WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1944 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE SEATTLE PORTLAND NEWS dramatic sophistication ;vou . • • with· l\iae's lndivid· ual service, and this sort, .· head-caressing hat of matic sophistication. of V<'lvcteen and felt, $8. •••••••••••• POST-WAR SECURITY The world of the future is being formed now! ! Will you be in the same Rut after We Have De– feated the Axis? Did you know that Beau– ty Culture As a Proft:s· sion Offers a Lucrative Income for a Minimum Outlay? The requisites of this pro– fession are trainir·g, am– bition and initiative. You supply the ambition and initiative and the Ruth Whitesides School of Beauty Culture will provide t h e necessary training. For Information Call The Ruth Whitesides School of Beauty Culture 614 .Tuckson St. ~L'\in 9494 •••••••••••• HAR~IONY LODGE " No. 2 - F. & A. M. 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst 7911 Mary M. Duncan, Editor Buy War Bonds and Stamps ----; 1 :3eptember. Greetings were ex- BETHEL A. M •.E. CHURCH LARABEE AVE. and MeMILLBN ST. 9:30 A. M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A. M.-MornJng 8ennon, 6:45 P. M.-A. C. E. League. 8:00 P. !\'I.-Evening Sermon, "COl\IE TO WORSHIP-LEAVE· TO SERVE" REV. BROWNING C. ALLEN, Pastor THE POLITICAL ARENA changed. I ~Irs. Cltrlsline Slory AIPxander of Ol!lnhoma City, Okla., has I co me to I'ortla nd for an indcf– inale slay. She Is domi.,ilcd with I :llr. and Mrs. L. n. Miner ot N. K Tillamook Street, · Mrs. Ruth ·watkin~ Vale of Berkeley, Culif.. is guest of the Willis during her vacation. the house A. Reeds Of[ to Fisk University Friday were those two personai- Polilically Speaking-l''rom the MRS. DORA CLARK ity-plus girls, Betty RuthRrforu present outlook the Negro In and June Rand. These popular Oregon is more politically mind- young· ladies are daughters re- ed than it has been ours to SUCCUMBS spectively of Mr. and :vlrs. Eu~ observe, It appears that he Is 1 gen Carden d 1\' d M Mrs. Dora Ulark K h e ' an .r. an rs. studying the principles of the ecne w 0 '>V. Rand. two major parties as never be- passed to her reward September fore. Registration is upped 4, was the wife of the late Virgil doubled that of any previous re- Keene, and mother of Mr~. Norma \Villiams. cord. Forces are being united through organiations and an A pioneer of Portland, Mrs. awareness of his rights as a clti- Keene was for a number of years active in religious, fraternal and zen is keenly felt as stark reali– zations of what he faces in the civic affairs of the community. She was an ardent supporter of the Oregon Federation of Colored Mrs. Martha Jamison Mullen, recently from Sioux City, Iowa, is htwlc to Portland, so she says, for an indefinate stay. Portland had been Mrs. Mullen's home for a number of years until two years ago when she married Rev. Mullen of Sioux City, Iowa, ruture if he neglects so great a duty as that of casting his bal- lot in the coming election. Women's Clubs. AN A statewide appeal and an un- Rev. Browning C. Allen, pastor GEL CITY VISITOR ti!'ing effort is being made to get of Bethel A. M. E. Church of j which the deceased was a mPm- Mrs. Willa Pearl Curtis an<l folks registered that they may ber, officiated at the funeral young son, John Andrew, of Los not have any excuse for not be- A 1 c llf 1 f h rites held September 7, in the nge es, a ·• eaves or orne SEn~ca 1365 Mae's Dress Shoppe 650 Jackson St. l\lects 2url and 4lil l\Iondays 425 - 21st Avenue ing :.tble to vote