WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1944 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE PAGE THREE SEATTLE PORTLAND NEWS were loud in their praise of the men for the fine evening - one long to be remembered-a his– tory making event. Orchids were voted to Mrs. Annabell Harris and Mrs. B. E. Allen. who Commander Anderson Urges· Support of Bowes 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst7911·---------------------- :-----------------=·•••••••••••• Mary M. • I women of the church. Duncan, Editor I While indisposed and unable "There is an election plea be ing used in the contest for city came to the rm;cue of the men eommissioner which, in my opin– in the midst or preparations ion, is wholly erroneous," said The Loyal Knights are gratef1:l Past Commander W. E. (Andy) to all who colttributed to tre Anderson of Hollywood Post No. success of the . banquet. 105, American Legion. "This dramatic sophistication you . • . with Mae's individ- ual service, and this sort, head-caressing hat of matic sophistkation. of volvNeen and felt, SEneca 1365 Mae's Dress Shoppe 650 Jackson St. HELP W A N'f-ED Chaml>l't'maicls \Vaut.e.J '.rhese Jobs Are l'ennanent Union S!cale. Apply At 617 t:"nivl"rsity S~. Room IIIII For WOOD -COAL -POULTRY Call ED S. JOHNSON CA 9953 Fresh Chickens and Rabbits As You Like Them 2200 1], i\l,adis<>n, Seattle 2 Private Loans $25 to $500 to clean up all those &m~oylnc past-doe bills and to flnaoee your personal needs. VISIT YOUR LODGE I.. 0 D G I•: ~o. 1'7- F. & A. :11. "eets 1st & Srd Wednesdays 425 ... 21st Avenue H. A. HOARD, W. !II. 143 21st Ave. N. Phone PRsopect 3013 K A. Campbell, Se'-"'Y· 1724- - 2:itb Avenue Phone PHoSJ>ect 1811 I Member•s in good and r<'gulm· 1 starullng alwnys wolr•11me. ll\lonta Villa _conunuuity Church p. m. Evemng hour, 8 p. m. I Mid-we"k meeting, vVedne~duy of each week POST-WAR SECURITY The world of the future is being formed now! ! Will you be in the same Rut after We Have De– feated the Axis? Did you know that Beau– ty Culture As a Proft:s– sion Offers a Lucrative Income for a Minimum Outlay? The requisites of this pro– fession are trainir.g, am– bition and initiative. You supply the ambition and initiative and the Ruth Whitesides School of Beauty Culture will provide t h e necessary training. l<'or Information Call The Ruth Whitesides School of Beauty Culture 014 Jackson St. .----------------------------- to be at the banquet in person, Rev. Browning C. Allen, pastor, BETHEL AME CHURCH I was there in spirit to encourage • • • I those who carried on in his ab- LARABEE AVE. and McMILLEN ST, scence. And as he said "My is the statement that a fault- 9:30 A. M.-8unday SchooL __ I heart was there." IIIIIIIIIIIIUIJIII!IIIIIII co~:;"~ii:~~~. ro~~r~wi~~ ~.e ~':~ Home on furlou;o;h is Cpl. J-:oy finder and obstructionist Is E. Fuller, stationed at Camp needed in the city council in Hood, Texas. Cpl. Fuller's wife, order to keep things stirred up, their lillie daughter, Ester Ma- so to speak." 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng Sermon. 6:45 P. M.-A. C. E. League. 8:00 P. !\I.-Evening Sermon. "COME TO WORSHIP-LEAVE TO S~Vlll" I thank, on behalf of the oflfcial I tamily of the church, admonished class leaders, department heads, rie, relatives and friends are ex– boards, clubs and auxiliaries as tending him a warm we!eome REV. BROWNING C. ALLEN, Pastor to their respective duties. The home. In the situation whi<'h con- fronts Portland today, and which will be even more critical after the war, a city commissioner of L-----------------,-----------------l I church with its cooperating membership has wrought well, it John P. Morgan, USNS, head obstructionist tendencies will do ROYAL KNIGHTS HONOR LOYAL WOMEN OF BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH State of affairs pertaining to Bethel AME Church was a glo– has succeeded. "But Bethel has of welfare and recreation at As– no time to rest on her laurels, toria, Ore., is llo•IsegueRt of continued the speaker, for a Mrs. Charity Edwards in N. E. greater work confronts her." '"'"idiPr. ·with the numerical growth of the church, there is space ror two or more new organiaztions. Mr. George HoliiCay is b~,ck home full Of wigor and witality atfer two weeks at Martin rious inspiration to 100 or more Because of this growth a larger members and well wishers In at- usher board is needed to handle Springs. Steam baths and com-– tendance at a banquet given Fri- the overflow attendance.' As a plete rest the first week. "I was day evening by the Royal participating member of the fit to hunt bears the second Knights (the man-power) of Portland Council of Churches, week ," confided Mr. Hollidar, I Bethel, honoring the fine loyal Bethel,. its pastor and volunteer who admitted i.his vacation was -------A-NENT RULING CLASS leadership will be much In de_ his first (not even a day) in G. 0. P • VS. PERM . mand for visitatio.ns anrl spirit- six years. ual guidance in the religious ac- By Harold Holifield ' rlous mistake. tlvieties supervised by the Port- Mr. J. W. Ingersol is home •••••••••••• "'e lla'"e as a g 1• 011 p, a heri- A plank in the Republir.an land Council of Churches in the and Rhle to be out again follow- 1 vv , more tai"m than good. "He may, tage _ that of the freedom In- platform calls for the establish_ government project areas. ing an operation. With Mrs. if he is so disposed, nullify Il-IA in 9494 HARMONY LODGE No. 2 - F. & A. 1\i. Meets 2nd and 4th 1\londays 425 - 21st Avenue J. H. LEE, W. 111. 234 24th Ave. N. Phone EAst 3954 E. R. CHAINEY, Sec'y. 91133 55th Ave. So. Phone. RAinier :l092 Alt M.aste1• !liasons ·welcome FLASH Sured Under a System Whe reby ment or a permanent Fair Em- Concluding, Dr. Unthank men- Ingersol, his wire, as co-partner h . every wort wlule p~an for city the P n.op] n, select and choose ployment Practices Commisslol' tioned several activieties on the in business, :\fr. Ingersol ownrd . •. " Improvement and prevent every thel·r O"'n leaders anrl lawmak- as a function of law and added well planned program for the and operated the Up to Date t . . .. 0)3por umty for employment of P.I"H. This choice is our privi- to the law of the land to Insure year, including Pastor's Appre- Cleaning and Pressing Pstablish- returning veterans in so far as lege, it is our duty and in it lies a fair deal for all, not only In ciat.ion Sunday, Oct. 8; Union ment on N. E. Union for 23 the city is concerned. Oul . ultl·m•te hopes anll their time of war but in time of peace. Thanksgiving Services, this year years. They spent eight years "F tl . a or us J:eason, among many subsequent realizations. This is a proposed strengthen- at Bethel Thursday, November in business before coming to others, I am supporting the can- ·we are in danger _ grave ing and solidifying of the con- 26; special trustee thank-offer- Portland. Retiring a few montbs didacy of V.'illiam A. Bowes, rlanger of losing that ~oeritage-- cession granted which Is now a ing; Thanksgiving dinner; Xmas ago, to the deep regret of their whose business ability has been losing it before it is even fully pol!tleal lollipop which can be season, to include White Gift e:>.tenslve clientel, Ihese fine foil~ proved and whose far.sighted vi– granted _ because of circnm jerked away at the whim of the service. With a forward look are taking life easy at their beau- sion has contributed 80 much to stanf'es that Jed some of us to Democratic party. over into 1945, there will be tiful home in S. E. Woodward