FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1937 Grand Lodge Glimpses Now that California jurisdiction Grand lodge in Portland is just a few pages in our family album, here are: Glimpses we won't forget of: All of us who met the scheduled 7:30 a.m. that was marked up for 10:15 that arrived at 12:20 p. m. The glad feminine squeals in the Union station as the ladies greeted unexpected friends among the 300 arrivals. LeRoy Blackburn, entertainment committee chairman, cheerfully answering millions of questions. Vivian Osborne Marsh, National president of Deltas from Berkeley, holding the Otto Rutherford's che– rub that should be making money hand over chubby fist posing for magazine ads for baby food, baby talc, and the like. Stationmaster Compliments Masonic Group "The Negro Masonic group was one of the most orderly crowds to come into the station," commented Frank Campbell, stationmaster at the Union station here. "We us– ually have to cope with ill tem– pers, and sometimes with drunks on the specials, but this group dis– played nothing but the best in themselves. And," he added, "the passenger-agent traveling with them says they were pleasant and cheerful all the way here." SOCIAL NOTES Portland has quieted down from THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE ., Mrs. Kathryn G. Bogle Editor Office: 2637 S. E. Tibbetts St. Phone: Sellwood 6571 thorne. Rev. S. M. Beane, G.W.P. of o: E.S., Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Marsh, Mrs. Florence Bodin and daughter, Miss Florence Bodin, were guests during the Grand Lodge meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sher– man Pickett. Mrs. W. P. Lomax heads the committee at Mt. Olivet Baptist church that is raising funds to purchase a new furnace for the building. Mrs. Jack Martin Returns From Nevada Mrs. Jack Martin returned this week from Goldpoint, Nevada, where she inspected certain min-' ing interests there left to her by Covers Portland And the State of Oregon Deadline for News: Tuesdays, 4:00P.M. - CHURCH NEWS Bethel A.M.E., Rev. G. F. Mar– tin, pastor, Mrs. Mary Duncan, re– porter. - Sunday was a big day at Bethel. A great many visitors were noted in the congregation. Rev. Martin preached an inspiring h sermon. her mother, the late Mrs. Aret - Mr. L. L. McVay, president of Rev. S. M. Beane, Grand Patron looking after his vast "family." Bethel A.M.E. Church bulging with visitors and townsfolk at the annual ~ermon. Josephu{e Dancey receiving spi– rited applause at the reception on Monday evening. the fever pitch of entertaining that An informal evening was plan– gripped the homefolk the 1ast two ned by Mrs. Fannie Cosby to in– weeks during the two Masonic con- traduce Mr. J. C. Hancock of the claves. The tempo only lessened, S. S. Northhampton. Guests were visitors are still being shown Port- invited for Monday evening. land's famous hospitality. . STAY OFF DATE - LABOR usia Webb. Mrs. Martin spent five St. John's choir at Omaha, sang weeks in the locality 35 miles from with Bethel's choir. He was well the nearest railroad, where even received for he possesses a re– the mail stage visits only three markably fine bass voice. times weekly. The Bethelite club is to be com- "I am happy to have had the mended on the handling of the so– interesting trip there and I am cia! hour at the conclusion of the quite optimistic concerning the re- annual sermon of the Grand suits of my findings," Mrs. Mar- Lodge of California and jurisdic– tin imparted. "It may be neces- tion. The adoration which was be– stowed on Grand Worthy Matron Pauline Dupee. Mrs. Louise Garner of Brooklyn, DAY-DANCE AT FRATERNAL New York, is visiting with the HAL~O. F. A. former New Yorkers, Dr. and Mrs. A. Gerald Edwards. Mrs. Garner has been visiting for several past months in San Mateo, Cal., and will return