PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE I The King County Colored Dem-, 1 By Joe Staton ocratic Club, after a brief business ~------------~ (Continued from Page One) (Contmued flrom Pa.ge Three) session, elected and installed of- . If East Indians had military ional Sunday School and B. T. U. ficers, Sunday at Chandler hall. All ex-Garfield students of 1 training they might be in a posi- Congress in Columbus, Ohio and KCCDC Elect, Install SO HELP ME Social Notes By D. M. J. HEBE'S MORE ABOUT Japan Has Rights Here's More About Dr. F. W. Penick Bernice and George Collins en– tertained Walter Mayfield with a Arthur Head was chosen presid- the 37th district are forming tion to defend Dutch interests, but the national Baptist Convention welcome home luncheon, Saturday ent; Frank Bufford, vice, president; a Sylvester for Mayor-all Gar- Dutchmen say arming the natives in Birmingham, Alabama. afternoon, at the residence of their Arthur Williams, secretary; Rol- field grads who wish informa- J is risky-a native trained to fight Locally, Seattle was treated to mother, Mrs. Helen Collins Snyder. and Blackwell, assistant secreta~, I tion contact Joe Staton. is not easily oppressed. Mount Zion entertainment by All guests were life long friends s. J. Smith, treasurer .and Lams ·--------------' / So Japan gets its opportunity to hearing a brilliant musical, con- of the guest of honor. Cooper, chairman of the executive For Portland Cats walk into a country where oppo- sisting of classics and spirituals; The afternoon was spent with board. H G H 1 d 't f 11 sition is not great and where its baby contest, king Solomon's Wed- f 1 ope ene o mes oesn a . . . . 1. . B 'ld f c· · 1 · t' t 1 games' Cards an d dancing, followed All officers were installed o- th . b d f' d . mhabitants, m blood and m reI- dmg; U1 ers o IVI Iza wn; s y e asleep on e JO an m It gone. . I . by a lovely luncheon served by lowing the election. that monkey could fall asleep gwn, are more closely relate~ to revue! carmval and the George Mr. and Mrs. Snyder. while running a hundred yard them. than to European whites. Washmgton Tea. I HAVE A traet of land near Asia is Japan's natural sphere Next E\Unday, February 2nd, at FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1941 THE WILLIAMS: Furnished and unfurnished sleeping and house– keeping rooms. $6.00 per month and up. 823 Hiawatha Place, near Rainier and Dearborn Sts. Phone EL 7921. Our Homes and Neighborhood Beautiful GENEVA B. MILLER BROKER- NOTARY PUBLIC Semi-Modern 5 room .cottage. Garage. Cement drive ways. Priced for quick sale, $1,700. $300 cash. Hours: 9 to 12 a.m. and~ to 6 p.m. 1921 E. Madison Phone: Pr. 7050 (evenings 2838) The Dragons Basketball team, playing under the playfield league, had another lucky night January 27th by defeating Hi:awatha Casa– ba team 46-39. The Dragons, play– ing for Collins playfield in the sen- Woodinville and is called the dash. of influence. As long as it stays the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, the I Hello squarehead hardhead ba- , . . --====================~====;;;;;;;;;;;;=i "Hollywood tract." I also have ' ' there and lets us alone, we ought members and friends Will celebrate • r a large one room house with by-eye, pop-eye Clarcence Ja,ckpsont. to be willing to give it our benedic- the first Anniversary of Rev. F. Ivan "Frat Hall reeper' a - . . STOCKARD'S BARB'BR SHOP P lenty of good water, wood for ., . . t tlon. W. Pemck's pastorate by attend- 51 terson IS still a dead eye baske - . . fuel soil suitabel for garden We hsten about the hardships, ing in overflowing numbers, pre- ' 1 f h' k t'lall player I see. 1 t t t t t' f t' th t '11 · t and also a good p ace or c I~ -~ "Switch" Height's head still gets crue rea men , s arva IOn, su - sen mg a program a WI consiS ior Giant Division, consisted of John Walker, Bill Anderson, Carl Valley, Gilbert Gildon, Leroy Chat– man, George Caueper, Roland Whiteside and Clem Gallerson. ens Home for a man and wife fering and the deprivation of edu- of well known artisans and thank- . F · f t' · in the way of knuckles and clubs t' ·t k 1 d d m'g God for sendm'g Seattle such Or One Person or In orma· 10n ca wn sam ary now e ge an me- . rt M · 5498 on the end of which are blue coats call Bob Robe s, am , dical development for the curtail- a brilliant leader who asks but to and shiny stars. between 1 p. m. and 2:30 p. m. ment of sickness and disease and serve. or see Mr. w. W. Casmar, 1836 Jimmy Strawders, did you make its connection with the war and .