PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISl!i Wednesday, October 3, 1945 SHOP AT THE SOUTH END SHOPPING DISTRICT OF SEATTLE BON-ROB DRUGS THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE STORE Corner 14th and Y esler CA-5330 Godefov Hair Dye $1.23 TOILET SETS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Stationery and Candy Race Papers and Magazines Commodities for All Occasions COURTEOUS FOUNTAIN SERVICE POSED PICTURES Barber Licenses, Civil Service Photographs made in 3 minutes Pictures taken by former Photographer for Playland • Miller's Studio and Arcade 406 Main Street Hours, 12-12 EL. 2526 WHEN IT'S POOL OR BILLIARDS OIGABS OR CIGARETI'ES Say New C. C. Billial'd Pai'IOI'S NEW MANAGEMENT NEW EQUIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 415 Maynard Avenue L'I'MPUSIIO'I'EI.,. 413-Maymu"d :BMIIL APTS., 141h and Mala PHONE SE. 941.9 Phone SEneca 90.73 P&CiriC CArB "Meal& Southern Style" 417 Maynar.d Ave. Seatlle, Wasa. YOU ARE WE·LCOME! PACII'IC MARKBT 1.306 laclmon Street Full I.Jne of Quality Groceries, Fresh Meats and Poultry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Beer md Wine We J\pprec:iate Your Patronage Pb. (Ja. 9613 HOTEL IDAHO MODERN - SPECIAL RATES Steam Heat- Hot & Cold Water in Every Room Miss Birdie Morris, Prup. Phone SE. 9867 505 Jackson St. Seattle, W aab. but when subjected to the pene- KAY'S lOc STORE ON THE £ORNER OF 12TH and JACKSON PRospect 5392 1201 Jackson Street • THE STORE WITH THOUSANDS OF ITEMS XMAS OVERSEAS GIFTS Mail up to Oct. 15th Large Selection to Choose From NOVELTY SASH CURTAINS- In Red, Green, Blue-45-in.-Special, Pr•.............. $1.59 RUFFLED PANELS-Cushion Dot Rose, Blue, Green-SO-in., each..... . ... ... ...... $1.49 White Enameled Slob Jars ........................................... ........$1.29 Large Size Turkish Towels, limited quantity...............65c Many Other Items-Come in and Look Arountl IT PAYS-- TO SHOP AT---KAY'S STORE HOURS: 9:30 to 7. Saturday to 8 p.m. Progressive Clothi.ng Exchange TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS We Buy and Sell Anythlnc of Value t!lleanlng and pl'e88lng of a.lJ kinds; Finest Used Sultl for Sale J!', D. Wrlpt 79 Y esler Way Seattle, Wash. Phone EL. 1555 .JACKSON BBVBRAGB STORB 707 Jackson St., Seattle BEER, WINE, MIXERS, MALT, HOPS RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION GAS LUBRICATION, EVERY SERVICE Car W aahing and Simonizing GENERAL DRYGOODS AND NOTION STORE LADIES' DRESSES HEMSTITCI-«NG The Chamberlain Store PR. 0986 MORE ABOUT MRS. Nellie McCullough 2201 East Union I wards each other, so that our sur· vivors may testify to our Fidelity: WHER.I!]AS, This is a time in Phone CA. 9703 CURB SERVICE BEE'S SPECIALIZING IN 1{ • Chicken • Pork BAR-B-Q • Lamb • Link Sausage Special Boileo Dinners • Pork Spareribs 1237 Jackson St. Open Day and Night Psychoanalysis Complexes F ear, Worry Morbid Impulses Emotions Amnesia Melancholia Paranoia HEALTHY BODY Dr. John K. Larremore META-PSYCHOLOGIST Tel. Hours 2-8 PR. 9627 by appointment 1214 Washington St, Mental Bathing Dreams, Visions Habits Diseases Physical Debility Neurathenla Insomnia Nervousness Inhibitions Foot Correction Personal Problems Chronic Alcoholism Correct Breathing Correc t Posture Personal Chacrm The Influence of Colors Achievement The Art or Fascination Hidden Secrets of Nature Featherweight Arch Supports made to individual impression. Can be worn in any shoe. dJM 'If~ dJ.vut ehoice i-n p~ EVENING JN PARIS -:- YARDLEY'S -:- COTY'S And other Natlonally Known Brands • MAYRAND'S DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 23rd and East Union PR. 1616 and Grand District Deputy, Re– Pa£t Grand Recording Secretary, Card of Thanks She became ill during the Elks and death of our friend, and for Bishop 9 S Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS - DRUGS - FOUNTAIN Full Line of Toilet Articles Race Papers and Magazines Northwest Enterpri'se and Pacifre Coast Negro Directory For Sale 507 JACKSON ST. SEATTLE, WASH. Phone MAin 9496 Jack Schacher's Grocery FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, SOFT DRINKS Open Evenings Northwest Enterprise for Sale 21st & Jefferson Sts. Pr. 0323 MAIN 8859 W. A. GREEN Hotel Green BUY WAR BONDS 711 LANE ST. SEATTLE, WASH. 1 ·:·-,,....