PAGE FOUR SHOP A BON-ROB DRUGS THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE STORE Corner 14th and Yesler CA-5330 Godefov Hair Dye $1.23 TOILET SETS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Stationery and Candy Race Papers and Magazines Commodities for All Occasions COURTEOUS FOUNTAIN SERVICE POSED PICTURES Barber L icenses, Civil Ser vice P hotographs made in 3 minutes Pic tu r es tak en by former Photographer for Playla nd • Miller's Studio and Arcade 406 Main St re<.>t Hours, 12-12 WE DELIVER 7th and Jackson St. ELiot 7166 Victory Chinese Florist 1£ 1E SAY IT WITH FLOWERS From Our Pink, Rosy, Red-Cheeked Floral Display BUDS OR FULL BLOOM PA.CII'IC MARKET 1305 .Jackson Street Full Line of Quallty Groceries, Fresh Meats and Poultry Fresh Fruits and Vegetables-Beer Mld Wine Owned and Operated by Chinese Ph. Ca. 9613 HOTEL IDAHO MODERN - SPECIAL RATES Steam }feat- Hot & Cold Water in Every Room Miss Birdie Morris, Prop. Phone SE. 9867 505 Jackson St. Seattle, Wash. THE CHILI QUNEN BIRDIES' CHILI PARLOR We Feature Soda Fountain Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos Candies 410 Maynard Avenue SE 9956 THE NOR'I,'HWEST ENTERPRISE Wednesday, March 28, 1945 . KAY'S lOc STORE ON THE CORNER OF 12TH and JACKSON PRospect 5392 1201 Jackson Street • THE STORE WITH THOUSANDS OF ITEMS JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF RUFFLED CURTA INS ........................... $1.98 and up Also Rayon Panels CANDY FILLED EASTER BOX CUT-OUTS ........ tOe EASTER CARTS ·-·····---······-············----·-··--··-·····-··--·-··············· $1.39 NICE SELECTION OF STUFFED RABBITS AND CHICKS ................................................ $1.98 and up IT PAYS-- TO SHOP AT --- KAY ' S STORE HOURS: 9:30 to 7. Saturday to 8 p. m. WHEN IT'S POOL OR BILUARDS CIGARS OR CIGABE1TES Say New C. C. Billial'd Pal'lol's NEW MANAGEMENT NEW EQlJIPMENT AND DECORATIONS 41.5 Maynard Avenue OLYMPUS HOTBJ., 413 Mayaanl BMEJ. APTS., 141b aad Main PHONE SE. 9419 Phone EL. 1555 JACKSON BEVERAGE STORE 707 Jackson St., Seattle BEER, WINE, MIXERS, MALT, HOP(~).. RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION GAS LUBRICATION, EVERY SERVICE Car Washing and Simonizing Phone SEneca 90.73 -PacJrlc carl "Meab Southern Style" 417 Maynard Ave. Seattl~ Wasb. YOU ARE WELCOME! Progressive Clothing Exchange TAILORING AND ALTEBATJONS We Buy aad SeD ~ ot Velue 018antq aad preulng ot all ldDda: Finest U88CI Suite tor 8ale F. D. Wrtpt 79 Yesler Way Seattle, Wash. Miss Reese says IF YOU WOULD BE MORE BEAUTIFUL ! ! ! VISIT THE MODERNISTIC BEAUTY SALON 674 Jackson Street Th e Beauty Clinic where six efficient and courteous Cosmetolo– gists delight in bringing out YOUR NATURAL BEAUTY. We specialize in Manicuring, Dyeing, Facial a.nd Scalp Treatments. Open Dally-9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tel. MA. 9398 Operators: Beulah R iggins, Mamie L. Henderson, Willie Mae Wil– liams, Evelyn John lgan, Memphis Johnigan and Rita Reeae, Prop. Psychoanalysis Complexes Fear , Worry I Morbid Impulses Emotions j Amnesia i Melancholia ; Paranoia DYNAMIC MIND HEALTHY BODY Dr. John K. Larremore META-PSYCHOLOGIST Tel. Hours 2-8 PR. 9627 by appointment 1214 Washington St. Mental Bathing Dreams, Visions Habits Diseases Physica l Debility Neurathenia Inso.mllla Nervousness Inhibitions Foot Cor rection P ersona l Problems Chronic Alcoholism Correct Breathing Correct Posture P ersona l Charm The In fluence of Colors Aehlevement The Art of Fascination Hidden Secre ts of Na t u re Feather weigh t Arch Suppor ts made to Individual Impression. Can be worn In any shoe. Phone CA. 9703 CURB SERVICE BEE'S SPECIALIZING IN 1{ • Chicken • Pork • Lamb BAR-B-Q • Link Sausage Special Boiled Dinners • Pork Spareribs Open Day and Night 1237 Jackson St. TAVERN OF GOOD CHEER Where Particular People Drink Their Wine and Beer JOHNNIE CAMPBELL 1315 Yesler Way PETE'S GROCERY HOLIDAY NUTS YELLOW YAM POTATOES FRESH OYSTERS and CHICKENS COLD MEATS FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES And All Kinds of Pickles Bishop•s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS- DRUGS- FOUNTAIN Full Line of Toilet'Articles Race Papen and Magaz ines Nor thwest Enterpri'Se and Pacific Coast Negro ' Directory For Sale 507 J ACKSON ST. SEAT'rLE, WASH. Phone MAin 9496 Jack Schacher's Grocery FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES CIGARS, CIGARETTES, SOFT DRINKS Open Evenings Northwest En terpr ise for Sale 21st & Jefferson Sts. Pr. 0323 MAIN 8859 W. A. GREEN Hotel Green BUY WAR BONDS 711 LANE ST . SEATTLE, WASH. tion of black citizens without triaL 1 ingly changed their discriminatory P ETE CEREZO, Prop. 501 MAIN ST. Certain liberal