
J FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1941 THE NORTHWEST ENTER.t'RISE PORTLAND NEWS Mrs. Boswell Returns To Portland's Arms Helena, ~1ontana • By Hek Tacoma, Wash. Miss F. Ury Weds By Parker Han-:s Phone EAst 7911 Rev. H. C. Patterson filled h:.•:; Mrs. Hamilton Boswell (Elen- CJ ' J C aflSS . rump ---- pulpit Sunday morning. Speaking ora Gragg) of Los Angeles, paid M I~ the intimacy of the family from "The Soul's Rendezvous with the Rose city, her former home, a ontana Pioneer' home, relatives and clase friends God" he asked his hearers, "Where Mary M. Duncan, Editor 2216 S. E. 37th two weeks visit, shared with her Passes In Helena withnessed the vows of Miss Fran- do you go to meet God?" He urg- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gragg, ces Ury, only daughter of Mrs. ed them to attend church more Loyal Knights 0. M. E. Cluh Hosts and other relatives. To compli- . . B. Rucker, and Mr. Arthur Ury, regularly. Reaching Unreached That maudible, nmseless and t M Cl .... D 1s 47 h A • B h 1 A 1l'f E Ch h ment Mrs. Boswell, Mrs. Lula t . f ll d d th o r. arence me anie , son The "Win My Chum" held a An estimated 100,000 persons t nniVefSar:r et e • lf. • • UfC Gragg, aunt, entertained 14 junior mys enous orce ca e ea ' en- of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry short business session at 6:30 were reached last week through matrons with a fashionable lunch-J tered the home of Mrs. Clariss McDaniels of Chicago. The bride Thursday evening in order to ad- the National Christian Mission. It Messrs. Chauncey Hayes and Mr. I The 49th anniversary of Bethel eon last Friday. The St. Patrick Jane Crump, 1003 Ninth Ave. wore a suit of beige and fur trim- journ that members could attend was estimated that the Mas.s Wo- Shaston Scruggs. The following A. M. E . Church was observed motif a ided the color accent in the Monday morning, March 10 · It is med top coat with brown and beige the concert at :Mt. Hope church. Sunday Mrs. Brown, Maxine, Ar- Fri'day everu· g M h 7 "th believed Mrs. Crump is the last of accessor·es Her fl Off' d men's World Day of Prayer on n • arc Wl a spring frocks and headgear adorn- . . . . l · owers were or- 1cers an members of the A. F'riday, reached some 20,000 who zena, Chauncey and Mr. Scruggs 3 course banquet tendered in su ed by the guests. To further her those mtrepid co~Oled_ pw~eer wo- chids. Miss Reginia Bradford, her M. E. church are sponsoring a heard great speakers declare in motored to Seaside where they perb style. The Loyal Knights and pleasure, Mrs. Bos\vell spent Sun- ~en who settled m this Wll~ coun- only attendant, wore navy blue spring rally for the quarterly Sun– such serms as "The next step in enjoyed a lunch of turk~y and 0. M. E. club were genial hosts day and Monday with Mrs. Otto / by when danger l~rked behmd e~- dress and accessories, her flow- day in April. Christianity, is for all denomina- trimmings. The party reports a and hostesses for this gala affair Rutherford. Tuesday evening she er:' bush and hillock. B~rn m ers were iris and pink fressia. Mr. The Junior Missionaries are plan– tions to come together in Christ." grand time weather ideal and seen- in whic yellow daffodils and green- was supper guest of Mrs. Clifford ~:sh~::! ~~· :o::~:~J~~. 1~:: ~~~ Alvin Brown of Chicago, acted as ning to have a tea St. Patrick's "God alone knows how this war ery beautiful. ery carried out the spring motif. Walker for the Bi-Monthly dis- best m..an for Mr. McDaniels. In Sunday. Those young girls have Thought to be first among M I · Fl t t fore the Civil war broke out. Leav- th 1 · may end, just as he knows what r. rwm owers, oas master, cussion g nl.uo; Wednesday, guest e receiving ine with the bride an interesting program outlined. the race women were four mem- res·d d · t bl ·-........ : ing Booneville w ith the Phill d M L t F . the basis of a lasting peace must P 1 e m a mos capa e man- of Mrs. Evelyn Perdue for a the- an groom were • r. and vValter as nday evening Mr. Ray be." "The present world situation bers of the l>fatha Washington ner. Rev. Allen, pastor, offered the atre party; Thursday breakfast Evans party, before the signing Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Ed- Alexander was given a surprise is causing denominations to do Sewing and Homemakers' club, prayer. Mr. C. E. Ivey, director guest of Mrs. Hattie Jordon; Fri- of the emancipation proclamation, monson and Miss Janice Burton of birthday party by his sister, Miss Who gave thel·r servi·ces last '"eel 1 d th bl d · headed for what was then Mon- s ttl At th d ..... F · team work in their effort to cope " c e e assem e group m sing- day, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith ea e. e we ding cake was .....ary • ranees Alexander. Many more effectively with great col- to.the Red Cross chapter in the ing "Leaning on His Everlasting entertained at dinner for the An- tana territory, she was unaware Mrs. Ethel Butler, Aunt of the friends were present and all wish- assortl·ng foldm'g and makm'"" of A " w 1 d she was free until she was on the b ·d · · h f th d R h ective sin." "The world needs rev- • <> rm. e come a dress given by gel citian who departed for home n e, m c arge o e guest book 1 e ay many appy birthdays. olutionists, but like Paul and Bar- surgical dressings. Headed by Mrs. Mrs. William A. Graves, president Saturday, expressing many thanks "Lily Martin" en route to Fort was Miss Pearl Hardy. The Miss- The Annual High School Spring nabus, who will turn the world up- Elsie Maney, others of the four-~ of the 0. M. E. club. Mrs. Graves' to friends for their cordiality. Benton, the terminal of Missouri es Barbara Chew and Mary Alice Concert was a g1·cat success. The side down for Christ?" "In Chris- some were Mrs. Della Williams, pink and blue formal was accent- river boats. The party traveling Fox were at the door. The couple I house was crowded. The stage was tianity one finds the fullest revel- Mrs. Elizabeth Carden and Mrs.\ uated with a corsage of roses and I 0 • • by horse and mule teams reach- will make their home in Tacoma. a beautiful display of scenery and ation of God; it emphasizes the Francis Williams. sweet peas. rganizatlOllS ed Last Chance Gulch during the The bride and groom received rna- colored lights. Chas. Harris, top value of individual life, and offers Friends here will be glad to Augmenting the address of the "'--'--~- month of June, l8S5, at which time ny beautiful and costly gifts. ranking violinist was a member of the plan of salvation." know that Miss Vera Marie ~~ys evening were extemporaneous I The Executive .Board of the Ore- there was but one store in Hel- Serria Leone Club met. at the I the splendid orchestra that tea– formerly o_f Portland, now res1dmg talks and testimonials given by gon 'Federation of Colored w_o- ena. She moved to Virginia City home of Mrs. Allie Wilson on tured the program. It was _the at 2_412_ Piedmont. Ave., Ber.kcley, the following: Mrs. W. B. Brown ,! mens Clu_bs m_M Tue_sday w1th but returned to Helena during South L street as hostess. It was best concert ever given in the his- Omission and Correction-At the Calif., 1s convalescmg followmg an president of the Lo al Kni hts. Mrs. Mane Sm1th, chairman, pre- 1869,· following her marriage to the annual election of officers. The tory of the school. operation for tonsilitis eand ad- Mrs