
, PAGE FOUR THE NORTHWEST ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1941 Social Notes Al±iora Peto Hold Christmas Party SO HELP ME By Joe Staton Brooklynites Fight Five And Ten Job Bias Aids For Negro Is RCA Victor Plan Mr: "Hang tt isn't dinner ready I yet? I'll go out and get my din– iner.•• THE WILLIAMS: Furnished and unfurnished sleeping and house– keeping rooms. $6.00 per month and up. 823 Hiawatha Place, near Rainier and Dearborn Sts. Phone El. 7921. Mrs. Audrey Nichols and Mrs. 1941 came in with a bang and More general application to Ne– Mrs: "Can't you wait ten min- By D. :M. J. Mr. D. H. Atchison of Jones, Alabama, arrived in Seattle De– cember 25th to spend two days at the bedside of his friend, Mr. Blanch Stevens entertained the Al- I mean bang. The avenue was a tiro Peto club during the holidays. riot - the soldiers got ahead of Mrs. Stevens was hostess at a themselves and had a young war New York, Jan., (CNA)- A joint delegation from the Brook– lyn Council of the National Negro Congress and the Brooklyn Youth Federation this week met with the gro educational institutions of mo- utes?" dern audio-visual developments in Mr:" Will it be ready in ten Next Attraction Andy Kirk Watch For New Pate Christmas tree party, December 16, honoring the club and members. Members invited their husbands \J'illiam Beech, 5614 Juneau Ter– lace. Beech suffered a stroke De- and escorts to share their party cember 14th. Atchison left Seattle and join the games and festivities. all of which served to make a shortly for his home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas c. Wilson pleasant evening of entertainment. and son, LeRoy, are spending the weekend in Seattle visiting friends. The visitors spent the holidays with friends in Portland, Oregon. The party closed with each guest receiving a present from the tree. Pioneer Passes of their own. "Stripes" had so many gals bossing him he couldn't get to the one and only-police had a field day--one guy lost half hls store teeth and knots were put on heads of folks who were just inocent bystanders. P. S. Drug stores did a land of– fice business on liniment. Mama grabbed daughter out of a place of amusement a week or so ago but she doesn't worry about • I Mrs. Ella Winfrey, 75 • a resi- sonny who causes more trouble JuniOrs Celebrdte dent ?f ~eattle since 1~00 depart-~ than any_ six people in the place. Twelfth Birthday I ed this life New Years day, due An estranged husband brought to a r t' f d' . comp 1ca 10n o 1seases, su- an estranged wife to her home on Mr. and 1\lrs. Everett Gibson, permd~c~d by old age. 23rd last Tuesday at 7:10a. m. and honoring their son, Everett, Jr., on Sui'Vl.vmg are he~ husb:md, Ro- both were running drunk. A brand his 12th birthday, entertained a bert Wmfrey, two Sisters m Term- new blue cab too. party of 25 juniors at their home essee, a sister, Mrs. Myra McNeil, It's news when a man wants to last Sunday afternoon. Seattle, three daughters, Mrs. I choke his wife because she won't The juniors spent the afternoon Janie Silvey, Santa Monica, Mrs. I give him money to spend on a in games arranged by their spe- Sammella Raglan, San Francisco, pretty young hasher. cial hostess, Miss Millie Bown. The and Mrs. Robert Ryan, Seattle; 1 The army will take all that bit– table was beautifully arranged, the one son, Burton W. Cecil, Koko- ing instinct out of him. center piece a Santa Claus and his mo, Ind. Six grandchildren and a A popular young sportsman Reindeer. His sleigh carried an like number of great grandchil- wants to marry a young musician endless supply of ice cream, cakes dren complete the family circle. and how? and cookies, which kept the little Funeral arrangements now in- The young Texas wife and a guests pleased and happy until complete will be announced in the plump Seatle girl may have it out they sang in unison, "Happy Birth- daily papers, awaiting word from any day they chance to meet. day to You." absent relatives. The young hubby left his wife Everett Jr. received many beau- because he didn't feel he should education is the aim of a nation– wide survey