FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1941 THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE PAGE THREE / PORTLAND NEWS Mary M. Duncan, Editor 2216 S. E. 37th Phone EAst 7911 Social News Several Ritzy parties among the unger and not too young set vied space in the social calendar the past week. Occupying first place was the Buffet Supper given by Robert "Bob" Price at his home for Don Rutherford on the eve. of his (Don's) departure for Southern Climes. 26 guests enjoyed cock– tails and sparkling champaign if you please preceded a bounteous spread of Italian spaghetti with its varied accompaniments. Dancing was the diversion. Mrs. Price Bobs mother, prepared the supper. All bade Don a safe and happy land– inf. The birthday surprise on Miss Delores Caldwell Saturday night given by her parents at Fraternal Hall, was another gay party where youth reveled in merriment. It was a beautiful party; the dainty hon– oree looked the part of a fairy in white chiffon. With the exception of two or more formals ,the girls all chose informal attire. Fine mu– sic, good eats and delectable punch combined to make this a gay even ing. Miss Caldwell was the reci– pient of many beautiful and useful gifts received at her home early that day. Kenneth Smiths Fete Roland Hayes Williams Ave. YWCA Proceeds from a Building Fund For nearly two decades now ' Drive last summer plus generous Rowland Hayes hru3 been going up gifts enabled the Branch to finish and down this land of ours singing the upstairs into a spacious club songs of the past and present with room. the gym has a new floor, a rightness of interpretive appeal Venetian blinds grace the windows that is understandable and arrest- in the main club room, the office ing. So it was again Thursday night Jan. 22, at the public auditorium where the great tenor appeared under auspices of Pacific College of Newberg. The vocal art of Mr. Hayes is so universal in its appeal that while the connoisseur claims him as his own special possession, the crowds who spend their strength to ap– plaud him prove that he is theirs as well. On Friday following Thursday's concert Mr. Hayes was luncheon guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F . Smith inN. E. 8th. Mrs. Mary M. Duncan, because of a previous en– gagement was forced to send re– grets. Shut-ins- Mr. William Gilmer is reported quite ill at ·the Medley Hotel. Mr. George Randall is sick at his home in N. E. Benton. Chw·ches will be redecorated soon and then what? Well, the gym needs ceil– ing and the club room needs fur– nishing; the old furniture against the new blinds is passa; something must be done there, a hint to the wise is sufficient. The first of a sevies of Health talks was given Monday by Dr. Unthank as he discussed commun- icable diseases. Mr. Lee Purnell has been consulted relative to heading a Vocational Education program of which more will be known later. The Annual Meeting and banquet of the Branch is be– ing held tomorrow (Wednesday) night with an informative pro- gram. Miss Ruby Irene Kirk, grad from Washington high, returned from Seattle after a week end visit Mt. Olivet Baptist, N. E. Schuy- ler. Rev. J. J. Clow, Minister. McCoy of the Calif., Ore., and Wash. conferences made his first appearance here at A. M. E. ion Sunday Jan. 26. A Doctrinal mes– sage at the morning worship hour followed by Holy Communion was helpful and informative to an ap– preciative audience. At. 3 p. m. sincerity and a better understand– ing of brotherly love coupled with spiritual power was food for thought as the Rev. McCoy preach– ed the Installation Sermon for of– Sunday evening, went to the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Ruby Hardin where a group of young friends had been mvited to share a surprise birthday and graduation dinner party given for Ruby Irene by her mother, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Hardin. After Ruby recover– ed from the shock and shouts of happy birthday, the boys and girls sat down to a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Gifts were ma– ny. Miss Maxine Brown who gradu– ated Friday Jan. 24, from Jane Addams High School received nu– merous beautiful gifts from friends in Portland, San Francis{!o, Los Angeles, st:-Paul, Chicago, Wash. D . c ., and Honolulu. Maxine wish– es to