Lula Gragg· M y M gD ' siding. Plans for annual meeting James W. Crump at Corrinne, following were elected: president, Miss Anita James is recovering . . . , rs. ary un- . nmds at Alta Bates Hosp1tal. can; early developments and were discussed. Mrs. Lenora Gas- Wash. Mr. Crump who had mi- Mrs. Allie Wilson; vice president, from a slight attack of chicken Mrs. Mary Alexander, suffered growth of Bethel, was related by kin, art chairman, promises a big grated to Montana in 1864, freight- Mrs. Elizabeth Adam; treasurer, pox. several head and shoulder injuries Mrs. I. Rhodes, Mrs M Fullilove display combining better Homes I ed with bull teams in Montana Mrs. Henrieta Palm; secretary, The Washington Jr. High school last Tuesday when she was thrown db th ·T • and Negro achievements. Mrs. and Utah, later engaged in the sa- Mrs. Callie B. Mathews·, chairman whach has produced such sepia tended words of welcome and from the seat on a 39th Ave. bus. an ro er-..amison, pioneers; Mr. J. W. Stanley, spoke of the Loyal Lethia Peck, chairman of Ways loon business, then wood hauling, l of the sick committee and cards, stars as Chas. Harris, Glen Quinn thanks and Mrs. Smith, pastor's Mrs. Alexander is being treated Knights as the man power of Be- and Means has plans under way and at his death, April 18, 1919 Mrs. Atha Taylor; Art instructor, and Edward Donaldson, promises Musical and Literary concert for A. M. E. Zion, Feb. 27, Miss Gwen– dolyn Hooker gave a Dramatic reading titled "Celd Feet." Rev. J F Smith, pastor of Zion, ex- wife, was one of the several hos- at her home where h · f Wh' t t t d t t he was employed at the Helena M D t s e IS recu- thel,· M~. J. J. Clow, brought or a IS ournamen • a es 0 rs. . W. Gibson; program, Mrs. o produce many more in the tesses. Among the many cake do- t ff' · ·t y perating. greetings from Mt. Olivet Bapti"st,· be annuonced. Mrs. L. Brock, Ed- pos o Ice as Jam or. oung peo Ella Davis. Many plans were made sports. During a recent baseball nors were Mrs. Ida Mumford, not if Mrs. Bonnie Bogle is c ombin ing Rev. J. F. Smith, pastor of A. M. ucatwnal Cha1rman, announcea a ple who came to Helena ha a for the year's work This club is turnout, the following boys made Mrs. Rumford (typographical er- a much needed rest' and VI.sl"t at "S h 1 h" · F d T " t b · t · th h d of E. Zion, delivered a brilliant ad- c oars 1p un ea o e g1v- cen ury ago, m e ey ay considered the oldest organized quite a showing: Bud Donaldson, ror). t· d the family home in S. E. Tibbetts. dress, subject "The Church." The en on Sunday preceling the an- Helena's increasing ac 1ve an club in the city. There are two Washington's veteran star was in Mrs. Lenora Gaskin, in N. E. Union, gave a birthday surprise bridge party to compliment her sister, Mrs. Chester Dixon, during a recent visit. Mrs. Pearl Stew– art and Mrs. Abbie Cantrell were Chm·ches Bethel A. l\l. E. ~. Larabee & McMillin Rev. B. C. Allen, Minister Order of service: 9:30 a. m., Sunday School, W. B. Brown, su– perintendent. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. A. C. E. League 6:45 audience sang "Faith of Our Fa- nual meeting. A letter from Tho- prosperous life, and of those now members still with tfte club since 'I top form; "Little" Danny Harris h , mas Mahoney, State Senator, living will remember the Crump its organization. Mrs. w 1·Json ser·v- has plenty of speed and natural t ers, ' with much fervancy which 1. d d . pledged his support in the passage home for its hospitality and as ed a delicious lunch to tlle mem- ability·, Floyd Taylor and Her- en 1vene an mspired those whose faith was founded on the father of the Civil Rights Bill, was in one place where was spread