
PAGE F,OUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1944 SHOP A HE SOUTH END SHOPPING DIS T OF SEATTLE BON ,RQB DRUGS THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE STORE Corner 14th and Yesler CA. 5330 Godefroy HAIR DYE $1.25 EXOTIC Toilet Waters By Dorsey $2.00 Repel l\fiosquitos with Gold Medal Mos– quito Repellent LOTION, 35c Use Bon-Rob Athlete Foot Lotion for Itching, Crack– ing, Eczema-like Scaling, Water Blisters on the Feet and Hands - SOc and $1.00 Bon-Rob Hygienic Powder A cooling– Deod orant Astringent VAGINAL DOUCHE SOc When Yon Think D rugs Think 01 Bon-Rob Dmgs Corner of 14th and Yessler CA. 5330 WE DELIVER 7th and Jackson St. ELiot 7166 Victory Chinese Florist 1E :tE SAYIT WITH FLOWERS From Our Pink, Rosy, Red-Cheeked Floral Display BUDS OR FULL BLOOM The SEAGULL TAVBRN Ice Cold Beer, Wines, Mixers, Soft Drinks, Bottled Beer To Take Home You are alway& welcome at the SEAGULL 673 Jackson St. Chester Eanks, Prop. SE 9467 P ACII'IC MARKET 1805 Jackson Street Full Line of Quality Groceries, Fresh Meats and Poultry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Beer 111d Wine Owned and Operated by Chinese P h. Ca. 9618 HO TEL IDA HO MODERN - SPECIAL RATES Steam Heat- Hot & Cold Water in Every Room Miss Birdie Morris, P rop . Phone SE. 9867 505 Jackson St. Seattle, Wash. THE CHILI QU.I!JR'J BIRDIES' CHILI PARLOR We Feature Soda Fountain Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos Candies 410 Maynard Avenue SE 9956 KAY'S lOc STORE ON THE CORNER OF 12TH and JACKSON DOUBLE BLANKETS, 5PCT. ·woOL $350 SINGLE BLANKETS 66x76 . 98c RED DEVIL • • . • 40c KEMTONE, 98c QUART GALLON $298 WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF OVERSEAS GIFTS MAILING TIME-SEPT. 15 TO OCT. 15 COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Remember --- IT PAYS TO SHOP AT KAYS · Store Hours 9:30 to 7 p. m. Sat. to 8 p. m. PRospect 5392 1201 Jackson Street WHEN IT'S POOL OR BILLIARDS CIGARS OR CIGARE~ES Say , New C. C. Billiard Parlors NEW MANAGEMENT NEW EQUIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 41.5 Maynard Avenue OLYMPUS HOT-EL, 413 Maynal'd EMEL APTS., 141h and Main PHONE SE. 9419 Phone EL. 1555 JACKSON BEVERAGE STORE 707 Jackson St., Seattle BEER, WINE, MIXERS, MALT, HOPS RICHFIEL SERVICE STATION GAS LUBRICATION, EVERY SERVICE Car Washing and Simonizing Phone SEneca 9073 PACiliC CArl "Meab Sof:lthern Style" 417 Maynard Ave. Seattle. Wash. YOU ARE WELCOME! Progressive Clothi.ng Exchange TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS We Buy and SeU Anything of Value Olaa.ning and pressing of all kinds; Finest Used Suits tor Sale F. D. Wright 79 Yesler Way Seattle, Wash. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...,i iTiliiTili iTiTliTiTi iTiTiiTiliiTiTiiTili iTiTi i1iTi iTiTi ili1i iTiTi iii1i iTiTiiTiliiliTi iliTiiliTi ililiilifi il'irnliTi ila.. IOWA CAFE 662 Jackson Street Under Elks Club WE SPECIALIZE .IN FRIED CHICKEN - JUICY STEAKS ALL PRICES BELOW CEILING ··.L!