thank all her friends for their congratulations, well w.ishe.s and beautiful gifts. Mrs. Isadore Maney confided that she had a nice surprise last Tuesday the occasion of her 18th wedding anniversary. Her engage– ment ring which she had missed and couldn't find turned up with a_ triple setting of diamonds. Mr. Maney had slipped the ring away and had it re-set. Mrs. James Collins, the Denver ite and house guest of the Willis A. Reeds has fallen in love with Portland •and its hospitable people, including the weather man, as it hasn't rained since she arriver 8 days ago. In addition to courtesies men– tioned last issue, Mrs. Collins was guest of Mrs. Clara Pickett at the card tournament Friday night. She won consolation prize-a lemon. She remarked, "I would come all the way up to Portland to get a Pastor and members anticipate a great spiritual treat during the vi– sit of the Rev. J. Raymond Hen- derson, of New Rochelle N.Y., who ' ficers and organization. Ministers will conduct special services at Mt. from other churches attending Olivet during the week of Feb. 5, were Rev. and Mrs. B. c. Allen through the 2nd Sunday. Services last Sunday began with a forceful message delivered by the of Bethel; Fev. and Mrs. J. J. Clow and Elder W . M. Lathan of Seat– tie. The Gospel chorus led by Sis? Pastor. His theme, "Jesus in Sa- ter Dorothy Brown furnished the maria; In times of Peril, what?" gospel in song. The S. 0. C. Club gave a social Sunday evening the Brotherhood in connection with its regular chorus led by Mr. c. E. Ivey en– meeting Wed. at the church. Mrs. livened the services bringing to a Francis Hood, in S. E. Martin, will close a day long to be remembered entertain the Fellowship club on I in Zion. Monday evening quarter– ~ond~y. ~he ~earchlight club Iy conference and confir~ation of giVes 1ts fnw Chlcken dmncr Feb., officers and organization was a 6 this club will not meet .Friday very constructive meeting, dis– F.eb . 7 because of the spec1al ser- closing the present status of A. VlCes. M. E. Zion. Bethel A. M. E., N. Mcl.\'llllen Rev. McCoy had a birthday Sun- and Larabee. Rev. B. C. Allen, day, so in observance of his being Pastor. 62 years young, Sister Dorothy Rev. Allen's morning and even– ing messages Sunday last were highly spiritual, constructive and informative, supplemented by the senior choir with a Gospel message in song. Miss Barbara Hubbard was accompanist in the absence of Miss Bernice Williams, organist. Rev. Allen with several from Be– thel attended Quarterly meeting and Installation services at A. M. E. Zion church at 3 p. m. George and Seth Hill served as leader and secretary respectively for the A. C. E. league Sunday 7 p. m . They did themselves and the occasion proud. The Men's Bro– therhood chorus will furnish the music and Rev. Allen will be the speaker Sunday, Inter-Racial day Feb. 9th, 7 p. m. at the Beech Street Methodist Church. This date Brown asked a few friends to her home following the A. M. services to an elaborate repast for this great man of God. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Turner; Rev. and Mrs. Smith; Mrs. K. Gray; Mrs. Lena Bowers and Bro– ther Simms. On Monday at the home of Sis– ter and Brother Crawford in N. E. 31st Rev. and Mrs. Smith, Rev. McCoy and Mother Mayberry sho– wered Sister C. Harris with birth– day greetings and all enjoyed de– lightful r efreshments. Montavilla Community Baptist, 7524 N. E. Everette, Rev. R. E. Donaldson Pastor. lemon." marks the beginning of Founders Saturday Mrs. Pickett treated Week commemorating the birth- Sunday school at 10 a. m. well attended. Preceding the morning worship Rev. Moffitt, led devotions and song service. Rev. Donaldson sand a solo "Lord Have Mercy," which enlivened his discourse on defense, in k eeping with National Defense D ay Sunday, Jan. 26. The B. Y. P. U. rendered a fine pro– gram at 7 p . m. which carried through the evening hours with a jubilee song f est.. the visitor to a Chinese dinner and ~ sightseeing trip. Saturday night she was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cochran for a chitterling supper Southern style. Mrs. P. Reed and Mrs. Stella Smith shared honors. Mrs. Collins accompanied by Mrs. P. Reed and daughter Shirley Iline spent Sunday and Monday in Seattle guests of Mrs. Terry Goodwin. Mon. Mrs. Shep– pard