---------------. a home run or just get a walk. The Dragons are tied for first 24th, Pr. 3166. its ravages among our youth and place in their division. Geo':"ge 'I R. B. wants to know. children. We deeply sympathize NOTICE: Reynolds is president of the Drag- S G ' S S A man ordered burnt toast and with war-torn Europe and its suf- on Club. I • rOVe S UCCeS the head waiter brought Spicer to ferers, but we are thoughtful of the Seattle's newest vocal organl- • zation is a male quartet that will be known in the future as the Good Neighbor Songsters. Pleases Helena him. The man looked at Le Roy millions of dark, brown and yellow Mr. Billy Washington, the popular and said, "I asked for .burnt Toast children and youth who were be- Manager of the Honeysuckle Rec- . not burnt Toad." This orgam·zation ··v1'll feature reation center at 2032 East Madi- e are . So. Wm. Brown has a car as W Pleased to learn m the I fore this war, and we hope not af- • f th' er that Sulus ter the war were condemned to spirituals as originally sung, son t. was serenaded Tuesday eve column ° IS pap . 1 long and big as a fire truck. I'll and rare southern melodies. The G · doing so well Certam y J the experience of hate, envy and by the Good Neighbors quartette. rov.e IS ld bloc.k A re _ bet he has to have two men to lift Northwest Associate Editor S. h ff the o g greed of the successful Europeans After hearing several harmoni- a c IP 0 . · him in and sit on a step ladder T. McCants will be the Manag- 1 getter Fifty years aO'o who enjoyed a civilization built up ous Southern melodys, Billy's u ar go- · "'f to reach the steering wheel. (He's er and musical director. The s· 1 • father was known as one o upon ignorance, weakness, greed, smile was so broad his real face Ir us that short' personnel: S. T. McCants, first disappeared altogether, and all you could see was two ears, and a big black hole. the best colored mining men in · force and race and color hate. Ozzie Matt has one of the Twins tenor, George Reynolds, second tenor; LeRoy Chatman, bari– tone; Clem Gallerson, basso. these parts. In the nineties he cre- t . th for a steady? ? Like trying to hold NAACP Acts In ated quite an excitmen m e mercury in your hand. South and East by .throwing mon- Valentines Day ey to news boys in the streets, Seattle Stuff Okla. Torture Case when in those sections organiz- Jessie Bradford is custodian of "The firs and very best victory is to conquer self; to be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile."-Plato Woolworth's Wonder Store has ing a mining company. Eastern horse mustard-anyway she hand- New York-Thurgood Marshall, P apers were full of his exploits at horse radish, horse linament, or the t.ime. He returned to Helena les Thomas HallllS nickels and tax special counsel for the National just received the largest and most unique line of Valentines ever pub– lished. You would never believe it Association for the Advancement with a bride. and several men with tokens. od' Colored People left here tonight dering a white mart arter suffer- whom he attempted to establish a Chas. Adams Jr., writes mash if you did not see the thousands for Hugo, Okla., where he will ing severe torture at the hands of small city at his mining claims. notes in Japanese to a cute wait- on display at Sea:ttle's New oWn- participate in the trial of W. D. state police. Marshall will be as- der Store, third and Pike streets. Those who came out here, later ress. Lyons, Monday, January 27. Lyons sociated with Stanley D. Bolden, came to Helena and secured em- No! no! Mason didn't have some is said to have con<fessde to mur- an Oklahoma atorney in the case. FOR RENT. Modern Furni.shed ployment. One was a dentist, a Dr. molars yanked so he couldn't pass 1-----------------------..::..