
Wednesday, March 28, 1945 SEATTLE HE.LI ' WANTED Chamber·maids \Vanted ·.rhese Jobs Are Permanent Cnion Scale. Apply At 617 University s:. Room lOll For WOOD -COAL -POULTRY Call ED S. JOHNSON CA 9953 Fresh Chickens and Rabbits As You Like Them 2200 E. Madison, Seattle 2 Private Loans $25 to $500 to clean up all those &DJIOyin&' past-duJ' bills and to flnauce your pemonal needs. No Publicity-No Delay Strictly Confidential A. D. Anderson and Co. Under State BegW&tton 507-8-9 Bigelow Bnildbrg -tth and Pike Sts. SE. 9408 519 Jackson • HARMONY LODGE No. 2 - F. & A. M. 1\leets 2nd and 4th Mondays 425 • 21st Avenue H. ,J, l\IORTI<JN, \\'. M. 114 24th No. Phone CA. 6170 E. R. CHAINE¥, Sec';t, 91133 55th Ave. So. · Phone RAlnler 3092 AU Master l\lasons Welcome Chandler Fuel Co. Express-Moving and Storage-Ice Office Phone East 4282 2226 East Madison St. Seattle, Wash. Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Of-flee: El. SM7; Bell. Ea. 3388 Hour·s: 9 to 1 and 2 to I) Snlte 382-S Empire Bulldlna Second and MadJaon FLASH! A Fortune Is In Your Hand \Vhen Properly Tr·ained WILL YOU BE IN THE SAME RUT AFTER THE WAR.? WHY WAIT? ENROLL NOW! Special Instructress Course, Pedicuring Complete Course of Beauty Culture Taught Experienced, Licensed Instruc– tors . . . Special Price for Post-Graduates . . . Be pre– pared for all around profes– sional work.... Narvls Man– ning, Instructress. For Information Call RUTH WHITESIDE'S School of Beauty Culture 614 Jackson St. l\TA, 94,94 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE 1 PORTLAND WEEKLY NEWS 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst 7911 Mary M. Duncan, Editor ~------------------------------------- BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH LARABEE AVE. and McMILIJEN ST. 9:30 A. M.-8unday School. 11:00 A. M.-Mornlng Sermon. 6:45 P. M.-A. C. E, League, 8:00 P. M.-Evening Sermon. "COME TO WORSHIP-LEAVE TO SERVE" !IIRIIIII;IIllllllll gratifying to see the Y. W. C. A., as a democratic organization not only in ·theory, but in practice– practicing democracy in its policies towards women and girls regard– less of race and color. Support of the Civil Rights Bill (which was defeated 24-6) was a major item of business for the Public Affairs Committee in Janu– ary and February, involving study, letters, telegrams and attendance at the hearing in Salim. Since this is a legislative year, other int.er - TACOMA The Northwest Enterprise Leading Nortwest Colored Weekl' AR'.rHUR L. .HAYES !\tanager Tacoma Office 712 South 14th - l\1Ain 6777 Taooma (3) Washington ASSOCIATES l\Iiss Ver·netta E. Hill !\lAIN 5595-l\IAln 1697 REV. BROWNING C. 1 Jll:'ll p est for study and action have in- BR. 1787 llLI.dlll astor eluded the Equal Rights Amend- !--""==~--------------------------- ment; and active participation In ---o- -- l\ll•s. N. J. Asberr~· SPEAKER' so that democracy is taught and plans to assist the Japanese News :\lust Be In l\londay Noon. I practiced. 4th-LAW AND OR- Americans returning to this area. WS OF S C DER, AND THE POLICE - In The next subject of study planned CATHERINE'S • • • • many citiE)s, police, far from pro- by the Public Affairs Committee B E A U T Y N 0 0 K tecting Negroes, have been in will be the Dumbarton Oaks pro· --- themselves forces of repressing posalss. Most of us "Y" members Complete Beauty Service PAGE THREE by community artists. Easter eggs which will be given out to service men, are contributed by the Senior Hostesses unler the chairmanship of Mrs. Kate Myers. A very unique part of the pro– grt1m wlll be played by a num– ber of small children of the com– muBlty who will distribute eggs to the soldiers under the direction of Mrs. Irish Leath. CIVIL RIGHTS BILL CONTRIBUTORS The Tacoma Branch of the NAACP announced this week that thanks should be given tho!re who made contributions toward the Civil Rights Bill which was pre– sented to the last state legisla– ture, and authorized the :partial list of contributors which fol– lows: Through the Y. W. C. A., yours I and disturbance. The police have can spare enough time to get a TACOMA, WASH. truly was the speal,er for the vVo·,most immediate contact with the toehold on world problems. A din- MAin 0084 1408 So. K St. Re~ . . J. E. Roberts, $10; Mrs. men's Society o_f Christian ~ervice people. Wise city planning calls I ner forum is planned; watch for Mason, $10; Mr. Lewis Jones, at the :\iethodtst Church m the for specific orders for equal pro- date. The Tacoma branch of N. A. A.