
• f~ THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1920 shed Every Friclay by Edward I. Robinson, Edit<>r-Publisher 'icial Publication of the I.B.P.O.E. of W. in the Northwest Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters led at the Postoffice, Seattle, Wn., as Second Glass Matter s·ubscription Rates: By Mail in advance: One year, $2.00; months, $1.25; Three months, 75c Six ------- Deadline for News: Tues. Noon; for Adv.ertising: Wed. Noon Advertising Rates Upon Application S. T. McCants, Associate Editor and Advertising Manager Y. W. C. A. Notes The Committee of Management will sponsor the annual Lenten Luncheon Thursday noon, April 3, at the Branch. This time is very apropos for the entertaining of friends and out of town guests as it will be the first public lunch– eon of the spring. Tickets may be secured from committee women or from the Branch. The pro– gram will be announced later. The Membership Committee will meet at the Branch Thursday, March 20, at 11 a. m. with its chairman, Mrs. Rilla Drake. Seven girl..s from the Business a."ld Industrial Girls department, attended the nationwide Observer Mrs. Jessie Conway, Noted Church Worker "Beyond The River" Mrs. Jessie Conway, 522-28th So., died at Columbus Hospital vVednesday, March 5, after a long illness. For years, Mrs. Conway has been noted for activity in church work. Many who have been inspir– ed by her constancy and devotion to her cause were appalled to learn of her passing. Hundreds crowded the chapel of the Calvary Pentecostal Mission, 12th avenue at King street to hear the last rites Friday at 2 p . m. when the Rev. Jack Nelson said the last words of all that was mortal. THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1941 Chapel Echoes (Editor's note: The following words written by Charles Chaplin, are used by the actor as the finale inhis picture, "The rGeat Dictat- or." These lines are spoken by the persecute;! Jewish barber, lately escaped from a concentration camp, who is mistaken for the Dictator Hynklc, and bring the great picture to an inspiring close. The speech is reprinted from "Va- riety.") I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor. That's not my busi– ness. I don't want to rule or con– quer anyone. I should like to help everyone-if possible,- Jew, GBn– tile-black man-white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are !ill:e that. We want to live by each othel''s happi- ness-not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide ior everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls-has barricaded into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that give:s abundance has left us in want. '~Margins For Safety" By Dr. Charles Stelzle Rise of Dorothy Maynor Vancouver News Spokane, Wn• Famed Soprano Singer Vivienne Jones "Youth's Day" was observed Sunday, March 9 at the Bethel A. Miss Dorothy Maynor's rise in weds Ray Lewis M. E. church. The young people the world of music is more like a Mi v· . J . I had charge of the morning and The pilot of the big ferry-boat . . . charminO' bride Saturday when evenmg services. MISS Willabell fairy tale than the truth we know ss 1v 1enne ones "'as a very I . . . . N 1t to be. She 1s JUSt 30 years old, o ' ' Th on the North or East River in ew she was married to Mr Ray Lew- omas guest speaker at the mor- t . ht the daughte1· of a preacher of Nor- · . . . York, instead of heading s ra1g is of Ha,nilto 11 Ontario J mng servtce delivered a challeng- h . folk, Va. Naturally a graduate of 1 • • .. . . into the slip, usually takes 1s . The wedding was at the home mg address on ChrJStlan Youth Hampton Institute and member of j· . , boat beyond the ferry slip because . of her father Mr Jones who gave m a Changmg World. In the eve- the noted cho1r of that school. ' · ' I · · · he knows that when the propellers the bride away. Mr. Herman mng Rev. Earl Chng, of the Whit- are slowed down, the boat will be After returning from abroad with wo th C ll t d . . the choir, she began the study of Jones was best man, Mrs A. Ack- . r o ege presen e an msp~r- canied with the tide beyond the ers, matron of honor, Miss Eve- mg talk to youth. The Jumor pier, and so he runs his boat fur- music in New York City. She en- choir was trained by Miss Elsie tered three