Sunday School, 9:30; Morning Service, 12:00; Y.P.,v.w., 6:30; Evening Service, 8:00 p.m. ''I'm looking ahead!" SAYS MISS DOROTHY RAN0AU, NURSE'S AIDE, EMANUEL HOSPITAL t "The future looks good with High-Fashion Frames" of tooth decay in children. More Don't be misled by tbose who are than four-ntillion people in the misinformed. Remember-"Be true United States alone live in areas to your teeth-or they will be false where the drinking water natur• to you." -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR• ,;: I LILLIAN'S BEAUTY SHOP {\ M LILLIAN WILLIAMS BERNICE ODOM fF. ~l Bus. Phone AT 1-65S4 2S29 North Will.iom31 1~ ~~~~~~~~~-r~~~)l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! COMPLIMENTS ON THE NEW YEAR! I ~~- SHARON S.D.A. CHURCH ~ t 108 N. KNOTT A. WELLINGTON CLARKE, Posto, ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)l t(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'I(! COMPLIMENTS l\ You can wear Dr. Noles' flatter- D d M S I J B J " ing frames, too. Modestly ' . r. an rs. amue . rown, r. l\ . . DENTIST fF;, priced luxurious frames odd ~ personal charm and O distin- \'§"- 2341 N. Williams Ave., Portland, Oregon AT 2-7543 1\ guished oppeoronce. ~~-r~~~~~~.,,,..?~~~)l Dr. Noles personally invites you Jo come in ond see for ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yourself what personality frames ~~ C O M p L I M E N Ts :1\ con do for you. ~ ~ Morning Star Missionary Bap- ;--.·. FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! \\ tist Church, 603 N. Fargo. Rev. Easy Credit Always W It W Y d F "I fl'. Sylvester McCullum, Minister. ~-. a er • eager an aml Y }i._\ Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Mom- Dr. Noles Optometrists* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)l K.P.D.Q. 800 ON YOUR DIAL The Best in Spiritual Music FITZGERALD BEAVER, Conductor ing Service, 11:00 a.m.; B.Y.P.U., offices nt 6:00 p.m.; Evening Worship, 7:30 Columbian Optical Co, *.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :=========================,IP-m. 631 S.W. Alder ~'{- COMPLIMENTS FOR THE NEW YEAR! l\ •Dr. Omsr J. Nol". Alcxandn. Brown. ~ " IN MEMORY OF THOSE WE LOVE J\·: ~ ,~··· , .. -, . We do the kindest things in tho k,indcst way A. A. Cox Sr. "BEFORE YOU MUST MAKE A DECISION" Inspect the Beautiful COX FUNERAL CHAPEL Interest in your problems is their· first consideration. Equipped to serve all religions, races, veterans, and fraternal organizations. * Inquire about the services they offerE. H. Cox Ken Fields A. A. C:OX FUNERAL C:HAPEL 2826 N, Williams Avenue AT 7-2565 24 HOUR SERVICE "Ask Those We Have Served" All Nations Church of the Naza- Andmon and Lcllul ~I Neighborhood Grocery Store l\ renc, 313 N. E. Failing. Pastor, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;~ j ~ BELL AND BILL BENTON J/8 Rev. E. L. Jackson. Services: Sun- r- \.l 215 N. WUHoms AT B-4666 }._~ day School, 9:45; Morning Service, SPACE AVAILABLE ~~~~~~~~~;.,~~~~~ 11:00 a.m.; Young Peoples' Hour, 6:30; Evening Services, 7:30 p.m. - for - *.~~~~~~-<:;:,.~~~~~~~~~ Prescriptions 24 hours a day .. 7 days a week/ "WE NEVER CLOSE" Frank Nau 919 SW Taylor CA 3-7211 519 SW Sixth CA 7-1432 MILLER WOOD AND COAL COMPANY (Established 1908) DRY WOOD UNDER SHED Liberty Utah Coal Pres-to-logs Furnace Oil Pick-up Service at Yard 4041 N.E. Union AT 4-2361 Portland 12, Oregon BUSINESS 2343 N. Williams Ave. * Contact DR, MARSHALL AT 7-9023 or CA 3-3181 Lews Man's Shop Wishes its mony friends ond patrons A Happy New Year 0 N. Russell Street AT 2-4900 PATRONIZE CLARION ADVERTISERS :·r( BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR' ~ ~ Broadway Golden Eagle Service Station ~ ~ AT 8-4344 70 N. E. BROADWAY A~ I ~~~.h~~~~~:,,-~~~~)l I !<'r--"""·-~--~,,.,,;;;;~_-,P,'"""·'»-"'""'-~'-'"7-~·~~~•#,.., ·~~~~►-~-...:-~~".:-~~~".:-:S►-~~~..,:;:~~~►-~>~ ~'{- BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR ~ ~- Dawson's-Red Front Poultry Market l~ ~ 2620 N. Williams AT 2-0474 " ~l Res. 51 N. E. Fa;l;ng AT 4-0966 1\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *.--e"~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'{ BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR! ~ i DE LUXE BARBER SHOP l\ ~1 W. PERRY, Manage, REV J. C. FOSTER, O,.ne.- ff.:. I Phone AT 4-9843 2726 N. Williams Ave., Portland, Ore, lt~ ~~~~~~.....?,,..$'-~~~~~~ -- .--.. ---- ,'{-1'\~~~~~~~~~~ ~ COMPLIMENTS ~ ~ PORTERS CLUB _\\ \l Monoger JIM LEE § ~ 2504 N. w;mams AT 4-9886 '• ~~~~~~~~~~~~-