the bers. Mrs. Mattie Fuller, who has bert Alexander are making Strong of all mankind. Mrs. B. Allen, response to a letter from the fed- blessings and welcome of real been sick for several months, was I bids for places on the team. d f t . eration. A resignation from Mrs., home life. Your writer's mind is able to be present at thJ·s meet- Duke Ellington made a sensa- gave wor so praise and adora 1on first and second prize winners re– spectively. Other courtesies ex– tended the forme-r Portlander were The elegantly appointed dinner by the J. W. Ingersolls and the Ir– win Flowers' Breakfast Party. for the cooperation manifested Girt M. Blake, chairman of Bet- etched forever by the happy, rich ing, to the gratification of all the tional hit here last Friday evening throughout the membership of the ter Homes Dept., was accepted and historical memories not to be members. at the Fairmount ballroom. The church. Rev. Allen fittingly ex- with regrets. Mrs. Blake is mak- erased, even though she has gone Kenneth E. Wilson, the son of house was packed and the music pressed his gratitude for the spir- ing her home in Berkeley, Calif. where night nor darkness exists, the late B. F . Wilson, the letter was really on the mellow side. The p. m. evening worship. itual, numerical and financial Mrs. Ruth Flowers served cookies to take her place in the city where carrier, and Mrs. Lennie Hayes, Duke has been the greatest at- "The Life of Christ" was Rev. growth of Bethel during the eight- and tea following the meeting. hills are eterrial night and where the wife of A. L . Hayes, a Ta- traction in the mvsical field this Allen's theme for the a. m. wor- ccn months of his pastorate here. The Allen Christian Endeavor she will receive her crown of glo-, coma letter carrier, won the hon- season. He also had a new song Miss Nettie Wa tson is back to ship last Sunday in which he ad- Leag;u~ of th.r~}~Qgtel A. M. E. ry that fadeth not away. Mrs. ors of the junior ,liyjsiun .c Prh-1 which will be anctijer hit of the her many friends and clientele af- monished the Chrtstians tb "Live Joins Courier Staff accompanied by H \. Allen, were Crump is survived by a daughter cation at Hampton· Institute, of season. ter a sojourn in several Calif. the Life." There were three ac- guests of the Pa ton Methodist ~1:rs. '1L A. Lowery, two grand- Hampton, Va., by being elected Mrs. :Mary Cunningham, Mrs. cities while in the employ of cessions to the church. Sunday Epworth League, Sunday evening. sons, Lawrence Howard and Nor- president of the Olympic Social C. J. Harris and Miss Irene Liv-· the Buck Wheat Packing Co. Do- evening, 6:45, Rev. Allen support- Friends of Don Rutherford, re- A very interesting program was man C. Howard; two great grand- club of the school for 1941. Owing ingston were among the great micilcd at the C. Pickett home in ed by members of the A. C. E. joiced to hear of his good fortune arranged and prese. 1 ted by Beth- sons, l'{orman Robert Howard and to the many students of this club, crowd attending the Jr. College N. Wms. Ave, Miss Watson has league, met in a fellowship meet- in the journalistic field as he links el's league. Mrs. \'Ia1·y Duncan, Raymond Crump Howard, and one it is an honor to hold the position spring· concert last Monday eve– resumed her profession as Mo- ing at the Patton Methodist up with publicity and the news supervisor, preside<! as the follow- great granddaughter, Dorothy Ann as president. Dr. K. B. M. Crooks ning. The program featured such diste. church. side of the Courier staff in Los ing participated: 1 Howard, all of Helena. Funeral of the faculty, was made Critic songs as "vVhen Jesus was a Little The Cotton Blossom Singers, The