
, A. F. L. DISCRIMINATION AGAINST Negros Is Scandal Of A • mer1ca - j ~-~~ ~~\\~\~~:.il>~t--:r::-~ .._ - ~~~fC3~SAND ~~~~s1~~u~1~ffisA~/A:!~ _t- :_ ~J!WA~~ M ~~n~t ::,":~:;:::~~:::=~~~%.::~:F l ;;', th~~~=r.: ~:;:;;·o':::;.~:·::~ ~.:' :::.-;.-:;~ ... -" dl-iVewsp-nper- tlt~eople Jleliii-F-We,--and- Yle.1ped. - ·::~~~::1 ~~a:~~~rlth:: to~e~~:efo~ no~:~~~::ce a::ey ~:~::e th;:::~h!~a::ega:~ig':~::s e::a~ weasel-worded apologies, for as- wreck th moral cOde followed formerly by themselves SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 1942 Price: 5c Per Copy surances that "the situation is along with all cultured people. ' ===========================~========~=======~~=========~=========~~~~~~~~~;~pm~n~'furp~u~~~ ~ ~e~~ndilired~o~n~~n~ l~e~&omhpa~ Vol. 23; No. .31 NLRB ASSERTS ILLEGAL LABOR "5,000;000 V/OMEN NtEOED the federation's formal- and We used to think the Japanese polite and kindly folk, ex- IN WAR. INDUST~!E\" ..,,, ,.,,. against race bias, for reminders l meaninglesa _ res 0 1u 't i 0 n s act Y what they wished us to think. Pearl Harbor tore CONTRACT MADE WITH A. F. L. UNIONS that 'employers are more frequent- aside the veil and revealed them scheming dissemblers, ly guilty of discrimination than ruthless killers and doughty fighters. Having surprised labor unions. These rationaliza- us once, it is possible that the Japanese have still more to tiona are as obsolete as they are their plan. WASHINGTON. - The nation- al labor relations board announc- ed today it had is3ued an· unfair labor practice complaint against three west coast shipyards of Henry J. Kaiser, charging that they entered illegal collective bargaining agreements with A. F. "When we lay all night in a muddy ditch during a bombing at. tack, we were not worrying how much money we made,"/ he said. "We didn't think in terms of dol– lars, either, when we dragged broken, screaming men from the burning wreckage of a bomber. of L. unions. " came home to discover that In general, the complaint al_ even witt._ the 6-day week, ADler– leges that companies gave aid and ican plants h&.ve absentee records assistance to tll'e unions in re- than run from 8 per cent a day to cruiting and maintaining mem- as high as 2.1 or SO per cent on bership among the employees by week-ends..,., such acts aa signing a closed shop agrement before any employees had been hired, and dismissing or refusing to hire several hundred woh did not hav'e A. F. of L. un– ion cards. SQUAWKERS SLAPPED SEATTLE. - Without pulling punches, George MacDonald, an aviation engineer back from nine months on the world's war fronts, contrasted the bravery and sacri– fices of American fighting m'en abroad today with profit-seekers, labor union "aquawkers" at home. In contrast, the engineer said, he saw Americans working in 130- uegree heat in Egypt "until some of them cracked an ran around blindly until they dropped." 'i"Ue desert-wor1dng day was seven days a week, 12 to 14 hours a day. "Those anny boys were doing it for 50 bucks a month, but it was all right with them," Mac– Donald declared. "There was only one thing in the world that oounted and that was winning the In China lle saw 12 and 15- MacDonald, with the Boeing year-old boys "with rifles taller Aircraft company's engineering than they were," who had been service unit, was on the war through two campaigns. fronts in Egypt, the Near East, "But I ca..-r.e nack n.ome and India, Burma and China with the foun<l congress debating f or men who keep the army;s big weeks over drafting 18 and 19- bomhers flying. year-old men." Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, - In the spruce forest of Yukon Territory this week the final 1ink in the Alaskan Highway was com- chairman for the sale of Christ- ICennedy, Texas, the underbrush. broke mas Seals in Pierce County this through Working from the north and south, the crews on the highway at last had met. Corporal Sims, 1eaped from his bulldozer and '\\armly shook Jalufka's hand. It was the Yukon Territory version of the driving of the golden spike. Three men were nearby when the historic moment occurred Lieutenants Ralph W. Hunt and G. H. Jones and aHrold W. Rich– ardson of Chicago, W'estern editor of the Engineering New-Record. "I neYe!