singing contests and Iyn Jones, bride's maid. The rites ther into the tide before he allows were read by the Rev. H. Wilson. Stephens and Miss Evelyn Daven- it to drift. lost as many in a row, but her port was pianist. MI'ss LI'lli'an The bride was dressed in a beauti- To those v·ho do not lmO\\' about heart never weakened. Only a few Frances Stokes president of the " 1 ·t ful dull pink with corsage of gar- the current in the river, this seems s~nsi ive ears ap~reciate~ the pur~, denias and pink rose buds. The A. C. E. League presided. A large l .k t· t' d ff t B t nch soprano vo1c at first rend1- vase of bea tif 1 d d h't tion. So too, it was years after t I e \vas mg 1me an e or . u :\fatron of Honor was lovely in I . u u re an w I e this is precisely what every sue- pink and blue. The bride's maid carna wns was donate! by Mrs. its delive1y that Lincoln's Gettys- AI' F cessful man is called upon to do and her mother were in Queen's Ice reeman. Following the in his struggle to win out. He must berg. speech ":as known to be a blue and pink carnation corsages. morning service the Les Sonom– give more and work harder than classic. Early ill 1939 a New York A lovely reception followed the bula Club served dinner at the par- merely "enough to get across." He mantger heard her sing and im- sonage. ceremony. must always allow for the mar-~ mediately signed her up. Mrs. Duke Jackson, sister of the The Women's Mite Missionary g:n of waste and ineffectiveness ~ll~ is a Musical ~velation b rid e, accompanied by Mrs. Society of the Cavalry Baptist met in every plan. 0 's gift to Miss Maynor with Wright, both of Portland, at- Thursday afternoon March 13, at He can'i; say that to build a her voice, was friends. Through t d d th d the home of Mrs. J. J. Johnson. the intervention of these who nev- en e e we ding. house will cost "so much"-men- R w A · b b h · er ceased the world of music awa- e\'. ilson conducted a very surpnse a y s ower was giv- tioning the exact cost of labor and ' 1 interesting service Sunday even- en in honor of Mrs. Clarence Free- materials-and then lay aside just kened. An audition was secured · man at a recent meeting of the enough money to meet these ex- , fi·om Conductor Koussevitzky of mgT.he Ashanti· Club. th B Sunday School is progress- p enses. If he's wise, he'll add about e oston Symphony Orchestra. ing with Miss Hilda Carruthers in The Rev. L. S. McNeil addressed ten per cent aJ'iU:Prepare for the He who had come to perform a the absence of Superintendent Mrs. the Les Sonombula Club on coo- extras. Same way with running duty was caught up in a musical l t . d d h N. Morris. peratives at a meeting held Fri- Our knowledge has made us cyn- an automobile. It always costs reve a wn an pronounce er "Marvelou.s." "She has one of t"'e The Women's Mite missionary day March 7. 1cal Our cleverness, hard and un- more than the figures given by n · d w outstanding voices of today," and society is planning a sock rally to The Senior choir of Bethel R. run . e think too much and feel I the salesman. the New York Times blitzed ~he aid church repairs. The meeting M. E. Church presented a con- On Sunday at the same Mission coo little. 1\{ore than machinery But its' espec.ially in the bigger Th d music world with the news. urs ay will be at the home of cert Wednesday evening March 12 ton, Grace Head, Annola Williams, memorial service was held for the we need humanity. More than cle- t hings of life that we'll ·have to M I dinner in Tacoma, Tuesday night, March 11. They were: Fredrosa Blackwell, pres.; Ruth Branch, Betty Bradford, Joe Ella Pemble- Th ths 1 t rs. · L. Pope. at the Elks temple. Mr. Robert treasurer; Beatrice Lewis and hundreds of friends and co-workers verness we need kindness and gen- think of the "margins." Most men ree mon a er Dorothy · M: d h b Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Solomon Freeman, tenor, sang "Ah, Sweet Willetta Riddle. unable to attend the funeral ser- cleness. Without these qualities, fail in business because they have ll aynor rna e er de ut at Town H 11 b f h th t h are among the out of town vis- Mystery of Life." The younger members and vice. life will be violent and all will be not allowed for the extras - the a e ore a ouse a ad been I itors to hear and dance with