PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1944 SHOP AT THE SOUTH END SHOPPING DISTRICT OF SEATTLE BON ,ROB DRUGS THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE STORE Corner 14th and Yesler CA. 5330 Godefroy HAIR DYE $1.2S EXOTIC Toilet Waters By Dorsey $2.00 I Repel 1\losquitos with Gold Medal Mos– quito Repellent LOTION, S5c Use Bon-Rob Athlete Foot Lotion for Itching, Crack– ing, Eczema-like Scaling, Water Blisters on the Feel and Hands - SOc and $1.00 When You Think Drugs Bon-Rob Hygienic Powder A cooling– Deodorant Astringent VAGINAL DOUCHE SOc Thillk 01 Bon-Rob Dnags Comer of 14th and. Yessler CA. 5330 WE DELIVER 7th and Jackson St. ELiot 7166 Victory Chinese Florist 1E 1E SAY IT WITH FLOWERS From Our Pink, Rosy, Red-Cheeked Floral Display BUDS OR FULL BLOOM The SEAGULL TAVERN Ice Cold Beer, Wines, Mixers, Soft Drinks, Bottled Beer To Take Home You are alway3 welcome at the SEAGULL 673 Jackson St. Chester Eanks, Prop. SE 9467 PACII'IC MARKET 1805 Jackson Street Full Line of Quallty Groceries, Fresh Meats and Poultry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Beer MJ.d Wine Owned and Operated by Chinese Ph. Ca. 9618 HOTEL IDAHO Steam Heat- Hot & Cold Water in Every Room Miss Birdie Morris, Prop. Phone SE. 9867 505 Jackson St. Seattle, Wash. THE CHILI QU.I!]EN BIRDIES' CHILI PARLOR We Feature Soda Fountain Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos Candies 410 Maynard Avenue SE 9956 . KAY'S lOc STORE ON THE CORNER OF 12TH and JACKSON USE OUR XMAS LAY-AWAY. ONE-THIRD DOWN WILL HOLD PURCHASE UNTIL DEC. 20. SHOP NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH. LARGE SELECTION OF DOLLS PRICED FROM SOc to $7.50. - ALSO A LARGE LINE OF TOYS AND GAMES NEW DEEP-CUT GIFT GLASSWARE. SALAD BOWLS, SANDWICH PLATES AND VASES PRICED AT $1.29, $1.39, $1.40 NEW CONVEX GLASS PICTURES Boxed for Gift Use .at 39c Each Remember --- IT PAYS TO SHOP AT KAYS . Store Hours 9:30 to 7 p. m. Sat. to 8 p. m. PRospect 5392 1201 Jackson Street WHEN IT'S POOL OR BILLIARDS CIGARS OR CIGARETTES Say New C::. C. Billiard Parlors NEW MANAGEMENT !III'EW EQlJIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 415 Maynard Avenue OLYMPUS HOTEL, 413 Maynud EMEL APTS., 14th and Main PHONE SE. 9419 Phone EL. 1555 .JACKSON BEVERAGE STORE 707 Jackson St., Seattle BEER, WINE, MIXERS, MALT, HOPS RICHFIEL SERVICE STATION GAS LUBRICATION, EVERY SERVICE Car Washing .and Simonizing Phone SEneca 9073 PACII'IC CAI'B Phone CA. 9703 CURB SERVICE BEE'S SPECIALIZING IN 1{ • Chicken- • Pork • Lamb BAR-B-Q • Link Sausage Special Boiled • Pork Spareribs Dinners Open Day and Night 1237 Jackson St. EAT_._. -- IN PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Kirk and Norris New Elliott Cafe FINEST QUALITY FOODS AND SERVICE 1203 Jackson Street V 1 Ruth Clytus, Willie May Burse, Operators RUTH G. WHITESIDE, Proprietor I I~----------~----- S Ruth's Beauty Salon I T Hairdyeing and Facials a Specialty Hours 9· A. M. to 7 P. M. 502 Main St. MAin 998() TAVERN OF GOOD CHEER • Where Particular People Drink Their Wine and Beer JOHNNIE CAMPBELL 1315 Yesler Way U F rl L Wooden, 36, 5526 Indiana Ave., Bishop 9 S Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS - DRUGS - FOUNTAIN Full Line of Toilet Articles Race Papers and M{lgazines Northwest Enterprise and Pacitic Coast Negro Directory For Sale 507 JACKSON ST. SEATTLE, WASH. Phone MAin 9496 Jack Schacher's Grocery FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, SOFT DRINKS Open Evenings Northwest Enterprise for Sale 21st & Jeffers.on Sts. Pr.0323 The Evelyn Inn 2229 East Madison Phone EA 9857 MEALS AT ALL HOURS SHORT ORDERS AT ALL TIMES OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY- We Sol.icit Your Traode OUR SPECIALTY - SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ~~. T. [},q,wson, Prop. - Rose M. Simth, Mgr. ._ ______ MA. 8859 Prop. w. A. Green 711 Lane Street HOTEL GRBBN Apartments, ~l:ransient and Housekeeping Rooms Steam Beat, Hot and Cold