PAGE TWO THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE Established 1920 Published Every Tuesday By The Northwest Publishing Company E. I. Robinson, Editor-Publisher Official Publication of the I. B. P. 0. E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Entered at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., as Second Class Matter Office: 304 12th Avenue South, Phone EA. 3730, P. 0. Box 1873 Subscription Rates: By Mail in advance: One year, $2.00; Six months, $1.25; Three months, 75c Dea.(lline for News: Tues. Noon; for Advertising: Wed. Noon Advertising Rates Upon Application S. T. McCants, Advertising Representative This country has now more "dope'' users than ever before in its history. Many different varieties of that soul-destroying drug, some ·stupefying, others sat– isfying and last, but not least, others brutalizing. The last enjoys the patronage of "hold-up men," burglars, gangsters, rapists! They do their diabolical, damnable, deeds with a smile. Incurable addicts, and few are cur– able, should be exterminated. We have often commented upon the efficacy of "the rod" when properly applied. Ali' nations, in all ages, have utilized its adventages. The United States calls it inhuman, but it certainly cannot be considered in the category of the vast cruelty, daily exhibited and inflict- ed by its multitude of criminals. Dabney. Cosmopolitan Club SW l N G OUT! S WI N G S H I F T S! FEATURING--– pALMER JOHNSON and HIS 908 CLUB BAND AT FINNISH HALL - 13th and Washington MONDAY EVE - NOVEMBER 30, 1942 ROY SHEFFIELD, M. c. Try To Get In --Tell Jane The Same Men ·in Uniform Welcome -------75c Inc. Tax Mrs. Lucy Morris Vjsit~ Daughter Mrs. Lucy Morris of Rt. 2, Box I Francisco, Calif. Suffering from a cold from which came no r e lief, the constant call of a mother left her no other d~ecision. 1035, Renton, Wn., left for Oak- "My stay in the Atlas Hotel has land Monday to visit her daugh- been a very happy one and I re– t'er, Rena. gret leaving," stated Miss Noble. SEATTLE CHURCHES Fil·st A. M. E. Church Between Pike and Pine, 14th Ave, Dr, L. R. Hayes, Pastor Sunday school, 9 :45. Preaching 11 and 8 ; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; Midwe'lk prayer service, Wednesday, 8 o'click. Commwtity A: :M:. E. Zion R ev. 0 . S. Thomas Lewis Assisting 1\linister 1716 - 23rd Avenue Sunday School 9 : 4 5. Morning Service 11:00 a. m . Christia n E nd eavor 6:45. E venin g Service 8: 00P . m . 1\Iount Zion Baptist 1634 19th Aveiue PRospect 0444 R ev. llenj. Davis, Pastor Sunday sch ool, 9 : 45. Preaching 11 and 8; Christia n Endeavor, 7 p. m. ; Midweek prayer Wednesday, 8 o'c!ick. service, St. Phllip's E piscopal Church 2 27 - 23 Avenue North !Wv. Raymond Davi<l Holmes ·v1car Scnday, November 22 1 p. m. Church Sch ool. 2 p. m. Vesper 3 and Sermon. Gra ce P •·esbyterian Church Rev. J ohn R . Illlrris, Pastor THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE BON-ROB DRUGS • THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE STORE LAY-AWAY FOR Xl\lAS A Small Down Payment will hold any article in the store until Xmas. 11-lany New Articles are now on display. BE WISE - BE FIRST - BUY NOW Cold Feet? Get Your Hot Water Bottle Now A Complete Stock of Black and 'Vhlte Toiletries Don't Be a 'Vadder--Carry Your Coin the Easy Way Get Organized with Amity Bill Folds $1.00 to $10.00 Electric Straightening Comb " Th ile They Last $4.50 When You Think Drugs R ed– Blue - G1-een Light Blubs 10c Tuxedo - l\[ur– rays - or Aide Hair Dressing 25c Think Of Bon·Rob Drugs Where It Pleases Us To Please You Comer of 14th and Yessler Groen)' CA. 5330 ~t~~~one 