Duke friends of the Branch spent an Surviving are a husband, 5 bro- wst . . . necessary ma,.gins for safety. sold out for weeks. Never, since A box social will be given at the debuts of G II' c · d H · Ellington's orchestra, last Tuesday. the YWCA March 20 by the Ash- enjoyable evening last Friday thers and their families, Marshal The aeroplane and the radio There are always extras about a 1- urci an ei- f't h d t The Douglas Forum will meet March 7, when the young people F. Jackson, James Leslie Jackson, nave brought· us closer together. which you cannot know when you 1 I z, a here been such tumultous at the home of Mrs. I. L. Pope, anti Club. of the Green Lake Congregational Asia B. Jacl{son, Ben]'amin Noble l'he very nature of these inven- start out. I excitement. At the end of the con- Rev. and Mrs. L. S. McNeil were t t Tuesday. church with their pastor, the Rev- Jackson all of Seattle, Elmer M. .ions cries out for the goodness of It's the rna., who is prepared cer • hwngs of people, black and dinner guests at the Dessert Ho- . · h't l'k , h d t Mr. M. L. Williams left Tues- Jackson California, and a cousin .nan- cries out for universal bro- for the "extra::;" who lands msHle w 1 e a 1 e, IUS e o the stage to 1 tel. The dinner was sponsored by erend Wirt, were guests at the Branch. Plans for this party were made Sunday, February 9, when Myrtle Jenkins, Juanita Valley, Joyce Cooper, Gilbert Baker ac- Mrs. Mary Scott of Chicago and cherhood- for the unity of us all. the "slip"-he doesn't have to congratulate, embrace, and even I day for Kansas City, Kansas to be the Business Girls' Club an affi– a host of friends. iliven now my voice is reaching waste time tl'ying it over again, try to kiss this new marvel of the at the bedside of his mother, who liate of the YWCA. Rev. McNeil Interment was at Lakeview ce- millions throughout the world - because he failed in the first at- offered invocation and gave a few I musical world. is very ill. metery. millions of despairing men, women tempt-as some careless thought- During that very first season i Mr. Freddie Collins married Miss remarks. Mrs. McNeil, soprano companied _Mrs. Bertha Campbell, visited Reverend Wirt's church. These persons served on the com– mittee to sponsor the party. They Real Estate Facts <~.nd little children-victims of a less, or lazy pilot sometimes does, she was engaged to appear as solo- Hattie Robinson of Edmonton last sang several solo numbers. The system that makes men torture trying to land his ferryboat. ist with four of the country's week. The happy couple have rc- affair was held on Tuesday eve- and imprison innocent people. To Margins for safety and success great symphony orchestras: The turned to make their home in Van- ning March 11. chose who can hear me I say- aren't always expressed in terms ~ew York Philharmonic, directed couver. Nineteen thousand Washington d d · · b J h B b' II' th p · 1 ---------- were assisted by some members tio not despair. The misery that of cash-fo1· poise an ecJslOn Y o n ar 1ro 1; e h1lade -~ "' "d S • 1 , residents who have financed their h. o h t !nSI e torieS of the Negro College Club at the nas come upon us is but the pass- and chcCifulncss and mostly cha1·- P 1a rc es ra, under the baton of On the sick list are: Mr. Virgil Sexton, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Wil– liam Smith, Mr. 0. Crutchfield and Mrs. Jack Fields. homes through mortgages insured t t th Eugen 0 d th Ch' D b 0 KOMO University of Washington. The mg of greed- the bitterness of men ac er-coun !or more an mon- e rman y; e ICago C UtS Ver by the Federal Housing Authori- · " t th' " Syn1ph 0 h t d t d b I evening was spent in games, songs who fear the way of human prog- Gy, m put mg mgs across. ony rc cs ra, con uc e Y "The Negro in Spokane" was the and folk dancing. During the ty represents every walk of life ress. The hate of men will pass, 'lhat's why many a ''poor" man Frederick Stock, and the Boston In one of Seattle's largest bank- topic discussed by Mrs L. S. Me- from wage earners of modest in- h h 't h · t Symphon d S K blackout., devotions were ued by c.he dictators die, and the power w 0 asn muc money wms ou · . Y un er erge ousse- ing institutions, the tellers' cages Neil before the Missionary Society t " n~ d v 1 ~ ~., t" come to p•:ominent bankers and . It's because h's m:'ugins fo1 safet VJtzky I ..2 ,_.....,verPrr. "'--ar..