- $10 Mr. Robert Jones, $10; Mr. Dalles, Oregon, last Wednesday. tection-to Negroes and Wllites j C. P. met in an executive session Benny Brown, $10; Mrs. N. J, The theme, "Advancing Towards alike-of life, liberty, and :prop·IJ59th Q M S • last Friday evening at which it Asberry, $10; Mr. Lewis Scott, Race Relations," brought _forth ref- erty, and for detailed educatiO'Il of I • • ervJce was decided to enter the National $10; Lieut. and Mrs. w. Lewis, erencPs of many expenences_mjthe police personnel in ways ofl C M t campaignformembershiptobegin $10; Rev. Blackwell, $10; Mr. present day problems affectmg insuring fair play. I Ompany OVeS 0 April 15. Meeting to be held. at Hugh, PO; Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, peoples, as we observed and point- ·whatever the success on given V B k the Bethlehem Baptist church. $10; Elder Davis, $ 10 ; Mrs. Hel- ed out, that one of the challenging fronts, fuii victory will come only anCOUVer, arraC S Mrs. Sarah Jenkins was hostess en Stafford, $10; Mr. and Mrs. P roblems to be faced now and in A · 11 d t · to the Clover Leaf Club last Tues- as you- mencans a - e ermme Hamilton, $10; Mrs. Mary Pryor, the post war world building pro- th t th · t t 'd day in a social session. During STAR POOL HALL a_ ey are go_1ng_ o pu as1 e The 359 th QM Service Com- 1 $10; Mr. A. L. Hayes, $10; Dr. gram lies in the field of race re- th tt d d th t the luncheon hour Mrs. Ethe ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~==============! eir pre Y preJU lCes, an a ,JJany (colored), upon its departure L. C. Bowling, $10; Rev. E. B. lationsbip - that peace is being dl r d 1 Wood reviewed "Black Boy' 'by ergar ess 0 race, cree • or co-! today from Fort Lawton, received Wilson, $10; Mr. J. L. Beck, $10; WM. HAMILTON WM. BAILEY Proprietors • • Card Tables Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, Candy. Etc, Join the Elks NOW EARL'S SERVICE STATION 1200 Main St., Seattle, Wash. EXPERT REPAIRING AND SERVICING SIMONIZING, CAR WASHING l'ndet• Dispensation the FPe Is Onl~- $5,00 662\'z Jackson l'hone JiJ L. 97R7 Personally Supervised and Work Guaranteed Open Late Every Night Dr. R. G. IIASKELL DENTIST CORNER JACKSON AND MAYNARD STS. TRANSLUCENT teeth that - like nature's own -absorb and reflect light, are popular with m a n y dentists. When these scientifically molded and shaded teeth are set in a slight– ly irregular manner the realistic effect is appreciated by discrim· inating patients. Only By Comparison can one fully appreciate the dif– ference between dental plates made of the beautiful transpar– ent materials and those of the older types. Note the daintiness and light weight of the modern transparent materials, their beau– ty and their strength. PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS LOW PRICES OUR ROOFLESS DENTAL PLATES ARE A Gl.'ARA:XTERD SlJCCRSS (Practically 100% Per·fect) Do not cover your soft palatl•, gag, nOI' mask your ta,;te or• speech-and cost but little more than OI'dinary plates. :-Jo one would want a full roof p.late, knowing the comfort and satis– faction of a pel'fect roofless. The1·e are mouths where full plates are im– possible to wear' without powder to hold them up. Cleft plate, bone pro– trusion, etc., whilst our roofless ar"e guar·anteed to fit and function per– f('ctly. We make the Du Pont Lucitone translucent plates exclusively. Indor•sed by 100,000 Alnerican dentists as t11e most b<>.autiful and perfect :plate ma– terial f>Ver invented, and at the low– est price ever known. TRANSPARENT DENTAL PLATE MATERIAL Means so tmuch to you. Dentists every. where 1\rl" using it in making plates and praising it for these qualities: 1. UGHTWEJGHT , • • yet practically nnlweakable-so strong the palate can he made thin- clear, transparent aiHl daint~·. 2. SDIILARITY in color to natures's o\\·n gums being so great, results can bP obtainPd that defy detection. .3 8:-Jl'G FIT possible due to adapta· bility of transparent material to each individual mouth. 