{}-()~- ~..-,.-,,-(1-ft __ ,,_,,_,,_ll-ll~.-~·-,·~· .... 1,_1~1~ .. ~ WE PICK UP AND DELIVER • VARNADO DRY CLEANERS Your NEIGHBORHOOD CLEANERS 11921 Yeoler Way • CApitol $6.71 - I 0. V. VARNADO, Prop. ·:·--·~-~~· .... 0-1_1_1_0_)_(.._11-11-ll-ll-,_.11-ll-l.-.c~tl~·:- King County Will Pay ·For Aid to These Kiddies I gmde at school. A cheerless hotel room is ~ell that Mrs. S. and ner bnght little girl of 3 can ca.:t home. Mr. S. The King County Dep:trtmtJnt Is In th e service n.n1! Mrs. fl. has tired, of the Grand Temple, I. B. We are grateful to those I'. 0. E. of W. I friends who attended the illnesa Bond Drive in Philadelphia the the floral offerings. will guarantee payment tor boa rd last week in August and did not We are, too , grateful to the so· Rnd room, clothing and . ar.y nee a job awaiting her it' she can place the child in responsib!e lov– ing hands. (Continued from Page 1) ment of stupendous floral offer- the annals of Elks when they stand so near the veil that separ· recover, passing away Sept. 26, 1945. Survivors are her husband, Clarence L. McCullough; two sons, Curtis and Philip McCul– lough; a granddaughter, Phyllis McCullough, and a host of rela- Joist, Mrs. Bessie Radcliff, and essary medical care. \Vhat C: l.ll · Mrs. Emma Collins at the piano I not be measur ed in dol'ars is the for their fine musical renditions lov~ and comfo: t and se: urJ ty to A'llyone who loves ch' ldren anr. ates mortals from immortals, time from eternity and men from their the the ings, a perfect mantle for the re· treat of a beloved soul, surrounded God, we can almost hear breathing and pulsations of heart of the Infinite, and WHEREAS, Such an hour has passed the Grand Temple, I.B.P.O. E. of W. in the death of our be- by her fraternal sisters, who came to do her ho·nor. The last rites were given by the Grand Temple and Evergreen Temple No. 157 Dtr. Elks di:·ected by Granrl Trustee Dessie Brown. loved Grand District Deputy, Mrs. tives and friends. CARD OF THANKS d t th R J d S 1 Which every ch1ld IS e!lt!tled ant! an ° . e ev. u son wancy which these little folk s so urgent· for Ins kmd words of consolation 1 d · y nee . We very much appreciate the I The eight children to be placed kindly service of the Angelus range in age fom a few days to Mortuary for their splendid serv- 10 years and in~ h.de both boys Ice. I and girls. MR . & MRS. DAVE LEE A young mother wbo must go and FRIENDS. to the hospital for an operatlo'll is ResolutiO'lls, condolences, tiO:l!-· Nellie McCullough, whose soul re- gr~tms from Grand lodge officials poses in the arms of its Maker, We are grateful, deeply grate– and local orders were read. Grand THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV- ful for the grand floral evidence Trustee Bessie Brown from Den· ED, That her fifteen years of val- of appreciation, the affectionate ver, Colo1·ado delivered the eulogy. lent service as Grand Secretary, resolutiO'lls, condolences. letters It was one of the friendliest and and six years aR Grand District and telegrams of sympathy, and most sympathetic ever paid a Deputy, shall forever be recorded friendly visits during the illness member of her order. Touching In our hearts of love and a tablet and death of our beloved wife and upon her long and intimate ac- placed so near the veil which mother. postponing il u:•lil slw can "ecure We are grateful to the friends proper car" for her c .n 1 bu; baby whose attention and kindness ad- .e:!rl. This