~!J.!J.!!L!l!~~!J.!J.!~~~~i !iir.ti ~~~~!J.!J.!!J.!J.!!J.!J.!~~~~!I• 'iliTi iJiTi iTiJi iTiJi iTifiiTiJi iTiJiiTiliiTiJiiTili I • II • I iT iJiiTili iJiTi iTiTi i1iTi iTiTi i1iTi iTiJi iTiJi iTiJi W SERVICE V()TE MONTH! them a nd! dress u pon r ea chin g Tar oma. Music w ill be furni sh ed by the Special Service Band fr om Phone CA. 9703 CURB SERVICE BEE'S .1{ ·BAR-B-Q Special Boiled Dinners SPECIALIZING IN • Chicken • Pork • Lamb • Link Sausage Open Day and Night • Pork Spareribs 1237 Jackson St. EAT.-.- -- IN PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Kirk and Norris New Elliott Cafe 1203 Jackson Street V 1 Ruth Clytus, Willie May Burse, Operato:rs RUTH G. WHITESIDE, Proprietor I I Ruth's Beauty Salon s Hairdyeing and Facials a Speciaity I Hours 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. T 502 Main St. MAin 998() SID'S DINING ROOM-- --. Specializing in CHICKE N DINNERS e.. FRENCH FRIED AND SOUTHERN STYLE - ALSO Delicious Chi li Made from a Famous Old Mexican Rec:pc Ca ll for Reser vations for Special Par ties 2320 E. Madison CApitol 9864 Bishop's Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS- DRUGS- FOUNTAIN Full Line of Toilet Arliclea Race Papers and Magazines Northwest Enterpri'se and Pacifie Coast Negro Directory For Sale 507 JACKSON ST. SEATTLE, WASH. Phone MAin 9496 MA. 8859 ·Prop. w. A. Green 111 Lane Street HOTELGREBN Apm·tmcnts , 'lransient and Housek eeping Rooms Stt>am H eat, Hot and Cold lVater, Sh-ers J ack Schacher's Grocery FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, SOFT DRINKS Open Evenings Nort hwest Enterprise for Sale 21st & Jefferson Sts. Pr.0323 SOUT PARK POULTRY CO. 1528 Pike Place l'ayen 3 lol' $1.25 And Up Colol'ed Roasling Chic:kens-···-···3Sc: lb. Roasting H~ris 40c Colored Fryers 4Sc Cut Up Chic:kens........2ac: lb.; 2 Fol' SSe .. I SHANKS SUPREME BAR-B-Q I "Where a Sandwich Is a Meal" " -~ We Specialize ·in~- 316 12th Ave. So. BAR-B-Q SPARERIBS e BEE-F - -– e PORK 8 CHICKEN Phone EA. 9784 h eld Wedn esday nig h t. Ra pid progress is lleing made towar d our bra nch lib r ary. Th e p u blic will have a ccess t o the many in– teresti ng boo l>s. to be in t•in·'ll:t– ti on. Please· tak e ad va n tage of th e offer. A. game n ie;'tt will OJlC' n with the~~~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TherP will be a meeti ng of all girls from the age or 1 7 and over at the communi ty center on ·w ednes day, October 4. The olde r boys' bask etball team is m akin g good p ro gr eRs. Let ev<'ryo ne get b ehind t l,ese boys and h elp t hem mak e a good showin g fo r Sinclair H eights. first m eetiug of t lre fa !] at the East Ma dison Br,lll r h Y. l\I. c. A. on l~ritl ay. Octob er G at 8 p . m ThC' movie V\' edn <•sday, Sept. 25 will bP " Cowboy in Manhat– tan, " with Fra ru•ps Langford and Rober t Paige. U<?ginni ng l'C'<t we ek t he movie' w ill l·P ~hown on Tuesday. Remem lH'r th<' dal<'. Tuesday, Ot'loller 3. Y. \V. r A. Dy ll}ELL YR R'J'_ -pn We are a nxio us for all iriPrHlR and worke r s to comp in and JU<'t Under New Management • THE MODERNISTIC BEAUTY SALON A REESE, MANAGER HAIR STYLI NG - MANICURE SPECIALISTS Visit at Your Own Convenience. No Apt. Necessary :vtrs. l~lizabcth E ng-ram Hnnt, of Open 9 a. m. - 7:30 p. m. 674 Jackson MA 9398 The Homemaker s Clu b Lunch- Pue blo. Colo., t lw nPw Ac!ivitil's ·------------------~--------! eon. A good time wa~ h ad by E!ecretary. !