there upon the con– clusion of her few days' visit here. sary for me to make another trip This club will be sponsors of a to Goldpoint early in the fall." pageant to be given on Wom~n's Keddie Kulp ordering up "an– other stage." Nine U.P. stages filled with sightseeing sepias on the Colum– bia River Highway. Luther Hudson, of Oakland, ex– ploring at Eagle Creek with his trouser legs carefully rolled up out of the way of branches. "Gene" Carr explaining to the state policeman about his new Plymouth ·doing 45 in a 25-mile zone. Distinguished looking Theodore Moss solicitous over his charming wife's sprained ankle received as she ran from a garter snake at Eagle Creek. Hattie Fannings, a vision in cream lace and a pearl Juliet cap caught over her dark hair at the Grand Ball. The pause Thursday during fes– tivities to pay respects to Peter J. Summers and his bereaved fam– ily. The beautiful Oregon sun smil– ing gently on the Californians. , The glamorous Bernadine Har– vey of Seattle receiving the "boo– by" and a guest prize at Thelma Flower's bridge luncheon. The Rutherford brothers, Prof– essor Allen and Student Donald, Before the Grand Ball last Wed– nesday evening Mr. C. J. Williams, past junior warden of Excelsior Lodge No. 23, was host at a large dinner party. His hostesses at the dinner of six courses were Mrs. Bert Turner and Mrs. Emma Tid– rington. Mrs. Tidrington came to the city three months ago and re– mained for Grand chapter. Hon– ored guests at the affair were: Rev. S. M. Beane, G. W. P. of Berkeley; Mrs. Pauline Dupee, G. ·w. M. of Berkeley; Mrs. Kather– ine Grey, P. W. M. of Enterprise Chapter; :\.1rs. F. L. Alexander, P. G. M. of Los Angeles; Mrs. Ber– tha L. Waggener, G. W. M. of Washington and jurisdiction; Mrs. E. L. Skinner, P. W. M. of Los Angeles; Mrs. Sheffield, W. M. of Electra Chapter, Los Angeles; Mrs. Martha City, P. G. M. of Los Angeles. ~"'rnic:;:11P' :i~ tht\ RllthtH·• 1 ('\••d'~ !1~\V I ~~~:~._, 1 j,:y .tJ.. ~'"'~e>.)ted ... u !'ru~.uvl~11g dl,_. black LaSalle shining like a m1r- goodwHl of her soronty among ror yes, it has white-walled tires. eligibles here. Tired visiting matrons tying Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Kulp toge- Soror Geneva Turner was host– ess at luncheon Friday honoring Vivian Osborne Marsh of Berkeley National president of Delta Sigma Theta. Though iti Portland at– tending sessions with her sisters of the O.E.S., Mrs. Marsh was nets over their hair in preparation ther with Misses Gwendolyn and .for bed even' before the special Vyolette Hooker were hosts at a pulled out. dinner given at the Kulp home Equally tired hostesses "unlax- honoring Rev. S. M. Beane, G. W. ing" visibly and audibly as the de- P., Mrs. Vivian Osborne Marsh, P. parting train rounded the first M. Queen Esther chapter; Mrs. bend. Claudia Royal, W. M. Southgate Lee Grigsby calling his never- chapter, Mrs. Tommy Majors, and to-be-forgotten "Goodbye" after Mrs. Minnie McCoy, P. M. Queen "The Special." Esther. Mr. and Mrs. Kulp were also It was in 1904 that auto bodies hosts at breakfast Friday for Mr. with side doors were introduced. Charles Baker of Oakland. --- -----------. (, HOTEL MEDU!Y, Inc. t• it C. R. ALLEN, Mgr. * • Office Phone Ga. 4614 t MODERN t t 2272-78 N. Interstate Ave. t lt At Albina 4 blocks N. of bridge !I Portland, Ore. 9 ~~-----------·- Arbitman New York Outfitting Co. Men's and Women's Wearing Apparel Credit to All 1021 S. W. Washington ~ During the week the Misses Hooker entertained at their own home at luncheon for Mrs. Mary McAdoo of Oakland, Mrs. Claudia Royal, ·Mrs. Pauline Dupee, Mrs. Estelle Ku!p, Mrs. Winifred Coch– ran, and Mrs. Vivian Osborne Marsh. The guests afterward were taken for a scenic drive about the city. Honoring Mrs. Orah Rhodes Schwartz and Mrs. Marian Me– Clear, former Portlanders