• !'age 2 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Friday, September 7, 1951... Calendar Views ,caTA.a1..1eH&D ,eaot P.o.aox 1a7a SEATTLE t I.WASHINGTON ___ P_ublished Fridays by the Northwest Publishing Company OC1 ETY Square Six Club, "South Seas Cabaret Party," Knights of Colum– bus Hall, 722 E. Union, Saturday, Sept. 15, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Beni Hassan Temple, Country' Store Nite, 425 21st Ave.; benefit of Underprivileged Children Christ- Office: 2308 Madison Street - P.O. Box 1873 Zon_e_l--1--'---- Subecriptton Rates: By ?.!ail in Advance: One Year $4.00 - Six Months $2.75 E. I. ROBINSON...................................................................................................Editor REV. FOUNTAIN W. PENICK.......................................Public Relations Editorial Staff JNO. L. BLOUNT J. A. (JACK) JOHNSON Deadline for News: Wednesday noon; for Advertising Wednesday 6 p.m. By Mn. Betty .John8on Phone EA. 6988~ 1508 -=~ F1r, fr,,£ SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Victoria G. Francis or mas Party, Saturday, Sept. 15. Berkeley, Calif., arrived in Seattle Sunday afternoon from Hawaii by High 12 Club Card Party, YWCA, 102 21st Ave. N., Saturday night, Sept. 29. Northwest Airlines plane to meet Las Amigas Club Fashion Show, her husband, Willie Francis. While Eagles Auditorium, Sunday after– in the city she was highly feted noon. 3-5, Sept. 30. with social affairs. Bee Hive Club Television Night, 8 Member of Ted Yates Publicatioas, Inc., and .The lftdependeat Press Service. This,newsp•per reserves the right to print for publi– cation all press dispatches, features and photos forwarded by thee agencies or otherwise credited to them. Royal Esquires Picnic GiYen by the distinctive Gentle· Mrs. Francis is district deputy Wt>dnesday, Oct. 3. man's Club was a hilarious affair of the Daughter Elks of Northern Bakkarrs Club Cabaret Party, ---==------------------···------·-- Chicago and the Cicero Affair Sunday, September 2, at Vasa Park California, past matron of Bethel East Side Hall, Friday, Oct. 5. Continual games and entertain: Chapter No. 31, Prince Hall O.E.S., • • •., ment, plenty or Bar-B-Q and re• and grand secretary of House Hold Mrs. Birdie Landers has as her freshments attracted the huge of Ruth, G.U.O. of O.F. house guest Mrs. Pearl Kemper of By JNO. R. BLOUNT Some new lights and angles on the Cicero, Illinois, riot affair crowd. Her personality ts superb. She San Francisco, Calif. Mrs. Kemper were given Tuesday evening by a1;1 unusually interesting visitor in Se- Some feature eYents during the was wearing the latest coiffure, i~ Paet Daughter Ruler of Guiding attle, the Rev. W. H. Sharp of Chicago. In an instructive lecture afternoon were "Egg Throwing and a number or tropical leis of Star Temple No. 181, Elks. at the Unitarian Church in the University district, Rev. Sharp briefly Contest" won by Mrs. Lillie Buf- orchids. yellow and white ginger, "' * • analyzed the innermost feelings and concepts of the mass of citizens ford and -;\'Irs. Jeneiva Goudeau of multicolor carnations and pulmira V:siting the Hurley Blackwells of Cicero-about 70,000 in number-along with their sympathies 429 Auxbo Road. and pikaki flowers. and the C. R. Stevensons of 433 or regrets, mostly with the "mob." • "Rolling Pin Throwing" contest Mr. and Mrs. Francis attended 31st Ave. last week were Mrs. Ger- According to the visitor, the people of Cicero Of"e largely Czecho- (the way you throw at your hubby) the Labor Day Dance-Picni~ and tnul.!' Ross, Mrs. Fannie M. Moore, slovakians with a liberal sprinkling of Italians and Poles; and have w~n by Mrs. Myrtle Goree. I are the house guests of Sonny Lee Mrs. Hattie B. 'Williams, and '.