
VOL. XXVIII .............tl\/'.···················"'-··-.·················rl'......... ·.·rl'········rl'··t~~.·.- ... Again Repeat Vows, October 4 "To the nuptial bower I led her, I led her, blushing like the morn; All Heaven and happy constellations on that hour Shed thei~ selected influence.'' To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." ~ ............ ·.- •.... ...,.., ..................................·.···········.-.·.························ PRES. SHERMAN D. SCRUGGS, MO. U., DELIVERS ANNUAL ADDRESS TO GRADE, HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE STUDENTS 'THE MAN AT HOME IN THE STREETS' "Every experience that you shall live through on this campus shall imbue you with a sen·se of the eternal moral values which are unchanged by time and occasion. It is be– lieved that with knowledge and these values as guides in your everyday affairs you may have the power and free– dom to be what the Creator has designed you to become, and to do a service that shall enrich not yourself alone, but the family, the community, the state, the nation, the new world!• College Success Steps to success in college life which Dr. Scruggs listed for daily check were: (1) Be ambitious to learn-want to know. (2) Keep close to your advosers and learn from them how to learn. (3) Drive yourself hard enough to keep at learning. (4) Keep well in body, open in mind and cheer– ful in spirit. (5) Balance your day. Budget your time for work and for fun. (6) Strive to follow correct forms of be– havior in living in residence halls, at meals in cafeteria, in participation in social activities, and in attendance at cul– tural programs. These are experiences which teach you to live acceptably among your fellows in the new world. (7) Keep in mind that doing everything you do in the way it should be done is the way the world wants it done." "Work intelligently and cooperatively in democratic group activities with others to establish and maintain the welfare and security for any part of society to the level of that enjoyed by the majority. Traits Unbecoming a Citizen "Laziness, indolence, shabbiness, laxity, dishonesty, unfaithfulness, cruelty, shiftlessness, uncleanliness in body and mind, slovenness in dress and speech, carelessness, un– dependability, servility and incivility, prodigality and im· providence, intemperance and debauchery, uncouthness and rudeness, the failure to vote, evasion of paying taxes, saying mean, cutting and ugly things to and about other people." With these things in mind, he concluded with, I "If you do not leave Lincoln University inspired to want to l help Negroes and other people also to ascend to the plane PUGET SOUND LODGE ELKS TO ORGANIZE CIVIL LIBERTIES LEAGUE By J. A. (JACK) JOHNSON Randolph Says Negroes Must Fight for Job Rights the United States with good moral with B. F. McLaurin, Internation- umns this season. character, 20 years of age or over, al Field Organizer and candidate ProcPPds from the game, which male or female who have received For City Council of New Yorl; City, is being sponsorctl by the Seattle a two-thirds vote of acceptance or he sPt up Local Councils for a per- .Jr·. Chambet• of Conuner·ce, will go his or her application. manent FEPC and held huge to purchase athletic equipment for proved Benevolent Protective Or– der of Elks of the World, that has a membership throughout the na– tion of more than eight hundred thousand !\egroes. WASHINGTON. - The Postof– fice Department recently lifted wartime restrictions on the size of mail, including parcel post, ad– dressed to civilians overseas. The objects of the League shall Limitations on weight were not be to take cognizance of all forms changed. These vary for different of injustices against the Negro countries. race; to see that law and order as The department said the changp. they affect the citizens be admln- wil! r 1 ermit mailing of parcels col)– istered impartialln to sec that t<tinin!: such bulky items as ovei·– equal pt·otectlon of law is extend- ~oats and blankets. muss meelings to mobilize public the L". S. Naval Hospital in Se– sentiment back of the fight for the attle, and Madigan Genet•al Hos- South and the reactionary Repub– licans of the North and also sup– port the Wagner-Murray Full Em– ployment Bill. Randolph Contacts Congressmen on FEPC of 5448 Prairie Ave., Chicago 15, Ill., who are here visiting their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. E. Edmonds. The rooms were very prettily decorated with evergreen ivy which added much to the pleasure of the honored guests. The eve- ning was spent socially with cards, It was announced at the Broth- singing and dancing. A very de– erhood of Sleeping Car Porters in lightrul buffet luncheon and cock– New York that A. Philip Ran- tails were served at midnight Telegrams and messages of con– dolence from the entire family of the Grand 'l'emple and friends far and nPar flooded tbe house of death. A Grand Trustee, Mrs. Ilessie Brown, Denver, Colo., ar· rived Sunday A. M. to share the sorrow of a devoted husband, Clar· ence, and two sons, Phillip and Cur.tis. Dtr. Helen Jackson, Past Gr. Ruler Minnehaha Temple, Minneapolis, Mi·nn., arrived Sunday to pay her homage. "The sun hath set for us, but shines elsewhere in heavenly light, IMMUTABLE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT "WHAT OF THE FUTURE?" 