Monday, May ~, 1947 THE NORTI-IWEST CLARION AND PACIFlC DISPATCH PAGE SEVEN THESE SE~TTLE MERCHANTS SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS ------------------------------- p ANEL SPEAKERS AT TUSKEGEE HOUSING INSTITUTE Br a PANCA NEWS of the CHURCHES It's your duty lo attend Church· somewhere PASTOI\S: You arc urged to hove your church clerk mail the church news ond onnounccments Lo our office. NO CIIAI\GE.: Mopdoy noon, deadline. Thank you. Mns. M. TANN, Ch~rch news Editor The Pacific Di<;patch can be purchased from a carriE'r ot these churches. PEOPLES' INSTITUTIONAL g,m, by the S,-nio,· Choi,·. I BAPTIST CHURCH (,w•,; Arli~t -Mrs. Rob1•rt Nolt(', 24th Avenue at East Fir St. Soprano Soloi~t. Grcenlake Methodi..,t Rev. 17. \V. Penick, D. D., Pa~tor Church. Mr. John Pressley, Tenor Sund;;.1'rci:0Pf ff1~:'~~E Soloist, Grc-enlfll,.p Methodist Church. Morning worship J l 8 _ m. Sprciul Music by tlu> Choir B. T. U. 6 p. m. ComP and bring a fric•nd. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Monday night S. S. Workers' Conference 6 p. m. Church auxiliary meeting 7:15 p. m. ST PIIILIP'S EPISCOl'.\L MfSSION This year thf> National Association for thr. Arlvanv•mf'nt of Colored Peo-. pl" h,1s a goal of a ~11 LLIO'.'i ME.'\fBERS. A million voices blended into I one great. voirr• d1>rnanding freedom. a million hi:_,.:1rt.s and heads dedicau-d to thl' unwavering principl" of hu man dignity and human rights.. Th,- $Pattl1> Brnnch is df'tf"nninf>d to rontributP. it's ,hare in thi, nation \.,.·id" campaign hy securing 3.00G m,·mbers plus ,;pe,:ial conttibutions. Our t.1-.k is to immuni1.e again~t th" disease of h,1tr1>d and to eradicatP pn·iurliu• and discri.mindtion wbPn evC'r and whf"revP.r it apPpars W disrupt AmJ> l'nity By education of the mas.scs. by local and na· I llonal 1£'gislatif)n and th. rough th.• courts. TQ(fay th" =','.A.A.C.P is thP mQ-;t 1 powerful and successful organizatio:" I in the v,:orlrl. fighting for tb1> ba~1c (umnn libertie of all peopleCouncil meeting 9 p. m. 2.27 2ird An>nuc North ,vcdnc.sday nlgbt prayer meeting TIIE Rl-:V. ARNOLD K.ROi'\E 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. P,it•st-in-Chargf' .snr~:~ridn~ ;~ght senior choir rehear•! MI_SS ELE.ANO_H_ J. RIDG\~AY p • • • I Dirccto1· of R1•hg1ous Education FIRST A.I\LE. CH_URCl-1 M~y ·1----Fourtla Sun~ay .-ifter Easter SHOWN above are the panel speakers who appeared at l he recent Housing lnstitute held at Tuskegee Institute. Left to right (seated) Anne Mason, OHE, Washington; E. R., labor advisory service. OHE, Wasbington; Dr. Frank Home, special a.ssistant to the ;idmini.strator, Howing Administration, Washington; Harold Dworett, regional labor specialist, OHE, Atlanta; Henry Davenport, director of rural housing, EPHA, Washington; Hartin Handrick, regional economi.u, EPf-lA, Atlanta, and Louis E. Fry, arch.itect an dhousing consultant, Jefferson City, Mo. Make Your Appointments Now 14th nnd £. Pmc 10.00 A.M.- -SundaJ School Standing, left to right Donald Wyatt, racial relations advisor, NH~ Washington, and Sayton Hull, community action service, OHE, Washington. Speaking (at extreme right), Walter Aiken, conttactOf' and builder, Atlanta. REV. E. D. CHAPPELLE, Pastor I I l.:00 A.,_M.- 110\__\' Com1.11union and Sunday School-9:30 A.M. Sermon East Madison y News Morning Service-11 :00 A.M. Tues<l.iv ;\ili'ly b. The Study Group A.C.E. League--7:00 P.M. will mf'et with Mrs. Clifford Jones. CAMP Fourth Sunday Musicale---8:00 P.i\I.. 218 .Hth Ave. Nor·th. ut I P.:\l. Kenny Pakrson bl'COJ1l"S tlw s.