Senior Choir and Brother- Angeles for the Pacific Coast. Josephine Dancy gave a dramat- services were conducted Wednes- of the organization. Kenneth, who Child," "The 23rd Psalm," "Joshua four capable young women in their hood chorus under the direction of Don's first thrill came when he ic reading "How t le Great Guest I day afternoon at 2 o'clock at Opp IS a graduate of the Lincoln high Fit the Battle," "All Through the profession are tourning the coun- Brother C. E. Ivey will present covered Hollywood's benefit for Came," was overwhelmingly re- and Conr~d chapel, by Dea~ Ch~r- of Tacoma also an honor student I Night." "Lightning' Harris, an try in the interest of the Piney the Cantata, "The Glorious Eas- Greek relief, which afforded him ceived. Lurline Gibbs sang "Swing les A. vV1lson of St. Peters Ep1s- and won le~ters for the track meet: j athl.ete and student, w~ a mem~er Wood Industrial School in Missis- ter," on Easter Sunday evening. an opportunity to meet scores of Low, Sweet ChaTiot;" Blanche copal church. Burial was in For- was sent a Jetter of congratulation of tue glee "lub rendermg the fme sippi, are domiciled at the J. A. Palm Sunday will be observed in a 1 movie stars and celebrities. Don Graves, president of the A. C. E . estvale cemetery. for his success in his work and ad- program. Donald home. They have filled fitting manner with special recog-, makes a frank acknowledgement League, talked on "Christian En- Herbert Bridgewater has secur- vancements in his school by some You "hep cats" really had a gay numerous engagements in and nition of the 1st anniversary of that his biased attitude towards deavor, What it Means To Me." ed a job with the Eddy bakery. of his former classmates of Ta- time last Monday evening at the around Portland, including radio Bethel's Junior Choir. The St. those who make up moviedom was Rev. Allen gave a short sermon Connie Harrell was awarded the coma, wishing him to continue.. to Weed Hall. Everyone was in the programs. Patrick Social Monday evening, 1 1 favorable after he'd had the plea- on the 9 lst Psalm. A social hour sportsmanship trophy at Lewiston win honors. groove and swinging on down. The Sunday, March 2nd, Mesdames March 17, will officialy close the sure of tieing up such artists as as one of the outstanding basket- The Matrons' Glub held its affair was a "slacks dance." The Blanche Brown and Henrietta popularity contest sponsored by W. C. Handy, Ruby Elzy, Shelton ball players in Montana th:ts sea- monthly business meeting at the beauties appearing in slacks were Marshall were joint dinner host- club Shuta. The May festival and Brooks and others. Believe it or Card Of ~hanks son. Connie is. a member of the residence of Mrs. Ray Gibson, 1112 the kind you would find on the esses at the home of the former Bazaar will be held May 1 and 2. not, further relates Don, "hay was d Holter Hardware team. South M Street. Eight members stage on Broadway. The hall was Home to my family an in N . E. Cherry for the pleasure The District Conference, Sunday really sticking out of my ears friend."! 1 take this means of The Helena Progressive League were present. Plans for the an- filled with people from various of the Cotton Blossom singers. School Convention, A. C. E. League when I had the pleasure of meet- held its monthly meeting at the nual exhibit were discussed. After parts of the state and the music expressing my grateful thanks Sharing honors were Rev. and Mrs. and Missionary Society of Puget ing Samuel Goldwyn." The arti- residence of H. J. Baker, Monday the business of the evening, the was sizzling hot and mellow. for the many cards, flowers J. F. Smith, the Misses Maxine Sound conference will meet at Be- night. hostess served a delicious colla- The affair was sponsored by and expressions of regrets dur- Brown and Arzene Downing, thel May 7, 8 and 9th. y W C A N S hil . tion. The next meeting will be King Shotsie, former 1st sergeant B t . t • • • • e w ing my serious n1ness w e m B W h ld d d f ,.,.......