the formulation of practical plans believe more in the dcvm· poll. In tl:te· able words or the Re- Founders Day; Negro History Street. for city improvement and whose tic·s of one man than in our- publican party's candidate, Thorn- Week, both in February; a much administration of departments selves. as E. Dewey, "Finally juat as we needed spiritual revival, planned Visiting in several eastern ciL and bureaus under his supervi- The Democratic party has been shall abolish privileg'l for one for March; an Easter sacrifice ies, Mrs. Daisy Williams is hav- sion has been so iminently satis- :tsstHoiated with anti-Negro poli- group over any other group, we rally; Mothers' Da_;•, in 1\Irty; ing a most enjoyable time. factory. Mr. Bowes is not an cies since its Inception, The Re- shall see that every working Children's Day ..tnd Fathers' Day obstructionist; he is by nature a publican party was begun as an man and woman stand~ equally in June. Men's Day · and vVo- Mrs. Cinderilla Wisdom an(! builder. He is wholeheartedly opposition t.o the Democratic in that department created to men's Day in July; then BPthel's her sister Mrs. Lettie M. Polk- in sympathy with every effort to party of the south, whose tobaP- serve him and not to rule him homecoming as a grand cllma:v. the latter making her home with provide opportunities for employ– co spilling senators have for and there will be no ba,k door The informal program contin_ th£1 former-had as house guests ment after the war when thou– years mouthed Ideologies of en·(ranee to special privill•ge by ued as L. R. Blackburn, master this week their sister Mrs. Myr- sands Of our citizens will be whit.E> supremacy and have lin- one group over any othe!' group of ceremonies, presenter! Mes- tle 8lark of Los Angeles, and seeking jobs. I regard his re– Bridgo; from 12 to 3. dancing. g!'rrd over pointless po,il).ts aq to, or Americans." ' dames Louise Gregory and' their brother, Thomas Gray of eelction as essential to the con- Music by our own orchl'stm, ·-vhy the Negro should .be treatefl Under Mr. Roosevelt and the Smith who respectively rendered Denver. There havent' been :un tinned development and pros~ \Vasil. s. & Ei. Baclrl kindly bnt firmly as r\,ne would Democrats, the Negroes were the beautiful solos. Mrs. W. Ricks dull momPnts for these visitors perity of the city and believe Washington Social and Educa– tional Inc., announces Fall and Wiater socials for members and their fgrienrls: Every ~aturday night from 10 to 12-Whist nnd S . J E S d t.t·<'at a child-or a puppy. last tl be hired in our Indus- thrilled guests with a dramatic as their time is being spent fill- he merits the united support or pCCia Vefy Ufl ay Tl' ; 4 P' rty has as· it{!· ·figure: tries and similarly under Mr. reading. Speaking hridly were ing many social · ngagemBnts. the American Legion as we i] as llam and Frierl (';llie\{('!1 DiP- he'lll '~ a 1;, 1 m who ft.a~ ., fil!b~n hi~ Roosevelt and the Democrats the Mrs. Zepha Baker for the Sun- all citizens who are interested ners, special low prices for mem- intl[ru+;-i-1Y by ;<sl!l;i;i 1 g''•;i~!l bf' Negroes would be the first to be day School: Mrs . Lula Gragg Tiny Bradshaw in the future of Portland." hers anrl their friel).ds. P,resident .,.longer tlial). tj 1 e two fired. They would be the flrst for the BelhcLite Club· MrA., Dine and Danc;e at 'Va.~hing- t<qrms as :f!.ccol·q,ilig,.. ~p , ' <.uston 1 to revert to the relief and the Mary 1\1 . Duncan for the ACE Packed Them Jn'. MORE-CAPT. MULZAC No Publicity-No Delay --t'!~tly--Ge."llidentlal--- A. -D. Anderson and Co. ton ~Set.'-ial- -.anrl Ji:A~o.~L;-1 1 ttnd·~l<V." ~.