-c NEW M .AE BELLE the Selah Cl.ub is s1>0ns;-ir~-it .it has ond fellow to qgn-up for campmg for I . the i.ummt•r Ask :vour club leader to be good and little could be said that HALL OPENS 'j'u:_",_,.lc, thh ,1ITa1r full for a camp folder showing som,' of ~ thl· scenes at Camp Orkila. Be sure to <;ign-up now if you plan to go to WITH ABANG 1 ::~~~•:,;::::f::'.FZi~t~~::uE 0c:1i: ~~Pc;'~:f~h;o;t~;~/,•:, 5ro::;7;; SEA TILE- -Over two hundred ~= 11 ;1\\a~s :e~·::h~;.~e•itowt~t~::.:i:~: I ~·ather Craft Class gucstc; signed the guest book Friday evening, April 2'), when the New slightest drag. I On ,vedncsd;1y, Ap, ii 2i. the fir-.t Mac Belle Hall opened its door<; to For e\'e1·y gume there will be prizes. session of the lf'~thcr cra_f.t cla:-5 will the public after bf'ing completely ren- lnc1dentally Murtm's Pnntmg shop be held at the :'\Iad1,;,on l :'\IC.\ ovat('d. The hall was decked with will donate business 01· personal cards Tht'.' tinw is 6: 30 P.:\l. The clas-;, i-. spring flowers. nnd the staff ,wis at- to the wmncr of one of the prize~. If open to both men nml ho.vs. Harold tired in formal dress. Doncing dur- you like any type of game that can be Benning-. is the ln,;;tructor ing the latter pnrt of the Open pl<1ye<l. inducliuft chess. just put a The following fellows h,1w alre,1ily House and the dl'licious punch which circle arouud tlw 16th of :\J<1:-, and be signffl-up for the class. ln·ing H,w,- was nestled in a bed of fragrant lilacs sun.• to com t•to Sid's Dininp: Room at bins. H('nn· :\kCov. Fr,mk H.1tdwr. was given to thC' guests with th£' com- 7; 10 p. m. Harold Bt'rry. Chari('-; \1.ithi,;. :\Jill pliments of the management. ____ .ird ;\litclwll. Chesh'r John-.on. JimRf'gular dnnres an• being srlwdulcd RESERVE MAY Sth mit• Jom·-.. Kt•nnv Prim. Flovd St,m f S cl · h · h f I d1ft>r. He,_11£'mbt>r-_the. d.-1,-. begin,; ,1! or c-wry 'atur av mg t wit one O Hear Hortense Love \Soprano) 6: iO P.:\I tt' 1 ·dni·tdm· Sc-flttlc-\ big nanw bands; anrl for the jot the Moore theatre. younp;C'r group 011 Sunday aflt'rnoons ,-------------,1 for thC' low prirt:' of l'ic. a Tt•cn Age ,----~-------""'-' .fomhorC'I'. Tlw rrreption committee. Vermilta's Creations • STYLED RIGHT which nl,;o comislE•II of part of the DRESS MAKING CERAMICS • FIT RIGHT nrnnngt'm<'nt ,mrl st,1ff were the fol- ''Taste Plus Distillction" lowing: Mrs. '\fohl'l \Villinms. Mi·s. 1622 30th Ave., Seattle 22, Wash. I\farjorit• Pittf'r l\Yadicld. ~lrs. Te- Minor 1008 Dressmaking Shop re<;fl lforri-., 1\li,; l\,forgan'l Harri.;;. Mr~. l\fortlrn. Tnvlor, Mis C:onstancC' PittC'r". Mr. Wnllt'r l\.Jo1Tis nnd Mr Johnnir Jenkins. Selah Club News By Anthony Smith Tlw lntest news picked up f.-0111 thcS"lnh Club is that they pion to Rive St:'nttl<" its most completr cnrd party ('\'Cr witnessed. B,·iclge. nhi.. t, pokcnd. hinp:o. nnd nrnuy othC'r kinds of g11mes will h(' plo:recl to the c-njo_\ ment of E-,,cryo11e IVclcome 2324 East Madison, Seattle. Wn. Hours 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. GRADUATE MASSEUSE "\)!-:,.QTUl'.;n.u~y (SCli-;XTfFIC :n.\,:-.-ua:) L.\DJES .\.XD CEXTLF.MEX Phone CA 4073 1221 Y~Ier Wa)', Apt. E nl prr~rnt. Mnny hig-h class prizes;===========:;;;;;;;::;::==:;;;;;""'========'=' will bl' p:iven awny to hotli llw best pln:rl'r'> nnd th<' wor<;t pla}'t'1-s. Thr clntc of tlw pm-t_y j., \J,iy 16. nnd thr placr ii. Sid'-. dininf{ room. (The most rlnsv rP~tnurn11t on thf' ea<;t sidl•). En•rpH1t• l,.nows that if <JJipkin~ Cafr.