OBP_NW-Clarion_1947-May 5_v1_no33

P_A_G_E_S_1_x·_______________________:T.:.H.:.E:._:'.-.:,'f'c:R.:.T:..l:._l:_\:.\:._·=cS:T: CL \RION A D _P_,,_c_1F_I_C_D_ IS_P_A_T_0_1________________________Mo_nd_•_>_, 1_1,1_,y:__5,_1_94_7 THESE SEATTLE MERCHANTS SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS ■ ■ Seattle Society .. /fr l/rs Krisd ------- ~pt1k,11h'. ""s •"l>lll11nt ll hl ..., ,, thl• Ulll'\.pin>tl knn. Tiu-. n-.i~11.1t1lm \\,\, I ,11lt'J'\l'tl \\1th n·Jn,'t,, <l" ,tr-.. Rob- ('rb ha, ikl·ll llllt' llr thi, ho~.h\ llllh\ ,1d1H' m11l 11hll• ... t mC'lllhl•r,. ml d,1111 en.• p1 .1:, in~ fo1 lu·r 'l~C'dy n. ro,·1·1:, \l1 \l,C1h<' 1, l\\,l\'. hr\m~ht ,m 1m,tr1H ti\ t' nu">,,,1~1• h1 the hc..\anl I m~\IIIJ: n1 ,I forn of th,• ·:-...;uw all. I D,.1111'," l h1, , , ,.. .t h '"in to l)(' n'nll'ml 'rt."tl ,md ul,o pr,1l11u...,J , If tht•n' \\Crt' tnoui:;:h orchids 10 )Ir and 'Ir-- \ mu·nt "m11h t'll go around,\\(' ,,,mid 1:in~ on• to C'ach h'rtainl'ti at tllt'ir homC' "ilh n ~urmcmbu· of thr :\ l u,;.1n.o.ns Local Xo. pri,,•. hort~1J.iy party honor_in~ :'\Ir 4')3 AF ".\I. and l'Mh entertainer. who J. " Rl•td. Thur--.J,iy. Apnl -·t A did tl1Cir iurt in nlllkini; tht• "Danc-C' lo,·dy lunch wa,; 'l'rn>d. uncl all to Beat Cancer·· th,· ~rand ,ucce,,;.,; it p.it•~t, -.pt•nt the i.·,t•nmg: "ith ~nmc~ d Ix \\ Id I I and J,mcmg. ,:\Ii· .Rl•1d rt'Ct,i,l•J man:-, ~:~· ou:oto ~~ i..:" ::o~ord aP:t :~ lowly ~ift!-.. . Au'.\iliarv for tJ1eir part plnyed in The gut·:t-. • \H'n.~ :'\ 11-.::. Glady, URBAN LEAGUE RECEPTION THE SEAITL6 Urban Uagu<' prt"'sented Mr. and Mrs. Napolt"'on Dotson n l an informal reception held at the Central Y. \~'. C. A., Sundn)', April 13. The persons in this photo Npresent th05C who were a part of the program. Rcadm.g left 10 right: Miss S>•lvia \Voolfson, Miss Consranct"' Pinl"'f", Miss Jaquelme T;i,lbott, Mrs. Dotson and Mr. Dotson, Ranger Iyengar, Mrs. Geraldine Coston, Dominic Ahuu.o and Miss Shirley Hart. ?\i.r. Dotson is the ne'III· Exttutive &cretaq of the Scan.le Urban League. Photo b)' Oscar Miller, Dispatch Staff Photographer. tht• ._u,c~" or tlti!, affair. \Ye· would Scott. :'\lr. C. \ .. ~1.~ul or Anchorage. also la, i~h tliem on all otlwr organi- .\le,kn, "ho 1, n .. 1tmg: Ill St•,1tt le for zat1on._ "ho in au:-, "ay a~:-istt-d ·1 ; 0 ~,:~. w~~.~• ~~~h; 1 ; 1 d J~!::~ 1 ~ 1 ~ indeed a welcom<> '"i,itor. and t''-IX'i:t... I .. ,,t, but hy no means IeasL "'-' I B , 1 Do S . 1 '\t to rl'turn to her homl' arkr other ,,ould pin one on (•,·<"~- imhvidual Leo a rQ\\ll. • r;.. rn _m1t 1 • • r contacts an• compl<•h.•d in On•g:on ;incl \"011• from tlu· social editor. \ \"e ,H•konw 11ny lll'"S of ..,r,cial nature. Jti..t mml it or mil it m to :'\Ir... Hdl'n h. 1·i,;d. Pro~J)('(I 8659. or mail it to '>M:i 23rd A,·\•, H J'l;l,,-int,t by drop it in my mml box. All "l'r Yicc rn-e of chargl'. Th,mk you ,,ho attemi I thi._ grand affair and Lieroy ::'\1alon('. :'\tr. Lom<,(' Hum- ctl1l'r north\\t,krn point, tho ... ~ "ho a i~tt-d but did not at- phrcy , rr. :'\1unroe C.odrin~t~n -... as th1$ bc-nefit dance- prtned to be :'\l r and .:'\lr,. 