4. Si\fOOTH glossy finish made ]liOSSi– bl,. so that plates can easily be kept clPan. Gold Crowns, 22k Bridge Work Porcelain Fillings Silver Fillings Inlays Cleanings Extractions ALL WORK GUARNTEED Dr. R. G. HASKELL PAINLESS DENTIST MAin 4670 CORNER JACKSON AND MAYNARD written in the attitudes of the peo- or tthey are going to treat all peo- , _ . Richard Wright, after which a I d t h basl ·s of a wmm commendatiOn from the 11 ·,·ely dt'scu".sl·on followed. The Mr. Clarence Martin, $10; Rev. P e; an we canno ave real de- pie on the democratic o ·th t Ch . t· Are_a _commander, Colonel P. B.l Ap 1.1-1 meeti'ng ,.. 1. 11 be held at the A. B. Fuller, $10; Corporal Alex- mocracy Wl ou a r1s Jan solu- their individual merits. ·• Pa1ke1. The 359th has been sta- home of Mrs. Estelle M!'ller 1 -n ander, $10 Sgt. Qu.n. ·wmming- tio nto this tremendous question. • I tioned at Fort Lawton for the the evening. oon, $10; Mrs. F. B. Ray, $10; We proceeded to think with_ the group of 40 women assembled, on the most discussed topic of the \lay, the question about Negroes. America is deeply concerned about the Negro problem, and is piti– fully blind to the Negro possibil– ity. We had them know that aside from a global war, there Is in America, a battle being waged for decent race relations, on several fronts: 1st. EMPLOYMENT - If BERRY JAMES I past seven months and has estah· The Council for women for de- M'rs. L. Ray, $10; Friends of El- l • Jished a very high record of ef· mocracy is now meeting in the der Davis, $5.50; Mrs. L. Coving- --- lflciency in performance of duty. Y. w. C. A. club rooms every first ton, $5.00; Miss J. Raspberry, Miss Isla Mae Derry became the I The company's new statiO'Il is and third Thursdays at one o'clock. $2; Mrs. Wm. Mason, $2.50; Mrs. bride of Urdell James at a quiet Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, All interested women are invited J. L. Beck, $10; Mr. and Mrs. wedding on Saturday, March 10, Washington. ln his letter to Capt. to attend the meetings. Grogan, $2; Mr. Mattison, $2; in Vancouver, Wash., according to James Myers, Company Command- Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Fields of Mr. Charles Scurry, $2.50; Mr. announcements by her parents, er, Colonel Parker said in part: vancouver, B. c .. are house guests Banks, $2.50; Mrs. Walter Hou- Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hayes. "Your organization has set a or their cousin, Mrs. N.J. Asberry. I ston, $2.50; Mrs. Maud Leonard, any people have economic securi– ty, they have the basis of a good life. Many Negroes, even today, are kept from skilled jobs and foremansbips, not ror lack of abil– ity-but for lack of whiteness. '-\Irs. James has been very active standard for others, both here and I They came over at this time to $2.50; Mr. vr. P. Stafford, $5; in church, Y. -n·. C. A. and U. S. 0. elsewhere, which is difficult of at- meet their daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Sgt. Needam, 50c; Mrs. Mary circles. She served as president of tainment. It is my hope that the Waters of Boston, who was at Ft. Duffle, $5; Mrs. Harry Nelson, Bethel's A. C. E. League, and at- absence of the 359th QM Service Lewis last week with the quartette $5; Mrs. Katy Vernon, $5; Mrs. tended Girl Reserve Conferences Company will be only temporary 77109C out of New York USO, Mary Tunlin, $8; Mrs. Walker, of the "Y." Mr. and Mrs. James and that we may; in the future, traveling to entertain the soldiers $2.50; Mr. Pearsall, $3; Mrs. L. is at home to their friends at look forward to its return." at differtn forts. Their next stop Buck, $5; Mrs. Eliza McCabe, 4725 N. E. 9th. The members of the 359th QM will be at Ogden, Utah. Mrs. \-Va- $2.50; Mrs. Clara Coleman, $5; Service Company take with them ters is the piauist. Mrs. Ruth Branch, $1; Mrs. Lau- 2nd, HOUSING--No people can 1 .. . the thanks and good wishes of ll·ve dece ltl 1 tl 1 . f Mrs. Wilham Cochran was host- ! y un PSS 1ey tve ree- ly In pi·act 1 ·c 11 A . ess la st Tt>,~-~~~ ....ay at her lovely . a Y every mencan . . city, Negroes are confined to re- home I.:'·Ull~· ~~Oth for the pleas– stricted areas. They are con fined ure of ~~ tto:Ites at a pre-Easter to these districts by an atmosphere luncheon. The two courses of de- ra Buck, $5; Mrs. Ethel Wood, :h~o~e~,~~~~n~~n:~ Fort Lawton, for Education and Health $5; Mrs. Eliza McCabe, $2.50; M'rs. Sara Jenkins, $2.00. lect,,ble viands wet·e served amt'd of