l>AGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1944 SHOP AT THE SOUTH END SHOPPING DISTRICT OF SEATTLE } BON ~ROB DRUGS THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE STORE Corner 14th and Yesler CA. 5330 Godefroy HAIR DYE EXOTIC Toilet Waters Repel 1\:tosqultos with Gold Medal Mos– quito Repellent By Dorsey $1.25 $2.00 LOTION, 35c Use Bon-Rob Athlete Foot Lotion for Itching, Crack– ing, Eczema-like Scaling, Water Blisters on the Feet and Hands - SOc and $1.00 Bon-Rob Hygienic Powder A cooling– Deodorant Astringent VAGINAL DOUCHE SOc When You Think Drugs Think Of Bon-Rob DI'Ugs Comer of 14th and Yessler CA. 5330 WE DELIVER 7th and ~ackson St. ELiot 7166 Victory ·Chinese Florist 1£ 1£ SAY IT WITH FLOWERS From Our Pink, Rosy, Red-Cheeked Floral Display BUDS OR FULL BLOOM TheSBAGULLTAVBRN Ice Cold Beer, Wines, Mixers, Soft Drinks, Bottled Beer To Take Home ¥ ou are alway1 welcome at the SEAGULL 8'7S Jackson St. Chester Danks, Prop. SE 9467 PACII'IC MARKET 1805 Jackson Street Full Line of Quality Groceries, Fresh Meats and Poultry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Beer 1111d Wine Owned and Operated by Chinese Ph. Ca. 9613 HOTEL IDAHO MODERN - s'iS' E.cf. .\t RATES Steam Heat - Hot & Cold Water in Every Room Miss Birdie Morris, Prop. Phone SE. 9867 505 Jackson St. Seattle, Wash. BIRDIES' CHILI PARLOR We Feature Soda Fountain Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos Candies 410 Maynard Avenue KAY'S lOc STORE ON THE CORNER OF 12TH and JACKSON DOUBLE BLANKETS, 5PCT. WOOL $350 SINGLE BLANKETS 66x76 . 98c RED DEVIL • • • . 40c KEMTONE, 98c QUART GALLON $298 WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF OVERSEAS GIFTS MAILING TIME-SEPT. 15 TO OCT. 15 COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Remember --- IT PAYS TO SHOP AT KAYS Store Hours 9:30 to 7 p. m. Sat. to 8 p. m. PRospect 5392 1201 Jackson Street WHEN IT'S POOL OR BILLIARDS CIGARS OR CIGARE'f'J'ES Say New C. C. Billiard Parlors NEW MANAGEMENT NEW EQUIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 415 Maynard Avenue · OLYMPUS HORL, 413 Maynal'd EMEL APTS., 14th and Main PHONE SE. 9419 Phone EL. 1555 JACKSON BBVBRAGB STORE 707 Jackson St., Seattle BEER, WINE, MIXERS, MALT, HOPS RICHFIEL SERVICE STATION GAS LUBRICATION, EVERY SERVICE Car Washing and Simonizing Phone SEneca 9073 PACiliC CAll "Meal' Southern Style" 417 Maynar.d Ave. Seattle. Wash. YO:U ARE WELCOME! BUYING WAR BONDS WILL BRING HIM: HOl\lE SOONER Progressive Clothi.ng Exchange TA.U.ORING AND ALTERATIONS We Buy and Sell Anythlnc of Value Cleaning and pressing of all kinds; Finest Used Suits for Sale F. D. Wright 79 Yesler Way Seattle, Wash. Phone CA. 9703 BEE'S CURB SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN 1{ BAR-B-Q Special Boiled Dinners • Chicken • Pork • Lamb • Link Sausage Open Day and Night • Pork Spareribs 1237 Jackson St. Y~~~.·~.·.•.-.•.•.•.•.•.-.•."tt'.·~···· • ..-..·~.·~.-.·~~~~.·.-.w.-.-.-.-.·.-.-.·~ EAT"" ~ -- IN PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Kirk and Norris New Elliott Cafe FINEST QUALITY FOODS AND SERVICE 1203 Jackson Street ·····tl'............ tl'...................................... .,.. V 1 Ruth Clytus, Willie May Burse, Operators RUTH G. WHITESIDE, Proprietor I ~I ----------------- S Ruth's Beauty Salon I T Hairdyeing and Facials a Specialty Hours 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. 502 Main St. MAin 998() TAVERN OF GOOD CHEER • Where Particular People Drink Their Wine and Beer JOHNNIE CAMPBELL 1315 Yesler Way U nlted States intended: act as a best interest and that of his check and balttncc to the end country lies. \Vhen we do that that no one of the three d epart- we can look to thl' war tor•n areas ments of our government should of this world anfl feel 11ssured 7ain too much power. that above the flame and flare I Bishop•s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS - DRUGS - FOUNTAIN Full Line of Toilet Articles Race Papers and Magazines Northwest Enterpri'se and Pacific Coast Negro Directory For Sale 507 JACKSON ST. SEA T'~'LE, WASH. Phone MAin 9496 MA. 8859 Prop. w. A. Green 711 Lane Street HOTBL GRBEN Apartments, '11·ansient and Housekeeping Rooms Steam Heat, Hot and C..ol<l \Vater, Showers Jack Schacher's Grocery FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, SOFT DRINKS Open Evenings Northwest Enterprise for Sale 21st & Jefferson Sts. SOUTH PARK POULTRY CO. 1528 Pilce Pla(•e Pr. 0323 rryei'S ,§\.'"" .., ··~·~ 3 fol' $1.25 And