------. room for single lady of gentle- Brister. A tale is told that once the Army exams. man. 2608 Washington St. Phone when he had sold a claim, he took carl Stockard had to promise East 7073. a trip east to splurge and finally free haircuts to her brothers so EAst 9882 J. I. OHIKATA Pharmaclat found himself stranded. He wrote she'd give him a break, 'tis said. to Col. Thomas Cruse, one of our We have our slow down signal wealthiest mining men of that but no police to enforce them; and time, for money to return to Hel- ironically, just a few days after ena. Cruse sent him the money the signs were erected a lady is CHIKATA DRUG CO. saying, he was "too damn smart injured. Some police, please, we a man to live outside of Helena." pay taxes too. All old timers will remember The piano player and her ' Torch Prescriptions 1.203 JMJkson St. Seattle Charles Porter Grove, better fell out-folks felt sorry thinking Pa.ollne's Beauty Shop Open ewenlngs by A.ppointdilent Specializing in all lines ef Beauty Work 22U E. Madison PRos. 2811 Res. Phone, Pros. 7502 Dl'. N. G. 'I' OW Registered Chinese M. D. in Seattle All diseases of men and women SUCESSFULLY TREATED . Specializes in stomach, catarrh, rheuma~lsm, blood poison, ee– zema, pyorrhea and all kinds of chronic diseases and female trouble. Special attention given to men and women who suff-er from any ailment of a CON– TitA.CTED NATURE. Using Chinese Boots and Herbs in treating all diseases. CONSULTATION FREE Dr. N. G. YOW Chinese Remedy Company 203-204 Pioneer Building 606 First A.ve. ELiot 2453 Seattle, Wash. known as "Blue Dick." Here's hop- the pianist was ill. ing the branch of that shrewd, (But that ain't the way I heard energetic and very capable mining it.) sleuth will continue to be success- The "florist" has a rival, and ful and that he will continue to HOW!! expand. Want a home? See Geneva B. Mlller, 1921 East Madison. No. 109 I B. P 0 E W. Puget Sound Lodge Elks Heets at Masonic Hall, 21st and East Jefferson Sts., First and Third Mondays each Month. E. B. Chainey, Exalted Ruler, Tel. RAnier 8092. 9633-55th So. W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EAst 5364. U74-21st. Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobaccos SHOE SHINE 1203 Yesler G. W .French 30 Double Edge Razor Blades I for 50c po!!~d J. E. W. OLABKE . Box 25 Helena, Mont. Doris the girl of the "golden voice" is back and all Seattle wishes her speedy recovery. Safety hint-Becareful Can you do the 100 On ten seconds flat? • Well auto can Do better than that. Joe HERE'S MORE ABOUT NAACP Barred (Continued from Page One) man immediately noted an excep- tion. I Thus after two days of selecting veniremen, the case continues wi~h I an all white jury composed of SIX men and six women. I Mrs. Strubing appeared in court Wednesday for the first time, ac– companied by a uniformed nurse, her private attorney, Michael Bradley prominent Connecticut po– litician; her brother, also an attor– ney, and her husband. She went through a lengthy examination at the hands of Mr. Friedman. Obviously angered at the man– ner in which Defense counsel was puncturing the story told by the DUKE'S SMOKE SHOP Now Open To The Public Pittsburgh Courier, Chicago Defender, Amste~am News, Silhouette, Crisis, Negro igest. All Race Periodicals and ewspapers. All Magazines . · All Sports Returns Candy_; Tobaccos- Cigars- Cigarettes Lounge and Smoking Room Day and Night 24-Hour Service 672 Jackson Tel. MA. 9834 HOTEL ATLAS New Building and Strictly Modern Steam Heat, Hot & Cold Water, Private & Free