83 PINE ST. ta~'AU.,e. Open Evenings UntillO P. ~-- Fruits - Vegetables Groceries PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT Phone MA. 1826 The Madison St. Market Between 22nd and 23rd E. Madison We carry a full line of Quality Grocries and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Also large supply of finest canned goods, Fresh Turkeys, Chickens and Geese. Fresh Cured Meats for y t ur Holiday Dinners. CA. 9867 2225 E. Madison One free delivery per day Sunday School is h eld a t 9 : 45 ECJALS town. P len ty of can ned goods, I ~· P~ ·~. 1 ~~~:~ ~~:~~~g 7 :;~r~~i~;. 1 HOLIDAYSP fresh frui ts. If you g et it at I Edcl sons, its good. E veni ng " 'orsh ip. th b t • * • I To be sure you have e es Full Gospel P ent ecostal Temple m eat s for your. Thanksgiving din- Mannings Creamery a t 21st and B . h E F 'f .·. Pastor n er, go lo Sam tary Market, Sta ll E. Madis on Is n ow servin g pla t e IS op . . _, on:Is, . . Sunday School 9 , 45 a . m .; Mor. No. 7-9 -48 . H er e you Wlll find a lunches to the delight of the1r full line of quality meats, fresh many patrons and fri ends. They ning wo rship 11 a. m.: Street Ser· a d Cured Satl.sfaction Gua r an - will serve Turkey and Chick en vice (Sun day on Br oadway) 5 p. n · m . ; Y. P. C. w. 6 : 30 p. m. teed . You a re welcome. pla te lunchea dur ing t h e holidays People's Institutional Baptist Church 120 21st Avenue Pastor Rev. F. ,V. Penick, D. D. 2502 20th Avenue South Church Pone EAst 1700 • • * says Vern'e, the ea sy to look at Jack Schacher the east end I m a nager. g rocer at 21st and East J efferson * • • s t. is th'e mo st popular place of Hot lunches home style now be- bus iness in the east end. Jack's ing served at Honeysuckles R e· welcome and treatment of all creation eCnter, 2030 E. Madi– alike ia looked upon by his many son. Good food , quick courteous patrons as a giant good fellow. servic'e will prevail at this place You will find all you neeod for of business, says Mr. Honeysuckle. your Holiday dinners at Jacks, Let 's give him a call. and it is always good. • • • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1942 East Madison Shopping Distnct TURKEYS Large and Small Chickens as you like them Direct From Mrs. Cogwells Ranch at Rochester, Wash. All same picking your bird from your own back yard ORDER NOW Call Ca. 9953 Ed. S. Johnson 2200 East Madison St. GENEVA B. MILLER Broker-Notary Public Hours: 10 a. m. to 5 p.m. 1916 E. Madison Pr. 7050 Evenings, 2838 Pauline's Beauty Shop Specializing ln all lines of Beauty Work 2221 E. Madison PR. 2811 Res. Phone, PR. 7502 ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN In Every Respect Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No. Ca. 1791 J. A. "Jack" Johnson Among our dinner gu ests last Sundat"" were Mr. and :Mrs. Hum let Henry, Mr. J a mes Evans. Tuberculosis always increases during wartime. In 19 large in– dustrial cities in th'e country, it i3 already on the upswing. SOCIAL NOTES Madison D..ug Co. 22nd and E. Madison East 9623 Drugs, Prescriptions, Cosmetics, Toilet Articles Fountain, Soft Drinks, Candles Downtown Prices Brick-pints, 19c; quarts, 33c. Bulk---<pints 25c; quarts 50'C Post Office Race Papers For Sa.lie You are welcome F..ed's Home Bake.. y Home made Breads, Rolls, Cakes and Pastry We specialize in making Wedding and Birthday cakes to order or as you like them. We Solicit your Patronage. F. G. Hurd, Prop. 2219 E. Madison EDELSON'S EAST UNION MARKET Quality Produce-Fruits, Groceries Ice Cold Beers-Pop Mixers--Cold Meats We Deliver • '"':1 Phone East 9953 22nd And East Union Honeysuckle's Recreation Billiards and Pool - Soft Drinks - Pocket Billiards, Sandwiches, Candy - Tobacco - Cigars - Cigarettes Shoe Shine - Card Tables - 1\lixers all kinds :M:. C. Honeysuckle, Prop. Adjoining ,.....