wu.Ild be ont 1 a tem– ded pleasure ot the final days of, porary situation but it is urgent as a departed friend, and for the there are no relatives who can flowers. evidence of kindly and halp: is equ ipped to give adequat1' care may call King County Vvelfa :·3 De– partmen t, SE 2700 and a worlter wi)J be glad to fudther explain the foster home program. The offices - of the Welfare Department are lo· cated in the Lyon Building, North· west corner of Third and James and offers of homes witl he receiv– ed there :my time fro:n 9:00 to 5:00 on weekdays, and 9:00 to 1 : 00 on Saturdays. Th~ need for fo ster homes for negro children is ever present but at this tim~o the cases are pai'licularly u,·~-;ur.t. friendly feeling. Because of We are also grateful to the Rev. the dealh of their Constitution Hall Is Judson Swaney for the kind and consoling words at her last hour. To all we are grateful and join in the hope beyond. father, two litte brother:J require a home so that their moth er can go to work. The Jt ISk) babies are Closed to Negro Singer quainttance with the deceased, she separates mortals from immortals We are especially grateful to compared her life to that of an that the whisperings of God may our beloved Grand Trustee, Bessie elks, an emblem of her order, a always be heard, while we who Brown, and Past Dtr. Ruler Helen model of perfection, her life com- murmur "She is Dead" make a Jackson to whom distance offers plete in itself. Nellie McCullough new covenant with Cod and each no barrier to loved ones; and was a clean woman from whose other that our beloved has not Evergreen Temple No. 157 Dtr. life each of us may safely take a died in vain. And because of the Elks, for such a fine display of pattern. Grand District Deputy long close associations with our loyalty and sisterly love. Nellie McCullough has been called departed since the year of our 'The best Grand Recorder, the Lord, 1908, I, too, mourn a great best reporter ever to come to the loss in her passing. Grand Temple." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The musical recital, 'The Ros- that a copy of these resolutions ary," "Flee As a Bird," by a fin- be handed to the striken husband, ished soloist, Mrs. Chester Dixon Clarence, and her sons. with Mrs. Ruby Black at the J. Finley Wilson, Gr. Ex. Rule 1 piano, was in itself a marked tri· I.B.P.O.E. ofW. bute to one they loved. We are also grateful to our solo– ist, Mrs. Chester Dixon, and Mrs. Ruby Black as the plano, for your consolation. "The Rosary" and "Flee as a Bird." Clarence McCullough, husband Philip L., son Curtis, son. A Devoted Friend Own Your Own Home Pay Rent to Yourself and Pro·vide for the Future. • MADISON REALTY CO. aged 2¥., years and 14 months J'e- NEW YORK.-Hazel Scott, Ne– spectivey, and the mother does 1 gro pianist and wife of New York not want to separate tnem a s she II Congressman A. Clayton Powell, will want to visit them oc('asion- said last night she had been re– ally. 1 1 fused permission to perform at "Grandma" has been caring f'lr Constitution Hall in Washington, George , who is an activ e lad of D. C. 8. She can no lon']", r canv that I Miss Scott, a former night-club responsibility and G0urge i.s asi,.l entertainer, told reporters that i'llg for a bos:;~itable door to open I Charles McLane, Negro promoter, for him. ~e ·s healthy and active I hat! tried to make the Constltu– and has JU•t enterP!J the th ' rd tion Hall engagement last week. ·~~·~-~~"-11-ti .... I~~~~~-~~U-,_1_1_•1-t~ MORE ABOUT Immutable Law The ritualistic service by the Mrs. Nellie R. McCullough tratlng light of inter-racial analy- Grand Trustee Bessie Browo1 and sis it becomes Important, Evergreen Temple No. 157 ended OBITUARIES Born May 1, 1847, in St. Cloud, Mr. w·enmee Green, 413% May- CARL NORRIS and MERTON MORAN 2036 East Madison Stt·eet. (Continued from Page 1) Negro woman Is forging