Baths, Telephone Booms 50c up Rooms with Baths $1.00 up 420 Maynard Ave. Special Bate Weekly ELiot 6152 Biggel' And Bellel' TBBPBDERAL SHOBRIPAIR wealthy society woman, whose-~----------------------------. AND SHINING PARLOR At 1002-3rd Ave. at Madison Oposile Cily Lighl Oul' Prices Reasonable Greetings From FUJII'S CAFE Draught and Bottle Beer Saodwiehes - Cigars - Cigarettes Wines - Bottle Beer-All brands to take our "A Niee Resort M 'Which You Can Bring Your Friends" BOOTHS FOB LADIES 1312 Yesler Way CApitol 9824: ----------------------------------- husband sat in court watching her intently, Willis asked the Court to advise Friedman about "torturing and badgering" the witness. Judge Foster immediately asked the jury to step out of the room, when Friedman insisted that this request constituted a mistrial. The court reprimanded the prosecutor, but refused to allow the trial to stc~p. According to Mr. Marshall, the trial is expected to consume the ballance of this week and run well into next week. Irwin Friedman, brother of the defense counsel is also associated in the case. 369th Off to Ft. Ontario New York-Harlem's own 369th Regiment left Tuesday, January 22nd for camp at Fort Ontaria in Oswega, New York. The anti– craft organization is composed of 1,300 men plus mascot, Rasputin. Want a home? See Geneva B. Miller, 1921 East Madison. A sinful world. world is a tearful l TOKYO CAfl LUNCHEONS, STEAKS, CHOPS Draught and Bottled Beer Wine Sake YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 655 Jackson Street SEneca 9842 SOUTH PARK POULTRY CO. 1528 Pike Plaoe Colol'ed Roasling Chickens-···········28c lb. Colol'ed Fl'yei'S·····················-···············--·····28c lb. F..ying Rabbils···············-·········-············-·····28c lb. Young Hens-·-················-···············-················lBc lb. Cui Chickens-···················-···-·······21bs. 4Sc Prompt and Courteous Service SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J. L.A. PRODUCTS. HANDSOME, BLACK BEAUTY, AIDA. MURRAYS NOW 10c and 25c. Children's Hair Cuts 25c Any Day Except Saturdays Carl Stockard, Prop. 2032 East Madison Parcels Checked Phone EA. 9994 HONEYSUCKLE RECREATION Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Soft Drinks, Mixers Pocket Billiards, Chinese Checkers, Pokeno, Dominos. Shoes Renewed 203Z •• E. Madison Sll'eel Seallle, Washinglon M. C. Honeysuckle Prop. Wm. "Billy" Washington Mgr. We Deliver Phone CApital 9953 - Phone us and we'll be right over BD S• .JOBNSON ICE •• POULTRY COAL •• WOOD 2200 E. Madison St. Seattle Mrs. Elbe Smith, Prop. Phone SEneca 9382 COAST HOTEL AND TAVERN Seattle's Only Colored Hotel • Modern, Steam Heat, Reasonable Rates 901 King Street Seattle, Wash. General Surgery Gynecology Obstetrics Nervous Diseases Genital-Rectal Diseases X-Ray Laboratories Office El. 5431, 6152 Res. PR. 8626 DR. JAMBS M. 1JNOSAWA 420 Maynard Ave. Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: El. 3547; Res. Ea. 3388 Hours: 8:30 to 1 and 2 to 6 Suite 362-3 Empire Building Second and Madison Special appointment made for Evenings and Sundays Dr. Wm. H. Calhoun Physician and Surgeon 425-26 Railway Exchange Bldg. Office H"Ours: 11-1 and 2-6 p.m. Office Phone: ELiot 1045 Res. Phone: EAst 9878 DouA~lass Apartments Where it is Oonvenient and Homelike Newly Renovated-Steam Iiieat Hot Water-Telephone Laundry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Rennts $10 and Up Dr. F. B. Cooper, Mgr. IUS 24th A.ve . N. - EAst 961'7 Atlas Hotel ~~ GOSHO DRUG CO. SEneca 9283 528 JMJkson St. ADELPHI APARTMENTS A Palatial Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Very Reasonable 230-32 23rd Ave. No.-{JA. 1191 J. A. "Jack" Johnson, Mgr. Newly Renovated Hill Top Tavern. IS TANTALIZING Now Serving Direct Draft Brewery Fresh Beer No Coils, No Beer Hose Washington and California Wines Bottle Beer To Take Home 1200 Jackson St. at 12th A.ve .
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