among prominent Ne– management of the Woolworth 5 gro educators to be conducted dur– and 10 cent store at Fulton St. ing 1941 by the RCA Manufactur– and Nostrand Avenue to demand ing Company. the employment of Negro sales 1 girls without delay. Dallas A. Martin, St. Louis-born Lincoln University-educated Negro Malcolm Martin, chairman of is soon to leave RCA Victor's Cam– the Congress, and Patricia Wil- Iiams, chairman of the Federation insisted that the store put on a number of Negro girls. They showed a survey which had pre– viously been conducted that at least 50 per cent of the Woolworth patronage came from our people living in the Bedford-Stuyvesant area. Negotiations are continuing with Woolworth to establish a policy of employment which will give our youth a living wage in places where they and their families spend their money. Dorothy Funn, Executive Secre- tary of the congress, and Steve Kingston, veteran civic leader, pointed out that promises will not satisfy the Negro people of Brook– lyn. Jobs in these stores will be the only satisfactory answer to the just demands of Negro youth for jobs. den, N. J. headquarters on the first leg of a trip which will car– ry him into the executive offices and classrooms of hundreds of Ne– gro schools, colleges and univer– sities. The survey is being made under the direction of Ellsworth C. Dent, Director of the RCA Educa- tional Department. In addition to conducting the on– the-scene survey, Mr. Martin will lecture on such subjects as tele– vision, recorded music, how radio receiver is built, the new RCA Electron Microscope, the uses of a school sound system, and a mer– chandising presentation for busi– ness students, In addition, he will use several sound motion picture films. School Vacation Ends January 6 tiful and useful gifts to remind Nominations For The support the whole family. He is him of his 12th anniversary. S • Md l A d a prince of a guy, too. "Steel Bowl" Game J The Broadway-Edison Evening p•ngarn e a war I My N~w Year's res?lution: To School, which has been closed since Jewel Smith Passes N York The names of nom start bemg the boss m my own The first annual "Steel Bowl" December 14 for the holiday sea- . ew - . - home So Help Me. son, wil lopen its doors for the 1 Mrs. Jewel Smith passed away mees for the Spm.garn G~ld Me- ' DON'T FORGET held in Birmingham, Ala. on New December 28 1940 at Providence dal Award, are bemg received by Wh lk' d . . . Year's day in the heart of the second twelve-weeks' term on hospital, aft:r a short illness. She the National Association for the 1 k benthwa mg oTrh nvmg, If yout Steel center of the South made Monday evening, January 6 · En- 1 . I oo o ways, ey won't pa . . rollment of new students will take IS survived by a husband Roscoe Advancement of Colored People. . th f •th 1t possible for Negro football teams Smith of Seattle · a mother Mrs. at its headquarters here at 69 I yocu Int Pe. acedWl h~ spadtc. j to decide the championship in place each evening during the 1' . ' ' . . . I ap . rmce oes IS par ; you . week, from 6 to 9 p .m. at the ~attie Whittaker; aunt,Mrs. Car- Fifth Avenue, m prep~ration t~or I do your part- BE CAREFUL. AmMenc~. Broadway high school. I ne Emmerson, and niece Hattie the award committees mee mg (Ed't , N t ) C t . . orns Brown, the undefeated ' I or s o e ap am Prmce . May Norman, all of Kansas City, which will be held during January b h' h d . h h h champwn of the South, will fight ows IS ea m s arne w en e . . Spend Your D ll W"th Missouri. officials of the organization an- . h S ttl , d th t f It out With Wilburforce, champion ° ars 1 IS s own ea e s ea ra e or nounced today. 1940 . of the mid-west, also undefeated. Friendly Merchants Ask U. S. Employ. Ser. Ban Discrimination The medal is an annual award a-----------------~:;:.:.:::;,;~:_:;:::::.;=:::=-- established in 1914 by the late Joel E. Spingarn, former president of the association, and is given New York-The United States each year "to the man or woman Employment Service has been urg- of African descent and American ed by the National Association for citizenship who shall have made the Advancement of Colored Peo- the highest achievement during ple to issue a statement to its of– fices throughout the country call– ing for abandonment of the prac– tice of inquiring of prospective em– ployers the racial identity of the workers desired, and to instruct Dl'. N. G. 