on . November 7. Drawing Room Chapel of the Monday after an enjoyable two negister by all means-and vote 1 · ·t · 1 · t d Holman Lutz Colonial Mortuary. wee cs VIS! emg ler SJS er an for your choice on November 7. · 1 th · 1 ' Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott of Jro · er-m~ aw, .,rr. and Mrs. The Negro Democratic Club is holding meetings regularly at their headquarters in tile Elks' hall, N. \Villiams Ave. They have elected recently these officers - CliEford Walker, president; Mrs. Spokane, '>Vash., came down for I GPorge Randall in K. E. 3rd Jam Session Every Mon– day Night-At Black and Tan, 404% 12th Ave. So. ELECT .JUDGE ROY De GRIEF Justice of the Peace (Municipal Judge) SE. 9408 519 Jackson STAR POOL HALL WM. HAMJLTON WM. BAILEY Proprietors Card Tables Ciga1·s, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, Oandy. Etc. • • Register and Vote ••• BUY BONDS For Freedom's Sake Smiling Feet Are Happy Feet Don't suffer any more. Take advantage· of the scientific method or making feather– weight arch supports to fit from a perfect model of your feet, and get quiek relief and arch correcti~n. From broken down arches, flat feet, pains n nder heels and balls of feet, crooked and overlapping toes, weak arch"s and ankles, leg cramps, poor circulation, rheu– matism and artllritis - like aches and pains caused by arch troubles. Light, springy, ·easy to wear in any shoe. Prices as low as ten rlollars. JOHN K. LARREMORE Foot Correctionist Tel. PR 9627 Hmtrs 10 to 8, hy appointment 1214 \Vushington St. Seattle, 44, \\o'ashington Churdl nc God in Christ 42·1 21st Ave. Rev. L. Jo~. Tolliver, P~stcr Residence phone E.•st 24.il Rev. E. D. ~~l!son. A3'i'l . Pabtor · r<:vangel!st F. TollivPr, Pianist VISIT YOUR LODGE tl J<; R t.: l' L E S J, 0 0 G J.: No. 17 - 1<~. & A. )1. M ""ts 1st & 8rd \V ednesdays 425 • 21st Avenue H. A. HOARD, W. M. 143 21st Ave. N. Phone I'Rsoped 8013 E. A. Campbell, Sec'y. 1724 -'23th Avenue Phone PRospect 1811 Members In good and' regular I oltan•Uug alWAJ8 welcome. ' Manta Villa Community Church p. m. Evening hour, 8 p. m. Mid-week meeting, Wednesday of each week Now Is the Time to BUY YOUR HOME I J. H. LEE, W. l\1. 234 2-Hh Ave. N. Phone EAst 39iH E. R. CHAI:-JEY, SPc'y. 9(133 55th Ave. So. Phone RAinier 3092 AU !\Jaster Masons \Velcome Spokane, Washington LODGE NOTICE the funeral. I Ave. _ ·when an Enterprise reporter interviewed this An~le citizen Hance of Postal Employes !or the 1 1 th t b . " . .' . s 1e earned a emg Vlce-presl- purpose of orgamzing a Portland d t f th Cl 1 · branch or the Alliance. en · 0 e ' eff c ub WillCh Marie Smith, vice president; Oli- sponsors the Junior Choir of his- ver Smith, secretary; Mrs. Ruth The national organization was torie 8th and Towne (Mrs. Jessie Flowers, treasurer, set up in 1915 witl,l branches in Coles Grayson, former Portlander Mr". Mary M. Dun-can, commit- cities throughout the country, is president of the Cleff club) of tcewoman of precinct 1Z1, is however the Portland branch Is which she is also director, but serving as captain over 12 pre- the first organized In the Pacific that she is actively engaged in einct~. The appointment was Northwest. civic affairs and has since 1935 made by County Chairman Lavey Objectives of the branch a!