~ ........-...... ~ ...... ~ ...,.,.......... -.~ Mt. Olivet ap lS 1 remerton. D. with Mrs. Cora Spencnr in Seattle. of t e 0 war ays an rom Multnomah Hospital. espe- ~ Dr. K. Kayoma, D. M. D.,~ N. E. First and, Schuyler d The Women's Study Club met Camp Fort Lewis, Wash. Rosa Marie Spears cially thank the ministers an "Ebenezer A.M. E. Church t wishes to announce that be Rev. J. J. Clow, Minister on Tuesday evening with Mrs., Mr. Amos Spearman is able o ] Executive Secretary Christians for their prayers. 9th And Park has taken over tbe offices Last Sunday Rev. Clow's morn- Birdie Jones on South Kay Street. be out after an illness-or several · f D th "Th G t Mrs. L. 0. Stone gave an in- .\lOOt. L M tt Rev. W. J. Conquest, Pastor ths and Dental practice 0 r. ing sermon erne was e rea J.nx~ ee 0 It was the annual election of of- mon · ~ f t ' t "G w k" Mr. and Mrs. I. Jones and their · ----------- Hirata, and will continue to ~ Sister" and for the evening wor- orma Ive repor on roup or ficers and the following were elec-1 conduct tbe practice of gen- ~ ship "Power of the Sneer." Tues- as outlined at Dr. Swift in this guest, Mrs. Margaret Malone of I ted: president, Mrs. E. C. Me- ~ 0 c 1 b t f t C t 1 y OPEN FOR BUSINESS Seattle, motored to Aberdeen, f eral Dentistry at the same ~ day evening the S. · · c u en- reeen con erence a en ra · Cabe; vice president, Mrs. Maria Wenatchee News S . h ~ · · Mrs Duncan was among those at F · " • Wash., to visit friends Sunday. location-6 S. W. txt ~ joyed two book reviews; one given · - ountaln ~erVlCe Mason; Secretary and Reporter, The Mt. Olive Community Bap- h B 0534 ~ b L s · s tt "N t· tending the lunchean at the Cam- h Mrs. Earl Johnson is visiting L ~~:~: ~ .. 0~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Y a oma co on a lve Sandwiches And Lunc 'friends in Wenatchee for the past Mrs. Helen Stafford; treasurer. tist Sunday school enrolled two ---============"""" Son," by Richard Wrigh~ and an- bell Court Hotel when Miss Wygal 2013 N. Wilfiams Ave. Mrs. Laurel Covington; assistant new members, Clarissa and Ethel I ;. other by Robert Deiz "The Great was guest speaker. Much emphas- and San Rafel St. tw~r:ee~_s.Rice and daughter, A. I secretary, Mrs. James Beck; chair- Mae, new arrivals from Utaw, EXTRA! EXTRA! Prince Shaw," by Oppenheim. The is is placed on the approaching R. Bird, Proprietor Hook, visited friends in Seattle man Sick Committee, Mrs. Birdie Miss. They were accompanied by BIG POPULARITY CON- Searchlight Club met Friday with carnival and show to be given Jones; pianist, -Mrs. George Cov- their father. A mother and bro- the club president, Mrs. S. Porter. March 28th, being sponsored by • Sunday. · t h · B' thd c I th '11 · t d th fa TEST NOW ON in a BIG way, Staged by the Club Shuta, Mes– dames Ruth Reed and Janice Blakely are the worthy contest– ants. The popular Hotel Med- Ml ·. John Gordon and Dan Saun- mg on; c a1rman II' ay om- er w1 arnve nex an e - Monday night, March 17, Fellow- the Housing Committee. Mrs. El- 'tt M M . M Ch . . 1 . 11 k th" th ·r home Cozy INN ders moto red to Aberdeen Satur- m1 ee, rs. arm ason; a1r-l m1 y WI rna e 1s e1 . ship club met with Mrs. Julia sie Maney is directing the plans. S B k M F 1' . R S d h 1 tt da ce ·s in I h 1 h . I . 