- own;; .,._ T.G I -· · .i7';:;j t.vck_fmm the people will re- I_ ', · · Y · seem so stolid, substantial and un- of the Central methodist church Scott Methodist Church in Pase- state, county and city officials an mrn to the people. And so long consist of l'esourc.;s which money And last August, just one year emotional that fe~ people r Wednesday afternoon March 12. d C l 'f R d ...,. I analysis prepared under direction t b aft h d" · th t t 1 ' rea lZe ena, a 1 ., everen IUOwns was as men ·jie, liberty will never per- canno uy. er er au non m a emp Y the romance that often passes On Wednesday. March 5 Mrs. Me- in the city with the Teaching Mis- of Clar~ R. Jackson, F. H. A. ish . . • 1 Tanglewood Shed at Lenox, Mass., through them. Fewer still, looking Neil was guest soloist at a meet- sion. St~;~e dlrector, revealed recently Soldiers! Don't give yourselves AN INVITATION Ish~ .appeared as one of the most beyond those cages to the scores ing of the Missionary Society of The Washington School Girl Re- findings in this source of to these brutes-men who despise The following invitation and re- bnlllant features, of the brilliant of metal filin"' cases that are sur- the Corbin Park Methodist church. income survey" Mr. Jackson said, ' Berkshn·e Festvi~J 1 "' ' serves enjoyed a hike a.nd picnic at you-enslave you- regiment your quest by the San rancisco News, . " · . rounded by bookkeeping machines, The Fellowship Dinner given each month by Bethel A. M. E. Church will be served Sunday, March 16 at the parsonage. ·washington park, W ednesday "are significant because they show Jives- tell you what to do- what 1 addressed to all these things: . Lawrence Tibbett, ~orld figure clattering typewriters and busy March 12. that those who invest in homes, to think and what to feel! Who Mixing of highways and high- 1 ~ ope.ra, concc~ts, ~adw and mo-/ people, would ever dream that in Churches regardless of income or station in drill you-diet you-treat you like balls. tl.on p1ctures, w1ll ~~:e Seattle au- those cases are many documents life, appreciate the protection, cattle and use you as cannon fod- Turning a corner while driving dlences a much-ant1Cipated evening containing color, excitement and safety and economy of insured der. Don't give yourselves to these too fast. \lvhen he sings in Meany Hall intense drama. mortgage financing." p March 12. ~ rru~. unnatural men- machine men with assing other cars while going Yes these things are so. Through .1'~. -ican l'\lethodist Episcopal Few persons, the director said, machine minds and machine up hill. The ever-popular baritone is a series of weekly programs, en- Church have sufficient technical know!- hearts! You are not machines! Passing street cars on the left. richly gifted not only as a singer titled "Inside Stories," heard every Somewhat Expressive By Harold Holifield The church with a friendly we!- edge to carry such a tronsaction You are men! You have the Jove Speeding through streets and but also as an actor. This dramat- Tuesday evening at 9:15 over sta- come. Frederick Blythewood, min- through the various phases which of humanity in your hearts! Don't highways. ic talent has naturally been an tion KOMO, the Seattle First Na- It seems that Spring is here, istcr. 0. S. Thomas-Lewis, Asst. lead to a substantiality, built hate! Only the unloved hate-the Turning a'round from the wheel enviable advantage in his operat- tiona! Bank tells the public some That desirable time of the year. All · b · h ld · .soundly, financed home. ic roles, ~mi in addition it has gi·v- B t 't' t t t serviCes are emg e m unlovej and the unnatural! to chat with people in the back strangely fascinating tales. They u I s no wise ye o cheer, the Church Annex during the com- operative guidance by entrusting Soldiers! Don't fight for slavery! seat. en his concerts unusual warmth arc true tales, taken from the sto- 'Cause the weather is funny around pletion of the Church at 23rd and these important details to the F. Fight for liberty! In the 17th T~~ng a nap at the wheel. and ~ne~·g_y . .