\Hss long been stubbornly set against new-comers and particularly against The Tm; of War Contest was 1635 Kin_g st. ' Lula Adkins of Los Angeles. They "dis-similar persons"-meaning, of course, people of darker skins .it•st ti).at. Some on the winning • ,. ,. · \\ere honored at many social af- -with the expressed fear that their homes and churches would be team were Mildred Reece , Richara fairs nnd spent a few days viewing "spoiled" and their property values depreciated. This, of course, Carington, C. Jacobs, Ernestine Guest from Spokane. Labor Day Yictoria. B. C. W . 1• weekend, were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur is a familiar story but not entirely empty and void, as we shall see. 1l 1ams and Sonny Grazzette. - ------- s Bradford and their 3-vear-old The visitor further emphasized the laxity and actual encourage- peedboating on the lake was ' . daughter Cecilie Jo. They motored ment of the mob by local police and the Sheriff of Cook County, enJoyed by many, and Jimmy Ray. Nl:IGHBORHOOO HOUSE ELECTS OFFICERS who declared himself "neutral" in the affair. mer and his famous orchestra did over for a round of visits with h their many relatives and friends. It is not our purpose to repeat or review the "news angle" of t e musical honors at the Outdoor The Mothers Club of Neighbor– hood Hons~. a Red Feather Agency of the Community Chest, elected' the following officers at a regular meeting on August 14: V The Bradfords were the house this disgraceful affair. It was scarcely "news" at the time it hap- asa Park Pavilion. C guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence pened-and certainly not now! We are only interested in the new aravans of cars, everything Johnson. lights given by our visitor-with a few added comments: from Model T Fords to latest in It is evident that the.se few ignorant elements of foreign blood Fish Tail Cadillacs hummed the and foreign birth-along with their "hoodlum" contirigents-have road that sunshiny day. brought over to these "free shores" of America much of their OLD Billie Tolles and his Combo WORLD HATRED and FEUDALISM and feel that they must find Clash Winners, and the invigorat– some one on whom to "vent" same-with assurance that they can ing Ernestine Ander~on perfected "get away with it." They have discovered that they can, most of the evening for the parading or the the time, where Negro Americans are concerned. Bathing Beauty Contests. Fi r·s t Chicago is largely made up of such feudalistic and clannish prize of $100 bond to Thelma Mot– groups-some of whom can scarcely speak English! But Chicago ton of 3 2 1 22nd Ave. N.; runner-up also has its well known South-side ghetto where approximately twelve Gloria Williams of 2421 E. Thomas square miles are overcrowded with about four or five times the rllcelved $50 bond. population that it could sensibly accomodate! Many of these people Royat Esqlllire 1 committee was: (Negro Americans) could not or would not return to the Southland Doyle Bonner, Trd A. Ellis, Troy and "jim-crow" from whence they came-but they are prevented by Bcnries, Freddie Ray, Sonny Graz– schemery, trickery, restrictive covenants and the like, and by actual zctte, Leonard Dupree, Bob J\Ic– fear of their lives, from getting out of the sardine-like congested Shaun, Charlie Daniels, George area to purchase or rent and occupy homes where there might be Francis, (Wild) Bill Payne, G. B. more cubic feet of air per thousand .for breathing purposes! Rogers, general chairman. Our final word is to Negro Americans in and around Chicago: The Royal Esquires wish to Get out of the South-side ghetto, organize and force your way into thank each and every one for help– free sanitary and moral atmosphere with projects of your own! You ing to make the picnic a success. have made a start and you can do more of the same-and lots of