living in San Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reed enter- ! tained at a cocktail party Satur– day evening at their home in Haw- Every member Club ia mati-i· mouially mindedI ou wiD know all about•your fellow membet"S of the oppo- Site eex and have the privilege of cltoo&· Do you want to find a ing the mate YOU want fl"om members SOUL-MATE? everywhere! All Club matte~ are han· THEN JOIN TillS CLUB died 1u strict privacy. No oumden :h~d NOW1 know anythlng about your membe ap or· actlvitlea. Nation-Wide WELCOME RECEPTION CLUB Send For Information And Get Faat B~:a.YORK. CITY ~80 BROADWAY . ff • Wabie .Confidential : Ideal.. : Colored Members Only : E ectiVfl 1 ~ Mrs. Chester Dixon of Keyport, Natives of the region were ap- Day, August 15, at the e~e~mg Washington, returned with her sis- prised of the Portland woman's hour. The public is to be mvited ter, Mrs. Ralph Flowers, who has coming through a news item ap- free of charge. been visiting for a few days with pearing in the Gazette, a white Mrs. Lillian Payne is entertain- Mrs. Dixon at her home. daily paper of Reno, Nevada. ing the Bethelites Thursday even- Mrs. Ella Kennedy, a P . M. of Hrs. Martin visited Mrs. Luther ing complimenting her sister, Mrs. Oakland who was here for Grand Hudson in Oakland, California, for Norma Thornton of Oakland. Lodge, is at the home of Mrs. Stel- two days both going to and com- The dinner given Wednesday by !a Harris. ing from Goldpoint. the Loyal Knights was an out- Several ladies were guests of standing success. Financial re- Mrs. George Randall during the With lunch baskets packed to turns have been most gratifying. Grand Lodge. They were Mrs. capacity, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bethel is winding up its budget Claudia Royal, W . M. of South-j Jamieson and Mr. an~ Mrs.. Go!- year quite successfully and Dr. gate chapter at Berkeley, and her den enjoyed the beautiful trip to D. N. Unthank, budget committee sister, Mrs. Tommy Major, Mrs. Bor..neville dam Thursday. chairman, has thanked members Mary Diteman, Mrs. Roy Maples, Mr. and Mrs. VI. D. AUen mot- for their loyal support during the Mrs. Carta Brownlee, and Mrs. ored to Gearhart especially for the year. Lottie Turner. Mrs. Randall, Mrs. pleasure of Mrs. Lida Johnson Of– Diteman, Mrs. Brownlee and Mrs. ford, Mrs. C. P. Martin, and Mrs. Turner spent a couple of days in Beatrice Pankin all of Oakland. Seattle. Extending their stay be- The party visited with Mr. and yond that of the others, Mrs. Roy- Mrs. William Barger over Satur– al and Mrs. Major have had much day. Mr. and Mrs. Allen also en– entertaining done for them. tertained at dinner for the ladies A gay cocktail party dust be- at Simmond's Hill Villa which fore the Grand Ball was held at commands a panorama of a be– the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. jewelled city at the dinner hour. Ingersoll at their home in Waver- Other hostesses for the visitors ly Heights. Mr. and Mrs. George were: Mrs. J. W. Stanley who en– Holliday were joint hosts with the tertained at a bridge luncheon; Ingersolls. Honored guests includ- Mrs. William Smith who laid cov– ed: Mrs. Robert Harvey, Mrs. C. ers for 12 at a festive dinner par– Adams, Mrs. LeEtta King, and ty Sunday. Mr. Abraham Corneal Mrs. Margaret Malone of Seattle; took the visitors sightseeing about Mrs. Jeanette Foster of Berkeley, the city. Mr. Luther Hudson of Oakland, At .;)rney Eugene Minor and Mr. and Mr. and '\'[rs.. Tal'!lC'J C!n,.i!rm, L1•tb :- TT,.. 