– Community Barber Shop Strictly Modem - Expert Operators - Satisfaction Guaranteed John Shannon, Barber and Manager 2030-2032 E. :Madison Phone EA. 9994 Sanitary MeatMarket WE ARE BACK AGAIN Johnny & Herman Stall No 7 - q- 4R Sanitary MarkPt Res'. Phone PRospect 8420 Sunday .School 9:45 a. m. Morning •Worship 11:00 a. m. Evening Worship 8: 00 p. m. Mid·W'eek Prayer Service, Wed- • • • Mae'a Eating Shop at 408 5th A group of youn g " Boeing Girl nesday evening 8 : 00 o'clock. Woman's Aux. Meeting every 1st and 3rd W ednesday afternoon 2 : 30 . All Kinds of MEATS - Fresh and Cured Special Prices to Restaurants and Cafes Mrs. Morris is the mother of Miss Lu Eleen Blanks and Miss Miss Birdie· Morris, popular prop- Nobte we re the r epo3itory of all rietresa of Hotel Idaho, 545 Jack- joys and sorrows which any hotel is heir. son St. Mis3ionary Day, 3rd Sunday The Philadelphia Fish Market, Ave. So. will have all kinds of Workers" met at th·e home of Stall No. 10 Sanitary Market is short orders and chicken as you Miss Charlenia Cephas last Fri– where you get evrything fresh in I like it Thanksgiving, You will day Eve and the main purpose the fish line. A complete line of find the best Chile in town at was to form a new and different fresh and cured fish, if it swims, I Mae's, just go and s'ee. They are club. Members consisted of Color– you wil find it at the Philadelphia . open day and night, and you are ed Boeing girls work'e rs with the The drawing room which Mrs. Each enjoys the respect and afternoon 3 o'clock. Fish Market. Jake & George always welcome. exception of two . The name was .Moore .Fuel Co. Morris occupies was filled with confidence of the management. The public is invited to all ser- serve you with a &mile. You are I ~ * • agreed to be the "B 17th." The glfts and friends who said "Bon vices. always welcome at this place of Bishop's Drug Store at 507 meting was informal and called to Voyage." Miss Noble Returns To California Miss Ruth Noble, popular Clerk at th e Atlas Hotel, 420 Maynard, announced Monday h'er intentions to return to her home in San Chandler Fuel Co. Express-Moving and Storage-Ice Office Phone East 4282 2226 East Madison St. Seattle, Wash. PORO 24 THE WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER FOR APPOINTMENT MRS. J, BUTLER 215 - 27th No. - East 777:> SAVOY Don't Miss The Grand Opening Private Loans $25 to $500 to clean up all those annoying past-due bills and to tlnance your personal needll. No Publicity-No Delay Strictly Confidential A. D. Anderson and Co. Under State Regulation 200 MCDowall mdk. 1331 Srd Opposite Post Office Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: El. 8547; Res. Ea. 8S88 Hours: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 Suite 862-3 Empire Bnlldlng Second and Madison • NOTICE Let The Northwest Enter– prise do your printing, in our new home at 1801 Rainier Ave. we are prepared to give you first class servic'e. We print: Business Cards, Calling Cards, Wedding Invitations, Announcements, Stationary of all kinds, Statements, Placards, Blotters, Bill of Fares at mod– erate prices. All work guaran– teed. Call Mr. McCants at PR 9453, EA 3730, PR 7177. We are as near as your phone. No. 109 L B. P. 0. E. W. Pul'et Sound Lod ce El ks Meets at Masonic B.a.ll, 21st and Eilst .Jefferson Sts., First and Third Monllay each Month. E. R. Cbalney, Exalted Ruler, Tel RAJnler 3092. 9633-55th So. W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EAst 5364. 