'YOW Registered Chinese M.D. in Seattle All diseases of men and women SUCESSFULLY TREATED. Specializes in stomach, catarrh, rheumatism, blood poison, e.– zema, pyorrhea and all kinds of chronic diseases and female trouble. Special attention given to men and women who suffer frem any ailment of a CON– TRACTED NATURE. Using Chinese Roots and Herbs in treating all diseases. CONSULTATION FREE Dr. N. G. YOW Chinese Remedy Company 203-204 Pioneer Building 606 First Ave. ELiot 2453 Seattle, Wash. General Surgery the preceding year or years in any honorable field of endeavor." these offices to send job applicants out to prospective jobs as they are available regardless of race, ac– cording to an announcement made here today by the association. The Employment Service was urged to seek out Negro skilled workers and place their names on file precisely as such promotional work is done for war veterans. The national office of the Service, lo– cated in Washington also was ask– ed to conduct an investigation into the practices followed by the var– ious employment centers through– out the country under its juris– diction. Announcement of the Associa– tion's action in the matter of wip– ing out discriminatory practices against Negro job applicants was made by the NAACP following a conference last week in Washing– ton between Walter White, secre– tary of the association, and Ewan Clague, director of the United States Employment Service. Gynecology Obstetrics Nervous Diseases Genital-Rectal Diseases X-Ray Laboratories Office El. 5431, 6152 Res. PR. 8626 DR. JAMES Me UNOSAWA 420 Maynard Ave. Atlas Hotel Greetings From FUJII'S CAFE Drau!!ht and Bottle Beer Sandwiches- Cigars- Cigarettes Wines - Bottle Beer-All brands to take out "A Nice Resort te Which You Ca.n Bring Your Friends" BOOTHS FOR LADIES 1312 Yesler Way CApitol 9824 Stalking The Globe Trotters Strong has the largest hands of any man in basketball. He led the Negro American League in hitting, 38-39. A member of the all star teams in colored professional base– ball. Inman Jackson is a. former star of the City College of New York. It is his 11th year with the Globe Trotters and one of the greatest liandlers of the ball in the game. He is a star in the art of hard– wood court showmanship. Babe Pressley, the Cleveland Comet, is aptly nicknamed. This is his third season with the Globe Trotters and is one of the stars of the game. I Letters To The Editor Dear Editor, Allow me to congratulate you on the Christmas issue. It was tops; heard so many compliments. I am indeed grateful to you for your past consideration during 1940. As we start on a New Year, may the same consideration and unde.rstanding prevail. You deserve 1 credit for the commendable way in which you have mastered the sit- I uation- making the Northwest En– terprise one of the newsiest, most read and widest circulated sheets of the Negro P ress. Mary M. Duncan Mr. Edward I. Robinson Seattle, Washington. Dear Editor: Very probably this letter will not reach you before Christmas, so if it is too late to wish you and your family and staff Merry Christmas, it will be in time to say Happy New Year. I I have read in the Enterprise that your paper is for sale, also the drug store. Are you leaving Seattle? I think I have said be– fore, that I enjoy reading the En– terprise more since you have edit– ed it, I still feel that way about it. I am sure you get discouraged at times, but remember the results of your work for the interest of your race, may not come at once, but in time you may be rewarded, by seeing them get a fair deal. I am thinking of the very hap– PY Christmas I spent in your city last year, and I am wishing for a ll my friends much joy and pros– perity in the new year. Sincerely Lillie B. Harris No. 109 I B. P 0 E W. Puget Sound Lodge Elks Meets at Masonic Hall, 21st and East Jefferson Sts., First , and Third ]ilondays each Month. E. R. Chainey, Exalted Ruler Tel. RAnier 3092. 