pi'ejudice and discrimination. ·• assortment of seasonal bios- SOCIALS 3rd, SCHOOLS-The problem here Is not only to make sure that equal facilities are provided fo1 1 all the people, but to providP. school texts and daily procedurt own gar- Receipt of his induction papers ns. Pokena was the diversion and his hurried departure to Ft. for the aftemoon. Lewis where he will await further NEWS FROM HOME Pittsbm•gh Courier, Ch icago Defender, Kansas City Call, Air, A m e r i c a n , Anlsterdam Star News, Negr·o Dige st, Northwest Enter•prise, Pacific Coast Negro Dh•ectot•y for sale.. ~Irs, Josephine :\IcCraven, Sol<> Agent for all Negro L·iteratur'e, 274, 20th Ave. !'hone l"n. 0992, Seattle, \Vash. COZY INN SERVICE DIVINE 66 N. E. B'dway MU S4SO Home Cooked Meals By An Epicurean Steaks & Chicken speclalty Minnie Tomer, Proprietor Breakfast 9 a. m. to I p. m. Dinner--4 p. m. nntn --------- O REGON CONFERENCE La st Friday, Mrs. Bernice E. Allen, Mrs. Mary Brown, 'Mrs. Let– tie M. Polk, Mrs. Beatrice Graves, :\irs. Lula Gragg and Mrs. Mary 1\-I. Duncan, all from Bethel A.M.E. attPndPd (via invitation) the An- nual Meeting of the Oregon Con– ference, Portland District, held at First Methodist Church, in down– town Portland. The Rev . Ennis M. Whaley of Vanport City, was a contributor 011 the program. At the luncheon hour (250 reservations) the prayet· for grace, and at the afternoon meeting gave the invoca– tion. The District President in her talk on "We Hear, Oh Lord, Thy S u m m o n s," emphasized "Three Open Doors"-1st Spiritual Experience; 2nd Evangelism; 3rd Quietude. Books, she said, regard· less of their authors, itles or con– tents, arP second begtg; the Bible is first. N. A. A. C. P. instructions from Uncle Sam, was the lot of Harold Hoskins last week. Really, it all happened wit week. Really it all happened with– in a few hours. He received his papers one day and the third was en route to Ft. Lewis. Harold is the nephew of Mrs. Rubye Lay, N. Vancouver Ave., with whom he has always made his home. An ardent Christsian Endeavor Leaguer, and popular among the younger set, he will he greatly missed. Harold, a mid-lerm grad of Jefferson high in January, was like many 18-year– olds, planning on furtheriug his education-but the war is still on. Harold will train in the Army Air Corps. 'Ne wish for him smooth sailing and happy landing. Bobbie Gregg is home again on furlough. How lucky for him, his mother and dad; ; his brother "Chuck and all the other Graggs, for as we recall it was just four months ago that Bob was home. But look who "Bob" is, a radio technician for bombardment planes; or does that matter. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cragg in N. E. 29th. This isn't history but a pleasant EAST MADISON Y. M. C. A. Y's l\[,.u's Club :\leet \Vith Board of Manageanl"nt The newly organized Y's Men's Club of East Madison YMCA met The Annual mpmbership drive mPmory of Bob Gibson's stop over for the Portland branch was a couple of wePks ago on furlough launched at the February meeting. after a few months in training. The goal, 1.00e members :plus 500 Son of Mr. Ray Gibson, in Taco– renewals. Miss Juanita Johnson, ~a, B?b was at the ,time of his general chairman, with Mrs. Janice mductwn a student at the Univer– with the Committee of Manage- Lewis, Mrs. Cleo Cooper and Oli- sity of Oregon. In Portland he was ment at its regular meP-ting lasl ver Smithver Smith, contracting as on other occasions the guest of Wednesday. President Bruce all business places and Mrs. Mary Browning Allen, Jr. Rowell reports that the club ig M. Duncan, contacting all clubs, almost ready for induction into church, civic and social, believes t h e International organizzatiO!l. the goal can be reached. As a sup– The next club meeting will be plement, each church will have a held on Thursday, March 29, at representative responsible for col- 8 p. m. at the Ea·st Madison Iecting memberships. Enthusiasm YMCA. All members are asked is soaring at Giles Lake where a to be present, and to bring a Idckoff meeting of citizens was guest. held in the rental office, result· East Egg Hunt ing in 21 new members. Another The Annual Easter Egg Hunt staunch worker in the drive is at the East Madison YMCA wll1 Henry Taylor of Vancouver, Wash., be held on Saturday, March 31 , has reported 