steadily ahead, gaining access into new fields oi employment, breaking down racial barriers, creating new respect for the Race and is help– ing to shape National Policy as it affects inter-racial affairs. It is significant that in Friday's Seattle Star appeared a full page open letter to the citizens of Se– attle by the powerful Teamsters Union to build a new stadium. The letter stated that a new stadium would attract such famous singers as Marian Anderson and Kate Smith. Kate Smith is a Southern White woman and yet our Marian was mentioned first. That In it– self apparently is a minor thing All Negro women cannot be· the last honors for her who lies come Marian Andersons, Harriet down to peaceful slmuber, await– Tubmans or Mary McLeod Beth- lng requiem Mass, Monday at 9:30 Minn. Resident of Minneapolis, nard St., born in West Indies, Nov. Minn., for 56 years, moving to Se· 25, 1880, age 64. He died Sept. attle in 1930. 1 27, 1945, at Harborview Hospital. unes, but each can use her God- A. M. , directed by the Reverend Taught music from 16 years of given power to inspire her men- Father McFadden, Saint Teresa' age until 19 23. Organized and dl– folk with the confidence to con- Church. rected an orchestra for a number quer the enemy of childishness Interrrnent was at Calvary Cern- of years and was reported to have from within as well as to tear etery. been the first woman orchestra down the barriers of opposition Ieader in the United States. from without. These are uncertain d ays, the future Is equally uncertain; it Is therefore highly Important that Negro women ''let their hair down" and lead, push, Inspire and force their men-folk to lay away childish such things as being ''hep cats," "jitter buggers," "chronic belly achers" and loafers so as to become producers worthy of being called real men, An untiring civic worker, Mrs. IN MEMORIAM McCullough was a board member GRAND DISTRICE DEPUTY MRS. of the Seattle Urban League and NELLIE McCULLOUGH I had worked as board member of By Special Wire the Seattle Branch of the Nation- Exalted Ruler, Dtr. Ruler and I al Association for the Advance-– members, I.B.P.O.E. of w., assem- ment of Colored People. bled to commemorate the memory I Life member of the Minnehaha of a great daughter of our order, Temple, I. B. P. 0. E. of W., Min– to fulfill our obligations of Char- ~ neapolis, Minn. Life member of ity, Justice and Brotherly Love, the Evergreen Temple No. 157, not O'llly to the departed but to- I. B. P . 0. E. of W., Seattle, Wash. He has been a resident of Seattle many years. He is survived by a father, Arthur; a mother, Hattie Green. Funeral arrangements were di– rected by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lee at the Angelus Morhfary. A host of friends mourn his loss. Crema– tion followed. Miss Helen Miller, born In De– troit, Mich., died In Seattle Fri– day morning, S~pt. 28, at F~irfax Sanitorium. She has no known survivors, but many friends gain– ed by her long residence in Se– attle, one of whom has been con– stant and steadfast during all her life and illness. Office, PR. 8534 Res., KE. 7168-PR. 0794 Notary Public-Insurance • See us for Property Manage– ment, Sales and Rentals. List your property with us for QUICK ACTION! • FLASH! SPECIAL! Neat home in Yesler district ; 5 and a half rooms; 2 bedrooms; concrete foundation; nice yard. Good buy for $3000 .00. SPECIAL I have three double sleeping rooms for gentlemen only. Call PRospect 3534. CLEANERS & SMART SHOP '611 JACKSON STREET SEneca 9450 ·:·~~~--0-l~ll_.._.,,_ll .... ll-1<10(1_,_)_.0_11-fl-~1~.:. Expert Cleaning and Finishing Hats Cleaned and Blocked Repairing That Satisfies Ladies' Garment Alteration• By Experienced Dreumaker 'PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION We Carry a Full Line of .ARMY and NAVY ACCESSORIES •• -' /,
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