arranged for the visitor to see Seattle by day. Back in Povtland on Tuesday Mrs. Odell Lay com– plimented her to lunch and a show. Wednesday evening guest of Mrs. I ohn Davis for the annual meeting of Williams Ave. Y. "I do not agree with anything you say, but will fight to the death for right to say it." - Voltaire PREFERENCE date of Richard Allen. Friday March 14, is the date for Klub Kredyufawn's big three-act drama, "The Roar Back," which promises to be most entertaining. The Loyal Knights met Friday 8 p. m. midweek services each Wed– nesday evening 7 :45 is a source for much spiritual growth. Mem– bers take heed. A. M. E. Zion, 2007 N. Wms. Ave. Rev. J. F. Smith, Minister. The Presiding Elder, R ev. L. W. Y e Olde Bar-B-Q Pit Open n A. M.-4 A. M. 20 N. Cherry St, Ea.1659 Portland, Oregon That Permits Bea.cause our overhead is distribu- ted among 10 many ftJ~~~,erals our prices can neceMarily be low. Ser– vices from Holman & Lutz are wit!Un the means of a.ll • • • • re– garaless of creed or income. LOWER COSTS Oonvsnient Monthly Paymettts For AU ~~~k Colonial Mortuary Holman ehapel 14th & S11.11dy Blvd. S. W. Third & Salmon This was followed by a brief history of the Na tional Baptist Publishing Board of America, Rev. Moffitt spoke briefly on the found– ing of the publishing house by the late Rev. R. H. Boyd, D. D.; Rev. Donaldson talked of the institution as a great possession and how it is meeting a growing n eed in Christendom. The Missionary So– ciety is making garments for the box they send annually to the Ba– hama Islands. Montavilla Com– munity Baptist, the church that cares, extends a cordial invitation to all peoples. The f act that there has never been a Negro traitor to the Am– erican cause should be proof of Loyalty, and it is clearly under– stood that N egroes are not in sym– pathy to the foreign powers. Gwedolyn Vyolette Hooker There's a certain satisfaction when your flower needs are purchased at yonr own Flower Mecca 6126 N. E. Halsey St. 1 Block So. of Broadway Call Lancaster 7027- No Agents Clubs -- Organizations I Spokane, Wn. [Rev. Stephenson Wins Tacoma, Wash. Rev. L. s. McNeil was principal I Oratorical Contest To cooperate with the Multn-o speaker at the Central Methodist maJJ. County Infantile Paralysis Church (white) on the occasion of By Mrs. Callie B- Mathews MRS. DELLA B. FLOWERS Mrs. Della B. Flowers, 66, of East Larchmont, died Saturday in a local hospital. She was a native of Texas, and had lived in the Larchmont vicinity 21 years. She was a member of the Daughter Elks and of the Allen Methodist church. Surviving are one son, Robert James Flowers of home; committee of which Mrs. Nanwood Rev. Donald C. Stephenson, pas- the Annual Brotherhood Banquet. Honeyman is general chairman, Mrs. Ruth Flowers assisted by Mesdames Abbie Cantrell, Mary Alexander, Mercedes Hardy and Cora Minor arranged five tables of court whist preceded by a de– lectable desert luncheon yast Tues– day afternoon at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. N. Unthank. Mrs. Ru– by Hardin won the prize, a rare specie of cacti embedded in a color– ful container. All participating ap– preciated this opportunity to reg– ister their support to so worthy a cause. His topic was "Universal Love." Mrs. Agnes McNeil rendered a group of numbers which were well received. The following Sunday he was again asked to speak to the young peaple of the same church. He used as his subject, "Let Us Be– come Better Acquainted," and told the group some of the accomplish– ments of the race and urged white America to live a Democracy in fact and not in theory. tor of Allen A. M. E. Church, who is a student at College of Puget Sound, was declared the winner of an oratorical contest held re– cently at the Logger School. As a result of his victory, Rev. Ste– phenson will represent the College at a Conference Declamatory Con– test to be held at Willamette Uni- versity. A theology student at the Log– ger institution, Stephenson has been taking a leading part in extra curricular activities. In addition Mrs. David Wellington Jr. is in– structing in French, Speech and Child Psychology on the WPA Ad- to participation in oratorical work, one sister, Miss Dorothy Bell of Missoula, Mont., and a brother, Gerald Bell of Denver, Colo. Furneral services were held Wednesday at