1474-21st. v Victory Flowers 677 Jackson St. Seattle Corsage 50c up Funeral Sprays $1.50 up e Flowers e For All e Occasions e Telephone eEL 7166 e Theo. Lew CHURCH NOTES 120 - 26th Ave,. South By l\frs. Callie B. Bradley At the First A. M. E. Church Snnday, Rev. L. R. Hayes took for the subject of his discourse, "The Negro in the War." Th'ere were many practical, as well a3 spiritual things said in this ser– mon. When you stop and think of this God fearing man and his versatile family, you must know that God Is with them. In one of his phrazes, "that God promises to provide for moe," how true, to all of God's children he will pro- vide. When one door is shut two will open for you. Ofttime:> when the Devil will make someone act indifferent in Church, it will do two things. It shows a s'evere breach of etiquette, and that you fail to ask Gods' divine guidance before leaving your home. The Devil delights in using the out- standing lights of God's Church. Let us all watch ourselves, that bu 3iness. Jackson St. is the place to buy order by the acting presid'ent Mi3s 1412 - 23rd Ave. PRospect 4131 • • • your Holiday Chocolates. Xmas Cephas and officers were elected. Dan's Bar B Q at 123 7 Jackson crepe paper in all colors for dec- • • • COAL and WOOD st., is the place to order your oration purposea. Box stationary The Madison st. Market b'etween dinner Thanksgiving if you don't suitable for gifts, magazines and 22nd and 23rd on East Madison is care to cook. Call Dan at CA 9730 rae'e papers, Northwest Enterprise where you will find a full line of We Specialize in Plane~ Ends E Moore, Prop. Prompt Delivery and have him send you a BarB Q and hTe Negro 1942-43 Directory Chicken , Be'ef, Lamb or Pork for sale. Let's patronize our only Spare Ribs dinner. Best eats in race Druggist. quality groceries and meats for your Thanksgiving and Xmas din. forded Mr. Sullivan and his bride ClffiiSTMAS SEALS ners. A large line of can goods on a honeymoon spent in Portland (Continued from Page 1) town, with most convenient ser- --------~- hand also fresh fruits and vegeta- amid friends who showered th'em letters are going out to residents vice. Day or night. • • • The Atlas Cafe will serve Tur– key and Chicken dinn'ers, home style , Thanksgiving. If you want a good home dinner, and at the same time feel at home, pay the Atlas a visit Thanksgiving. • • • Edel3ons East Union Market at 22nd & E. Union have everything good for your Thanksgiving din– ners. They still hold the r ecord of keeping the cold'est beer in Club De Facto Delicious Turkey and Chicken Dinners 75c In Memoriam bles. "Moderate prices prevail" with congratulations. The newly of Pierce County and other com- say3 Mr. Al Dolgoff, Manager. weds are popular in community munitiea of the county outside of In memory of our dear sister, • • • activities. Mrs. Sullivan, has en. Tacoma, each letter containing and niece Mrs. Allee 'Vhittico, Spending s'everal weeks iii joyed a succesful musical career two hundred Christmas Seals, and who departed thls life November sunny Calif., Is Mrs. Walter as piani3t and vocal soloist. The asking the recipients to purchase 18th, 1941: Brooks, with her little daughter bride Is the daught'er of Mrs. Lu- as many of these this year as po-3- , Sonja and young son Walter Jr. al Hubbard in N. E. Going St. sible. You left us sister one year ago They are visiting in Oakland with • • • toda••. ')h ,_ sister how we have "The purcnase of Christmas J Mrs Brooks' brother Walton missed ••ou. The vacant place ln Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Caldwell Seals by those who receive them J Duhe