~in9 cSE.wicu. Bnnqucts, ·wcddll1gs, Orgnnizntion Luncheons, otc. Meals dclivf'n•d to the home Specialty, Southern Fried Chicken, Oys t'-'rs JameJ C.: Pifki,u d V(a,iu9e, EAst 5337 3217 E. Madison St. 2:-~ I lour Service SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY GIFT OFFER!! See the new beautjful table model 7-tube MAJESTIC RADIO with heavy automatic changer playing 12 records. Regular Price Only $134.50 Madison Realty & Appliance Co. 2018 E. Madison St. iJt • • Plus ABSSOLUTELY FREE $14.00 ALBUM Containing 24 Popular Numbers TERMS IF DESIRED l'n,,pect 3'34 Scatcle, Wn. Plan Your Next Dinner Party at MABEL'S KITCHEN CORNER OF 21ST AND EAST MADISON "It'$ Simply Super" Specializing in Southern Fried Chicken and Biscuits /Q lo Juniors About 3~ boys attf"ndf'O tlw ba," hall game> Saturday night at S1ck0s Stadium. All boys wrre given a season card \'l,hirh will admit them to all S,1turday home games of the Rainiers. The lcad..,r-; in charge of the boys were: l\1r. and :\.!rs. Harold :'\lorse. \Valdo £i,lls. and John Copeland. The following parents tool,. the boys to game and picked them up aftn-warrl~ in th<'ir car,;: ::\lc,..srs. Bruce Rowell. Letcher Yarbrough. and Mrs. Height. Boys '>e<' your club lea<ler abt>ut th ne:xt trip. THOMAS RADIO AND RECORD SHOP ~Ve Pick Up a11d Detin-r 9189 609 7th A\'e. S. Seanle, Wash. Patronizf' Clarion-Dispatch adverti!ers . :,~ ,, ''ffltt 7 ,JI/,, .::::-:··.· c.S ESTATE C Phone WEbner 8218 61 N. E. Russell St. PORTLAND 12, ORE. For Prompt, Efficient 11nd Courteous Se,-,-iu m Real Est11te Sale.s, Purchase.s, !if an11geme11l or I n.surance Deal With Us NOTARY PUBLIC There is a Beauty Sbop d01e to your home whtte you can get efficient and satisfactory service. r Just phone any of these operators ! - NOW. ► ► CLARA'S BARBER A:S-0 BEAUTY I SHOP • I~ .. E ►erytlii11g to Keep Yo~ Lonly'' ► 204 Main St. SE 9602 r-•-•.-.•.-.•.-.-.•.•u.•.•.-;~-~~~-;i•~~•-•••.-.•.-.w.-.•.-.••w~ ~ ERNIE LEWIS' ORCHESTRA ~ I·-·-------------------------·-·-·-·--------- \ ~ PR 1228 ~ Saturday, May 3, 8 p. m. •• ~ AT THE NEW ~ Mamie's Beauty Shop :, MAE - BELLE BALL ROOM ~ All L;ne, of Beaury Wo,k \ ~ '"Where There Is Beauty ~ - FORMERLY SAVOY - ~ ( - Thrre ls Charm'' ~ CORNER 21ST AND MADISON STREETS ~ It 92! 22nd Ave. S.,,d,, Wn. ;!.._.._._._.._._.._.._..._.._...........,.._...._.._..........-.,.._.._..._._._..............._._........_.._._..,.._._""-.._....,:. ~ f\l.:a.m1e L Henderson, Proprietor ► ,._.._.._.._ ............................................................ ~ Rit3 Reese Crod:ttt, Prop. Formerly 523 Jack.son S/Teet Gosho Drug Company 656 Jackson Street PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED Tel. SEnecca 9150 Seattle 4, Washington ! Modernistic Beauty .t Salon ltll Lines of Buuty Work 111 ModCTat.? Pricu Vi•;-ian Jeffrain. Ma)·ol~ G~er OpcratoN 6.... JJckson St.. SeanJe 4, Wub. Phone MA 9398 *CO-OP CENTER * 102½ 4TH AVE SO. A Private Club DUES 50c PER MONTH PROGRAM Music by Winfield King MONDAY ......................................Social TUESDAY ... ..... ... ... . . . , . . ............. .. .. Games WEDNESDAY ....... .. ................. . .... Harmonies THURSDAY . ...... . ...... .. ............ .. .... Amateur FRIDAY .................... .. . . .....Music and Dancing SATURDAY ... .. ...... ... .. ... .. . .... Music and Dancing SUNDAY MATINEE AT 4 p. m.............Music and Dancing Open Every Day Including Sundays and Holidays at 12 Noon Til 5 A. M. Phone MAin 9762 Seattle, Washington