-q· t~-tb~~l4n81r d,p_l~ .issued 9 ut by arrogant so- League anU hoRtess colnrnitte.e; (Continued from Page · !') He h::ts chosen as a vice presi cia) workers who forget that Mrs: Margurite Griffin for the There is at least t.wo definite nationality or political affiliat~,----.... • branch. This club is open to 1·•<,.t a,. F=C\~Jt-l).Bnl :Oel!w~a( whoso their salaries come from the OME Club; Boise Strain, the things, well, three to be gen- all workers eligible for member– all m"mbers who are in the up. r"wrrl is not wlthout -l?O!itlcaJ same place as do the pitiful a\- choir; W. A. Reed, Royal erous, that we can say abr>ut ship, directly or indirectly en– per grades in lligll g,~lwol. blemish. · r're has ·set" 'him'selr ' u'.;:i lotment<' that are bestowed in Knights (host club) ll!Irs. Des- Tiny Bradshaw and his Jersey gaged in the Maritime industry. Under State Regulation 200 McDowall Bldk. lSSl Snl Oppostte Post Offltle SE. 9408 519 Jackson STAR POOL HALL WM. HAMILTON Wl\1. BAILEY Proprietors Card Tables Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, Candy. Etc. • • Register and Vote • • BUY BONDS For Freedom's Sake Smiling Feet Are Happy Feet Don't suffer any more. Take advantage or the scientific method of making fea tiler– weight arch supportH to fit from a perfect model Of your feet. and get quid< relief and arch correction. From broken down arches, flat feet, pains under heels and balls of feet, crooked and overlapping toes, weak ar'thes and ankles, leg cramps, poor circulation, rheu– matism and arthritis - !Ike aches and pains caused by arch troubles. Light, springy, easy to wear in any shoe. Pl'ices as low as ten dollars. JOHN K. LARREMORE Foot Correctionist 'l'el. PR 9627 Hours 10 to 8, by appointment 1214 Washington St. Seattle, 44, 'Vashlngton Now Is the Time to BUY YOUR HOME On Thursday. 7; ZO p. m. the to be, htuJ~Jlensible 'in 'the·:· Whit~ a patronizing manner upon those sie Eastman, usher board; Mrs. Bounce Orchestra that appeared Captain Mulzac, the first Negro Tor,h-Y Club wi11 hold its meet- House or.c·apsncy and has set up'_ .unfortunate enough to be mired B. E. Allen, representing the llere Monday night, Sept. 18. to command a Liberty sllip, and A Home is a Foundation Upon Which to Base Your Economic Structure I ings at the branch building. 'rhis · . . In the muck of a jobless er·a. The pastor. First it was an S. Duke presen- :werdinand C. "m1"th clearly un. llU11lE•l'OtlS agenCIP-.S, <.~l!lffilSSlOns, .._. club is Ollon to all boy ,, in the and . subcommissions to tell the people were allowed to exist, that Others offering remarks were t"'ion, s·~condly It rlrP.w a crowd derstand the crisis America is 9th and lOth grades. On Frl- American people wimt , they can was all. They were humiliated C. E. Ivey and Loomis Harris, that packed, jammed a,ld ran•- faced witll today. •ro emerge !lay lhe teLm-age game night wi'l and cannot do. He has made it and made to feel that they president Of the host club and med McElroy's Spanish Ballroom from it successfully will requil·e be held at the branch from 8 necessary that the people form should be grateful to our be-l genr,ral chairman of arr:mge- and third, 'finy and hio boyo the deepest understanding all(l to 11 p. m. This program is lines and queues in order that ncvolent and smiling rulers fm· ments. Among visitors: Mrs. did a new, differe'lt kind of mu- the strongest unity of all the HOME OWNERSHIP 1 sponsored jointly hy lh0 YMCA they might be allowed to beg the privilege of eating. For eight Myrtle Clark Of Los Angelee; sic and sang a tune that some-- Americ<tn people. i<'ortun-ately we • and YWCA' Beginning Monday, for hea;·ings [rom some bureau- long Democratic years this situ- Mrs. McLaurin and Mrs. E. Ma"- how kept the mass crowd from have within our ranks such men Is Easler Now Than Before Ort. 9, the YMCA will have the rrat in order