9633-55th so: W. E. Vrooman, Secretary, Tel. EAst 5364. 1474-21st. DUKE'S SMOKE SHOP Now Op~n To The Public Pittsburgh Courier, Chicago Defender, Amsterdam News, Silhouette, Crisis, Negro Digest. All Race Periodicals and , New~fapers. All Magazines ~ --- ""A.lrsports RetUrns Candy - Tobaccos - Cigars - Cigarettes Lounge and Smoking Room Day and Night 24-Hour Service 672 Jackson Tel. MA. 9834 OTEL ATLAS New Building and Strictly Modern Steam Heat, · Hot & Cold Water, Private & Free Baths, Telephone Rooms 50c up Rooms with Baths $1.00 up 420 l\laynard Ave. Special Rate Weekly ELiot 6152 TOKY c I LUNCHEONS, STEAKS, CHOPS Draught and Bottled Beer Wine Sake YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 655 Jackson Street SEneca. 9S4o2 ' : •,: • • ::' : • I -~" 1 .~ • • '·::~ ·~ •' • ! ' SOU A K POULTRY CO.. 1528 Pike Place Cluistmas Tul'keys F~resh 'Young Hens 10 lb. And Up········30c: lb. Toms, 17 lb. and up-·..........................23c: lb. Colol'ed Roasting Chic:kens············ZBc: lb. Duc:ks And Geese ....................................2sc: lb. Colol'ed F.yel's-.............................................z7c: lb. minutes?" Mrs: "No, but by then I'll have my hair brushed and go with you." Our Homes and Neighhorhaad Beautiful GENEVA B. MILLER BROKER - NOTARY PUBUC - Building and Modernizing Loans Special Attentloa Givea to Visitors and Rent Payers Seeldn' Homes Complete List of H. 0. L. C. Homes Hours: 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. 1921 E. Madison Phone: Pr. 7050 (evenings 2833) STOCKARD'S BARBER SBOP Prompt and Courteous Service SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Children's Hair Cuts 25c Any Day Except Saturdays Carl Stockard, Prop. 2032 East Madison Parcels Checked Phone EA. 9994 HONEYSUCKLE RECREATION Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaooo, Candy, Soft Drinks, Mixers Pocket Billiards, Chinese Checkers, Pokeno, Dominos. Shoes Renewed 2032 •• E. Madison Sll'eet Seattle, Washington Wm. "Billy" Washington M. C. Honeysuckle Mgr. We Deliver Prop. rUEL SAVINGS STOKER COAL ·-·-·····-····--··---·-··-····-·--·-··-·--··-··-·· .. $6.25 NUT PEA, Range...................................................$6. 70 LUMP --··-·····-········-··--·--······-··-·········-··--····-·--·········-·-- $7.70 EGG NUT ·-·························---······-·-·····-···-··-·····-·-···· $7.20 FU._RN 4~.MIXT!JRE,~ $6.70 ~:r ton in load lots BDSeJOBNSON 2200 B. Madison . Ca. 9953 Mrs. Elbe Smith, Prop. Phone SEneca 988.~ COAST ROTBL AND TAVERN Seattle'• Only Colored Hotel Modern. Steam Heat, Reasonable Rates 901 King Street Seattle, Wash. GOSHO DRUG CO. SEneca 923S 52S .Jackson St. EAst 9882 J. I. OHIKATA Pharmaclat CHIKATA DRUG CO. Prescriptions 1208 Jackson St. Seattle Dr. F. B. Cooper DENTIST Office: El. 854,7; Res. Ea. 8888 Hours: 8:80 to 1 and 2 to 6 Suite 362-3 Empire Bulldinc Seeond and Mll.dison Special appointment made for Evenings and Sundays Dr. Wm. H. Calhoun Physician and Surgeon '25-26 Rallway Excha.n•e Bid¥. Office Hours: 11-1 and %-6 p.m. Office Phone: ELiot 1845 Res. Phone: EAst tS'JI Douglass Apartments Where It Is Convenient and Homelike Newly Renovated--steam Heat Hot Water- Telephone Laundry Room RENTS REDUCED Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments Renats $10 and ·Up Dr. F . B. Cooper, Mgr. 1U5 24th Ave. N.- ElAIIt 961'7 Soft Drlnk8, Cigars, Tobaccos SHOE SHINE 1203 Yesler G. W .French I -;~ Double Edge R azor Blades for 59c pO ¥tpa.ld J. E. W. CL ABKE Box 25 Helena, Mont. ADELPHI APARTMENTS A. Palatud Home for Particular People ULTRA MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Overlooking Lake Washington Apartments Very Reasonable 230-82 23rd Ave. No.--CA. l'J91 J. A. "Jack" Johnson, Mer· Spend Your Dol.lars With Friendly Merchants Newly Renovated Hill Top Tavern IS TANTAJ...IZING Now Servin' Direct Draft Bnwery Fresh Beer No Coils, No Beer Hos& Washington a:ad California Wines Bottle Beer To Take Home 1200 Jackson St. at 12121 Ave.