·Perhaps _th.e secret lid-looking filing cases, tales that here. E. Olive. H . A. staff of impartial govern- chapter of St. Luke, it is written: I R1dmg four in the front seat. of t hJS mlmltable smger s power range from Shanghai, China to Leads and Deads-from the ex- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., ment-trained housing experts," Mr. "The Kingdom of God is within Beating the train to the cross- \ to draw .th~ same audiences again Paris, France, from Alaska to Af-1 changes. morning worship at 11 a. m . Sub- Jackson pointed out. "They are ing. I and agam IS that he put so much 1, 1·ca. 1 Washington- Mrs. Mary McLeod man"- not in one man nor a group 1 j ject, The need today the same as also protected against saddling of men, but in all men! In you! Taking a chance. personality into his performances During its seventy years of Bethune, director of Negro at- yesterday. Christian Youth Effort, ing themselves with mortgage in- YDu, the people, have the power- th.at no two concerts are ever II banking practice, that started in fairs for the National Youth ad- Seattle Pacific College Evangical debtedness too great to be carried the power to create machines. The N i ahke. • a little 20 by 40 foot frame build- ministration, has resigned her po- scrvicc, 3 p.m. Christian Endeavor co~~~ie;~~Ea:!Ls~~~~·;ING AD- power to create happiness! You, egro l\'Iotorist I The great singer will appear on I ing on the shore of Puget Sound, sition as head of the Bethune- 6:45 p. m . Evening service, 8 the people, have the power to Green Book I the campus under the auspices of I the Seattle First National Bank Cookman college at Daytona p. m. Revival service beginning MI~ISTRATION'S plans, the di- make this life free and beautiful- 1 1 the Associated 'Nomen Students, I has accumulated a virtual library Beach, Florida. Sunday Evening March 16, 1941.1 rector continued, provide financing to make this life a wonderful ad- 7 . h d 1 Ch • . y h C of thrilling episodes concerning the New York-Father Divine was insurance fit a lmost every income. venture. Then- in the name of "Tt ~is. boo5k0·_!!___: .me es ~lnd I nstlan out enter I economic lives of Pacific North- told to pay his bills or go to jail. First Baptist Church of Ken- MODERN !ow-priced homes now con ammg pag·es, IS comp1 e . t democracy- let us use that power r· . f . . . ' westerners from pioneer times un- 1 nydale, \Vashington. Go ye m o can be built and purchased w ith rom m ormatwn obtamed thtough A program of unusual merit w~~ . . 1 - let all unite. Let us fight for a t th . . ~· tJI today. These are dramatized all the world and preach the a down payment as small as 5 ou e country, cons1stmg of rendered by the Simpson Bible In- · . / y d R & new world, a decent world that and put on the air over KOMO se 9 gospel to every creature. Mark per cent with installments of ap- names and addresses of hotels, ta stitute Sunday March 9th at 3 ·OO . . will give men a chance to work- . ~t . ' · every Tuesday cvenmg. So far as 16:1.5. proximately $25 monthly. For verns, mo" clubs, tounst homes, 1 p. m. at the Christian Youth's Cen- . . . . . . that will give youth a future and t . . 1t IS known, th1s IS the first tJme I c Sh Rev. Judson Swaney, Pastor larger homes, down payments res aurants, serviCe statwns, au-j ter twenty-first and East Madison . . . arpet op old age a security. t t· · a senes of th1s kmd has ever been and Evangelist, Douglas Annex range 10 to 20 per cent, with re- omo JVe garages, summer resorts, I Mr Ro\)ert Reese Chairman in . . . By the promise of these things, d h b b h I · ' I presented m radio h1story. I Apt. 24, Seattle, \Vashington. payment periods extending to roa ouses, ar er s o.ps , beauty charge of the program was assist- brutes have risen to power. But 1 d h 11 t 1 1103 J k S Residence phone, CA. 9960. I twenty and twenty-five years. par ors•. ance a s, rai er camps, ed by a ladies' Trio consisting' Seattle a hanpier. place in Wh1'ch ac son treet they lied! They do not fulfill that t d d t d b N I • I Grace Presbyterian Church, e c., ov, ne an opera e Y e- of Miss Eleanor Hartwick Miss t r Rev. John R. Harris, Pastor. B h Sh D L promise. They never will! Dicta- groes or catering to Negro pat- · ' 0 Ive. Rugs all kinds and sizes for ar ef 0p e UXe tors freed themselves but they en- . . . Vera Voyler and MJSs May Mor- Manager MsCants states that of ronage. The pub!Jcatwn IS fortun- · M All B t , ld th every place in the home. slaved the people! Now let us . . . · nson. r. an ra ' 0 was e 1 all the many musical organizations Sunday School is held at 9:4$ a. m.; 11 a. m . Morning Wor– ship; 6 p. m. Young People; 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. ate ill havmg the mdorsement of principal speaker and gave a very . . fight to free the y;orld- to do away James "Billboard" Jackson spe- . . . 