- played some important roles in lnlanli Empire l,ogt• l\'o. a F. & A.M. 1 •• of the Democrati~ Central Com- liance is to protect the welfare. motion pictures. ;\{eeting held every 2nll UlHI · b f't. d d~ of the m.ittee. It is a tremendous job, a ene l an upgra mg Mrs. Curtis acknowledged that <lith Tuesuay at :Jrd & f'owlt>,\' ' · N t 1 1 "' b r 1nrg" tcrriotry to cover, but It egro pos a emp oye. mem e - it tal,es some people many years llr. Vernon Scott \V. 111. N. 1006 Summit Blvrl., B OH'!i> }"""'. .A. Stok(•s, Sec. W. 529 l\Ianscfield - ll. 0319 ' E. J. llrown l\1. \V. G. JIT, Rt No. S - Phone J- 12!!7 No. 109 I. B. P. 0. E. W. Pupil Sound Lodjre Elks ;\leets at. 6(12 }!i Jackson St.. Elk!. Club, Fi1·st and 'lbird Monday each Month. E. R. Ob.alney, Exalted Ruler, TeL RAinier 3092. 96SS-55th So• W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EUlst 5364. 1474-218~ ·looks as if· thi~ busy lady will ship is open to all regular and to get rar in the movie world, 'master It. • , temporary war employes, Meet- "but in five years starting as · Tl;e' Ne.gro · Republican club ings will be held the Third Sun- extra doing bits in parts, I have !l ~'ld' .:a meebn~ ·last Wednesday day In each month at 1:30 p. m., played in 'Rapsody in Blue,' ··ovenit1g·at the ',Villiams Ave. "Y" at St. Philip Church, N. E. Red~ 'Transport 'to Marshelle' and am r. S. , 0. .Mr. Bailey, a race man ney and Knott. now doing Junella in 'Mom and working out of tile National Re- Officers elected are: Isadore Dad.' a juvenile delinquency pic- publican headquarters in N. Y. Maney, president; Elmer Flow- lure," which continuing she said, and "d.e{·ompanying- Gover n-o.J' ers, 1st vice-president; Thomas. "Isn't an A picture, but which I Thomas EJ. Dewey, Republican Victorian, 2nd vice-president; believe will grow in popularity," 1 n·i'sidential nominee on his cam- Mrs. Nina A. Jackson, secretary; It kind of runs in the family, .paign tqur,. was a &'uest at this William H. Wood, assistant sec- this screen business, for Mrs. nweting.' ' retary; Albert S. Franklin, lreas- Curtis' daughter, Gerald Beatrice M{ •lJ3ailey, commenting to an urer. Harris, soared to fame via radio, .illnte.rprise reporter who, dubious stage and screen. Many Port- ·---------------· of llio interest and extent o! his The Portland Council of the landers will recall her engage- For WOOD -COAL - POlJJi.rRY Call ED S. JOHNSON CA 9953 partlcipation on the tour said, Fair Employment Practices Com- ments here a few years ago with "Oh, · 1'111 · roerely trailing Mr. mittee met Wednesday evening at the "Four Black Birds." De:-vey." 8 p. m., Sept, 20, at the Williams Highlighting Mrs. Curtis' stay Av~nue U. S. 0., Angelo Hern~ was the delightful reception in One of the most creditable don being tile speaker. 1 her honor given by iler sister, A Home is a Foundation Upon Which to Base Your Economic Structure I Ft·esh Chickens and Rabbits As You Like 'l'hem things that could have happened Tile Portland Council is one Mrs. Randall. Many were in at– in Porlland took place on August o! the many throughout the na- tendance to welcome this fine 10 at the Isadore Maney's borne tion · working to maintain a per- personage. Another was the in ~- K Schuyler St., when a manent F. E. P. C. whose slogan, grand afternoon spent out at the m~cliug was called by Robert E. Let's Work Togegtiler, is sweep~ Colbert, of Washington, D. C., lng tile laud. HOME OWNERSHIP Is Easier Now Than Before j 2200 E. l\Iarllson, S<'attle 2 EAST MADISON BRANCH Y. M. C. A National Organizer for the AI- ---- • BARGAIN OF THE FOUR FLATS I M.l!::l\IBERSHIP .UHIVE F.NTF:RS LAST WF.El{ WEEK I The final report meeting the East Madison Branch Y . SEATTLE CHURCHES of Pil·st t\. l\1, E. C'llurcll M. Bel ween !'ike and Pine, 14th