the Lynn Funeral Parlors, under the auspices of the Daughter Elks. The grous expressed regrets for the absence of Mrs. Ruth Flowers who suffered badly sprained ankles due to a fall in her home the day before. It was another inspirationa! meeting and jolly get together for the Mr. and Mrs. Dancing club Thursday evening Jan. 16 at Fra– ternal Hall. New members initia– ted into the realm of jollification were the popular Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winslow. Syncopation and rhythm from recordings of ye maestros Artie Shaw, Duke EI lington, Jimmie Lunceford and others kept the guests entertained throughout the evening? Invigor– ating cocktails highlighted the re– freshments. Mr. James Braggs is Pres. of this ultra smart club, Mrs. Theodore Ingersoll is secretary and Mr. Charles Adams manages the entertainment features. The Rosebud study club will be entertained jointly by Mesdames Stella S{:ott and Ernestine Hill in the home of the former Wednes– day, Feb. 5, 11 a. m. This meet– ing will be in observance of Ne– gro history week. An interesting program has been arranged. Guest program has been arranged. The Guests are being invited to parti cipate. Mrs. Henry Myles spared no ef– forst Monday evening when she entertained the Bethel lit Club. The club is sponsoring Klub Kred– yufawn in the cf"ama "The Rood Back." A ticketJ sale contest will be waged betwfr · the membership . t 1>. m suppor_ o:t< 1 ,"-..vo contestants whose names wlill be announced later. A luscious. two course sup– per from a decorative table won many compliments from those par– taking. Mrs. A. Gaskin was winner of the guessing box. Rev. Allen, Mr. W. B. Brown and L. Harris members of the Loyal Knoghts club shared the pleasantries. Correction: A supplement to the list of new officers for the local branch NAACP as omitted in a recent article are: Mrs. Pollyanna Reed secretary and Miss Gwendo– Iy Hooker, assistant secretary. The Bridge and whist tourna– ment sponsored by the men's club and Women's Guild of St. Phillips Mission, Jan. 10-17 and 25, was a grand success socially and fin– ancially. From 10 to 14 tables were in play each night with en- 1 thusiastic contenders for the val– uable prizes. Prize cakes for ones holding the lucky number was an added attraction. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cochran were winners of both first prizes in bridge on the 2nd night of the tournament and seeming ly not sa tisfied Mrs. Co– chran evidenced her skill over all others in winning grand sweep– stakes in bridge. Mr. R. H. Newby whist w izzard was sweepstakes w inner for whist. Mrs. Ruby Har– din and Mr. W. Graves won the prize cakes. Mr. Sherman P ickett Pres. of the Men's club and Mrs. N . Banks were co-chairmen for the tournament. Mrs. Robena Mar– tin retiring pres. of the Guild has been electd etreasurer of the U. T. 0 . Mrs. Thelma Unthank is new pres. of the Guild. Sports Juanita Scruggs, ' Lucy Bird, Bernice Hollida y, Evelyn Kelly, Melvin and Irene Johnson, Dixie Gibson and Florence Mills compose the girls basketball team of which Bud Cabell is coach and iMss Bar– bara Hubbard is supervisor. The t eam ihas played all games sche– duled for the first half of the s ea– son with 3 games yet to go. The team plays various schools in the city. One feels h!!ppiness before one can express it. SAVE-WAY ult Education Program. The class- he has served as a Judge in a De– es are held each week in the class bate, and is a member of the De– rooms of Bethel AME Church. bating team. With all of this work, SOCIAL NOTES The Missionary Society of Bethel he also participates in the intra– AME Church will serve a luncheon mural basketball program. Beta Theta Chapter of the Alpha Friday January 31 at the parson- Rev. Stephenson is the second Kappa Alpha Sorority, observed age. An interesting program will colored student to be active in the the 33rd Anniversary of the found– be rendered. debating activities at C. P.S. Hew- ing of the organization, with a On the second Sunday in Feb- ey Arnette was number one man service at the Mt. Zion Baptist ruary Rev. L. S. McNeil will ex- on the Northwest Conference Church, East 19th and Madison change pulpits with Rev. Edward Championship Team during all of Streets, Seattle, on Sunday morn- Ernst of the Hillyard Methodist his four years at