1 he has headed and w1th wh1ch with national barriers- to do away · . ' mspmng talk. Rev. F. N. Blythe- 1 he has affiliated-the Good Neigh- with greed, with hate and intoler- 0 . 1 c • · · · bor boys are the tops. Each JS a cia! representative of the Standard wood Pastor to the A M E Zion I · ance. Let us fight for a world of I ompany. . Church and founder of the center Christian who lmows and feels the "Th1s year's Green Book 1s the · ·t 1 t f th 't ST. PHILIP'S MISSION pert tonsorial artists are at your reason- a world where science- . . . . . I mvi es a 1 you h 0 c CI Y re- songs r endered. You just have to 227, 23rd Ave. North. The Rev. service. third e~Ihon, .bemg pubhshed an- gardless of race or denomination feel spiritually benefitted after 1 Raymond David Holmes, vicar. Mr. Anderson says, "Aside from happiness of us all. Soldiers! In b . . 0 rna e use 0 e ac 1 leS 0 er:- hearing them. Seattle <;ommunity Dick Anderson's Barber Shop, 1413 Maynard St., is proving ~o be f the most popular up to date shop --------------- 1 in the down town area. Three ex- e obtamed from the pubhsher ed b the center . . VERY CHEAP We clean your Rugs for $1.50 - Cash and Carry We exchange and pay cash for your used rugs. We guarantee ull rug cleaning, repairing and dying where progress will lead to the nually m Apnl and May. It may t k f th f ilT ff I Sunday March 16, 4 p.m.. Church this service, there is no waiting." the name of democracy, let us whose address is 938 St. Nicholas y . ~ be:ter and .ha~pl~r place ~o hve school. All welcome. Confirmation unite! Avenue or from news stands. Good Nei«hbors lS thJS orgamzabons sole aim. 1!----------------• class will be instructed by the Rev. Tune in Station KJR Sunday 10:30 Hannah, can you hear me? I "The publisher, a quiet, unas- jiio, Mr. Holmes, 5 p. m., Vespers and a. m. Bernard E. Squires speaking Wherever you are, look up! Look suming man in his forties, is em The Good Neighbors Male Quar- 1 ' Sermon. on VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE H h 1 Th 1 d l'ft t t S ttl ' t mus· I r up, anna . e c ou s are 1 - ployed by the Post Office Depart- e , ea e s newes ICa o - ing! The sun is breaking through! ment as letter cahrier and has ganization, is without doubt meet-, We are coming out of the dark- been in the service for 25 years. ing the approval of Seattle music ness into the light! We are coming 1 He is a native New· Yorker, and lovers who hold dear America's on– into a new world- a kindlier has travelled extensively through- ly original music, spirituals and yorld, where men will rise above out the United States and Cana- rare old southern melodies. Martha J. Davis, Mgr. Funeral Chapel "In Your Hour of Borrow" The Angelus Inc. Funeral Directors- Embalmers Lady Attendant 3j9-12th Ave. Phone: Pr. 0333 their greed, their hate and their da." This quartet specializes in the brutality. Look up! Hannah! The The Negro Motorist Green Book music inherited from their en- soul of man has been given wings 938 st. Nicholas Av,e. N.Y. City slaved forefathers and many of and at last he is beginning to fly. the old, original spirituals and mel- I He is flying into the rainbow- in- BERNARD E. SQUIRES, ex. Sec. odies, never before heard here, to the light of hope-to you- to Urban League, will be heard over 1 make up the Good Neighbors' pro– me-and to all of us! Look up. Station KJR Sunday at 10:30 a.m. gram of song. Each member of Phone East 1811 Gus West, Prop. All Kinds of Coal and Wood Night and Day Fuel and Express Try Our Special Furnace Mix PROMP'.r SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 123G Jackson St. Hannah! Look up! (Paulette God- p. s. t. Opening Vocational the quartet is a Good Neighbor 1 . dard plays the role of Hannah.) Guidance Campaign ! and the one big motto is to make,,________________________...;.______,