Ave. The Colored Merchants Soft– hall Team is touring the middle west and east after their victory this summer when they won tile West Coast Trophy of $1,000. However, this amount was not quite half of tile expense but the difference was forthcoming when Colored businessmen and organi– gations gave liberal donations. All Separate Enu·anL-es Needs Some Decorating VIEW OF J,AKE This Is Income Prope••ty $3,950-Reasouable T'erms C. A. membership· drive will b e Dt•. L. R. Hayes; Pastor held on Monday, Oct. 2. All Sunday school, 9: 4 5. Preaching workers who have not ma de a 11 und 8 ; Christian Endeavor, 7 report to date arc asked to be · d k •ervlce, p ru.; Mi wPe prayer " present to make their repo1·ts. · The following workers r eporter on Monday, Se.pt. 2 5: Leonard (Continued on Page 4) Wednt•ocJay, , ~ o'dick. The team, under management of Herbert Lewi~. sportsman and business man, will compete for the National Softball Tournament, to be held in Cleveland, Ohio. Mount Zion Baptist 1634 19th Avelue PRospet't 0444 Mrs. English Johns and Mr. A. Small Billy: "My father ha s a Rev. Benj. Davis, Pastor A. Askey are attending the r wooden leg." Sunday school, 9 :45. Preaching Fourth Biennial Convention of Little Molly: •"l'hat'e nothing; ll nncl g: Christian Endeavor, 7 the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car my mother has a mahogany p. m.; Midweek prayer service, Porters which convenes in Clave– chest." \VudnPsday, 8 o'ct.ick. land, Ohio, September 17-22. EAST HILL REALTY HAROLD HOLIFIELD, Broker EA 4497 380 23rd Ave. No. Grace Pt•eqbyterian Church Rev. John R. Harl'is, Pastor Sunday School is held at 9: 4 o a.m.; 11 a.m. ::><lol·uing WoJ·,,hip; People's Institutional Baptist Church Mrs. Johns, a delegate from the Women's Auxiliary and Mr. Askey from the :Portland Local of which be is secretary, will o! an assur- 1 6 p. m. Y"'lng ~eop·e; 7:30 p. m. ---------------. Evenin~; w:or;:h:,l. ance, ably represent Portland's D. D. welfare on the major question before the convention-jobs in 120 21st Avenue Pastor Rev. F. W. Penick, 2502 20th Avenue South Church Phone PIWs. 1-'700 the post-war period. Prh·ate .Loans $25 to 8500 ~ oleM ap all fboM aaoytq PMt-4ae Mile aDd to ftiiiiDee YOIU' ~ .-IL No Piftmctty-No Oelay Strictly Ocmlidentl&l A. D. Anderson and Co. Un4er se.t- Beplatloa 100 lfllDowaU llldk. Wl lrd OpJM*te Puet Otftce Dr. F. B. Cooper DllNTIST omoe: 1:1. 111147; ae.. Ea. 1111111 Hourll: U to I and 2 to ~ smte au-a DAp~N Bn!J4fn 1 l!leoood -d lladlaon Save with War Bonds I MT. OLIVET BAP'l'IST l\USSION 1227 Jaclcson St. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7 : 3 0 p. ro. Midweek Prayer"Service Every Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. "MY House shall be called The House of Prayer." -Matt. 21:13 REV••JUDSON SWANCY l\linlster Evangelist Spiritual Advice ant! Prayer 2107 E. James St.., A pt.. 2·~ By Appointment Call EA. 7135 HEI,P WANT.J•:D Residence, l'Ros. 4181 Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Worship 8:00 p, m. 1\lid·w·eek Prayer Service, Wed nesday evening 8:00 o'clock. Woman's Aux. Meettng every Lst and 3rd Wednesday afternoon Recent out-of-towners looking in on Poreland was Rev. Mr. Everette Williams, of Everette, Wn., who while here stopped at the Bethel A. M. E. Ilarsonage with Rev. B. C. Allen and family. As guest speaker at Bethel on Sunday evening, Rev. Williams ~: 30. Mi~'ionary Day, 3rd 1 ftNnoon :1 o'clock. Sunday augmented his sermon with u group of Inspirational vocal num– ser· hers which electrified his audi– ence. The public Is tr.vlted to all vices. Ebenezer A.l\I.E. ZIOn Clmrt'h 23rd and E. Olive St. Rev. ~'t·ederlck Blythewood, Pastor 9: 45 a. ro.