the College. ing, January 26. Church (white) and in the even- Tacoma is very proud of Rev. Driving over for this service, ing on that same Sunday he will Stephenson and hopes h e w ill have were Mrs. E. C. McCabe, Mrs. speak at the St. Paul Methodist much continued success. W. P. Stafford, Mrs. E. E. EI- Church of this city. The choir of Bethel will attend both services to render the music. The Young People's Guild of the St. Thomas Episcopal Church gave a dance at the parish hall Friday evening, January 24. At a recent meeting held by the Sunday School of Bethel A. M. E. Church the persons were elected: YAI\IMA By Parker Harr:s Miss Kathryn Turner of Top penish was the principal speaker on the B. Y. C. U. program last Sunday evening. Speaking on "Race Consciousness" she urged her hearers to seek some kind of more, members of the Sorority and Mrs. Alice Roberts, a member of .the Mothers Club of the Sorority. Mrs. E. C. McCabe gave a bril– liant resume of the history of the Sorority, and Mrs. Elmore's rendi– tion of he beautiful solo, "The Lord's Prayer," was the highlight of the splendid service. Glimpsed in the congregation, which filled the church to over- Supt., William Smith; Secy., Glo– ria Stokes; Treas., J. A. Clavens; Pianist, Elsie Stephens. An appreciative audience lis– tened to the Sacred Concert rend– ered by the Senior Choir of Bethel business enterprise in order to help flowing, were many Tacomans, Mr. self as well as the Race. Lewis McCabe and Mr. William Last Sunday marked the end of Mays. The service was greatly the second quarterly of the A. M. 1 enjoyed by all who attended. E. church. Presiding Elder, Rev. Mrs. Alice Roberts r eturned A. M. E. Church Sunday after- 1 C. B. Clements delivered the ser- home after spending 3 weeks in ~oon, January 26 · The program mon, "Forsaking the Place of Seattle as the house guest of Mrs. mcluded anthems and spirituals. Blessing." Holy Communion was Martha Davis. Mrs. L. S. McNeil played a plano administered to a large congrega- Th solo. tion. e popular Mrs. Everett Gib- Bremerton, W n. son of Seattle spend Sunday in The Piney Woods Girls' Quar- Tacoma visiting her husband's rei– tete sang a pleasing selection be- atives. Ebenezer A. M. E. Church 9st And Park Rev. W. J. Conquest, Pastor A quartette composed of Mrs. fore the morning service. They proved to be the best g roup of singers ever to appear in a Yak– ima audience. The business meeting of the Quarterly Conference was held last Monday. Good r-'ports w<rre made my all the auxiliaries. Conquest, Miss Lidia Johnson, Ro– bert Maylon and Lawson Finnis, sang several selections Sunday night. Rev. and Mrs. Conquest motored The Mite Missionary Societies to Everett, Washington, for Sun. monthly activity was a chicken afternoon services. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson are spending a few days in Seattle with friends. Mrs. C. Brown of Los Angeles, California, is house guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. Jones. dinner at the home of Mrs. Herb Jones, last Thursday. Mrs. G. Mcintosh was elected president of the Allen Endeavor League last Sunday evening. She is a veteran in this field. The league has planned an unusual pro– gram for Allen's Day and their Valentine Day party. Miss Saddie Webb was hostess Melvin Hatcher, Jr., of Seattle, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hatcher, last weekend. Little Robert Rice visited with at a party honoring Mesrs. Vernon Almeda Williams over the week Manning and Buster Taylor of Se– end. Mr. and Mrs. I. Jones were hosts for the Progres Club Friday night. Visitors in the city are Mrs. attle, last week. Mr. John Howard entertained Townsend club No. 12 with a danc– ing party at Weed Hall. Mrs. Alonza Gray was sick with the flu for a week, but is able to be out again. Mr. Percy Robinson is confined to his home :with a severe case of flu. Mr. E. Bradley had a~ seve-re stroke of paralysis in his throat, and was taken to the St. Joseph Hospital in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hayes, Mes– dames Callie B. Mathews and Mat– tie Robinson attended the Past Mat rons and Pats Patrons Coun– cil in Seattle Sunday. Report a very instructive and well attended meeting. Mrs. Emma Chainey was hostess for the Council meeting. The Women's Study Club met on Tuesday