'NO RACE RISES ABOVE ITS WOMEN' No race can rise higher than can ancestors to the status of a Its women. Man assumes leader- half man or overgrown boy. ship because of his greater physi- Unfortunately, the average Ne– cal strength. Such leadership gro man is unaware of his juvenile based primarily upon brute force mentality and becomes bitterly re– leads inevitably to war and de- i sentful when the average White ed to all citizens; to br·cak down segr•egation and discrimination of Who rises from all kinds whcr<."Ver it is practic,...l, man, his pr;;yer and to improve the economic sta-l George Meredith. dolph, International President, which added much to the success struction. Woman, with her finer I Southerner addresses him as boy prayer a bettPr plans to spend a week in Wash- of the party. dtljVe!oped spiritual self and keen- even though the White Southerner is answered.- ingtolt beginning Oct. 1 fur the ::\1r. aud Mrs. Willard Hallum, er'<- :per.ce}ltiou. of- tbe ~tit.De!:ilL.of IIUly !Je.....o.~ boy himself purpose of contacting Senators as usual, proved to be tho ideal things should take a more active while the Negro may be as old as and Congressmen and cooperating host and hostess. The invited roll in shaping the destiny of the Meth llselah, in years. MRS. JUANITA DAVIS TAKES POSITION IN SEATTLE PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT, with the staff of the National guests were: post-war world. Throughout the centuries Negro Council for a Permanent FEPC Mr. and Mrs. Perley M. Biff, 1 f ht J' tl t Teh above paragraph appl!es to women 1ave oug va tan y o for the purpose of pushing for- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Foster, Mr. the women of an races in general, elevate their men folk from the ward the fight for the Bllls for a and Mrs. Wm. C. Young, Mr. and but is of special significance to status of half men to the estate of Mrs. E. Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Negro women. The popular song, full manhood. In this struggle Ne- Permanent FEPC. The Seattle Publ!c Health De- ander Davis, one of Sen.ttle's na- Hogan, Mrs. Helen C. Snyder, Mr. "Man Is Only a Little Boy" ap- gro women have had to act a tive daughters, to a positio~ In the Venereal Disease Clinic In the Seattle Socials George A. Krise!, Mrs. Margaret plies too truly to the average Ne- shields to protect their men from Davensberg. gro man. Centuries of cbattle slav· hostile white-skins as well as tight Public Safety Building. Mrs. Vivian Glenn, daughter and Mrs. Davis, daughter of Mr. and housguest of Mr. E. R. Chainey, tracted to a large portrait-paint– Mrs. Ernest Alexander, 415 29th will remain In the city for sev- ing of a distinguished old gentle· Ave. No., recently returned to the era! weeks. Mrs. Glenn hopes to man with walrus mustaches, fram· city to accept this position after induce her father into taking a ed and hanging on the wall. a 10-month stay at St. Monica's vacation, spending it at her home "I say," he exclaimed, "Who Is hospital in Phoenix, Ariz., where in Los Angeles. this; he looks e.xactly like my she was supe1·vising nurse of pedi- 1 atrics. While in Arizona, she was mar- Mrs. Bessie Brown, of Denver, grandfather." Colo., Grand Trustee of the Grand The colore·.! government official Temple, IBPOE of W, arrived in Seattle Sunday to attend the fun– eral of Grand District Deputy Nel– lie McCullough. Mrs. Bessie gave the name and lmsiness of the mnstadH<~l one. 