· saw anything '30 exciting and filled with history,'' Richard. son said. Don't miss the Self Improve– ment Club dance Thanksgiving Eve. ;"ear. County is going to need more money this year with which to carry on its campaign of preven– tion, early diagnosis and cure. As the only funds u3ed by the Lea– gue is raised through the sale of the Christmas Seals, this year's sale will have to be greater than heretofore," 1\IrR. Kalkus said. (Continued on Page 3) FLASH ' ' • • CHURCHES, FRATERNAL AND CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS The Northwest Enterprise is making a special Souvenir Holiday Edition, December 23rd, 1942. We are making a special effort to publicize all Churches, Fraternal and Civic Organiization in Seattle. To make our litsing complete, we are making special low rates to each Church and organization. This edition will di'splay many historic scenes in and around Seat· tle, with a large picture of the City on the front page. We are asking the cooperation of all raec organiza– tions, especially the heads and officers, to send their greetings to the members and friends through the Northwest Enterprise. Thousands of copies will be printed, and will go into every State and Territory. ~is will be the largest and most interesting edittion ever published in the_ Northwest, .says S •T McCants, Advrtising and Holiday Special Representative. Send your holiday greetings in this edition - you will have to hurry - all orders must be in the Enterprise office not later than Tuesday, December 15th, 1942. For your conveni~nce our photographer will make a pic– ture of you at your home. We also furnish newspaper cut and space for your holiday greetings to anyone, any place, any where for $5.00; Personal Greetings $2.00; Business Greetings $3.00 and up. Special rates to each Church and organjzation. Call McCants or · Rev. J. R. Harris at EAst 3730 or PRospect 9453. Don't mtss the Self Im– provement Club Da nce Thanksgiving Eve, Novem– ber 25th THAT B~ID6E NOW !! II Winners in an Early Battle Children (above) are curing in sanatorium from tuberculosis. Christmas Seal Campaign is important part in nationwide drive to conquer this disease. ' unconvincing. They merel:> reflect the inertia and complacency and An item in the news leads us to fear they have. The -in some cas'es _ the outrignt news is that 200,000 Koreans are serving "willingly'' in prejudices of the A. F. of L.'s the Japanese army! That is downright alarming! If 200,· high command. 000 Asiati<cs are cooperating with their conqueror, why Nor is there any point in the will not the billion other colored people in Asia and the A. F. of L.'s protest that airing islands nearby also be won over by Japan? And if they the issue will give "aid and com- fort" to 1abor'3 enemies. The is- are, then the war of races is upon us! sue has b'een publlcty presented to Wetsbrook Pegler and his co– horts by such A. F. of L. digni– taries as Tom Ray, boss of Local 7 2 of the Boilermakers' Union, which has a closed-shop contract with Henry Kaiser. Ray recently informed reporters that h'e would pull the place down" if Negro'es were given equal cla3sification rights at Kaiser's Portland yard. As this is written, governm'ent officials have summoned a confer– ence for November 10 at which Ray will be confronted with new demands for relaxation of his lily– (Continu'ed on Page 3) Young Com. League Protests Shooting A coroner's jury Wednesday afternoon held that Patrolman W. A. Drake was only performing his official duties when he 3hot and fatally wounded Morris Hill , 21- year-old Negro, early on the morning of November 11. The jury's verdict declared that the shooting was "justifi– able ," after it heard ext·ensive testimony from pollee offic'ers who described how Hill had fled from officers detailed to search for men suspected of having molested PLANNED PEARL HARBOR 50 YEARS Japan will set out cheerfully to win the non-white world to its side. A people who bided their time 50 years to attack the United States will have the patience to try to win that billion supporters. Then its "Asia for Asiatics" will blossom out into a challenge of white power every– where. A gneration ago when Japan overran Korea, the nat– ural, the inevitable reaction of Koreans