evening with Mrs. W. P. Stafford, on South Sheridan Avenue. The book, "Bursting Bonds," by William Pickens, was reviewed by the hostess. The stu– dy of the Opera continued, con– ducted by Mrs. E. C. McCabe. Mrs. Bertha Crain, Mrs. Ramsey and Mrs. Venerbal of California, guests of Mrs. John Collins. Mr. Samuel Musgerove of P iney James L. Beck conducted a spell– Ridge, Miss., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcintosh were dinner mg bee, which proved very inter– Helena., Montana ByHek guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spearman last Sunday afternoon. Mis Helen Scott is confined to her bed due to an attack of intes– tinal flu. Mrs. Joseph Mast and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Albert Turner, have been confined at home with Mrs. Ella Turner of Toppenish, the flu. accompanied Miss Kathryn Turner Rowe Murrell is among those to Yakima when she delivered her who have been suffering from powerful address on "Race Con– sickness during the past few sciousness." weeks. Mrs. Mayme Wa tkins, ailing for Young Helenites of the male some time, is in the ho;pital auf– persuasion are all in a dither these fering from a physica l malady. all-too-short-days because as one Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Top– hard hit swain puts it, "0 wei- penish are guests of Mrs. H. C. come pure-eyed Faith, white-hand- Armstrong during the week. ed Hope, Thou hovering angel, g irt Mr. Hary Winston of Seattle is with golden wings." Then he says visiting his sister , Mrs. Mabel Al- "I don't mean MAYBE, either." A bill was introduced in the legislature Wednesday for a Sales Tax the purpose of which is to raise funds to increase old age pensions to $40. During the debate on the reso– lution to urg e Congress to pass the lease-lend bill," two represen– tatives from Silverbow county had a wordy battle, resulting in one charging the other with commun– istic tendencies. But fists were not Moore's Food Store Groceries, Meats, Fruits And Vegetables 226 N. Brdwy Call Trinity 7722 exander. used in the argument. The Rev. and Mrs. A. S. Hunt were in the city Sunday. Services w ere held at St. James church. Charles (Chuck) H a rrell may soon be w ending his way toward Canada to join the air force. H e has every requirement and h a s on– ly to take the physical ex amina– tion. Sylph-like forms of some of our dear girls is the cause of a short– age in the stores of "hip-smooth– era and waist-aways" these days. Licensed Massage Institute Steam Vapor Baths esting, as well as instructive. Mrs. Laurel Covington reviewed cur– rent events. Plans were completed for the observance of Negro His– tory w eek. Mrs. E . C. McCabe attended the Board Meeting of the Young Wo– men's Christian A.sst'>ciation on Thursday night. She also con– ducted the devotionals, which were enjoyed by all. After the meeting, she was the luncheon guest of Mrs. Frank Williston in the Y. W. C. A. tea-room. Mrs. W. P. Stafford attended a Potluck supper at the Y. W. C. A. last Wednesday. This supper was given by the Industrial Commit– tee of the Y, of which Mrs. Staf– ford is a member. Members plan to visit the State L egislature at Olympia. Tacoma Church Full Gospel Pentecostal Chapel 25th and Tacoma Ave. Bishop E. F. 1\lorris, Pastor The Grand opening of the Reviv– al workers meeting opened in full swing Sunday night with the church filled to capacity. The meeting will continue throughout this week and prabably all of next week each day except Monda y, and will have a different speaker each n ight. Meeting will start 7 :45 with the string band led by Broth– er H. H ook. New Hair Permanent Mineral & Magnecoil Sweat 13 N. Brdwy at Williams Ave. Virginia Hair Dressing, Super- ior Pressing Oil, sta-Straight, Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. If you want a god spiritual treat f rom the Lord come early and en– joy the Lord with us. Tel. Trinity 2569 Alterations and Repairs Brilliantine Massages Suits and Overcoats, 45c J.L.A. Co., Mfg., Dist. I 1736 N. Vancouver ~-------Tw--o_f_o_r_85 __ e--------~ __ 97_6__ c_ar_r_o_l_A_v_e._,_s_~_P_a_ui __ ,~ ____ ._ ~ ..... Tieil••• Tirihni'•tiy•0•5•1•0 ...... Those who k eep pennies, Like those who k eep friends Can always at all t imes, Declare dividends.
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