--Sunday Sclwol. 1.1: 00 a. m.-Sermon. This promising young clergy– man was guest of J\1lss Blanche Graves for dinner at her home, a scenic trip in and about the city, and was one of the guests to the dinner given by the C. E. Duncans before Miss Graves left CbambermaitlH \Vn.nt•·•l 4:00 p, m.- Vesper Hour. for Bennette College. Incident– ally, the dinner and occasion did double duty as the birthdays of the hostess, of Rev. Allen and Mr. Graves are in the month of Thes., Jobs .'\t•e. Pet,nanent 8:00 P. m.-Sermon. Union Scale. Apply At Wednesday, 8:00 ll· m.-Prayer 617 University S~- Room IHII service. SUGAR BILL HOME OOOKED MEAU1 84o N. E. Broadway Tr. %881 V\o"here good trlends meet for good eats. Home cooked ClhtCJE– en, Steaks, Oysters, and Chops. Myrtle 8amo, Proprietor Holll'II-Bl'elddaat 9 a.m.-1 p.m.\ Dbmer « to B p.m. c;ozY'INN SERVICE DIVINE 66 N. E. B'dwa.y MU S4SO Home Oooked Meals By An Epicurean Steaks & Chicken specialty Minnie Turner, Proprietor Breakfast 9 a.. m. to 1 p. m. Dinner-4 p. m. until Electrical Accessories Phone !4Curdock 9535 Radio Tubes Tested Free Madrona Radio & Record Shop Lincensed Seeburg Sympilonola Operator Complete Race Records Stock 538 N. Broadway A. G. Garrett A. G. Garrett Dellvery Phone Riv. 3081 PORTERS AND WAITERS CLUB W 253 Main Ave.. Spokane, Wash. Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, Billiards, Card Tables, Colored News papers ROY HOWARD, Prop. Northwest Enterprise For Sale Here PAG.E THREE LADIES ltee education, snappy nurse's aaifotom, your complete tui-. doa, room and board, and a aepiar allowance o( $15 to II leuf $50 a month will be t..oilbed. • .,. ,,•..., 1111,., .....,.,, ranch horoe of Mrs. Shepherd, whose daughter, Mrs. Helen Kirk– land, motored Mrs. Curtis and her sister, Mrs, Randall, out to this picturesque spot with its fruit orchard, chickens, turkeys and stock. Porter 'Carries On' NEW YORK-John W. McCoy, 71~year-old Pullman porter, was eligible for retirement in August, 1943, but because ofthe man– power shortage decided to stay on tile job. e ARMY USES PE:-JTOI...JTE IN ROCKET PROJECTILES Pentolite, an explosive 2o; per cent more powerful than TNT and considered too dangerous to manufacture during World War I, is now used in rocket projec– tiles, it was revealed today at the Ninth Service Command Ord– nance Office, Fort Douglas, Utah. KIRO, 6:30 P. l\1. 'l'UESDAY PRINTING .•. -Of All Kinds at the PUBLISHERS PRESS Where The Enterprise ·1 Is Prmted • Just call iR 7177 or The Enterprise First A. 1\f. E. Zion I N. Williams Ave. j Rev. J. T. Smitl1, l\Iinister Sunda.y ·achoel, 9: 3 0 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Evening worship, 8: 0 0 p. m. Blouse or Prayer S E. lOth Elder IWbt. Searcie a~stor in Charge Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. · Preaching 11:00 a. m. Fellow- ·1 ship, 8:00 p. m. j Bethel A. 1\1. E. l N. McMillan and Larabee Rev. Browning C. Allen, Pastor Sunday school, 9:00 a. m. Morning worship and sermon, U §I~~C~~~~~~::Ju~ 1 a. m. A. c. E. League, 6:45 fA#r.l9U, ln.IHn<rul A.p~ritif WiiU, Prl!<lw;l I{ U.S. A. Dt.honrul w~ .• X1w r.ri . }(. r. l\rt. Olivet Bar>tlst KJRO, 6:80 p, :\1. TUESDAY Rev. James J. Clow, Pastor Sunday school, 9: 3 0 a. m. BONDS BUY BOMBS 1 Morning '~orship, 1~ a. m. B. Y. P. F. evenmg worsh1p, 8:00a.m.
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