Up ~~;i Colol'ed Roasting Chickens········3Sc lb. Roasting Hens 40c Colored Fryers 4Sc Cui Up Chickens········ZBc lb.; Z For SSe SHANKS SUPREME BAR-B-Q I "Where a Sandwich Is a Meal" We Specialize in~- 316 12th Ave. So. BAR-B-Q SPARERIBS 8 BEEF e PORK 0 CHICKEN Phone EA. 9784 When running for its first of battle the ele~tric lights of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ term the administration claimed hope still shine, "As long as ~ that If placed into power, it ignol'llnce and miser-y remain a would reduce expenditures of portion of earth, words like these government by twenty-five per cannot be useless.'' cent. The Democrats at that tlme Take the witness. indicted tlle Republican admin· istration with "piling lmreau upon bureau and commission upon commission."' Upon gain– Jpg office the New Deal imme– 1\IORE-FRAZIER (Continued from Pnge 1) War Department. When Judge Under New Management • THE MODERNISTIC BEAUTY SALON <liately raised the deficit by bll- Hastie reported tor duty he round l!o:o=.==.::==::=.~=~~~~~=~~~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;o;;=~ lions of dollars and justified he was to do routine clerical !l!..l!!l!l!!l!.J!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!..l!!l.!l!!!!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!.l!J!!l!l!!.l!.l!!l!l!!J.!J.m~J.H.l!m.J.~!J.!.c thei r position by saying they work, foreign to the position to A REESE, MANAGER .. liiJiliiliTiiliTiililiiliJjiJiTiiTifiiTiliifiliiTifiiTiliiliTiiliJjililiifiliililiiliTiiTiliililiiTiTiiTiliiliTn1iriil~ hi h h h b 1 t A were creating jobs. These tactics w c e as een appo n eu. HAIR STYLING - MANICURE SPECIALISTS IOWA CAFE 662 Jackson Street Under Elks Club WE SPECIALIZE IN FRIED CHICKEN - JUICY STEAKS • ALL PRICES BELOW CEILING ··:~~~!l!l!~~!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l.!!l!l!U!.l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!~~~~~~~·l~ ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· HONEST GROCERY 1235 Jackson St. CAp. 9897 Has a Complete Line of Finest - Staple Groceries Fresh Fish Fresh Chickens Fresh Fruits Beer Mixers VISIT OUR STORE INSPECT OUR STOCK Norman A. West, Proprietor Visit at Your Own Convenience. No Apt. Necessary C011tinued into the second admin- Judge Hastie, like many others lstratlon, which was asked to who have met similar disappoint– permit Democrats to perfect ments, promptly restgned . For their procedure for " prosperity" this courageous ·stand th e Na begun in th"e first administra- tiona! Association for the Ad- Open 9 a. m. • 7:30 p. m . 674 Jackson MA 9398 tion. The third term was asked vancement of Colored People :_....;;...________________________ ~ on the basis that war was lm- awarded Judge Hasti e the Spin- minent, while at the sam<J ~1me garn medal. Are these pseudo mothers Of the ~ation wer~ told appointments all we want from t!.at their sons' would never fight our Government? 1 ,, n fore ign soil. A fourth -~erm Some of you might wish to· is now being asked by the pres- praise Mr. Roosevelt for his labor laws and his obvious friend– ship for labor. That attitude might be commendable it it did The Evelyn Inn 2229 East Madison Phone EA 9857 MEALS AT ALL HOURS SHORT ORDERS AT ALL TIMES OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY - We Solicit Your Tratie ent administration on the •henry that t.he; .- are indispensabl<~ to winning the war and conduellng OUR SPEC..JALTY- SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ::.~. T. Dawson, Prop. - Rose M. Simth, Mgr. !....------ tlle peace. I think it high time not at the same time perpetuate 1 that rh e peoples of th e Duit'ld labor czars and labor racketeers Sta:es elect, this November, a who exclude Negroes from union Pre:sident, so that on January! membership, and consequentlr 20th, ! 945, invitations will have from the right to work in the post war period. This same status where its actions carried m· navy officials have paid the issu ed to attend an inau gumt;m i ht th "tt · bl 1· 1 t t tt t· t ·t s friendly attitude toward labor we g and e comnu ee 1s a e s 1g- 1 PR u E'n 10n o 1 . egre- ruther than assemble for the cor- t · · 1 1 "ll " w1 1ich has allowed Unions to o accomplish something. gation. discrnninauon, t 1e u 1ng onn.t:nn of a king, In 1932 the people or the l.' nlted States said, "We v:.\NT a chanJ;e." In 1936 the~ saiil, "L·H us NOT ch ange." In 1940 they &aid, "We are AFRAID to •:hangc" In 1944 they NJ~r-:e n. change~ S<•me great man has saifl thut a nation may lose its libel'l.l' In a <ln3· und be a century In fincl– iug it ,mt. As is ti·ue of nations, it is trut> of races. 