educators have I policy in regards to Negro Sol- MORE ABOUT made great cO'tltributions to the diers and Sailors. nut where is EL-9714 EASTER BONNET enlightenment of both races so there a Robert Gould Shaw or a that knowledge will end the errors Steven Decatur to inspire the Ne- (Continued from Page 1 ) IMMUTABLE LAW of discrimination. The Univers ity groes with the hope that their Salone, 121 2 J ackson St.; Bert's of Georgia set the example in lib· emergency born gains will be P<'r- Bea u ty Salon, 2301 East Denny (Continued from Page 1) era! thought by adding Northern manent? . Way; Paullnes' Beau ty Shop, the Constitutio-nal guarantees ap· professors to its staff in opposi·l (ContinuE'd to Next "'eelq 2 1~21 East Madison. ply to a~ citizens despite strong tiO'tl to Georgia's fascist minded After leaving one of these par- opposition, have endeared them to Governor Talmadge. I Jors, you are exquisite. You will most Negroes. Some white writers have seen CHURCHES fancinate any man. In the front rar.:: among . the the light of progressive re-adjust· I liberal groups are the Civil Liber- ment, but there is no William Easter Parade Cosmopolitan Club, Grand Eas– t er Parade at Finnish Hall, Sun– day, Ap r il 1, 7 p. m. until 12 m. Try to get in. $25 War Bond fo r best dressed couple. E ngageme nt J<~ xtr-a.or< llnary, at Basin St r eet Socia l Clu b, Sunday a ft ern oon, April 1. 2 to 6 p. m . Da ughter EU<>s, Easter P at•ade a nd Ball at Casa Italiana Hall, 1520 17th Ave., near Madison, Monday eveni ng, April 2, !> p. m. P r ize fo r the best dressed couple. At the Sa voy, 21st and East Madison, Sunday afternoon mati– nee dance and evening. S. to 12. Prize to the best dressed couple. CAP AND GOWN CLUB Dt. Rebecca Hall was a very ch a rming hostess at her home to member s of t h e Cap and Gown Club Friday, March 23. The meet– ing opened with Dt. Nell ie W il– son presiding. We a re sorry to hear of t he illness of J udge \Vil– llam C. H ueston, Commissioner of Ed ucation . and wish him speedy recovery. Following t he business meeting a lovely chicken din ner was served from a beau tifully decor– ated table in Easter tradition. Those present were: Dts. Nellie Wilson, Mar y Ca:smon, Olivia Dockett, Viola Palmer , Mazie Well s, Bertie Morris, Suzie Mar– shall , Rebecca Hall and Bernice Steele. W. S. A. of the Blind Conducts Final Rites In a unique ceremony for a de– ceased member, the Washington State Association of the Blind con· duct ed final rites for Charles Bealey, a brot her member almost totally blin d, who died in Seattle, with no supervisors. The last rites at the Angelus Mortuary conducted by the Asso- , elation was a demonstration of brotherly love seldom witnessed. T he Rev. Judson Swaney, pas· tor of Mt . Olive Mission, eulogized t he departing member, while blind brothers played and sang musical selections. Two blind pallbearers bore t heir departed brother to his last resting place. Interment was at Mt. P leasant Cemetery. COMING: P UGE T SOCND LODGE ELKS ANNUAL OR– ATORI C A L CONTEST, APRIL 8 , AT F IRST , A.l\I.E . The ' Yash inl(ton Ktnt<• ""ork- ties league, the Communist party, Lloyd Harrison or Harriet Beecher I and the International Labor De· Stowe among them ; with the ex· er·s• :\1&-ting or the C'hm•ches fense . These groups fight injus· 1 ception of Pearl Buck and R. P. uf Goo in C'h r·i~t will conyeJW tices commensurate with rights of I Embree, they are bound by the April 13, 1-l, 15 nt 22;1!) Tast all citizens. The Scottsboro case Augustus Roy Cohen tradition. Ma dison stt•eet . being an example. Since 1930, A few statesmen such as Paul All .mlnlstet·s an<l th<'ir' con- these liberal forces have chal- V. McNutt and Wendell Willkie gregat ;.>ns ar·e inYitt'd to wor- lenged the unconstitutiO'Ilal Jaws havP recently voiced pleas for tol– and customs of the Southern erance. but there is no Charles States with regard to racial dis- Sumner or Thaddeus Stevens crimination, poll-taxes, and, the among them. H itlerian policy of summary execu- The Army and Navy have grudg- ship with us. The public 1' also <'OI'dia)]~- im·it<•d to at– tend t hesP set•vil't•s. J<ildt'l' \"an Goodlow, l'astm• nn!l O\·et•seer. t best!'' "lbis cola tas es BROlRERS . .. :./' '• _ __,.. ' . saY lRE M\CROlAS Norl BVT2FUll (JtASSES 5~ Hot Tips from some Hot Taps ••• "Don't let anyone tell you all colas taste alike," say the Nicholas Brothers, " ' cause we know dif– ferent! " They took t he famous cola taste-test one lucky day– tried lead ing colas in paper cups. Royal Crown Cola was t heir fa– vorite! Try R C n ext time you want to chase those blues ! You'll get a "quick-up" quick !
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