01..•an F- H,ut wen• the Fi'"e Stai· Final Committl't•, hth t~a,i AH \,ould he quitl' d6 l'rYing • • • I :'\tr-.. Ltl1t·r Ewin~. ,1 memb('r or thE' out,;.tandini:: affair of the Wl"t.'k, hc,nored at dmnrr Sunday.. \pril 21. lx.-cn confinl"(.I to her bed \,ith a or rlr manv "eek.;; ~ .. t. For tJ10 ,., with tht~ p11.·,t'J1Ce or , 1r. Julius A S(',·ert' cold. for tht• p,1-. t 'H'l'k. \Yt• v,ho dtd not .3lltnd, you nu3Sed a Thoma<.. hulu~trial R1•lation-. Din'< "l"'h you .i -.p('l'(ly n•con•r'.'· '.\l r-- t..reat \\ 1tl1 the many baml, pla_ying. tor of 1..he :\,itional t·rban l.cagul, E,.. in~.•,s the folb of ~l't1lllt' ar(' d, ad,erli-.t.J. and tlie t:nl<'i-taim•r-. who ,,a:-iu tht' c11y on R lt•ctur<> looking forward to this tnmmitll'l' domg tht!Jr bit. with all thf'" z6 L a ... tour. from the :'\l•w York office of to giw anotlwr .1ffair hh th<> F.astL'r Your Stx.-iol Ltli101· Ernie Lewis Band At Mae Belle Hall if perfomiiug: nt tht•lr own paid plac<'$ tht• L,•a~ul'. '.\tr--. h·nna Dlwu wn-. Fa:,;hion Rt.>,·it•\\ or 1.·mployment. it wa~ indt:'C'd 8 grand <1ho an mY111'd E:Ut•,1 • . I S£ATTLE-\Yi1h Ernie l.e\,j,; and ,iJ:-ht. Tbt" dtt<>ndanc,• \\as 100 per I • · · C(•nt. Peopl1.. <•£ all race-;. entenning- :'\Ir--. Jo .. ephnit· ).lcCrann of io+ l1nR. «nd not c,·<"n ~topping to ~o:e 20th A,l'.. ",1, ~urrri<.1.-d and al~ "ho d,mced \\h1."re th:1-. affair du:: bQnor,-d "ith .i ,i~1t h:-,· :'\In.. Robert to S, ,1UJ, more than JU.;t rai-.,:. fund, L Y1mn. Pubh..her an,1 Trt"a,un•r Qf for .1 ,,,,rtln cam,C' It pron"<.I to 5.,.0 1 tlw Pitt4bur;.:lr Courrirr ti,· f .. l , that ,,e~ as ci "bole are d1 :'.\11·,. Yann. accomJlJnif':l hy 111 :"' ,om mg fror.. a r, cial point of YII:\\ nll"Ct' 'lrs. :'\1 bd fohn~n has ~·n It ran be done. \\e do not have tht' ,1sitmg m C,3Jifom1a and iil<-0 con final report , r this danc, H)\\e\W lattlf1~ ell e,.-:cnt.-. of th1: C<,urria from ctn ar1.cl 1n nc of our daih :'\lrs. Yann \\.i, much ._urpn,,~ to pape~ \\(' an' told that appro:\l• match ,2500 "a!, the mt proceed~ llus I" r1 " " made hy .. four: cc Board. Jr. Kmg County Drive Chair• man Out hab ar off to '.'·ou. ::'\lu- !,,JCJa11s Loc:-al and L F PlH an~ .\u'l:ilaan· You have f!l\en 10 Sc.ittll' f~ f thou,:ht m the future 7\leml,e £ th Altc --1a Pl to Fe-c: ( rat Club ,,er h t " to tht' dnnual nitttmg , f •Jn St.ate Lucu t:t'e Be rd f the (.01or<>e \\"on en s find thut :'\Ir 'lcCrnHn \\a:,; c1 -.but in. y t 's() ai ti\ 1• rn the h.:mdlrn~ and dll>tnbut1on of . \·gro pa[>Pl anti c.ompluncnu.•d her 011 the finf' \\Ol'k ~he is doin~ For ma11Y Yldl". ,:\Jr, .:'\kCran·n ha'- h<>cn iJw· di!>tnbu!l>r of :\'egro pc-rio<li< 1ls "1th 111.iny tl1ous.ands or 1• fl€! JI.