it! • • * Many of you came out of the South. Now get the South out of Labor Day Picnic you and live clean respectable lives! Lend your every effort toward promoting sanitation and moral living conditions-and the STAMP- And Miss Bronze Contest Monday, Sept. 3, for a tremen- ING OUT OF CRIME. From a distance, we can tell you that failure in these things is hurting you inestimably MORE THAN THE CICERO RIOT. dous crowd. Special feature of the afternoon EAst 3986 Minor 3048 2213 Jno. L. Blount ARCHITECTURAL PLANS Modern Homes - Public Buildings East Thomas Seattle, Washington IDAHO HOTEL MODERN - SPECIAL RATES STEAM HEAT HOT AND COLD WATER IN EVERY ROOM MR. AND .MRS. OSCAR D. JOHNSON 505 Jackson Street · SE. 9113 and SE. 8283 (Across from the Railway StationJ Madiso~ Drug Co. ' PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Toilet ~parations-Gift Suggestion, Apex-~Ml.a.m Walker-Godefroys --Cosmetic Oil– Papers-Fountain-Magazines BUSSELL 8. GIDEON Registered Pbarmaciat 2031 East Madlao• St. TelepiaCIIHI Ill. Ille r was the Merry-Go-Round for th; kiddies. Mrs. Genleva Ward, a per– fectionist of Culinary Arts. supplied delicious friend and Bar-B-Q'd chicken. As evening came, the spacious New Orleans Club at Renton Junc– tion was the place where every– one met to dance to ''Punkin" Aus– tin and his Rythm Makers. This picnic drew attend:mce from Cali- fornia, Spokane, Tacoma, Portland, Yakima, and Canada. Winners of Miss Bronze Contest were: Thelma Motton, first prize, sponsored by the Far West Cab Co. Runner-up prize went to Gloria Williams. Committee chairmen were ny Lee and Roy Speffield, Son- SEWING CLASSES AT NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE Regi5*ration for sewing classes held at Neighborhood House, a Red Feather Age'ncy of the Community Chest, 304 18th Ave. S., will start Wednesday, Sept. 12. The classes, which begin Monday, Sept. 24, will be taught by an instructor from Edison Vocational School. Interested persons may register Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to ii p.m., any time after the above datG. Fees are $3 plus 50 cents for supplies. Call FR. 0066 for further information. • .. VANCOUVER, B. C.-Mr. Bob President, Mrs. William Beau- monte; vice-president, i\Irs. Gladys Allen; secretary, Mrs. Helen Tay– lor; treasurer, Mrs. Virginia Hu– guley. Moore and his slsterin-law, Mrs. E. Forgues. were Seattle visitors and arrived in time for the Labor Day picnic at Renton JuQ.ction. Bob says any time you are in Van· The next regular meeting will couver, B. C., you are welcome to be on Tuesday, Sept. 11, at 8 p.m~ dine at their Steak and Chicken Dinner Restaurant, a 209 Union Air Force R. o. T. c. seeks to i;;t., Vancouver, B. C. enroll 25,000 freshmen. gfD111111CIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIDIIIIHCIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIHIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIHICIJJl i NIGHT and DAY i I Fuel and Trans£er Co. I === ;='-- Afnnbou~ces theirhope 15 ningh dfate for the Resu'!lption =====; __ o usmess on t e t o September, 1951. Mr. Abraham, the present operator, assures the public I ::~::t of Coals, Kindli:, Prompt and Immediate I I ~ VISIT OUR PLANT, or CALL US, EAst 1811 ! lii1c111111111111c111111111111a111111111111c111111111111c111111111111c111111111111a1i1111111111c11111111ffi· i Carl John 0. Valley, Broker . Iris V. Valley, Salesm011 John 0~ Valley Realty ' Homes Insured - Rentals - Property Management CApitol 8166 - DAY OR NIGHT - CApitol 8166 2330 East Madison • Seattle, Washington Two things stand like stone ••• "Kindness in another's sorrow, Courage in our own." I I ANGEL~~}~:=~~na=~RLORS I 319 Twelfth Avenue PRospect 0333 +••-•-a_a_,_,_,_ -•-•-•-•-R_t_n_aa:..,_,__ n_a_c • , ;
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