to conduct their atlon existed. During th-is time tin of Chicago; Sgt. .T. Dixon, behaving itself. as Captain Mulzac and Mr. I<'erdi- • I use of Edm()ntl Meany School business or change their jobs. the l~t of the Negro was gen- Portland. The women of Bethf'l nand C. Smith, the men who l gymnasium from 7 to 10 p. m. L:thor has dispuled- som·e· labor erally · considered worse than .. ,,c. l mar" than anyone else are in a 'BARGAIN' OF THE WEEK I Groups and indiv~duals are nm" that has never before had t(ll, that of the white, SUGAR HILL ~osition to_ show the l\egro people $ 500 down,· five-room house, ga- rio.ds_. A registration fC'e_ '.'f $1 strikes have paralyzed our war 84 N. E. Broadway Tr. 2381 reel road to follow. Tbey are I being signed up [or these pe- disvuto , has disputed _ and HOME OOOKED MEALS and all mmonty groups the cor- Where good friends meet tor d · rage large lot, lOOxlOO. has Will oe charged each panlcipant. industries becau&e of one-man in- good eats. Home cooked Chicm- a mired and respected not only base~ent and new sl;akes; 1 This will give them the privilege terfer.ence. , _, . en, Steaks, Oysters, and Chop!!. by minority groups, but by all near \Vashington Park. $3,500 I of using the gym at least an He, this one man who runs CRESJA BLANCA Myrtle Barno, Proprietor people everywhere. They are the hour a w~eek for 20 weeks. Both affnit•s, has not in any ·degree Bolll'&--B:realdast 9 a.m.-1 p.m.~ I men we can look to who can 2ND BARGAIX OF THE WERK I boys and men are eligible Jo take brought fort-h that Jirospel'ity WI NEg~ Dbmer 4 to 9 p.m. help all minority groups tJ go Four-room house, some view; part. Sign 11 p now at East Mad- 1 i 1 tio b forward in their strugo~le for w 1 r 1 was e an l'lllrly re- good district. $2,500 ison YMCA. suit of the New Deal. COZY 'INN economic, political and social $800 down. Tn addition pkns are being The present temporary lnfla_ freedom. "i'lie can depend on made for other activities for men tion canont be,. by any means, SERVICE DIVINE them to strengthen tlic close ties and young men, according to the construed as prosperity, it is 66 N, E. B'dway MU 8480 Lhat have been forged on the interest shown. merely a lull in the Roosev·elt Home Oooked Meals bactlefronts <:.~ the worid. il'. the depression, and with the contin- By An Epicurean industrial plat.. t~ and the com- uance of the depression admin- Steaks & Chicken specialty munltics and among all pE:opJes WHEATLEY YWCA iotration the wartime lull will Minnie Turner, ProprietOr wno are fig'lting fascism. t t th d k d f B eakf t 9 fieatu ~ 1 -- 11 g On Octobsi' 12, Captain 1\Iul,~ac EAST HILL REALTY The \Var "'"1 Community r!'ver 0 _e ar ays . o pre- r as a.m. to 1 p.m. '· • THE MEANEST togtther vdth Ferdinand c. Sntith Cheste Drive will be Oetnhl'r o war hopelessness. There were Dinner--4 p. m. until MAN IN RADIO and Thyra Edwards will meet to 25. The workers for the 'lW no plans for the future ·during C , 'T L , G 1 those days or peace-no hop.e. and the Mayor's C Jlllmittee on civic 830 - "3rd A"e. No. I ~-. are: "rs. eonan, .ay .on, JOE REICHMAN unilv to discuss the prolllent '\'e • Negroes had even less hope- Electrical Accessories J • HAROJ,D HOLIFIELD, Broket• EA 4497 Mrs. A. Barr. Mrs. John Shan- ThePa!!liacciofthePiano are faced with hl're in t':'.e North- non, Miss Idr;ll VNtner and Mr. the years appeared stretched Phone MUrdock 915315 John Copeland, of the Y'\1 CA. ahead in terms of relief and P'lV- "This iS Radio Tubes Tested free The Girl Reserves Df Phyllis m·ty. The l9 4 0 outlook, after Madrona Radio & EAST MADISON BRANCH Y. M. C. A Wheatley yv,·c~<\ have started a eight years of Democratic auto- l\ /J..T B t" R fall program and at present are cratic rule was one still Of beat- .l.l'.J. r es ei~!