- ni: throu,:::h hrr hands , ch month Tius proH to inany th.it itl10ugh om• 1 hc1ntlu ,ppcd phy!,1 U thf n· 1s till ,., th, t n h ll,C(I -.s \l1 \' nn \\i.i Fed tPd ( 1bs. Sundal" .\.pr,l _- .-------------. :\bout t 11.rt) meU hers att :l nd v. e sen. the r<-gu - <Jn Jun tiron. p ece 1rg th on ,1 • Lunte Part- 1st "J (• pn 1d nt or 'pok<1n \\"a hin~n. op.-neJ the mf"('tUJ~ ~-. ng th ga'id to '.\! f hz.t \le Cabe p id<"nt of the "tdte I er 11, n. of Tacr,ma. \\'ashini,rton. to earn· n th<" tJusrn('U <,f tlus m • n~ '.\.l1 Bo:atnc Sims of Seattl, "a"hmgtvn. 2nd YICt' I pn-s1denl ¥i as also gi;, en OJ:-IIJtlun and addr :l thP g.i up J.i~ .:'\1r Gilhsru<· ~rd ,,ice p1b1dn1t. from Tar-oma. \\"a lungton. Th1S being 1he bum m,-ttng no finance precl...Jmg tl-ie ennu~] Stair· m tmg., iJII office f each atv club '11'\E-.re prt'5E"nl to make rt-ports Pl,ms ,.,ire , ompl< tt-d for the t.-11· tntaming or the l\"at1<.mal Ff"d,~ration of C..olorc.:I \\" m<-n·s Clubs here in 191 urh a du• housing of J1•l('gates.. •"'- . . . I MN f.th, l Tucln <,r Sulin Puella Club and Audrv ~ichols of A.horia PPto Club Y.f•r1• e),'C. t,-d u5 d1•)<'.g<1t<'S to nttPnd tlw R(gir,n;il m('{'lmg at ?\1ilhng~ \.font, 'foy 16. Mrs. Ro!J. Prl.$ of Taccm1a. \\'n, \-.ho h.is ber-·n I UlP St.at.1. ch.11rm<Jn of the Art depart· m<·nt, r.ent Ill h1•r r• sij;{TI.Jhon. m, mg llJ lwr 1Unt ,h,· \\JJI he unabJ,,. to furn t1rJn. J ht· fo ).lrs. P,irhr ,1r EM 9◄51 Learn Beauty Culture ---0--- 0WN YOUR OWN BEAUTY SALON BECOME INDEPENDENT FOR LIFE Single or marri£d-no othtr field oHen you M> many pouibilities. Age or beauty expttif:nces do not handicap you. • Scndy, High S;ala r1ed Jobs Await You • Beauty Culture Is Always in Demand Day ond Niiht Cl11u~s--Easy Terms Ruth Whiteside's SOiOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Seattle 4, Wub. 61◄ Jadu.on St. EL 0103 RALPH Y. KONO KONO GARAGE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Sp,d,/i,i , CARBURETION, STARTING, LIGHTING, IGNITION Equipped to Serve Quality Workmaruhip Memb~ of Soddy of Autornobik EnrinurJ OUR AJM TO SATISFY .. • , WE LIKE THE HARD JOBS BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS Painting and Renovating 317 12TH AVENUE SEATTLE ~lt. RainiC'r T I r Flk f hi,; band still warme<l up from the Breml'rtnn, \\ ,t .. h~~:l~~n::. 0 t·nk~t.~n:d d,mce lo beat Cann•r l,1,t. ;'1onday. all Bro1h1.•rs ,rnd Daup;htt•1·~ of Elk~ tht• dance to ~e hl'ld llt ~lw J\c" ~t.1e or Seatdl•. ·and Tncom.t. at a <.oeial Bl'lle Hall. _!st and J-..1,t l\lod1son. ~e .. sion. SaturJ<1y t ,·t·nmp;. April 2b. at 1h('tr hall in St. Clair l l1·ig:ht-.. From ell report,. tl1i, nff.1ir \\ii" top<:, "·i1h a Joq•Jy hunC'h and all till' rt.'- Satunla_v night. .,Jtould top off a com• plctl' w1.>t.•k. Thr mu~ic \., ill Ix· lwth'r than l.'\"l'. The atlmic._,ion price will he onl'.\· SI .00 plm tax. The '.'