THE NORTHWEST. ENTERPRISE I 1\lrs. Stephen Glass wa.g hostess I Mi G d J k \ to the Self Improvement Club, SS ertrU e aC SOn ' Tuesday, March 11, at the home I Plans Informal Dance Social Notes of her brother, 1\fr. Byron Clark, 1717 29th Ave. After a very in- For Soldiers, Mar. 22 '--------------• teresting program plans were By D. M. J.· Hallums Hos±s To made for the Annual Lunqheon Bon voyage Par±y and Bridge to be g·iven in April. The next meeting will be with The charming, spacious resid– ence of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hal- lum, nestling on Beacon Hill, sur- Mrs. Mary Saunders, Tuesday night, March 25, at 1735-25th Ave. Mr. Julius C. Byers of Seattle and Mrs. Florence G. Jones of Ta- rounded by beautiful shrubbery, W h ·t d · t · · coma, a.g . were um e m rna n- was the gay scene of a bon voyage 1 t 8 t d t th h f . . mony as a ur ay a e orne o cockta1! party, honormg Mr. Ro- M d M E R Ch · Th r. an rs. . . a1ney. e seo Cameron, Chief Steward of I R A L H f d th the McCormick Steamship Com- _ev. · · ayes per orme. . e ntes. Mr. Byers recently JOmed pany, who leaves for the Ea.gt the Antlered Herd and will be Miss Gertrude Jackson, newly I appointed hostess of Fort Lewis announces she is making prepara– tions for an informal dancing par-J ty for the soldiers of Fort Lewis . Saturday, March 22nd. Young ladies will be furnished free transportation to and from Fort Lewis. The affair will be in- vitational. Attention Railroaders All those who wish to attend, When the conductor gives the coast to take command of the S. can Miss Doris M. Jones, Ca. 4609 "High Ball" signal and you start or Ca. 9779 or Miss Idell Vertner to "roll" with "top and bottom" of the Y. W. C. A. 150 young loads, you fellows who have the welcomed when he again enters the 1 S. "West Ivey." ladies will make up Seattle's quo- sleepers, your troubles begm· Wl'th I fold. The couple wil !reside in The artistic floral decorations Seattle. ta. catering to a whimsical public. of Spring daffodils and roses were The Mothers' Club of the Beta· M l . 1 You of the diner have your the background in the living room. Theta Chapter of the Alpha Kap- utua Hour Pin. Club grief, with "Three settings" a meal II The evening was enjoyed in pa Alpha Sorority held their 1\la.rch and a hard "D. C." to please. dancing. meeting Monday, March 3rd at the The following named officers When you and you, each and eve- The guests were: home of Mrs. Nellie McCullough. were elected by the Mutual Hour ryone, reach Oakland, Los Angeles Furnished Room for Rent DUNBAR HOTEL 2100 E. Madison St. H. 0. L. C. Homes ONLY A FEW HOMES LEFT OUT OF HUND– REDS. DON'T WAIT UN– TIL IT'S TOO LATE TO BUY A HOME FOR ONLY 10% DOWN, BALANCE AT 4~% INTEREST. SEE GENEVA B. MILLER Modern 5 room Cottage, Full Cement Basement, Oil Burner, Garage. Priced for Quick Sale. $2,300. $300 Cash. Hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. 1921 E. Madison Pr. 7050 Evenings, 2838 Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Taylor, Mr., A delicious luncheon was serv- Pinochle Club to serve during the Minn~apolis, St. Paul, Chicago and and Mrs. Horace Hughes, Mr. and ed by the hostess after which the year of 1941. all pomts east. Dead tired on your Mrs. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. president, Mrs. Minnie Wilson, con- Mrs. B. Wade, president, Mrs. feet, wouldn't it be a grand and Purnell, Mr. J. H . Porter, Mrs. R.l conducted a short business meet- E. R. Butler, vice president, Mrs. glorious feeling to meet the Bro- ,______________ , Saterfield, Mrs. Arthur Berry, Mrs. ing. The meeting wa.g then turned . Clyde Proctor, secretary, Mrs. ther "Bills" to go to their Clubs dure, which is needed very much Mabel Gardner, Mrs. W. Fitzger-1 over to the program chairman, John Earl, treasurer and Mr. G. rub shoulders and hoist a fewshots in order to have a progressive ald, Miss Thee Clark, Major E. Mrs. A. E. Lomax, who led the dis- C. Brown, publicity chairman. \of "goats milk?" lodge. Marvy Williams, Mr. J. Williams three Negro actors, novelists, poets 2 Sea±±le Couples old No. 109. FOR SALE: 6 room house( fur– nished. 