and family. An e vent of th our hearts is still empty'. No one much interest to the family dur- (the former Annabell Shelton) rough the mail will place the i Th · d I ft county league upon a secure foun- can fill t. e ay you e ' we ing this visit was the chri3tening are receiving fecilitation on the f t f 1 · e dation this season to carry on our can't orge • or your onng m m_ of Mr. Duhe's young daughter for birth of a daughter at Emanuel ory lingers still. work throngh 1943," said Mrs. J. whom Mrs. Brooks i3 Godmother. hospital Monday morning, Nov. w. Kalkus of Puyallup, general !\Irs. l\1altida G1•ant, sister. Mr. S. H. Grant, brother-in-law. Nancy Chatman, niece. 1\[, C. Chatman, nephew-in-law, l\f. C. Chatman, Jr. WANTED 20 MEN Their mother, Mrs. Duhe Sr. of 9. Mother and h'er wee bundle of chairman for th'e sale throughout Louisiana came out for the event. joy, who has been named Berna- the county. Sh'e anticipates accompanying dine, are doing nicely at the home "This is the 36th annual sale of Mrs. Brooks and children back of her husband's parents, Mr. and Christmas Sealo," Mrs. Kalkus to Portland for a short visit. Mrs. Edward Caldwell, in N. E. said, "and each year the funds • • • Clackmas where she is convaJ•es- received have materially decreas- ' ' HUBBARD- SULLIVAN the Lord and Master, to point a finger at us who say we are His follower3. As the Pastor said, "Let us all try to the best of om~ Ham Dinners 65c with all Men for permanent work ln the ability to do th" will of God." the trimmings city. Salary up to $1715.00 per mo. Of interest to Portlanders as well as friends in the sound city is the uniting in holy wedlock of Miss Barbara Hubbard and Mr. James P. Sullivan, private fir3t class at Boeing Air Field, Seattle, The marriag'e took place in Seat– tle, Thursday, November 5, with Mrs. Isabell Henry, their only at- ing. After a few days they will be ed the d'eaths by tubercnlosis back to th eir home and friends throughout our nation. Now with 1202 N. Larabee. the war on and the added chance Sunday, November 29th, the Any age. Call 11-lr. Everett Davis young p-eople will be in charge of for you, as a noble writer so bean· E_A_s_t_5_8_9.~9_. _________ all services; come see, and hear J tifully said . HELP WANTED these splendid young men and . "If I have wounded any soul Chambermaids Wanted women, the future Church. Come, today, If I have caused one foot These Jobs Are Permanent, for they are your boys and girls to go astray, If I have walked Union Scale. Appuly At • • * Browr.ing Allen Jr., was home over the W'eek end for an enjoy– able stay Saturday and Sunday. Browning Jr. is the :>on of Rev. and Mrs. B. C. Allen. He is a student at the University of Ore- or your fri'ends. Come, see what in my own wilful way, Dear God, 1617 University St. Room 106 the future Chureh has in store forgive." ~======~~ ~--------~======~ tendant. A five day furlough af- gon. of this disease getting a better hold on the populace, we will just have to work harder to k'eep up. 4 the splendid record of previous years. We are relying on the citi– zens of the county to aid us in this work by the purchase of the ll'eals enclosed in the letters." THE ANGELUS, Inc. Colored Waiters, Porters & Cooks Club Thanksgiving Eve Dance Wednesday, November 25th, 1942 YOU ARE WELCOME Funeral Directors Martha Davis, Manager 404Yz 12th Avenue South • CA 9989 319 12th Ave. PR. 0333 Seattle, Wash. ~tte SeiJ ~~ e~MJJ. ·l4th,1Annual Charity Ball Thanksgiving Eve., Nov. 25, 1942 Casa ltaliana HaJJ.-.-.-ISlO 17th Ave. You Are Welcome • • Subscription 75 cts.
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