\c" \1.11.' Bt>llc llc1ll. furnu·rl:•• ~~=:;~~:t~h~•,E~~~}~~\~te~::•in:~~~l! tlw Savo~·- is locall'd a( 2203 F ;\lad1, traditional \\Jth tlw:-.i• BremC'rton l$01l. <1lld ha,r; ht!1.·n complete!~ n~oF.lk~. , n<l all <•f th('ir ~i.il fumtion vntt-d and undl•r Ill'\\ man,1µ:t•nwnt. ·"' muallv "..II ., 11,.nd<sl. Those :-SO S\\.EATSHIRTS. BOBBY SOCKS Oaughtt>r mil Brotlu:r J:lk,; "ho did OR \Y0\ 1E:":"S SL\Ch.S pPnnitH-d not .tlll•nd 01. " ·n• un,ihlt· 10 iiltt>ml Conw out and lwlp c,·1,·brnte t1w n[')l•n• nm,e>d a grand tn•.Jt. ~~to~ ~~~;;; ~1!! 1 1 :/ /,~: :~~~Ot~~c I hear ER',!E LE\\ J<; .,nd his Band. I Don't forgvt TO~IGHT SAT l HDAY .g J'I· 111 I BARBECUE TO TAKE OUT Maynard Barbecue I Southern Sp=~~ ~ ~~Beef-Pork I S.mdwiches - Lunches i I I I I • i FOR THOSE WHO\ i CARE I We combine the finC$t techniques or a Kience with a personal and heartfelt 5en·ice. ALWAYS EFFICIENT AND U DERSTA 'DING The Angelus, Inc. f ·· s;::,'~:' :, o;::~c~;;:cd I ! PR 0333 319 12,h Ave. j ,I • ' o'l"rtie .1 623 \l;'eller Street MARKAY CAFE ..GOOD FOOD ALWAYS" HOT BISCUITS FOR BREAKFAST SANDWICHES, CHILE AND 1 BOTTLED BEER BILLIARDS IN REAR l 040 Jack.son Friendly Cleaners: & Dyers DRAPES - CURTAINS Cleaned and Stretched WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER FULLY COVERED BY INSURANCE 204 Main Street SE 9602 BOSWELLS INC. "Seattle's Record King" 8th and Stewart Across From But Depot THOUSANDS OF HARD TO GET RECORDS New Victor and Columbia Reg. 63c Only 30c Open Evenings till 10:30 and Sun~oys I OUTSTANDING MOTHER TO BE CHOSEN ON MOTHER'S DAY . SL\TTI.E On :'\lollu•r·, D,1\", ,t.n· • 11. St•ullh•·, lltrhl ouhl,111di11~ 11101\ u•r Annual Formal Dance will h1• d10~,•11 hY populnr ucr lnim .,, ti"·.\ \IF '/.ion ChnnTh. 21nl nml At Collins Field House F Oli,l' \\,l\ .\l .. o lo ht• pn•..,t·nll'd with !l\\Unls will lw tl11• old ,,..,, nncl , ouni-:1•~1 moliH'rs pn•-.1•111. T ok1• 11 ,; "ill nhu lw ~in•n to l'arh mntlu•r in ntlt·ml.iuo•. Thi,; progrnm which will ht>i;dn promptly ,11 6: 30 '-tl 1h,11 l''"l'ry orw nm ntkml tlu•ir 0"11 dmrch ltltt'I in tlw t'\l'llin~. i,; spon•.ort:•d h_y till' \"outh ·\u,ili.in· o ftlw A:'\I.E Zion Church. :\l r<:.. Juli,1 Tun-.tt>ll. Pn•,i Fn•rnllll' is C'OrdHllly ur·p;1•d to c;omt• out and hrin~ thC'ir motlwrs or duldn•n. Tr your mother is 1101 hC'n'. C'Olll(' out. how<',·cr. in rcvercnn• nncl honor to ht•r. A full progrnm ha,; hl•1.•n pl11 1111 cd. Any pl•rsq,ns clcri!,inµ: to 'iubmit n rnndidatc for "Sc•nttlt.>s Most Out,;tamlinJt Mother'' nHlY do so , im ph · b_y ...l't1din ~ in the numc. ndclre,;s, nnd rCil'iOll for their choice to I\,t rs. \t,,riori C' \fadicld. t5l2 2Hh AvC'• ~EATTI £ Tht• 11 111111al fornwl d1111n• giwn hy adult rluhs of tlw Ph., Ii i, W h<'il lh•y lh,1111 h Y.\\'.C.A "ill lw lwld Sot 11rclny. l\luy 3, nt () P \ f in Ila• Collin-. fii•ld h oU..,l' . .\n J11\'it.1tio 1111 l 11rfoir, two ln uu lrPcl ~111..'