\Irs. Hu nt comPs to a ll . If you h aven't answered us with a ba ck grou n d of t ·acl1- your lett er, yo u slill h ave lime to do so. The Victory Girls' Clu b is n ow pl a nning a nice ent e rtalnmerlt for the a d ults. Wat ch this colu mn fo r the date. i ng experi en cp a nd Rncial "·ork and ha s att pnd ed a Y . IV. C. A . Institute . Also. she is a pro<llrc-t or th e schools or Colo r nclo and a graduat e of Li n<'oln lJn iverRrty, Jeffer son City. Misso u ri . Mi ss IdC'l! V t•rtn er. exf't•ut in I serretar y n[ t he b ranch i;; haPl< !IIOHE Y. i\1. C. A. I on Ur P j ob aflpr a W<>ll-ear'JJPd C ti d f P 3 · vacatron. She \\Pl comPs all -- on nu e rot'\ age - . I frwnlls. old a nd n ew. and (' .pe- Gayton , 1 6 memb ers; T. L. Dean, cially n ew resi d <•nt~ ro comf> ill 4 m ember s; J. T . Gayton, 1 1 and g<>t a cquain lP<i with th • fall memhers; Leo Fle tcher, 7 mem- program. bers; Gertrude Simo ns . 8 mem- b I S . 7 • ,, The Bu siness a nd In rlu sf r ia l ers ; r a lmons, Inem ue rs; . L . 1 p 4 b T h Grrls opP.nE'd their f a ll nwctin~ 1one a ge , m em er s ; ore y ., Cl b 5 b B R 11 last 'lhursday evening hv !'nl<' r- u , men1 ers; ru ce o've , . . · HONEST ·,GROCERY 1235 Jackson St. CAp. 9897 Ha s a Complete Line of Finest ' - ....Staple Groceries Fresh Fish Fresh Chickens Fresh Fruits Seer Mixers ~ VISIT OUR STORE INSPECT OUR STOCK · Norman·A • .West, Proprietor 1 b E A Wh ·t 5 I tauun g twenty se n ·ice men from mem er ; . . 1 e, mem- I ber s ; Leonard Clark, 1 7 mem- ~ort Law ton . A l tlH' n ext meet· '· .. . w J H t t 2 b . . mg, which will be lw ld 'l' h u rs- ------- uei s, . . . ya , mem et s, , d H J h 1 b W H ay, Se plemb!'r 2S at promptly .------:---.--:--:-:-----c:---:---------- enry o nson, mem er ; . . . . B k 6 ' · P S B 8 o clock . l\lr ss F redosa Blac k - a n s, m emucrs; . . a r - wPl! wlro was a d elegate to thf' nett, 6 membe r s; c. T . Nicho l- Business. and liHlu st rial Con fer– son 5 m ember s ; l\I. C. ' 'la rd , 5 The Ev~tyn Inn I Mo~:o~ti~~:~~~~ 0 ~age 2) , leave p orts to go back out t h er0. j I was deeply tou ch ed as I am ' sur c eve ry o th e r girl was, and I we sincerely h ope to have a bet- Fort Hauch u ca, Ariz. Dor>' t for· membe r s. get the dale. en ce h eld in Wyoming. also . the Y. W. C. A. R egio nal ConferpncP held at Asilomar. Caiifornia. will g ive a repo r t ofth c B . & I. Con- 2229 East Madison Phone EA 9857 MEALS . AT~ ALI~ HOURS SHORT ORDERS AT ALL TIMES GRA-Y CLUB SI NCLAIR H E IGHTS The Gr a-Y Club h eld it s initi al fer ence. T his r epor t wlll l.Je of m ee ting on Monday, Sept . 