'iVe cun lose our liberty in one day, even one hour, ancl be years in finding It out and even more years in get- grow very wealthy and extremely Some of you remember that or Nl.'~?;ro serviPl.' men by white powerful, has also put the Negro President Hoosevelt n amed Col-~ dviiians in ihe South is just as on the "permit system,'' a system one! Davis a Brigadier General, prevalent no,y ~s before No. I that taxes the Negro laborer for due do you also remembtor that don't bt'liPve the Npp;ro will b<> working, but which gives him thls was "plolitical expediency." 1 foolerl another timP. 1\lr. Roose– none or the benefits of member- It was only when the President! velt. ship or representat:on in the felt his power over the Negro ThE' Ne.<~ro wants justicE'. an Unions. Thus the Negro 's posi- vote slipping in 1940 that hP l.'qual opportunity to Parn a liv– tion grows weaker and weaker used this means to r egain f11.vor ing, and the right to live in peace under the Roosevelt adminlstra. with the Negro voter. ColonPI ancl harmony with his nPighbo r. tion, for Roosevelt Is powerless Davis was then due for retire- I do not helie>ve the Negro voter, to defend him against his south- ment within the next few months. thinking thl'se things over ser. <'~n supporters. but th e exigencies of war have iously, will think he will attain 1 tJng Iiberl~· restored...The right MORE-POLITICAL FORU:\[ I t herefore, Republicans should not oo unl.ampered and free m0\'1'- ; . mention him, it is equally appar- ment is , ne of the indices or I ago past must be renewed w 1th I ent that l<'ala the President's free 111 en. 'iVe all must leat'll to th~ . fires of ll?eralism, i~ th_at dog, is not run,nlng for president t·ealize that there really are no em h er favor IS to retam lts and his bones should not be racf> proi.Jicm;;, there are no white I aroma of sincerity. On the other waved before the public. probler.-.s, there are no black: hand, if Republicans are not to The siren voice of the admin- problems, but truly there are point to past glories, then th e opposition should not be allowed istratlc n is especially gifted with human problemB everywhere. Can the facility to enhance Its we solve them? Only time can to take advantage of past triumphs, minimize its failures, tell. llnt, in the meantime, eueh triumphs in order to bolster the and riddl e with ridicule those of us can '"'te his own convic· I present. If •Lincoln is not run- who have tried to do exactl y tion after giving earnest thought --------------------------- ning for president this year and, what the Con~titution of the to consideration of wherein bis THE CHILI QUEEN SE 9956 !'orne of you favor Mr. Roose- kept him on th e active list. Mr. his rightful plaPe with a Party, velt because of his execut!ve or- Roosevelt is not above this sort always his avid pnemy, but which der which resulted in the e~tai.J- Of political strategy now. In 1944 llas gro\Yll increasingly mom lishment of the Fair Employment we find him usin g similar tacth·s hatt>ful with twelv(' y~>:~rs Of con– Practice Committee. But you also by issuing an execu tive order tinuous powPr. Nor will the should remember that it was only abolishing segregation .and dis· "\"egro vot01" baR<' his hopPs on after A. Philip Randolph anti bis crimination in the armed forces. tlw genial personality of Mr. associates organized a "March I He knows the Negro llas been RoosevC'lt. who himHelf, is no on Washington'' that President aroused by the shamefu l treat- longer able to control tl1P leaders Roosevelt relented and issued the m e>nt of Negro service men; he of llis Part)', nor PV<'n the mem– order. Even then it was so weak I knows tha t the treatment of men bers of his cabin<' I. I strongly that the FEPC tailed to alleviate in the armed forc es is close to believe tlw NPgro will rC'pun iatc any of the sufferings or the every American's hea rt. He issued :Mr. Roosevt>lt in the Novembpr Negro worker. It was only this order to capture the Negro election. because to do so is his through the action of our Negro vote which he has already lost. only hope for progrt>ss. leaders that Congress raised the But th e Order was so weak, so Next week I shall discuss Mr. level of this committee to a frivolous that none of the army Dewey and his public service. •
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