
PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST :ENTERPRISE W:ed nesda y, October 3, 19 45 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Eata.bllshed 1P20 Ebenezer ANIE Church Rev. E. P. Williams, pastor Sunday school, 9: 30 ; morn· ing worship, 11; Christian En· deavor, 7; evening service, 8 ; prayet meeting Wednesdays a t 8 o'clock. East Madison Shopping Distr1ct Published Wednesdays by The Northwest PublilbinC Coml*DY Official Publication of the I. B. P. 0. E. of W . in the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Owls Club, Inc. Entered at Yle Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., a11 Second Cleas Matter Ofl'l ce 662Yz Jackson St., 4; - Ph El 9787. P. 0. BolC 1873 • 11 Subscription Rates: By Mail in advance.; One year, $2.00; Six monthB, $1.25; Three monthB, 75c E . I. ROBINSON, Editor· Publisher Uoadllne for News : Tues. Noon; for Advertising Tues. 6 P. Jtl. BREMERTON NOTES Official Repreaentative Nortbweat Enterpriae JAS. T. WALKER, 3801 6th Phone 2778-W Important: Social Clubs, Organizations. News Must Be in by Monday P. M. Please Cooperate PENTECOSTAL Statement of the ownership, Ma· nagemen t, Circula tion, etc., requir– ed by the a cts of Congress of Aug– ust 24, 1912, and March 3, 1933. Of the Northwest Enterprise, THE Fl!LJ, J,IGHT HOUSE A~D published weekly a t Sea ttle Wash- RESCUE .MISSION, Inc. in gton for October 1, 1945, Sta te 14 th & E . Spntce St. of Washington, county of King, Pastor, Ev. l\lrs. Bertha l\litchell before me, a notary public in and for the county aforesaid, person- of New York. wlll be wit h us on ally appeared E dward I. Robin- the firs t Sunday in Octob er , a t a ll Ninth and Park in down· town Bremerton. E. Fe Simmons Construction Company Rsidential and Commercial Building Construction Engineers • Contractor and Builder General Repairing - Roofing and Siding Carpentry Concrete Work, Basements, Sidewalks, Driveways Plans, Blue Prints, Specifications Estimates Given 1044% Jaackson St. EAst 1712 son, who, having been duly sworn services Oct. 7 , 1945. accord ing to law, deposes and . · · LET'S FINISH THE JOB says he is the owner and publish· Bishop Ftsher IS the sem or er of the Northwest Enterprise, I bishop of t he United H o 1Y and that the following is to the Churches of America , I nc., which EAST MADISON Y. M. C. A. NEWS best of h is know ledge and belief, f ded a nd orga nized 50 The Victory Loan d rive opens GENEVA B. MILLER Broker-Notary Public Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1916 E. Madison Pr 7050 The New Location of DR. K. HARADA formerly of 1221 Jackson Street 306 12TH AVE. SO. EA. 8443 Painless Extractio~ - Bridge Work I I Partial Plat; and Plates ~~ I Hours-9 a. m. to 1 p. m.; 2 to 6 p . m. l Nights by Appointment 1 ·:·-·--~-·--~ ~.-~~t.-c!-.-C-·-~1-CI._II-._fi-._C~I---·:· Vol e mus t all hang t ogeth r, else we shall all hang separately. Nothing is cer tain but death a ncl taxes.-Benjamin Franklin. Remember, whatever warrant you have for praying, you ha ve the s ame wa rrant to believe your prayers will be answered. - J . a true statement of the ownership, wa s oun Oct. 29 and extends th ru Dec. 8. man agement etc., of the aforesa id years ago . -==::;~~~~~~;;:=:;~=======~======~ publication for the date shown in The church held its 12th quad- The vital a nd importan t taslc CLUB GROUPS HOLD MEETING 'j• t he a bove caption, r equired by r e nnial session and its 50th con- give n to King co unty War Finance T he firs t meeting of club group s I the A ct of AuguAstt 24f, M191\, a3s vocati'on (jubilee session) at the Committee is r epresented by the for boys got underway this week. I DESTINATION- 0 VERSEAS amended by the c o arc • Victory L oan quota of $6 4,620,000 "'h r II · · th b d 1 f 1933, embodied in section 537, Pos- B ble Ins tit ute, a school of r eli- ' e o owmg ts e sc e u e o \'-----------------------------' tal Laws a nd Regulations, to wit : gious education , a t Goldsboro, N. a ssigned to the county today by the cl ub s that have met : East 1. That the names and address- c.. la st year, from Sept. 13 to the state War Finan ~2 Committee. I :ITadison Gra-Y, Monday at 4:00 P. es of the publisher, editor, man- $29,1 20 ,000 is to come from sales M., East