'Why it is my grandfather,' <'X– claimed the wl1lte visitor further ried to Mr. J. Lawrence Davis, pharmacist at St. Monica's hos– pital. Brown ic domiciled I'll the home 'How do you happen to have his to her service In Ari- of Mr. Russell E. Smith, 314 12th portrait hangin>( b your home?'' had graduated from Ave. So. "Well," said the colorefl gov· Phillips hospital, St. Dts. Helen Jackson, Past Dt1. ernment official, "it bapppr.s lle is Previous zona, she Homer G. Louis, Mo. Ruler, Minnehaha Temple, Minn. , also my grandfather." arrived In Seattle to attend the "Oh," said the promin~nt white their own men who accepted their protection while bitterly resenting it. Negro men make excuses for his lack of accomplishment, the (Continued on Page 4) Black and Tan Installs New Super Service Announcing the opening of a Cafe Deluxe, the Black and Tan brings a much needed dining serv· ice to 12t~ and Jackson. The new cafe is an ln~>ovation and will feature only the frnest viands the market affords. upon which the more desirable life is lived, then this insti- partment recently announced the tution has failed in its mission and the high purpose to appointment of Mrs. Juanita Alex– which it is dedicated." Mrs. Davis is a graduate of Gar– field High School, and has spent two years in pre-nursing study at the University of Washington. funeral of District Grand Deputy New Englander. Nellie McCullough. She is U1e Exchange The management pror. .ises to ita; patrons have been fully met with the installation of this new serv- house guest of Mr. Clarence ~[c­ Cullough while in Seattle. G. I.'s retLLrning bo:n·) from the ice and it will In all respects re- European sector, complained t() ery and economic serfdom has fleet a service in l'eeplr.g w th its * * * * LACK OF RACIAL PRIDE By LANGSTON HUGHES Could it be that our 'public schools and homes have failed Negro children all across America in instilling na– tional and racial pride? It is hard to instill pride in a coun– try that Jim Crows a brown skin right and left. But could not pride in that .brown-skin itself be instilled? There is pride in the history of the Negro people from Africa to America, from the Kings of Dahomey to Joe Louis, from Ebboue in this war in Africa to Dorie Miller in this war at Pearl Harbor. There is pride in Crispus Attucks and Fred– erick Douglass and Paul Lawrence Dunbar and W. E. B. DuBois and Carver and Marian Anderson and Duke Elling– ton and Mrs. Bethune and Lena Horne. Perhaps if this pride were instilled in the young men who now don't care what they say in a bus full of people, they would choose the more decent words in our language for their conversations in public, rather than their current mother-fouling vocabulary. Maybe. I only suggest these things. I do not know. Certainly we have failed to give them something they need to make their lives whole. So we had better try to learn to know why, how come, and what to do about them. They are your mother-foulers and mine. DO YOU KNOW That another Race employe has been accepted in the Wood and Saw MJll Workers Local 2519, an AFL affiliate? There are 16 or 16 Race girls That Mr. Louis T. Watts, a vet- employed by the Pacific Telephone eran, has position in the local & Telegraph Co. In Seattle? And housing authority ns recreation they have a splendid rating, too. director? That Watts is married That our Race bus driver has and his wife Is a school teacher in been accepted In the Street Car Arkansas; that he Is a graduate Men's local without a dissenting of Moorehouse college and a post vote? graduate of Atlanta, Ga.. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD / / These 4-, 5-, 6-room houses can be built in 90 days ... complete with electric range, frigidaire and venetian blinds. Only $5,000-$6,500. Small down payment. 'J.tllut- Not e~ !Jn -Anci .£ooh. ~~ Pituu (j()SIZ euuJ Select 'l{OWI- dlouu ~~ GENEVAB. M ILLER MEMBER OF HOUSING INSTITUTE Realty Broker PR. 7850 1916 East Madison JUST To REMIND U their senators aNl rep!T:soutativel tended to reduce the average Col- reputation: QUALITY AND SERV– against being redeploy<:d fer serv- ored man from the rugged, strong- ICE. For reservations call CA. "Not drunk is he who from the ioe In the P ,>Qi!ic. minded independence of his Afri- 9989. floor 4 A G. I. in a stat•)met•t, ~ai1 those C'Omplaining werr llllllisb~d Can rise again and drink some by being forced to cut grass with more; a bayonet and later heir.g station But drunk is he who prostrate lies, When neither can he drink nor rise.'' (Apologies to Dr. Hubert J~oy· ster and tbe Journal A. M. A.) LINEAGE A prominent white New Eng· lander we know, recently visited the home of a colored government official. He was Immediately at- ed in Mississippi. 'rh ~ ira t'.! set. ator quickly retorted: "They couldn't send vou to Sill<'!i". so they sent you to Mis~iSSJ]Jili." COMING EVENTS Satchmo Louis Armstrong chestra. and his or- Letters Reports Thesis Applications * Club Minutes Bulletins Programs Menus SPECIAL RATES CHURCHES- CLUBS- CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS ARLINE J. YARBROUGH STENOGRAPHY - MIMEOGRAPHING Work Guaranteed to Your Satisfaction ~fAIL ADVERTISING PR. 7050 1916 E. MADISON PR. 470:1 MAR'S 12TH AVE. FOOD MARKET • MEAT- GROCERIES- FRESH VEGETABLES BEER- WINE • We Sell for Less and Quality Tool 118 12TH AVE., SEATTLE PHONE CA. 0700 ~m