321-24th Ave. No. 4 Room House rented. 321Yz-24th Ave. No. Both for quick sale, $1,800. See owner, 2143 North 61st street. HOUSE FOR RENT: Madison District. 4 room furnished, I $18.00. 5 room furnished, $22.00 Pros. 8695 '------·l FRIDAY, MARO:r ' Join the NAACP if=-,~ · believe in protecting your rights. Tune in Station KJR Sunday 10:30 a. m. Bernard E . Squires speaking on VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Spend Your Dollars With Friendly JUerchants NEW HAIR PERMANENT STAY-STRAITE Virginia Hair Dressing, Superior Pressing Oil, Brilliantine J. L. A. Hair Growing Aid, money back guarantee J. L.A. Co., mfg. distrib. 976 Carrol Ave., St. Paul, Minn. STOCKARD'S BARBER SHOP Prompt and Courteous Service SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MURRAY'S PRESSING CAPS, 60c. HANDSOME, BLACK BEAUTY, AIDA JLA Hair Growing Children's Hair Cuts 25c Any Day Except Saturdays Carl Stockard, Prop. 2032 East Madison Green, Mr. Henry Watkins, Mr. cussion on the life and works of 1 . So why not ge.tJ!Iline with good Well Brother Bill Julian Byers ,. d w went and done it. He got hitched. an Mr. · R. Bogle. and men in public affairs. Visi± Rose Ci±y Lodge night, lVIarch 17th will be Monday night, Bro. Byers, cigars ..---------------------------..., A lavish luncheon was served. Mothers present: Mesdames Ri- ---- very interesting ~c we w1'Il have "G ts' M lk I or oa i ?" Be seeing you At the small hours the guests de- chard Artis, L. B. Young, A. E. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staton and instructions on ritualistic proee- St. Patr.ick's night, March 17. 1 parted, wishing the guest of honor Lomax, Minnie Wilson, Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minisee were r-----------=------...:.:.:.:.:._:;.;:,::::,::..,:;,::_::_;;,.:.;_-. a Bon Voyage. McCoullough, P. w. Kirk, and the week end guests of Mr. and Miss Janet York entertained the James Beck and Alice Roberts of Mrs. Manual Pitts of Portland, EAst 9820 Open 6 p. m. until 5 a.m. I Altiora Peto Club at her home Tacoma. Oregon. During their brief sojourn Monday Feb. 24. Completion of in the Rose City, the Seattleites plans for the clubs annual tea, SPORTS· visited the Grotto and other points Sunday, March 16, at the home of By Robert Turner of interest. Mrs. Blanche Stephens, were made The old adage, "You can't keep a Sunday afternoon the hosts en- at this meeting. · good man down," has taken on a tertained with a Chinese dinner, Dixie Chicken Inn Specializing Chicken & Sleaks Veri Price, Prop. 928 12th Av~nue Ladies Auxillary, BSCP held new light in my mind as I jot climaxing the third anniversaries their last meeting at the home of down this brief article. of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minisee and ~===========================. Mrs. Margie Burrell. The next A few weeks ago the Seven Dra- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Staton. I" meeting will be at the home of gons, a progressive young group of :--------------- Mrs. Claudia Fennell. race basketeers, suffered defeat -----------, in a decisive game against a pow- Tune in Station KJR Sunday 10:30 erful Green Lake team at the a. m. Bernard E. Squires speaking Green Lake playfield. Paging Luther Barnes Luther Barnes, said to be a Fuel Dealer, please call Northwest Enterprise office, Cap. 9779 SO HELP ME on VOCAT"i')NAL GUIDANCE Monday, March 3rd, the fa.gt Registered at the Coast Hote: noving Dragons wrote a swift ele– are Miss Joie Anderson, Messrs. ~y