!il.; will 11t1<•rnl in riddition to llll'lll ht•r'- or th,• four club,;. J\lj,;.., \\'iln1u Durndl. president of tlw Elitl' duh, is ~e1wral chairmnn or th1.~ donct>. 11.,, i, 11.•<l by other dub pn•,idl•nh, \Jj ..,._ Aunic l\fory Knight or 1hc lodl•rnC'ltC's, Mrs. Betty Colt•· nmn or th<' Fri(•nclship club and Mr,;. Yva1111{' Bl•atty of the l\lntrons club. 01h1.•r Ph:-,·llis \Vhcntley club rm•m bt•r,; on tlw dnncr 11rrongcmcnls com mittcc nrc l\fr!l. Tressie Hichordson, l\1i-<:, Bohctto Toylol", and l\liss Alice Smith. Refreshments and decora tions llll<'. You m<ff ,end in fl'i manv 'C'tlC'S will cnrry out n l\lay D,1y tl1emc. nnd or rnndirlt1ll'<: a, YOU wi<:h till' orchc1otro will open tl1c dnnce "ith "1\foy Time''. Columbia Law School Pnt,·ons nnd patconesm of the Hono.rs Brook.yo Girl I clnnC'C lHW(' b(•('n ·m.mounccd by J\.,Iiss Bl· G lad1·.<: P. Graham Durnell as folio"" I N~\\· YOHK . 1 ANP · CarnH'I • Ir. nnd Mrs. Bussell Gideon, Mr. C.irrm~ton. a nnlin~ of Brooklyn who I 11nd J\ln;. John P rim, i\lr. and i\lrs. holds till' Phi Bela Kappa nncl Alpha Lionel Pugt•, l\lr. ond Mrs. Fred Chi Alpha k.t•y, fo,· high scholn-.tic Brown, l\Irs. Hillll Drake, l\Jr. and ,t,111dint:: from Hunter coll C'gt•, h l.'r I\ t r... F n.•d Bownrnr. J\tr. and l\f,·s. nlnrn mukr. 1,; the fi rst Negro to be B P C' rk111 ..,, i\lr. and Mrs. John dcC'ted president of "l\1oot Court" ot Shannon. Columhia University Law school by JU('mb<>rs or the largest student body in school history. Colored Vote in Georgia Primary :'\tACO:\. Ga A;\P1 The Dt•m• ocr,11ic FwcutiH• committee of ;\focon la,t Wf.'Ck Yokel to strike til(' word "'white" from 1he lwading "City \\'hilt:' Primary" allowing all Negroes "ho an• prnperly regi...tt•red to vote in th<> municipal prima,·y ~t•t for Jum• 20. E..irlil'r Kenmon• Burn~. committt'l' ch,1imrnn. had <:aid that NC'grOC's would be barred. SEATTLE VISITORS IN PORTLAND ALWAYS EAT AT SUGAR HILL DINETTE CHICKEN AND STEAK A SPECIALTY A Place to Eat Where Old Fric11ds Mecl Myrtle Barno, Prop. TR 2381 84 N. E. Broadway PORTLAND OREGON MONDAY EVENING, 8,15 P. M. May 5th HORTENSE LOVE Soprano MOORE THEATRE OUTSTANDING IN A SERIES OF CULTURAL EVENTS SPONSORED BY PEOPLE'S INSTUTIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH SEAT SALES NOW Orchestra, $2.50, First Balcony, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, Second Sakon)·, $LOO (All Pr1ces Tax Ind.) Tickets On Sale At: MOORE TI-fEATRE, EL 04ll , SHERMAN-0..AY, MA 7580, Local 29 PEOPLES INSTITUTIONAL, PR 4131 When Downtown Be Sure TO PATRONIZE THESE MARKETS Phone MA. 6694 93 Pike St. FRANKLIN MARKET INC. FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS "Even the Bone, Are Tcndcr11 WHOLESALE •nd RET ATL SEATTLE WASHINGTON CENTER MEAT COMPANY CHITTERLINGS NECKBONES PIG FEET U27-29 Pike Place PHONE MAIN 7450 TAILS SHORT RIBS PIG HEADS MELTS Seaule, Wuh.