Water. Showers as the writer has never witness- in the same state; thus render– ed. It might be interesting to lng a nullification of the work know that viewing the vast area accomplished in each. from 35th to 86th streets on the South Side, our group owns and controls almost everything vis– ible, and to say the least, Chi– cagoans should feel proud of their great metropolitan city. A National Policy It is this writer's firm bellet that a national policy should be at once considered and in Its makeup should be composed of one or two representatives from each state and assembled In Washington, D. C., where one concerted effort may be brought in that city, one of the most We feel that many of the peo– ple of Chicago find in that city every opportunity for develop– ment and surroundings conducive to higher things in life, many are failing to take advantage of them. The visible waste of money prejudiced centers In the nation, and time does not lead to securi- and not In the various sections ty after the war is over and when a readjustment period sets in. We, as the people, must soon learn to accept responsibility and lead those or our group in the paths whtch lead them to self– reliance rather than wishful hopes In an easy life at the ex– pense of government. We have lots of friends when money comes easy and goes easy. Fine as has been for the past 30 or 40 years, without apparent de· sired results. A divided force renders any movement valueless. A Four Year Program A program for four yean formed for national service witn proper financial support might bring about a much needed change In the capitol city, after which oither sections would fall more 0 awton I Chicago; Pvt. John R. Brown, (Continued From Page 1.) 21, 151 S. McQuesten Parkway, "Meal3 Southern Style" . . Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Pfc Sylvester 41 1.t brought forth any eVIdence of 1 Campbell 23 , 413 s. Pine st.• feathers do not always mean in line rather than continue a that there are fine birds with thousand fights, none of which them . The task now is up to reach further than their bounds. our leaders along all lines to de- The fight should be from the top fuse light Into those places where down rather than from the bot– darkness now exists. tom up. '.Vhen the government 7 Maynard Ave. Seattle. Wash. , 1 I feeling between the two i san Antonio, Texas; T-5 Willie YOU ARE WELCOME! ·groups previous to the night of S. Curry, 20, 1112 Brooks St. , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the trouble. j Shreveport, La.; Sgt. Ernest ~~ Those charged with murder I Graham, 37, Steamboat Springs, P " Cl t h" E h and rioting are: Cpl. Luther · Colo.; T-6 Herman Johnson, 32, Chicago leads New York City itself f<ets the pace in segrega– In business, I belive, from a hasty observation; perhaps I am wrong, will someone correct me? tion of Its own citizens what can be expected or every other sec– tion of the country? Fights for justice should be continued In every section but the main ef– forts should be directed in Wash– Ington. rogreSSIVe 0 l.ng XC a-nge Larkin, 23, Of Helena, Ark.; Sgt. 324 Watson, Detroit; Pfc Roy L. Arthur J. Hurks, 23, of 2120 I Montgomery, 23, 720 Howard, TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS We Buy and SeD Anythlnc of Value Cleaning and pressing of all kinds; Finest Used Sottll for Sale F. D. Wright 79 Yesler Way Seattle, Wash. Charles St., Houston, Texas; and Greenwood, Miss.; and T-4 John Pvt. William G. Jones, 21, of ' S. Brown, 22, of Route 3, Lan- 317 S. Franklin, Decatur, Ill. I caster, S. C. Those charged with rioting 1 -------- only are: T-5 Nel'BOn L. Alston, More Hayes 24, of 3841 Calumet Ave., Chi- -------- HASTHENAACP MISSED HER AIMS? GEJHS OF 'l'HOUGHT Looking back over the past de- CONSCIENCE - Conscience Is •'=========================~ cago, Ill.: Pvt. Richard Barber, (Continued from Page 1) d · b h th • ca e we fmd greater attles ave e reason, employed about ques- ill!