to the victory expectations of a I Ray Nance, Mr. Herbert Jeffrey Collins team at the Collins play- and Freddie Guy all of Duke El- field with a championship score of by Joe Staton llngton's band. Dragons, 57, Collins 21. "Mason" had a whole lot of Also at the Coast Hotel are the trouble (women) over the show FOR RENT: 2. Single Rooms with Brown Sisters, of stage and radio episode. Sorry Buddy, but ONE Housekeeping priveleges, heat fame. Pops anil LouiP, those classy chicken in the coop is worth two tt light and telephone. Married con- dancers leave this week for Calif- in the neighbors' yard. pie $12.00 per month; Single men $10.00 per month. Two car lines. ornia. Mrs. Elbe Smith, the popular :ret. PR. 9453, 807 21st Ave. proprietress of the Coast Hated, is ..--'--------------. fa.gt recovering from the flu and is again in her office. I Pauline's Beauty Shop Open evenings by Appointment Specializing in all lines of Beauty Worl• 2221 E. Madison PRos. 2811 Res. Phone, Pros. 7502 EAst 9882 J. I. CHIKATA Pharmacist CHIKATA DRUG CO. Prescriptions 1203 Jackson St. Seattle Dl". N. G. YOW Registered Chinese M. D. in Seattle EXTRA EXTRA Wanted-BP.autician, Licensed. Graduate students eligible. Call Lucille's Beauty Shop, 526 23rd Ave. Pros. 9946 Leaving CitY, Will Sacrifice Will sell on ea.gy terms or exchange for Spokane home, or late model sedan or truck: Two houses in Madison district, six and seven rooms. Live in one and rent of the other will make payments. ]fire place, fruit trees, paved street close to , churches, grade a n d high schools. Four car lines. Call Prospect 8695. FOUR ROOI\1 apartment, unfur– nished. $30.00 per month. Adel– phi Apartments_ 230-23rd No. Ca. 1791. For Quick Sale: Excellent overstuffed walnut davenport cheap at Used Rug and Carpet Store, 1103 Jackson St. No. 109 I B. P 0 E W. One brother and one sister made their oldest sister feel awfully small in front of younger sister's ex-boy friend. Big sis ran her big mouth and the truth wasn't in it. Brother H. J. found out that sister S. S. is an even match any time. The Madison St. "detectives" want me to team up with them. Mine's worth more than yours, I betcha. Reception in a beer parlor? Well anyway, the fight that night at the B. P. showed you two how you'd I look if you start up. Yakima wcmen are really a match for any man, aren't they, 0. Carl Stockard and her stroll– ing up 23rd Avenue Tuesday even– ing about 8:15 p. m. 'Tain't spring yet, son. I Big brother in the army and I little's sister's love about to go. I That 24th Avenue family sure is hard hit. I She found the negatives and had them made positive and.that show– ed the positive truth. Scrap en– sued. CIGARS POOL oneysuc:kle's 0 0 MAin 9625 668 JACKSON ST. Pool & Card Room SEATTLE WASHINGTON DC Bl 3 Bal'bel"s 'S SHOP No Wailing 413 MA YN'ARD HOTEL ATLAS New Building and Strictly Modern Steam Heat, Hot & Cold Water, Private & Free Baths, Telephone Rooms 50c up Rooms with Baths $1.00 up 420 Maynard Ave. Special Rate Weekly ELiot 6152 All diseases of men and women SUOESSFULLY TREATED. Specializes in stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, blood poison, ec– zema, pyorrhea and all kinds of chronic diseases and female trouble. Special attention given to men and women who suffer from any ailment of a CON– TRAC'l'ED NATURE. Using Chinese Roots and Herbs in treating all diseases. Pnget Sound Lodge Elks Meets at Masonic Hall, 21st and East Jefferson Stlt·• First and Third 1\londays each Month. E. R. Cbainey, Exalted Ruler Tel. RAnier 3092. 9683-55th so: She takes a ride to Tacoma and he misses her and when she fin– ally shows up- argument in front of a crowd so the hostess said, 'doxology,' which means meeting adjourned. The two get out on the street and such language not to be quoted. ;:==========================: Had my wife and I not driven CONSULTATION FREE Dr. N. G. YOW Chinese Remedy Company 203-20! Pioneer Building 606 First Ave. ELiot 2453 W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EAst 5364. 