Madison Jr. H i-Y, Tues· aging editor, and business mana- Sept. 24 · to ind ividuals, a nd $35,500,000 day at 4 :00 P . M. ; Torch-Y, Wed· gers are : Edward I . Robinson, Box Bishop Fishe r Is a n a ble and ef- 1 1873 , 6 62 1,1, J ackson SL., Sea ttle, h from other non-ba nk investors. Of I nesday at 7:00 P. M.; Hi-Y Wed· '" flcient prea cher and teac er; 2. That the owner is, Edward I. come a nd h ear this ma n of God ; th e Individua l qu ota $14,120,000 nesday at 7: 30 P. 1\T. The above son, address t he sam-e. is to come fr om th e sales of se- named clubs meet at the East 3. That the known bond holders, you will enjoy every minute of ries '•E" bond s. The anno unce- Madison Y. M. C. A. mortga g ees, and other s ecurity hoi- your say. Horace Mann Gra-Y meet on ders owning or holding 1 per cent A cord ial Invitation is ext ended me nt was made today b y Dietrich or more of total amount of bonds, S()bmitz, chairman of t he King Thu rsday at 3 :30 P. M. at t he mortgag es, or other securities are: 1 to everyone to come, Ocl. 7. coun ty Wa r Finance Committee. Horace Mann School. Boys may none. wh o said "The war is over-but seek inormation about a·tly of the Edward I . Robinson • I' d Sworn to and subscribed before me He mocks t he people who pro· t hat is not the wh ole story. ' Ve! clu bs by cal mg at the East lila · this 28th day of Sept ember, 1945. poses that the government shall mu st fini sh t he job ! Th e after- I ison Y. M. C. A. C. M. S'l'OKES protect the ri ch that they in turn ma th of war car r ies grave respon - GYM CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY I (My !'ommission expires August may care for the laboring poor. sihlliti es that mu st not be shi rk-~ OCTOBER 8 29, 1948). Grover Clevela nd ed , and in faci ng t his task every I On Monday, October 8, gym I America n's h elp is needed. Victory I classes will begin at t he Edmond Savings Bon ds a re the sou ndes t 1 Meanny school gym for men and MODERNISTIC BEAUTY SALON securities a va il a ble in th e world boys. Th e school is loca ted on today. The ma jor emphasis in the I 21st North. Th ree periods. will be d rive will again be on sales to i n- held each Mond ay. 'T'he t1rst per· Prompt, Courteous and Efficient Service at Moderate Prices 674 Jackson St. N MA. 9398 OPERATOR8-:\fisses l\Iempllis Johnigan, Rita Reese, Prop., Evelyn Johnigan, Mesdames Mamie Henderson, :\fayold Garner and Vessie Jackson "We Will Se rve You \Vith or \Vithout Appointment" I Your Gospel-;ong Dealer Complete Line of GOSPEL SONGS and BOOKS by Darsey, Martin & Morris, Martin-Bowles, and Krizer & Collins Mrs. Emma H. Collins EAst 8633 SEE OUR SELECTION OF BULOVA AND GRUEN WATCHES EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING THE PACIFIC JEWELERS 210 FIRST STREET, BREMERTON ~-------------------------------------- THE ANGELUS, Inc. Embafiners, Funeral Directors 319 1•2th Ave. Martha Davis, Manager PR. 0333 See.ttle, Wash. dividua ls - those Vict ory Bonds iod from' 7:00 to 8:00 P. M. for which benefit t h e Individua l t he I younger boys; the second period mos t.." I from 8:00 lo 9 :00 P. M. for oldl'r I boy~; the third period from 9:00 "King r ounty has an enviable to 1 o: OO P. M. for you-ng men a nd record for the past seven ·w ar men. Loan dr ives a nd we ear nestly ask The cost of these periods is ! lle cooperation of all citizens in $1.00 for th e season. T he pro· enabling us to car r y forward our gram will includ e basket ball, vol· perfect record a nd Lo ,sUl·pa~s this ley ball, group games, calesthe n– Victo r y Loan quota as well," iC's,. badminton, etc. Register now a dd ed chairman Schmitz. at the East Madison Y. M. C. A. Schmitz , with Thomas F. Gleed, King county drive chairman, and SWIMMING CLASSES BEGI N THURSAY K . Win slow Jr., vi ce chair me n. On Thursday, Octob er 4, t he will be in Portl and, Ore ., Oct. 5 swim t'iing classes for boys at the a nd 6 conferring wilh Ted n. centra l Y. M. C. A. w ill be re– Gambl e. National Director of t he sumed. The tome is 6:45 to 7:30 Treasury's War F in an ce Divisio n, P. M. Classes will be held the and oth ers or h is na ti onal staff first and third Thurs da ys of each from Vi!ashington, D. C., on pla ns mont h. Th e first 20 minutes of for t he a pproach ing Victory Loa n. each period will be devoted to teaching beginne rs and also the Prayer is not overcomin g God's advanced swimmers. Boys reg· reluctance; it is laying hold of ister now a t the Ea st Madiso n Hi s highes t w ill ingness.