1~<P.., n"+on•d to St>attJP of Spokane. over the week end. Mr. Hudson, Miss Florence Morrison and Miss well known mortician of Oakland, Marian Allen, Atlanta, Georgia, left from Portland for his home school teachers, visited a few days Monday evening. Mr. Hudson had with their friends, Rev. and Mrs. been a guest in the Minor home J. James Clow. for several days. Boys and girls attending the Mrs. Orah Rhodes Schwartz and summer recreational school held Mrs. Elia Morton motored to Sea– at the Williams Ave. y will tour side Friday to be the overnight the printing plant of the Morning guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Bo– Oregonian Wednesday. Such tours dine. Returning Saturday, they are being planned each week for visited with Mr. and Mrs. William the students. Badger at Gearhart-by-the-sea. A party honoring visiting sail- Introducing her sister, Mrs. Wm. ors is planned for Wednesday ev- Johnson of Yakima, Wash., Mrs. ening at the "Y." The party is James CantreH entertained at tea being arranged by and will have Sunday afternoon at her home on as its official hostess, Mrs. Cora Salmon street. The hostess serv– Minor who will be assisted by Miss ed refreshingly cool frappe punch Hattie Fannings and Miss Mary and dainty cakes to about 75 Simmonds. gutsts. Mrs. Johnson, with Mr. Miss Jessie Flowers is represent- Johnson and their family, plans to ing the Y.P.F. of St. Philip's Mis- live here. sion at the summer church school A merry crowd was aboard the of the Episcopal church at Gear- airplane carrier S. S. Saratoga on hart-by-the-sea. The ten day meet Surday when a part of Uncle is attended by young and old mem- Sam's navy took time out to in– hers of the churches in the dio- vite several ladies to tea. The en– cese. tertaining navy men were: Fred Miss Barbara Hubbard has re- M. James, Wardrobe steward for turned from a several weeks' trip the Saratoga, J. H. Moore, and to Chicago where she visited re- J. A. Pratt. Harold Burnett, of Iatives. the Minneapolis, joined the group Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. for tea. Isadore Maney entertained with a 1\lir. and Mrs. Robert Dancey card party honoring Mr. and Mrs. have a new Hudson Terraplane. James Gordon of Spokane. Mr. A breakfast party given by Mrs. Gordon is a postal clerk in Spo- Bruce Locke complimented Mrs. I. kane. Pope of Vancouvel·, B. C., Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sands of Callie Mathews of Tacoma, and Oakland, California, were in the Mr&. Bertha L. Waggener of Se– city a few days last week before attle. Mrs. Emma Gibson of Ber– going on to Seattle and Vancou- keley has been the house guest of ver, B. C. Mr. Sands, hailed by Mrs. Locke during the California his many friends as "Happy," is Grand Lodge sessions. Mrs. Field– in the U. S. postal service at Oak- en Stewart arranged a sightseeing land. tour for Mrs. Gibson's pleasure Mrs. Robert Harvey, Mrs. Chas. while she was in the city. Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. James During the Grand chapter Mrs. Gordon were honor guests at a Myles had as her guests Mrs. Lau– breakfast when Mrs. Albert Mor- ra -White of San Francisco, Mrs. ton entertained for them at her Beulah Johnson of Los Angeles, home Friday morning. and Mrs. B. Frame of Los Angeles. Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Rev. J. James Clow, minister - The young peoples' organization, the S.O.C., planned a weiner roast and marshmallow roast for Tuesday evening at Mt. Tabor park. Misses Bernice Williams and Geraldine Williams spent a week at Cascadia, Ore., meeting with the World Wide Guild there. Rev. Clow was invited to speak Thursday before a gathering of young people by members of the missionary group of the combined camp of Oregon and Washington Evangelical church, meeting at Jennings Lodge. Many are looking forward to the 1~:-1io"1 plr:r.ic of th~ r,hu:-che::: of tY,::! city to be held Thursday at Seil– wood Park. The Cosmopolitan Business Club will have charge of the games and races for both old– sters and youngsters. SWING SESSION Sharp looking Jimmy Strawde: is waiting anxiously for the first week in