1474-21st. SO Double Edge Razor Blades for 50c pol!itpald J. E. W. CLARKE Box 25 Helena, Mont. up at that moment- more broken I glasses, more scratched faces, es– pecially around the neck and eyes., Hope your boat house party is a great success-----corsage. Now, doesn't that show I can quit rib– bing, sometimes. T KYO CAfl LUNCHEONS, STEAKS, CHOPS Draught and Bottled Beer Wine Sake YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 655 Jackson Street SEneca 9342 It wasn't a political speech last -------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, but it was a great help L-----------------------------------------------------.J • • to us in general. At least the man Seattle, Wash. Greetings From FUJII'S CAFE Drau2:ht and Bottle Beer . Sandwiches- Cigars- Cigarettes. Wines - Bottle Beer-All brands to take out addressed more Negroes at the time than he would have had the five clubs with five officers and ten members each had him speak. The church would m ean clean pol- itics and a concentrated vote which means something. Safety hint A .speeder pa.gses Stay far be.hind Heaven is nice, But hard to find. For Marriage - Friendship "A Nice Resort te Which You Can Bring Your Friends" Pleasure, Join / ·I.. · 9 , Yesler WayBOOTHS FOR LADms Amicus Club . Send Dime for membership CApitol 982f ' 1 Blank ,__........._;::--------------------•1 317 Wendell Chicago SOUTH PARK POULTRY CO. 152i Pike Place Colol'ed Roasting Chickens............2ac lb. Colol"ed Fryers·······......................-................30c lb. Frying Rabbils·····--...........................-.........zsc lb. Young Hens····....-···-····-····..........-.................-.18c lb. Cui Up Chlckens................................ z lbs. 4Sc • • >. 'T :.,• i . ~ ~ • ~' . • • • • £\- • •, < Parcels Checked Phone EA. 9994 HONEYSUCKLE RECREATION Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Soft Drinks, l\lixers Pocket Billiards, Chinese Checkers, Pokeno, Dominos. Shoes Renewed 2032 •• E. Madison Slreel Seallle, Washington Wm. "Billy" Washington M. C. Honeysuckle Mgr. We Deliver· Prop. Phone CApital 9953 - Phone us and we'll be right over IDS.JO ICE •• POULTRY 2200 E. Madison St. Mrs. Elbe Smith, Prop. NSO COAL -. ·. WOOD Seattle Phone SEneca 938~ COAST HOTEL AND TAVERN Seattle's Only Colored Hotel Modern, Steam Heat, Reasonable Rates 901 King Street Seattle, Wash. General Surgery Gynecology Obstetrics Nervous Diseases Genital-Rectal Diseases X-Ray Laboratories Office El. 5431, 6152 Res. PR. 8626 DR. JAMES Me UNOSAWA 420 Maynard Ave. Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: El. 3547; Res. Ea. 3388 Hours: 8:30 to 1 and 2 to 6 Suite 362-3 Empire Building Second and 1\ladison Special a ppointment made for Evenings and Sundays Dr. Wm. H. Calhoun Physician and Surgeon ~5-26 Railway Exchange Bldg. Office Hours: 11-1 and 2-6 p.m. Office Phone: ELiot 1045 Res. Phone: EAst 9373 Douglass Apartments Where it is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated- Steam Heat Hot Water- Telephone Laundry Room REL~TS REDUCED F urnished and Unf urnished Apa,rtments Rennts $10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mg r. 1145 24th Ave. N. - EAst 9617 Atlas Hotel I GOSHO DRUG co. I SEneca 9283 523 Jackson St. ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Very Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No.-CA. 1791 J. A. "Jacli" Johnson, Mgr. Newly Renovated Hill Top '!avern IS TANTALIZING Now Serving Direct Draft Brewery Fresh Beer No Coils, No Beer Hose Washington and Cs" Wine.."' Bottle Beer "' 1200 Jackson ~
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