-Tre-nch. Y. M. C. A. ·:·~~~~~-~~-~1-I-I>-()-I-~1-I-II-Q-()-)-~)-II-II-11-Q-~ I THE EVELYN INN 2229 East Madison Phone: EA. 9857 Open and Still Doing Business Short Orders at All Times I C. T. DAWSON, Prop. I (~....-u-a-~~,_.~~.-~~+ I E LAtNE F. SCOTT o~ the .USO headquarters staff shows ll!rs. Maurice T. Moore. chairman or tbe USO National Council, how she aenda cand}> overseas. Hard candles In metal containers is her advice. Happily, Miss Scott. who has been with the USO for more thaa tour- years, will not have to send her most Important Christmas gifts overseas this year. Her soldier ftance. Sgt. Richard L. Brock, has Just returned from the European Theatre of Operations, where he served ID the 827th Tank Destroyer Ba ttalion. and the wedding day has been set. Min Scott has been a Unit Su· pervlaor In the USO Department of Field Operations, In the Empire State · Headquarters In New York Good beer I City. She Is now assigned to the ' Accounting Department. In demonstrating the types of gUts suitable for service men and service women overseas, and the proper measurements and weight or the box, Mrs. Moore reminds the "folka back borne" that maillng dates tor overseas are September 16 to October 15. Contailiers should be durable. measuring not more than 36 inches in length and girth combined, and 15 inches in width. Weight must not elCceed 6 pounds. Packages must be tied securely and nddressed accurately, with the sen– der's name in the upper left band corner. "Be sure to mark your package 'Christmas gift' " Is Mrs. Moore's tlnal reminder. · ls an~ coo f. . satistieS When you are warm and tired, a glass or two ofli,ght,sparklin.g OLYMPIA will cool and refresh you. See you at Helen's Hamburgers and Hot Dogs a Specialty CHICKEN AND PLATE DINNERS HELEN'S LUNCH ROOM 676 Jackson Street Madison Drug Co. 22nd BDd E. Madison Eut 982S Drugs, Prescriptions, Cosmetics, Toilet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, C&ndies Downtown Pricee Ice Cream and Sherbets Pints 25c; quarts oOc Race Hair Specials Race Papers For Sale Open Daily 10 a.m. to 12 midnight ROYAL BILLIARD PARLOR POOL and BILLIARDS, CARD TABLES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CANDY, AND SOFT DRINKS LEON WASHINGTON, Proprietor 413-Sth Avenue South t··----..- ··-·---··-·-·-..-·-·- ·--·--·--..-·- .. --1 I CHIKATA DRUG CO. t I I I I I I I I I j i I I 1 Prescriptions • Drugs • Joilet Articles 1 ... Perfumes 1 ~ 114 12th AVENUE Tel. PR. 8999 • -~~-~~-l.-c>-Cl-C.-ci-I-CI-C,_!I-I)-II-11-II-II-Il--11-ll-ll-ll_U_t ... -~-MAY~S-FASHION_S __ l I i I NC O R P O RAT ED • t , t COATS SUITS- DRESSES • I 650 Jackson St. ,! PHONE SE. 1365 • t ......,_ ,-.o_.,_ ...._._,__ ,_l_f'l_··-~~-~~~~~~-,,-~-··-11_.,_.:· C. M. STOKES ATTORNEY AT LAW 527 People 's Bank Bldg. Uay & Night Pltone EL 8291 Secona at Pike Street ANNOUNCEMENT -+- Dr. James Nl. Unosawa REV. JUDSON SWANCY 1\Unlster Evangelist Spiritua l Advice and Prayer 2107 E. James St., Apt. 24 Call EA. 7181i Douglas Apartments Where It Is Gonvenlent IUid Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Hot Water-Telephone Laundry Room ' General Surgery, Gynecology & lbstetrics, Genita l & Rectal Dis– eases, Nervous Diseases & Xray RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Benta •10 and Up Dr. F . B. Cooper, Mgr. Office Hours: 10 A. 1\f.-li P. M. Week Uays Room 116 Jack son Bullding 6th-Jackson SeattJle, Wash. OffJce SE. 0281. Res. PR. 8616 114 :Utb Ave. No. EAst 9617 Hod Carriers & Laborers $1.37% an Hour Time and one-half for overtime McDOUGAL & DIXON 610 Taylor Ave. Seattle GA. 6855 ~---------------------------------------~ I VISIT THE STREAMLINE BEAUTY SALON SERVICE DE LUXE 1212 Jackson St. CA. 9942 ClARK'S LUGGAGE & G.IFT SHOP 411 MAYNARD AVE. GAME KITS for SERVICEMEN DunhiJI Sets (cigarette case and lighter) special $7 DOMINOS· BINGO· COIN PURSES Complete Line of ~; I NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Luggage, Gifts, Leather Novelties, Games r I <·~~~~.-c.J~~..-.c,_,.._. ...