~ns~Op making plans for recruiting new en despair. Seeburg Symtphonola Operator members. Girls of junior hign Small busines"es, the bacok- Complete Race Records Stock school age and high school n rr bone uf our economic system, l<,all and "Winter program at invited to come rn and join the hncnme ..vio·tunlty non-e"istant East Madison Y !I{CA Is getting Girl Reserves. anrl the trend towa.rd a perma.– underway. The following activ- All girls working in industry, nrnt ruler class of the inclustrial ltles are already on the !'>ehed·- private homes and businef.s :ere vn!'iety was e~tabli,h<·d. •.rhe ule: Every Monday, 4 p. m., tiH? Invited to join the Business and factions of capital and lal>Ot' Gra-Y Club will meet at the East Industrial Club wl! ~h n'eet each wet'e solictifying into two c 1 istinct Madison YMCA building. This I Thursday eveuinp; :,t S o'r•lor·k. rtmgs of the laddet•. __The tlOp rlnb is open to all boys who ::ue The Friendship Chill h a ci its morl < 1 ,. h<·ttOJ•,, witho11t th<' In grade school. Swimming' first rail meeting Sunday after- rungs In ~tween and thereby classes will be held at 6:45 p. noon and plans were discussed insnl'ing the exdusiveness or thP m. Particular scress will be p11t for the program for the con ing two classPs, because none could on teaching beginners how to season. All memllPrs a1·e asl,cd cli.mb from one to the :other. swim. The Cent,:al YMCA • 1 to be present Sunday afternoon The establisliliuent of the FE charges each boy who is a mem- October 8. PC wa~ not a rf'sult. of 1\'11'. her of any of the <'Ommunity i Roosevelt's benel"'olent desire to ~:~~sc.hes a service charge of 10! Not Too Late to Buy Bonds heln the Ncgl'O, but was obtainl'd I by the vet-y effective tactks con- On 'i'uesdays the Junior F.i-Y f'eiw<l by one Mr. A. Philip Club will meet at the branch 3t I D F B C Ran<lolph, a Negro leader whose 1 r. . . ooper 4 p. m. 'fhis club is opt>n to i<lea of iorganizing a Negro any boys In the 7th al'd 8th I DENTIST ~Iat'ch on Washington might aid gradHs. Also on Tne;:dayf: at 6 · Of-floe: El. Sl'i4'7; Res. Ea. 3888 our indispensible president in p. m. the weekly movhos will IJe I Hours: 0 t<J 1 ani! 2 to 5 SPPing the light, the llglit whi..t;. lllOwn. sy-tte 362-S Empire BoJidlnf:" illuminates the obvious fact that Wednesday at 7: 30 p. m., the i Second and Madison the In"nry of t'aclal rllscrlmina-1 Hi Y Club will meet at thH tion in wartime can be a se- KIRO, 6:30 P. 1\1. TUESDAY Spokane, Washington LODGE NOTICE Inland Empire Loge Na. 3 F. & A. 1\1, Meeting held "very 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 3rd & Cowie!' Ur. Vet'llon Scutt \V. 1\1. N. 1006 Stmomit Blvd.. B 018(; 1<'. A. Stokes, Sec. W. 529 Manscfteld -B. 0349 E. J. Bt•own M. W. G. l\1. Rt No. 8 - 1-_,.hnne L 1227 No. 109 I. B. :P. 0. E. W. Puget Sound LocJae Elks Meets at 66~ * Jackson St. Elks Club, Fir~t and Third Monday each Month. E. R. Chalney, Exalted Ruler, Tel. RAinler 3092. 98S3-55th So. W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EAst 5SM. 1U4-2llt. 4-----------------~--·• 538 N. Broadway A. G. Garrett A. G. Garrett DeHvery Phone Riv. 3081 PORTERS AND WAITERS CLUB W 253 Main Ave.. Spokane, Wash. Cigars, Drinks, Tables, Cigarettes, Soft Bllliards, Card Colored News papers ROY HOWARD, Prop. Northwest Entet·p:t-ise Por Sale Ht~rc Cojn.l944, Dubonnel APeriti[IYine. F.' ..·.c.-t of U.S. J.. Dubomut Cor{>., New Yor.\, N 1". l{OL, Wednesday, 8:30 P- )1. BONDS BUY BOMBS ~est_ They a:so have beer<. in– v·ited to spe&k at a luncheon given by the ·war C•Jmmunity Chest. At 8 p. m., October 12, Lhey wiil address a public meet– ing held at Mt. Zion Baptist I Church at 19th and East Madi– w~ •
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