69 new members. The l at 10 a. m. at the East Madison newly elected recording secretary Building, All boys are invited is Miss Gwendolyn Davis of Van– to attend. There will be plenty port City. of eggs for everyone. "Club 23'' Plans Sadie Hawkins Days Y. W. C. A. "Club 23" which is sponsored I jointly by the YWCA and YMCA ' Congratulations are in order for I will sponspr a ''Sadie Hawkins" Mrs. Maude Banks, who recently Day on Friday, March 30. The received an appointment as as– program for the evening will run sistant to the Membership Secre· a bit different on this day in tary at Cetral Y. W. C. A. It is observance of Good Friday. The gratifying to have young women Council will attempt to Inject a note of seriousness into the pro- gram. Camp Come on, boys! Sign up now for camp! The periods are f!ll– lng up fast, and you don't want Mrs. Benjamin Langston (for– mer Betty Burgess) left last Wed– nesday for a long sojourn to Tex– arkaua, Texas, from whence she will go to North Carolina to visit her husband, a merchant seaman on furlough. From there Mrs. Langston contemplates going to New York City before returning home. Seaman Langston is the nephew of Mrs. Anna Canada. Phone Riv. 3081 PORTERS AND WAITERS CLUB W 253 Main Ave.. Spokane, Wash. Cigars, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks, Billiards, Card Tables, Colored News papera ROY HOWARD, Prop. Northwest Enterpt-ise For Sale Here Program Planned .Mount Tacoma Lodge No. 142 and Liily of the West 'l'emple 180 have completed plans for a grand program for Sunday afternoon, April 8th, at the Bethlehem Bap– tist church, covering the two great Colored Sergeant Describes His Pope Pius Visit XII. ventures of the Elks throughout Fayetteville, N. c.-Sgt. Spaul– the nation; education and healtth, ding Price, member of St. Ann's Dr. E. E. Elmore, local physician; along with Maj. Shumate, now connected with Fort Lewis, will handle the health part and a very able lady speaker will present the colored parish here, writes to his pastor after describing a private audience with His Holiness Pope Pius XII: "I departed smiling, the happiest man in the world." educational side in the joint pro- When he arrived in Rome, Sgt. gram. The meeting will be open to the public and the entire com- Price relat~s, he sep~rated him- munity will be greatly benefited. ~elf from hts party wtth the jok– Further data wiii be given in the , m~ remark _that he. would seek a next week's issue of the Enter- pnvate audtence w1th the Pope. prise. Good music iss assured. "I said it as a jest," he writes, State Voters' League To Meet According to reliable sources here in Tacoma, a meeting will be called here for early in May for the forming of a statewide organ– ization of voters of all faiths, the date of which has not been set but will be announced later. Watc~ ''but I was determined to try, anyway." SUGAR BILL HOllE OOOKED--uEALs M N. E. Bro..llway Tr. Z88l Where good trlehd8 meet tor Activity highlights at uso No. good eat& Home cooked Cblolt· 2 include a Spring Formal on en, Steaks, Oysters, and Chopa. Friday, March 30, and special Myrtle B¥oo. ~ \ Easter activities. The Spring For- Houn-Jfre&ldaat 9 a.m.·l p.m. l Dlimer ' to 9 p.m. mal is being given by the Junior ,_______________, Hostesses with Seattle and Brem- erton hosfesses as guests. Con– valescent patients from army hos– pitals will be guests of honor. Easter activities incIude a free Easter breakfast which will be served to the service men by the women of organized labor. From 5 to 7 p. m. a special Easter Vesper will be presented by the Senior Hostesses. Chaplain Gus– Lave Caution of North Fort Lewis Electrical Accessories Phone MUrdock 9535 Radio Tubes Tested Free Madrona Radio & Record Shop Lincensed Seeblll'g Symphonola Operator Complete Race Records Stock 538 N. Broadway A. G. Garrett DeUvery will deliver the sermonette, Spe- cial Easter music will be rendered I A. G. Garrett ~~==============================~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~======~~~==~~~·to be left out. such as Mrs. Banks-prepared– others preparing themselves for opportunities at hand. We under– stand that Mrs. Banks like many other Negro women and girls at various times had placed her ap– plication In several offices includ– ing the Y. W. C. A. It is furtther