PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1942 South ·End Sboppin.g THE ATLAS CAFE 414 Maynard OUR SPECIALS Waffles, Steaks Chops, Chicken and Turkey Dinners Seasoned to Suit ~e Taste HOSPITALITY-Distinctive Atmosphere Lucy Hill, Prop. rRANK'S 613 Jackson St. • • A pleasant place to spend your leisure hours. 5 pool tables, cards, soft drinks, cigarettes- cigars _and tobacco. A good place to meet your friends OWNED AND OPERATED BY CHINESE The SEAGULL TAVERN Ice Cold Beer, Wines, Mixers, Soft Drinks, Bottled Beer To Take Home - Y..oa are a!waya welcome at the SEAGUL:f 673 Jackson St. Chester Banks, Prop. - Panoram Musical Soundies Silver Top Recreation & Barber Shop 1222% Jackson St. Pool, Soft Drinks, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco. ' Stephen Saunders, Barber B. C. Young, Prop. 1220 Jackson St. Phone East 9952 0. K. Recreational Parlors Where All Regular Fellows Meet Cigars Cigarettes Candy Soft Drinks Isaih King, Champion Shoe Shine Phone East 1811 Gus West, Prop. All Kinds of Coal and Wood Night and Day Fuel and Express Try Our Special Furnace Mix PROMPT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 1236 Jackson St. HOTEL IDAHO MODERN .-- SPECIAL RATES Steam Heat - Hot & Cold Water in Every Room KAY'S lOc . STORE BARGAINS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO :IDSS Men's Ties Nice Assortment 25c Men's Dress or Work Hose 15c pair Sheet Blankets 66 X 76 9sc Ladies 12Vz% Wool Tuckstich Panties & Vest 49c Remember do your Christmas Shopping Early at Kay's lOc•. Everything for Everyone for Less Money. WHEN IT'S POOL OR BILLIARDS CIGARS OR CIGARimrES Say New C. C. BiUial'd Pal"lol's NEW MANAGEMENT NEW EQUIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 415 Maynard Avenue OLYMPUS HOTEL, 413 Maynard EMEL APTS., 14th and Main PHONE SE. 9419 "Phone Eliot 1555 We Deliver JACKSON BEVERAGE STORE 707 .Jackson 51., Seattle William Oppenheimer, Owner Beer .. Wine ·· Mixers .. Mal± ·· Hops Phone SEneca 9073 PACiriC CArl: "Meals Southern Style" 417 Maynard Ave. Seattle, Wash. YOU ARE WELCOME! JACKSON TEN CENT STORE On Jackson Street between 6th and Maynard Streets * * * START Your Christmas Gift Needlework NOW New Scarfs Vanity Sets Runners Pillow Cases Very Reasonably Priced THE SWAP SHOP 1231 Jackson St. We buy it, We sell it, New· and used furniture, 'Stove~, 1 Beds, Ranges, Carpets ~nd, Rugs; We e~ch.ange arti– cles with you. Our pnces are the lowest m town. William Jones, Prop. MA. 8859 Prop. W. A. Green 711 Lalle Street HOTEL GREEN Transient and Housekeeping Rooms Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water Pro.gressive Clothing Exchange TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS We Buy and SeU Anything of Value Cleaning and pressing of all kinds: Fines~ Used Suits for Sale F. D. Wright 79 Yesler Way Douglas Apartments Wkere It Is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Heat Hot Water-Telephone Laun.dry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Seattle, Wash. Welcome Annex Hotel Neat, Su.,:,ny Housekeeping and Sleep– ing Rooms. Steam Heat Hot and Cold Water In All Rooms Rents $10 and Up Miss Birdie Morris, Prop. c M Dr. F. B. ooper, gr. 2 Blocks From Depot 613% Jackson Se. 9657 Phone SE. 9867 505 Jackson St. Seattle, Wash. 114 24th Ave. No. EAst 9617 '---==================;!::.::-=========:.==~::::==:::::; - PACIFIC MARKET Let's Uand I Buy aWAR BOND and Visit . ~ Two Pals Smoke .Shop 1218 Jackson Street For ALittle Ghat 1305 Jackson Street Full Line of Quality Groceries, Fresh Meats and_ Poultry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Beer and Wme Owned and Operated by Chinese Ph. Ca. 9613 District of Seattle PHONE CA. 9703 CURB SERVICE Dan's Specializing in CHICKEN BARoaB-Q ~:~~ 1237 Jackson St. PORK SPARERIBS Open Day and Night Seattle, Wash. Kirk and Norris 1209 Jackson Street The House Of Quality The Best Of Food And Service With ASmile JACKSON HOTEL Howard Brown, Manager Steam Heat - Hot & Cold Water In Every Room 670 Jackson St. SE. 9943 Seattle, Wash. RICHFIELD CHINA SUPER SERVICE GAS STATION Cars Washed, Lubricated and Serviced GAS - OIL - ANTI FREEZE FOR SALE Wm. Oppenheimer, Prop. Corner 7th & Jackson St. Bishop's Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS- DRUGS- FOUNTAIN Full Line of Toilet Articles Race Papers and Magazines Northwest Enterpri'Se and Pacific Coast Negro Directory For Sale 507 JACKSON ST. SEATTLE, WASH. Phone MAin 9496 r----------; ·Dean Falknor of U. of W. Is FLASH Put this telephone number by your telephone: HONES'l' GROCERY, 1235 Jackson, Ca. 989'7. Full line of staple groceries Fresh Flsh, Fresh Chickens NIGHT AND DAY. We DeUver