2 5 a t 4 p. m. All gr a de sch ool b oys are urged t o meet p r omptly a t 4 p. m . ea ch Mond ay . Election of offi cer s w ill be h eld a t the n ext meeting on Mond ay, Oct. 2. SWil\li\IING OPEN 24 HOURS'D.AlLY ~. 'Mfe Solicit Your Tra<le tPr ·cesponse in th e fu ture. I T hu r sd ay , Septembcr ~8 is t.h P, date for th e formal d an ce to b e · h eld in T acoma U S 0 Club No. 2. The 93rd Engineer Regiment T he Book R eview Club h eld its regu lar m onthly m eetin g on Su nday, Sep temb er 24. Brothers U nder the Skin , by Car e y Mc– W ill iams, was reviewe d by Ro– bert Addison . The entire group is the s ponsor a n d lh e Bremer- cl iscu ssPd t h e h igh points of the The first swimming cl ass will ton gir ls ar e invited to attenc . book. Let u s k eep in mind the be h eld on Monday, Oct obe r 2 at T ransportation will leave the r eview for t h e month of October. 6:45 p . m. at t h e Central Y. M. Bremerton r<lub rtt 2 21 \ Vas h ing- Rev. Geor ge Hunt will · revi ew C. A. Classes will be h eld th e t on Street at 7 p. m . T he af- Sur vivor. by P hylli s Bottome. The first and t hird Monday of each fa ir, as stated a bove, is formal , dale is Octobe r 29. Hoping to mont h. Compet ent in structor s but this i s n ot compulsory ! or ar e i n cha r ge. girls travelling by bu s. Th ose de· seE.' you then . siring t o wear fo r mal gowns are The final course In library scl· GAl\fF. NITE advised t o carry deresses witit ence for volunteer wo rekrs was The Y. M. c. A . and Y . W. C. much int erest to bu si ness a n d in– du strial wo r k e rs a nd is opt'n to University or \ Vashin e;!o n . Cor– nish School , B ennin gton School . .. . .;- OUR SPEGIALTY -· SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ::.~. T. D,\wson, Prop. -·- -Rose M. Simth, Mgr. of the Dance and Mary \Vigm ·n '---- ---------------------• Sch oo l of th e Da nce, Germ~ny . . · - Wolf has st ud ied dance at the emph as is o n ph ys ical cond ition- T he sch edul e is a foll ows: l all young wome n. ' · ·>; ing, p'osture and r elaxati on . Chil- Monday evenings 7 t o 8, cl•il<lren Tl•e branch is sponsoring mode dreri are invited to atte nd t h ese from 7 to 14 years of age. Mon- <'l''' rlaPce cl:r-sses fo >· ·childr'l'!n' cla~s'es without charge, F o r a dults day evenings. R to 9, adu lts and anrl .adult ,;: h C'g in n ing ., Mo!iday tit~ re will. be a sm all fee of one ch ildren from 15 years Of a~>:<'. ev••ni r,g, Oc tober 2 at Gar field dollar fo r twenty sessions. T he childrPn's cl ass w ill i nclu de n· , S 1 1 · Tl · t t ·u dance exercises, rhythmic tt'a in- rg.t c too . te m s r ue .or w~ • ~an c ing is considered t he bes t i ng, pantomimP, cr eativE> dane<' . he Mis" Katha rinP A. Wolfe. for - a ll -r o.und phys ical activity. Dan ca The adults will do daJJCP cxer- mNly d irector or dance activi- fo r grace, poise and f un. Eve r y– cises, group dancing, with s pecial ties at Lincoln High School. Miss J one can d ance.