August. Does Jannice ar– rive then, Jimmy? Seen while strolling is tnat hap– PY couple, Hattie Fannings and "her honey." We wonder if it's tne real thing. Open question to those vacation– ists, Bertha Baker and Jeannette Strawder: Why do you both want to move to Seattle? The love bug seems to have lost his sting for Allen Lyman and Dee Caldwell. The bridle path misses Bill Hill and Eunis Mott riding tog'ether. , , Hassa rnatta? The petite Jerry Hunt has so completely captivated Cliff Bell's heart that he walks around in a daze. Only a week more to wait, keed. Be patient. When Harry Daniels drives up the avenue, the kids fall over each other getting OUT of the way. Who was the lucky "Kat" that Dot Harris was carrying on · the interesting conversation with Sun– day night? We'd like to know who has the best go with "Bub" Duke. Mrs. E. F. Valentine, a former Seattleite living in Los Angeles, and Mrs. E. H. Saunders, of Den– ver, whose husband is in a local hospital, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myles. STAY OFF DATE- AUGUST 16 - GRAND OPEr--'1NG AND DANCE at FRATERNAL HALL. Card of Thanks - ' 1 HOPE NO ONE SAW THAT. T P l'LI. HIT FOR.. T11E BARN ~a! AND TELL'EM I RAN INTO NED! WHAT ARE. YOO 00111(6 WITH YOUR FfET IN THE MANCER A6AIN? AWKWARD SAP- WliAT'S THE' IDEA STE.PP11i6 ON MY FOOT?~ We wish to express our sin– cere gratitude to our many kinJ friends and neighbors fo~· the kindness and sympathy e;;tend– ed us in our recent sorroH, and for the many beautiful flowers. White THE eARN ooo~: ... :a;:,~~)' by J. Gris· wold - Mrs. Pattie Summers and family Thelma's Art Studio 724 N. E. Sumner St. Classes in Drawing & Painting Children-Saturdays 10-12 a. m. Adults Daily Classes Telephone Walnut 0459 Grand Ball Ends 3-Day Conclave Long shining motors sidled up to the curb at the Woman's Club building, Wednesday evening, and beautiful women becomingly gown– ed, were helped out by proud es– corts. The Grand Ball, the crown– ing event, the climax of the three– day conclave of the Grand lodge and Grand chapter of California and jurisdiction was a reality. The spacious hall accommodat– ed a huge crowd of visitors and townspeople who enjoyed the swinging strains of AI Pierre's or– chestra. The pleasant atmosphere of a private affair pervaded all through the evening, lending a welcome graciousness and friendliness to the occasion as San Diego danced with Seattle in Portland. The committee on arrangements of Excelsior lodge and Mt. Hood chapter received many compli– ments on the presentation. 'l#~J Page Three MADGE CRANE'S CORNER POETS Here is a first poem submitted by a nine-year-old girl, Ruby Brock. Her mother is Mrs. James Bro(!k. My mother is so kind and sweet, She keeps her house so clean and neat, I love my mother so dear and kind, .J.<O other child has a better mother than mine. Benefit of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church LAWN SUPPER auspices Furnace Committee Friday Eve, August 6 5 p. m.-9 p. m. 5311 N. E. 18th Ave. Mrs. Berrie Tinsley Tickets 50c TR. 2930 Zepha Baker BEAUTICIAN Scalp Treatments a Specialty We carry C. J. Walker preparations D='IRJ=B=LE:=Im:: ' ;:EN&Pf Miim WANT ADS BRI G RESULTS ELKS CAFE Private Booths for Ladies 1508 N. Williams MANAGER, A. G. GARRETT Music Wblle You Dine Ave. Elks Families of Portland • . . showed their preference for Holman and Lutz to be more than 4 to 1 over the average of other Portland mortuaries in 1936. This large volume means superior ser– vice and lower costs for the indi- CHEF, E. L. BANKS EAst 1059 Complete Funerals priced from $75 vl~e~ .9ne. · 1 M rt Holman Chapel Coloma 0 nary Directors of Funerals S W Third & Salmon Hth & Snndy Blvd. · · = .... ' . . l' ~·i': GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION .- ' "~
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