Watch our space Favored to Replace Judge Sam Driver The entry of Justice Sam Driver Into the army as a major in the judge advocate genrela's d'epart– ment gives Governor Arthur B. Langlie his first opportunity to '-==========~ name a ju<lge on the supreme :- court of the stat'e, even though it WELCH GARAGE .. L. G. Welch .. Trouble Shooter & Prop. .... Reboring .... Ignition - Overhaulin£' Welding - Brazing -Bat. tery and Tire Service - Body and Fender - Paint– ing - Storage ... Day and Night. Ea. 9676 1319 E. Mad. St. Day and Night Service ~------------~ is but an interim appointment. The fact that Jistic'e Driver did not resign, but took a leave of ab_ ·3ence, means that the governor can not appoint a judge to serve until the next election, but must select some one who will accept an appointment to serve for the duration of the war, or until Jus. itce Driver returns. His term of office does not expire until 1946. Falknor Considered While logiaclly Governor Lang. lie would look to eastern Wash– ington to find a man to fill the vacancy it is highly probable that he will ~ffer the post to Judson F. Falknor, dean of tll'e law school at the nUiversity of Washington. Should Falknor accept, MAE'S EATING SHOP 408- 5th Avenue South THE HOME OF FRIED AND STEWED CHICKEN DELICIOUS STEAKS AND CHOPS CHILE - THAT'S GOOD OPEN DAY AND NIGHT MAE WALKER, PROPRIETOR SAVOY Don't Miss The Grand Opening HELPWA~TED Chambermaids 'Vantetl These Jobs Are Permanent Union Scale. Apply At Big Thanksgiving Dance, 617 University St. Roorii 106 •-----------------------' Self Improvement Club. YESLER WAY SHOPPt·NG DISTRICT BANQUET CAFE THE HOUSE OF CONTENT WHERE FRIENDS MEET FRIENDS SANDWICHES - CIGARS - CIGARETTES WINES - BOTTLE BEEER.- All brands to take out Draught and Bottle Beer "A Nice Resort to which you can bring your friends" Booths For Ladies 1312 Yesler Way CApitol 9824 PHILADELPHIA FISH MARKET We are very glad to open business Again in our same Location as Be/ore Stall No. 10 Sanitary Market We're Back Again! Jake & George PHONE MA. 6165 ELiot 2840 Res. KE. 9083 Dr. Clarence J. Allen Dentistry 505 Peoples Bank Bldg. Nappy Miller X~Ray Service Seattle Free Delivery Jackson St. Florist Shop . (Gifts) Jack Schacher's Grocery Full line of Quality Groceries, Beers Wines, Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks. Open Evenings. Northwest Enterprise for Sale 21st & Jefferson Sts. Pr. 0323 SOUT PARK POULTRY· CO. 1528 Pike Place Fayel's 3 fol' $1.25 And Up Colored Roasting Chickens--······35c lb. Roasting Hens 40c Colored Fryers 4Sc ~ul Up Chic:kens------·-28c lb.; Z For SSe-·· New York, N. Y. - Labeling /NAACP Questions Churchill On Rumor Barring Negro Troops from England a recent CBS radio portrayal of a Negro messman as a stupid frightened clown, as vicious Nazi New York, N. Y. --l To deter– mine the truth of a rumor that because of the existing friction propaganda and as a valuable con- between Negro and southern tribution to the anti-war forces of white soldiers in the American Sena tor Rankin and the League Expeditionary Forces in England for, White Supremacy the NAACP no more Negro Troops would land in England the National Associa– this week d'emanded an apology tion for the Advanc'ement of Col· and the barring of such treason- ored People thi 3 week cabled Win ous propagan,da from the air. ston Churchill: • William Robeson of WABC said "We are informed that British that he realized too late that the Government has requcst'ed United skit would be offensive to Negro States Government to send no listen~;rs and promised that their more Negro soldiers to England FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS · would be no recurrence of ·ouch because of complications created 1227 Jackson St. Seattle, Wash. Capitol 9890 offense. by prejudice of certain American !.....---------L---------------1 • In sharp contrast to the actions troops from southern states. Will Thanksgj.ving Turkeys 38c per The death rate rrom tubercula- of Pearl Harbor's hero Dorie Mil. you advice if such request has sis among unskilled workers is ler. Ronald McDougal, writer of been made? We trust it has not as lb. and up at RUDY'S SOUTH almost three times th'e rate among the so-called documentary drama capitulation to race prejudice by PARK POULTRY CO., 1528 Pike skiled workers and seven times j "Th'e Man behind the Gun", has Great Britain or United States can greater than ·that among profes- a terror stricken Negro Messman j only injure morale of colored pea- Place Market. All Fresh birds. sional people. I faint in the face of danger. pies throughout the world."
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