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!l!!l!h 22, of 4927 Wabash Ave., Chi- .lli!iliililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiililiilifnliliil•. all talked to, were very sure we been raging In the courts In every tlons of right and wrong, and cago, Ill.; Pvt. Willie C. Basden, h dl · ht d · hold t e winning hand in this state regar ng Negro ng s an accompamed with the sentiments IOWA CAFE 662 Jackson Street Under Elks Club WE SPECIALIZE IN FRIED CHICKEN - JUICY STEAKS ALL PRICES BELOW CEILING Under New Management • . THE MODERNISTIC BEAUTY SALON A REESE, MANAGER HAIR STYLING - MANICURE SPECIALISTS Visit at Your Own Convenience. No Apt. Necessary Open 9 a. m. - 7:30p.m. 674 Jackson MA 9398 HEALTHY BODY META-PSYCHOLOGIST Tel. Hours 2-8 PR. 9627 by appointment 1214 Washington St. 34 • of 1914 S. W. 2 nd Ave., war; BUT, they think, we must privileges, along with the ever- of aprobation or condemnation. Miami, Fla.; Pfc. Milton D. Brat-; t" . . t · · . con mue to do our b1t back home, growmg s ramed race relatwns - '.Vhewell. ton, 31 • of 616 Osa.ge, Excelswr At Chicago, those of our group and discriminations throughout A tender conscience is an ines- Sprlngs, Mo.: T-5 Riley L. Buck- are making great strides in busi- the nation. Every state aud city timable blessing; that is, a con– ner, 25, of 46 12 Inker _st., Hou- ness and can be found in every seems to have a different prob- science not only quick to discern ston, Texas; Cpl. Johnme c_aeser,jllne, not only as employees, but !em and in many cases the things what Is evil, but instantly to sun 2 2, of 671 W. l4th Pl., ChiCago; I as owners, from banking to sellig fought for in one city is not it is the eyelid closes itself Pvt. James. C. Chandler Jr., .21 • on the streets and operators of only tolerated in another, and against a mote. of 2737 Hlghland, Kansas Clty, i taxi cabs in a great way, such sometimes encouraged in another -Nehemial Adams Mo.; T-5 James Coverson, 20, of , ______...;...__....,..;__...;.___...;.,_ Route 4, Houston, Texas; T-51 Lee A. Dixon, 24, of 302 Beach I St., Little Rock, Ark.: Pfc R us– sell L. Ellis, 32, 600 N. Lottie, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Cpl. Em– anuel M. Ford, 25, Los Angeles, I Calif.; Pvt. Jefferson D. Green, 28, 203 Pearl St., San Antonio, Texas; Pfc. John L. Hamilton, 'j 19, 817 Meadow St., Houston, Texas; Pvt. Frank Hughes, 31,1 Hearne, Texas; P'vt. Walter Jack-~ son, 19, Sommerville, Texas; T-5 Henry Jupiter, 38, Decateur, Mich.; Pvt. Loary M. Moore, 24,1 Ellinger, Texae; T-5 Willie PFe– rostse, 27, 408 Wilson St., Frank– lin, La.; Pvt. Robert Sanders, 21, 3642 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago; T-5 Freddie L. Simmons, 35, of Rock Springs, Texas; Pvt. Elva Shelton, 20, 2622 Gamble St., St. Louis, Mo.; Pvt. Samuel Sno..,., 19, Route 2, Leesburg, Fla.; Sgt. c. W. Spencer, 43, 208 W. Water St. , Forrest City, Ark.; T-5 Na– thaniel T. Spencer, 33, 2706 Mc– Dougall, Detroit; T-5 Leslie T. Stewart, 19, 1603 Hackberry St.. l Austin, Texa:s; ·T-5 Arthur L. Stone, 24, 3943 McGraw, Detroit; Pvt. Richard L. Sutliff, 24, of Route 7, Houston, Texas; T-5 Booker W. Thornton, 36, of 2534 Washington Blvd.; Chicago; Pvt. Booker Townsell. 29, 1539 N . 7th St., Milwaukee, Wis.; Pvt. Fred– die Umblance, 22, Jeanerette, La. T-5 David Walton, 34, 3111 Rhodes Ave., Chicago; Pfc. Wa!- - .1__.!!!~~=~~~~~===~======!...-l_l ter Williams, 19, 2811 Poplar ·------------------------__; St., Cairo, Ill; Pvt. Wallace A. ORIENT NEGRO NURSES IN ENGLAND - Congressman Frances B. Bolton - of the 22nd Ohio District, Cleveland, on her recent trip to American Army hos– pitals in France, spent some time with the Negro nursing unit which is doing its orientation training at the 168th Station hospital in England. Mrs. Bolton was en– thusiastic in her praise of ·the fortitude, ability and spirit of the colored nurses, the first to be prepared for the battle front. (ANP)
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