66 N. E. Broadway day to vi·si·t "'I'th Mr. and Mrs. man crap oo , rs. e !Cia ay.l un ay sc oo a en n 1 - N all·e m· N E Sum·mer Camp sc o ars 1ps are a so a n 1m- " B y p U h ld e • · · · Anderson. The Club observed Junior night, 1 creasing. The . . . . e portant feature under considera? Ted. Mu. 3430 and were favored with piano of- 'jan interesting meeting March 9. l\'loore's Food Store Groceries, Meats, Fruits And Vegetables ley's choice candidate is Mrs. Blakely. Her backers claim no time or effort will be spared I in winning for the glory of this 1 much publicized contest. I 226 N. Brdwy Call Trinity 7722 PREFERENCE That Permits LOWER COSTS Beacause our overhead is distribu– ted among so many funerals our prices can necessarily be low. Ser– vices from Holman & Lutz are within the means of all .... re- gardless of creed or income. Convenient Monthly Payments For AU ~ #./Mtq .9nc. • Directors of Funerals e Oolonlal l\lortuary Holman Chapel , 14th & Sandy Blvd. S. W. Third & Salmon L tion at this time. The Old Fash- Minnie Turner, Proprietor Mrs. Emma Freeman entertain- h ferings by Miss Millicent Jones ioned Box Social for March 21, ed a few friends at a lovely lunc - I I Home cooked meals by an Epi- ean honoring her birthday the past and vocal selections by Miss Doris h NAACP proceeds from which will go to- curean, Mrs. Letha Peck I Wilson. Visitors for the evening Join t e . ward scholarships. Several Girl 9 a. m. to <1 a . m. week. were Mrs. Minnie Miller, Mrs. Ma- Reserves anticipate participating Hours-Breakfqst 9 to 1 p. m. Introductory Party ry Ellis and Mrs. Lella Barbee. •£ b ~· • at the Dad and Daughter Ban- Dinner 4 .P· m. until The Manhattan Ten entertained I Mr. and Mrs A. L. Hayes, Mes- 1 you e Ieve Ill quet this year. I with an Introductory Party Sat- SAVE-WAY CLEANERS 13 N. Brdwy at Williams Ave. Tel Trinity 2569 Alterations and Repairs Suits and Overcoats, 45c Two for 85c Gwedolyn Vyolette Hooker There's a certain satisfaction when your flower needs are purchased at your own Flower Mecca 6126 N. E. Halsey St. 1 Block So. of Broadway Call Lancaster 7027-No Agents dames Mary Moore and Callie B. • Steaks & chicken specialtY I urday evening at the home of Mr. protecting your Dick Turpin. The honored guests Mathews, attended the Past Mat- I were Mr. and Mrs. James, Venable rons and Past Patrons Council I • h Residence· -Su. 3322 Massage Institute 1736 N.~ancouver Tel. Trinity 0510 Sunday in Seattle, reports it was I rig ts Messrs Earl Burris, Leon Petties, , • John Cameson, Edward Pritchard. I the most instructive meeting that 1 ''--------------~ was held this year. Jerry Williams and Due Duvall. I Mrs Anna Mc-Beth received Spend Your Dollars \Vith A lovely luncheon _was serve_d, 1 after which the evemng ended m word of the marriage of her niece Friendly lUerchants Miss Ruth Coleman to Clifford I dancing and cards. Jackson of Portland, the surprise Sgt. Walter Moss of Company Sidney D. Porter l\lassuer; Nel- was, Miss Jackson had paid a vi G Qr. Master Regiment of Fort lie V. Porter, Masuse. sit to her Aunt last week and did Lewis was promoted and transfer- vapor Steam Sweat, mineral Myr±le Barno's t Ch w H d h' ./- not mention her coming marriage. red o eyenne yo. e an 1sr baths, Magicol electric sweats I HOME COOKED MEALS f h'l · T d 1When the special Air mail letter wi e w 1 e m acoma rna e wr,; t.DY for rhumatlsni,Neuritis & ach- Prepared by Ethel Edwards t t was received telling the news, such friends who will regre o S!be this ing muscles, internal baths, sci- IJ Breakfast 9-1 TRinity 2381 , 1 1 u. I a pleasant surprise, you can guess fine young coupe eave. u; ever entific Swedish massage. Dinner 4-9 85 N . E. Broadway h th 1 the rest. all th,eir friends wis err · much ~-------------------3 ~------------------~