was to hate the Japane~. Yet now they "willingly" cooperate with their conquerors. Whatever methods and arguments won that 200,000 if continued succssfully wm put Japan in a po– sition to bid for world power! Since colored -people are in the majority, and dwell in lands rich with the materials from whiich war machines are manufactured, the possibility that Japan has disclosed only part of its purpose needs our attention and counter· effort now! Where the war aim is territory, or trade or prestige, peace comes whenever the victor establishes his mastery. In the typical war the weaker fighter can surrender his contention. But there can be no surrender if men fight be– cause one is white and another colored. Neither victor here where the two races are one in background, in com· munity outlook, in education, in aspiration, and to a fOn· siderable degree one in blood, then it cannot ~e done any– where on earth. Here in America is where the world looks GERMANS FAIL TO GAIN HELP The German threat wnl faiol, becau~ Germans are not a "master race." They claim they are, but they do not believe it. Against the 20 years they have been convert· ing themselves to Naziism, are thousands of years in which they know they were a group no better than the common run of humanity. The Japanese too claim superiority, but they make war for "Asia for Asiatics", an invitation to all the col– ored peoples of the Orient to make common cause against the colonial policy of whites. Thei'r winning over of 200,- 000 of their former enemies, shows how powerful that appeal is. Germany has not a single willing partner in (Contjnued on Page 3) Father Flanagan Try To Get In-- Called Back women pedestrians in the vicinity Boys Town Football Team play- Answering more than a hun– of 17th Avenue and Ea3t Union ed in Charle3ton Sunday after- dred requests for Seattle popular Street. noon with Catholic High School. King of Ivories th'e Old Master Officer Drake was on duty in a prowler car with Officer A. J. Hill when the two policemen first ob– served the youthful Negro at the East Union Stree~ corner, and at_ tempted to quesiion him. He ffed, but the officers ~Parched the dis– trict for about an hour, during ·.vhich they saw Hill several times but <lid not gel close to him until they sighted him again near 15th Avenu'e and YcPier Way. When he again attempted to flee, both offi– cers fired and a bullet from Drake's gun struck him. Three Negro boys played on the returns to Finnish Hall, 13th and Boys Town team. Reservations for Washington St. with one of the the te~m were made at the Dan- hottest dance bands in Seattle. iel Boone Hotel. It is reported The Ivory King has been the that officials or th-e hotel tried to talk of the town since he and his make ararngement3 for the Negro teammate Russell (Song Bird) boys to be housed elsewhere. Jones packed the Palomar. When Father Flanagan was in- The Grand Old Master of Cere– formed of this attempt, he stated monies, Mr. Roy Sheffield, makes he would not consider separating his initial bow as a maestro of his boys saying all or none would ·merit, when he brings 908 Club have to be acomodated together. band, anoth'er dance band to Fin. The hotel officials were big nish Hall. Sheffield a World War •enough to lay aside for the mo- 1 Veteran extends a very cordial invitation to the armed forces ment its historical prejudice and from all camps in and adjacent to Seattle. furnish accomodations for all the boys. "Tel it to Jane" and she will Negro boys were tell the world. White and Capt_ Marshall Sctafford of the police homicide squad te3tified that Hill, who had been employed as a helper at the Lake Washing– ton Shipyard, failed to appear for hou3ed together, used the dining Don't forget to remember the work betwe£m November 7 and hall and lobby together and no finest evening of entertainment November 11. one was th'e worse off. ever staged at "Old Finnish Hall The inqu•est, conducted by Dep- We commend Father Flanagan is next Monday night, November uty Coroner Ted Harris, drew a for insisting upon a practical 30th. sizeable attendance from the Nc- democracy, There is a Jesson here The admission is popularly gro community. for many persons in high places. priced at 75c including tax.